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Bar Division - explanation and examples


For dividing numbers of two or more digits (characters), divide division is used.

According to tradition, we will understand how to divide by a column by example.


  Bar Division - explanation and examples

To begin with, we write down the dividend and divisor in the column. It will look like this:

  Bar Division - explanation and examples

Their quotient (result) will be recorded under the divisor. We have this number 8.

We start to divide 512 by 8 as follows:

  1. We define an incomplete quotient . To do this, we left to compare the numbers of the dividend and the divisor.   Bar Division - explanation and examples

    We take 5. The number 5 is less than 8, then you need to take another number from the dividend.

      Bar Division - explanation and examples
  2. 51 is more than 8. So this is an incomplete quotient. We put a point in the private (under the corner of the divider).   Bar Division - explanation and examples

    In order to avoid mistakes, do not forget to determine the number of digits in the private.

    To do this, we calculate how many digits remain in the dividend, after the partial quotient. After 51, we have only one number 2. It means that we add one more point to the result.

      Bar Division - explanation and examples
  3. We proceed to the division. Recalling the multiplication table by 8, we find the nearest to 51 product.
    6 x 8 = 48
    Write the number 6 in the private.   Bar Division - explanation and examples

    Write 48 under 51.

    When recording under an incomplete quotient, the rightmost digit of the incomplete quotient must be above the rightmost digit of the work.

      Bar Division - explanation and examples

    Between 51 and 48 on the left we put “-” (minus). Subtract the rules of subtraction in column 48 and below the line we write the result.

      Bar Division - explanation and examples
  4. The remainder was 3. Compare the remainder with the divisor. 3 less than 8.

    If the remainder turned out to be more of a divisor, then we were mistaken in the calculation and there is a product closer than the one we took.

    Let us write down from the dividend 512 the number 2 to 3.

      Bar Division - explanation and examples

    The number 32 is more than 8. And again on the multiplication table by 8, we find the nearest product.
    8 x 4 = 32

      Bar Division - explanation and examples

    The remainder turned out to be zero. So the numbers are divided completely (no residue).


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Terms: Arithmetic