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The addition of decimal fractions is performed according to the rules of addition to the column.

When added, the decimal fractions are written in a “column”, so that the like digits are located below each other without offset. At the same time commas should stand clearly under each other.

Wrong entry


Correct entry


Add decimals in a column as natural numbers, not paying attention to commas.

In the answer we put the comma under the commas in the original fractions.

If the original decimal fractions have a different number of digits (digits) after the decimal point, then the fraction with a smaller number of decimal digits must be assigned the necessary number of zeros to equalize the number of decimal places in fractions.

Let's look at an example. Find the sum of decimal fractions.

0.678 + 13.7 =

Equalize the number of decimal places in decimals. We add two zeros to the right of the decimal fraction of 13.7.

0.678 + 13.700 =

We write the answer.

0.678 + 13.7 = 14.378

If the addition of decimal fractions you have already learned well, then the missing zeros can be attributed mentally.

So, once again briefly the basic rules of addition:

  • Equalize the number of decimal places.
  • Write the decimal fractions under each other so that the commas are under each other.
  • We perform the addition of decimal fractions, not paying attention to commas, according to the rules of addition to a column of natural numbers.
  • We put in response a comma under commas.


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Terms: Arithmetic