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Ordinary Shot


In life, we often have to use not only whole numbers, but also their parts (fractions).

The shares are equal parts of the whole.

Ordinary fractional device

Consider a circle divided into four equal parts.

  Ordinary Shot

How many parts of a circle are painted over? One

How many parts is the whole circle divided into? In four parts.

What part of the whole circle is painted over? Answer: 1/4.

The number above the fraction bar is called the numerator . The numerator shows how many shares taken (painted) from the whole.

The number under the fraction bar is called the denominator . The denominator indicates how many equal parts the whole is divided.

  Ordinary Shot

To remember that the denominator is the bottom of a fraction , learn a poem:

The banners fell, the denominator is down,

And the numbers fought, the numerator is at the top.

Consider the circle.

  Ordinary Shot

This circle is divided into 8 equal shares. Hence, the denominator fraction will be equal to 8.

Three parts are painted in the circle - the numerator will be equal to 3.

In other words, 3/8 of a circle is filled in the circle.

Some ordinary fractions have special names. To know how such fractions are called, it is necessary by heart.

Fraction Picture Fraction name
  Ordinary Shot   Ordinary Shot half
  Ordinary Shot   Ordinary Shot one third
  Ordinary Shot   Ordinary Shot one quarter

Ordinary fractions are closely related to the units of measurement. 1 meter contains 100 cm. That means that 1 m is divided into 100 equal shares. Thus, 1 cm = 1/100 m (one centimeter equals one hundredth of a meter).


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Terms: Arithmetic