Having learned to multiply ordinary fractions, it is easy to learn how to divide them. As usual, let us consider what cases we may encounter when calculating examples for the division of fractions .
To divide one ordinary fraction by another, non-zero, you need:
In other words, the division of fractions is reduced to multiplication. Therefore , the division rules for fractions can be written as follows.
To divide one fraction by another, the dividend (the first fraction) must be multiplied by the reciprocal fraction of the divisor.
To divide a fraction by a natural number , you can use the following method.
We represent a natural number as an irregular fraction with a numerator equal to the number itself, and the denominator equal to one.
Then we produce the division according to the rule of dividing a fraction into a fraction.
When dividing mixed numbers, you must represent the numbers as irregular fractions, and then divide them into each other according to the rule of dividing the fraction into fractions.
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Terms: Arithmetic