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Resonance gain


When adjusting the input circuit with the resulting parameters to resonance at a certain frequency

  Resonance gain .

inductive resistance   Resonance gain and capacitive   Resonance gain mutually compensated i.e. loop reactivity   Resonance gain = 0,

the resonant circuit has a purely active conductivity, and its value will be equal to   Resonance gain

  Resonance gain .

Voltage transfer ratio at the resonant frequency with (1)

  Resonance gain ,

  Resonance gain .

Where   Resonance gain - the modulus of conduction of the antenna;

          Resonance gain - resonant conductivity of the circuit with a quality factor   Resonance gain  

          Resonance gain - input active conductivity of the first stage of the receiver at a frequency f 0 ;

          Resonance gain - the active component of the conduction of the antenna.

The resonance gain varies with the coupling of the antenna with the input circuit, i.e. when changing the coefficient of inclusion (transformation)   Resonance gain . The choice of the coefficient   Resonance gain in the circuit, a coordinated mode can be provided in which the antenna as a signal source gives the maximum possible nominal power to the receiver input. this mode is provided by choice   Resonance gain equal to some matching value, equal to some matching value   Resonance gain . To analyze the coordination mode, we write the expressions for   Resonance gain

  Resonance gain where   Resonance gain .

If you change   Resonance gain and assuming the other parameters are constant, it can be seen that   Resonance gain changes in two ways:

              a) with increase   Resonance gain growing value   Resonance gain because increases the voltage supplied from the antenna;

              b) with increase   Resonance gain value   Resonance gain falls because An antenna increasingly shunts the circuit, as a result of which the resulting conductivity increases.

As a consequence of the specified joint action of these contradictory factors at a certain magnitude of the relationship   Resonance gain agreement occurs and the resonance gain reaches its maximum value.

For the max research we take the derivative

  Resonance gain .

and equate it to zero.

A study on the maximum shows that the matching value of the coefficient   Resonance gain equally

  Resonance gain ,   Resonance gain .

Then the resonant gain in matching

  Resonance gain .

Consider how the resonant gain changes with departure from matching. To do this, convert the expression for the resonant transmission coefficient as follows:

  Resonance gain ,

Where   Resonance gain - mismatch coefficient, which is understood as the ratio of the selected   Resonance gain and matching   Resonance gain values ​​of the coefficient of inclusion (transformation).

In this way

  Resonance gain .

This dependence in relative units is

  Resonance gain .

Graphically, this dependence is shown in the figure.

  Resonance gain

Figure 6.4.

As can be seen from the figure, the maximum value of the transmission coefficient becomes   Resonance gain i.e. upon agreement. With significant waste from the negotiation mode within   Resonance gain gear ratio does not change by more than 20%. As a result, where necessary, a departure from the negotiation mode is possible without a significant reduction in the transmission coefficient. In particular, the weak coupling mode   Resonance gain and somewhat less is used to reduce the influence of antenna parameters on the bandwidth and tuning of the input circuit when the antenna parameters change significantly in the operating frequency range of the receiver.

Strong coupling mode   Resonance gain and a little more is sometimes used to provide the so-called optimal mismatch mode in order to reduce the noise figure.

It should be borne in mind that addiction   Resonance gain considered at a certain frequency   Resonance gain input device settings.    


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals