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Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver


The schematic diagram .

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

Figure 7.1.

A contour is used as a frequency-selective system.   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver tunable or by changing capacitance   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver or feeder joins connection coil   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

Between inductances   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver an electromagnetic coupling is performed, characterized by the coefficient of mutual inductance kcv . The value of ksv is determined by the coupling between the coils.   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver determined by the coupling coefficient

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

The choice of communication determines the possibility of transmitting the energy of the signals from the antenna to the circuit and the effect of the antenna on the bandwidth and tuning of the circuit.

The choice of coupling coefficients is limited by the possibilities of constructive implementation of the associated system. For example: -   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver for the simplest single-layer coils; -   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver for multilayer coils.

Choice of inductance   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver You can influence the antenna circuit settings by shifting it to the lower boundary of the subband and obtaining the falling character of the gain change or shifting it to the upper boundary of the subband and getting the gain dependence increasing with frequency.

Equivalent scheme .

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

Figure 7.2.

Loop parameters are represented by inductance   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver capacity   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and resistance   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver , taking into account the losses in the circuit and the influence of the input of the first cascade. Communication with the antenna is estimated by the transformation ratio.

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,

Where   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - short-circuit currents of the terminals 11 'and 22'.

These currents can be found as follows:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ;

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,

Where   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ;

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,

and introduced resistances due to their relative smallness can be neglected.

Then the inclusion ratio (transformation):

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

In the unconfigured antenna mode, when   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver , the coefficient of inclusion (transformation):

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

In many sources, the coefficient of inclusion   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver defined as   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

Obviously for the high frequency region can be considered   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and then   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

Resonance gain .

As determined in the analysis of a single-circuit input circuit, the resonance transfer coefficient of the input circuit is determined by:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver or   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

If in this expression to substitute the value   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and take into account also that at relatively high frequencies   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver those.

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver or   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .


  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

If we assume that within each subrange   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver change insignificantly, it is clear that the change   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver is determined by the nature of the dependence on the frequency parameters of the antenna circuit   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and bond resistance   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,

Where   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - inductance of the antenna circuit;

          Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - capacity of the antenna circuit;

          Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - natural frequency of the antenna circuit;

          Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - natural frequency of the input circuit.

Imagine   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver in the following form:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .


  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ,

          Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver - some constant coefficient characterizing the connection with the antenna and is called the communication parameter. From the last expression it is seen that the change in the resonant transfer coefficient of the input circuit will be different depending on the ratio   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

Possible modes of operation of the input circuit .

        but)   The first case . The natural frequency of the antenna circuit is above the upper frequency of the working sub-band, i.e.   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

This is the so-called mode with increasing the natural frequency of the antenna circuit or the mode with a "shortened" antenna.

The transfer coefficient is presented in the form:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .   

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

Figure 7.3.

In this mode, the transmission coefficient increases dramatically with frequency, because with increasing frequency simultaneously increases   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver due to the approach frequency tuning of the input circuit to the resonant frequency of the antenna circuit.

With   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver expression for   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver can lead to the following form:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

If a   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and if   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver then

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

(+) The unevenness of the transmission coefficient across the sub-band:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

The conditions for which the expression (+) is obtained are characteristic for the connection of the circuit with the input of lamps and field-effect transistors (   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ). In circuits with bipolar transistors   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and often   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver dependent on frequency. For example, consider the internal capacitive coupling of the circuit to the input of the first cascade.

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

Figure 7.4.

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ;

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

In the circuit with the internal capacitive coupling of the circuit with the active element, the switching coefficient is:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

If you substitute   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver in the expression for   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver , we get:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

From this expression it is clear that the change   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver the subrange is possible mainly due to a change in the equivalent quality factor   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

Input circuit attenuation with the antenna turned off

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

This shows that with increasing frequency   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver decreases as well   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver increases. This is useful for keeping the contour's selective properties unchanged within the subrange. b)   The second case . The natural frequency of the antenna circuit is below the minimum frequency of the working subrange   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver . This is the so-called mode of lowering the frequency of the antenna circuit or the mode with the "elongated" antenna. The resonance transfer coefficient does not change as dramatically as in the previous case, since when moving away from the natural frequency of the antenna circuit quantities   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver decreases a   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver increases and to some extent compensates for the decrease   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

The transfer ratio can be represented as:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

With   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver You can write:

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver .

If a   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver and   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver then

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver . (*)

The conditions under which the expression (*) is obtained are characteristic of circuits on lamps and field-effect transistors (with   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver ). In circuits with bipolar transistors   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver frequency dependent due to insertion loss   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver . And if   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver frequency independent coefficient, then the quality factor   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver falls with increasing frequency. therefore   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver in the expression (*) will not be constant, but will decrease with increasing frequency.

  Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver

Figure 7.5.

        at)   The third case .   Input circuit with a transformer coupling receiver i.e. The natural frequency of the antenna circuit is in the working frequency range of the receiver.

In this mode, the transmission coefficient is highly dependent on frequency, so this mode is usually not used.


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Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals

Terms: Devices for the reception and processing of radio signals, Transmission, reception and processing of signals