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Multiplication of ordinary fractions


Multiplication of ordinary fractions will be considered in several possible variants.

Multiplication of ordinary fraction by fraction

This is the simplest case in which you need to use the following rules for multiplying fractions .

To multiply a fraction by a fraction , you need:

  • multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second fraction and write their product to the numerator of the new fraction;
  • the denominator of the first fraction multiplied by the denominator of the second fraction and their product written in the denominator of the new fraction;


Multiplication of ordinary fractions

Before multiplying the numerators and denominators, check whether the fraction can be reduced. Reduction of fractions during calculations will greatly facilitate your calculations.


Multiplication of ordinary fractions

The multiplication of a fraction by a natural number

To multiply a fraction by a natural number, you need to multiply the fraction numerator by this number, and leave the fraction denominator unchanged.

If the result of multiplication is an improper fraction, do not forget to turn it into a mixed number, that is, select the integer part.

Multiplication of ordinary fractions

Multiplication of mixed numbers

To multiply mixed numbers, you must first turn them into irregular fractions and then multiply them according to the multiplication rule of ordinary fractions.

Multiplication of ordinary fractions

Another way to multiply a fraction by a natural number

Sometimes in the calculations it is more convenient to use another method of multiplying an ordinary fraction by a number.

To multiply a fraction by a natural number, the denominator of the fraction should be divided by this number, and the numerator should remain the same.

Multiplication of ordinary fractions

As can be seen from the example, it is more convenient to use this variant of the rule if the denominator of a fraction is divided without a balance by a natural number.


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Terms: Arithmetic