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The main structural and operational characteristics of the receivers.


  • Reliability of work, estimated by average time or probability of failure-free operation. This characteristic depends both on the selected block diagram of the receiver and on the reliability of individual circuit elements, their number, and lightweight operating modes of the most important elements, in particular electronic devices.

The main direction of increasing reliability is the use of integrated technology, as well as duplication and reservation of the least reliable elements or entire receiver nodes.

  • Stability and stability of operation, as measured by the ability of the receiver to maintain its electrical characteristics within acceptable limits when exposed to the environment (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, mechanical loads, climatic and special influences) and the power supply mode changes.
  • Dimensions and weight of the receiver.

Linear dimensions, occupied volume, and mass are often one of the main characteristics of receivers mounted on aircraft.

  • Maintainability , which determines the possibility and convenience of access to the individual blocks and elements for checking their serviceability, repair or replacement.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals