It is convenient to compare decimals with the same number of digits (characters) to the right of the comma.
To compare decimal fractions you need:
Example. Compare decimals:
Integer part with integer part: 39 = 39. Integer parts are equal. Go to the tenth.
Tenths and tenths: 7 = 7. Tenths are also equal. Go to the hundredth.
One hundredths with hundredths: 0 <1. Since the hundredths of the second decimal fraction turned out to be larger, it means that the fraction itself is larger.
As in the previous comparison method, you must first equalize the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in both decimal fractions.
Then, discarding the comma in both fractions, compare the results obtained.
3,656 and 3,48Equate the number of characters on the right in decimal fractions.
3,656 and 3,480Now drop the commas and compare the resulting numbers.
3,656> 3,480
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Terms: Arithmetic