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Interest in Math


Percentage is one hundredth of a number.

  Interest in Math

The percentage is written using the% sign.

  • To convert percentages into fractions , you need to remove the% sign and divide the number by 100.

      Interest in Math
  • To convert the decimal fraction to percents, you need to multiply the fraction by 100 and add the% sign.

      Interest in Math
  • To convert an ordinary fraction to percents , you must first turn it into a decimal fraction.

      Interest in Math

Conversion of fractions to percents

As you understand, percentages are closely related to ordinary and decimal fractions. Therefore, it is worth remembering a few simple equalities. In everyday life, you need to know about the numerical relationship of fractions and percentages. So, half - 50%, 25%, three quarters - 75%, one-fifth - 20%, and three-fifths - 60%.

Knowing by heart the ratios from the table below will make it easier for you to solve many problems.

1 = 100%

  Interest in Math   Interest in Math   Interest in Math
Fraction 1/2 1/4 3/4 1/5 2/5 3/5 1/10 1/20 1/50
Decimal 0.5 0.25 0.75 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.05 0.02
Interest 50% 25% 75% 20% 40% 60% ten% five% 2%

created: 2014-09-22
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Arithmetic