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How to find and record the coordinates of a point


Each point of the coordinate plane corresponds to two coordinates.

The coordinates of a point on a plane are a pair of numbers in which in the first place is the abscissa,
and on the second - the ordinate point.

How to find and record the coordinates of a point

Consider as in the coordinate system (on the coordinate plane):

  • find the coordinates of a point;
  • find the position of the point.

To find the coordinates of a point on a plane , you need to drop perpendiculars on the coordinate axis from this point.

The point of intersection with the x axis is called the abscissa of point A, and with the y axis it is called the ordinate of point A.

How to find and record the coordinates of a point

Indicate the coordinates of the point, as indicated above (•) A (2; 3).

Example (•) A (2; 3) and (•) B (3; 2).

How to find and record the coordinates of a point
How to find and record the coordinates of a pointHow to find and record the coordinates of a pointHow to find and record the coordinates of a pointHow to find and record the coordinates of a point

The abscissa (coordinate along the x axis) is recorded in the first place, and the ordinate (coordinate along the y axis) of the point is recorded in the second place.

Special cases of the location of points

  1. If the point lies on the Oy axis, then its abscissa is 0. For example, point C (0, 2).
  2. If the point lies on the Ox axis, then its ordinate is 0. For example, the point F (3, 0).
  3. Origin - the point O has coordinates equal to zero O (0,0). How to find and record the coordinates of a point
  4. The points of any straight perpendicular abscissa axis have the same abscissas. How to find and record the coordinates of a point
  5. The points of any straight perpendicular ordinate axis have the same ordinates. How to find and record the coordinates of a point
  6. The coordinates of any point lying on the abscissa axis have the form (x, 0). How to find and record the coordinates of a point
  7. The coordinates of any point lying on the y-axis are (0, y). How to find and record the coordinates of a point

How to find the position of a point by its coordinates

Find a point in the coordinate system in two ways.

First way

To determine the position of a point by its coordinates, for example, the point D (-4, 2), it is necessary:

  1. Mark on the axis Ox, a point with a coordinate (-4), and draw through it a line perpendicular to the axis 0x.
  2. Mark on the Oy axis, a point with the coordinate (2), and draw a straight line through it perpendicular to the 0y axis.
  3. The point of intersection of perpendiculars (•) D is the desired point. Her abscissa is (-4), and the ordinate is (2). How to find and record the coordinates of a point

Second way

To find the point D (-4, 2) you need:

  1. To move along the x axis to the left by 4 units, since we have a “-” in front of 4.
  2. Rising from this point parallel to the y-axis up by 2 units, since we have 2 in front of 2. How to find and record the coordinates of a point

To make it easier and more convenient to find the coordinates of points or build points by coordinates on an A4 sheet in a cell, you can download and use the ready-made coordinate system on our website.

created: 2014-09-22
updated: 2024-11-12

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Terms: Arithmetic