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Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


Under the EMC understand the provision of the joint operation of this electronic equipment with other equipment, which creates a bias radio emission. The tasks of the rational use of radio frequency bands and the rationing of radio emissions are introduced into state standards. There are recommendations ("Radio Regulations") of international organizations on the allocation of radio frequencies between individual services (radio navigation, radar, broadcasting, etc.).

With regard to receivers for EMC, measures are taken to reduce its own radiation and provide measures to protect receivers from the influence of interference from other devices on adjacent and side reception channels, as well as from industrial interference. EMC is set by the permissible levels of the local oscillator voltage "seeping" into the antenna, at the receiver output, in the power supply, control, and switching circuits.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals