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Signs of divisibility by 5,10,25 and 100


Sign of divisibility by 5

The number is divisible by 5 if its last digit is 5 or 0.


  • 155 is divisible by 5. Last digit is 5.
  • 800 is divisible by 5. Last digit is 0.
  • 61 is not divisible by 5. The last digit is 1.

Sign of divisibility by 25

A number is divisible by 25 if its last two digits are zeros or form a number that is divisible by 25.


  • 675 is divisible by 25. The last two digits form the number 75, which is divisible by 25. (75: 25 = 3) This means that 675 is divisible by 25.
  • 3900 divided by 25. The last two digits are zeros.
  • 345 is not divisible by 25. The last two digits form the number 45, which is not divisible by 25.

Sign of divisibility by 10, 100 and 1000

Only the numbers whose last digit is zero are divided by 10 completely.

Only the numbers whose last two digits are zero are divided by 100.

Only those numbers are divided by 1000, the last three digits are zeros.

To make it easier to divide by 10, 100, and 1000, just cross out the same number of zeros in both numbers.


  Signs of divisibility by 5,10,25 and 100


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Terms: Arithmetic