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Ratio of numbers


Before discussing the proportions, it is necessary to figure out what is the ratio of two numbers.

If you are familiar with the concept of the ratio of numbers , you can safely move on to the topic of proportion.

What is called the ratio of two numbers

The ratio of two numbers is their quotient.

  • The ratio of 75 to 25 can be written in the form:   Ratio of numbers
  • The ratio of 3 to 6 can be written as:   Ratio of numbers

The ratio of two numbers shows:

  • how many times one number is greater than another;
  • what part one number is from another.

Let us show by example where the concept of the ratio of two numbers is used.

In the city of Lipetsk competitions on bicycles. Last year there were 15 participants. This year - 75. How many times has the number of participants increased this year compared to the previous year?

Before solving a problem, we emphasize important data. Let's write the ratio of the number of participants this year to the number of participants in the previous one.

When writing the ratio of two numbers, the denominator of the fraction (down) records the number with which it is compared.
Usually this number comes after the words "compared to ..." or the preposition "to ...".

  Ratio of numbers

If you multiply or divide both terms of the relation by the same number, unequal to zero, you get a ratio equal to this one.

A careful study of the rules above, we can see that the rule written above is something else as the main property of the fraction, according to which we easily reduce them.

The ratio of 16 to 10:

  Ratio of numbers
created: 2014-09-22
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Arithmetic