Take the fraction 5/8 and “reverse” it, swapping the numerator and denominator.
Get a fraction of 8/5.
The fraction 8/5 is called the 5/8 reverse fraction.
If now the fraction 8/5 is again “flipped”, we will get the original fraction 5/8. Therefore, such fractions as 5/8 and 8/5 are called reciprocal .
To find the reverse number of the mixed number you need:
Example. Find the reverse number of the mixed number:
Reciprocal numbers have an important property.
The product of mutually inverse numbers is one.
An example of the product of inverse fractions.
Based on the property of inverse fractions, we can define mutually inverse numbers.
Mutually inverse numbers are two numbers whose product is equal to one.
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Terms: Arithmetic