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Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device


Consider input devices whose election system contains one resonant circuit. Communication schemes of the resonant circuit with the antenna and the input of the first cascade can be very diverse. However, despite the difference in communication circuits, all single-loop input devices can be represented as a generalized equivalent circuit presented in the figure.

  Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device

Figure 6.1.   

  Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device antenna-feeder system parameters recalculated to the contour input;

        Y is the conductivity of the circuit;

          Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device - conductivity of the input of the first cascade, recalculated to the contour;

          Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device - voltage on the circuit, expressed through the voltage at the output   Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device  

For this, the circuit is represented as some complex conductivity Y. To the contour, taking into account the inclusion coefficient (transformation), m 1 , m 2 are recalculated:

- parameters of antenna-feeder system - current generator   Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device with internal conductivity   Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device ;

- conductivity of the first cascade in the form of recalculated conductivity   Generalized equivalent circuit of a single-loop input receiving device .


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals