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3. Totalitarian elements in criminal jargon


Criminal jargon is always associated with the language existing in society, reflecting the atmosphere of a particular era. Thus, the era of totalitarianism was reflected in it. This is reflected in the fact that there is a pronounced desire for hierarchization. This, in particular, is indicated by the names of hierarchical castes in a criminal environment. "Tops" of the criminal world (original members of the Politburo) are called pleasant, sublime terms ("director", "author", "groin", "barin", etc.), but the "lower classes" are stigmatized with unintelligible, offensive terms ("Chushka", "trash", "omitted", and in the army in the system "hazing" - "spirit", "meat", "salobon", "kettle", etc.). Also formed and nicknames, as already mentioned.
Like the totalitarian language, criminal jargon is characterized by double-mindedness. After all, to "their" attitude is one, and to "alien" is another. This also includes the desire to designate criminal activity with “correct” words. Thus, the seizure of money from citizens through robbery, robbery or fraud is called “work” (“work the case”). And the exchange of money conducted by the state at meetings “thieves in law” was called “state banditry”. Doublethink in a totalitarian language is the ability to simultaneously hold opposing beliefs and feelings that beliefs are one thing, and life is another. The criminal subculture as a “different life” in society had to create its own dual language: in the official sphere, you need to speak one language, and in your community - another. The official life for the criminal is life "for fun", illusive, and criminal life is something real.
Criminal language took from the language of totalitarianism and such a feature as schematization. A person who uses criminal jargon thinks in contrasts, preferring two colors: for “friends” - white, for “strangers” - black. He does not tolerate the shades and halftones of a democratic society. Black in criminal jargon means "dark life", "covered", "zone", and white - freedom, joy, etc.
A feature of criminal jargon is the tendency to stereotyping, to a pattern. It is also manifested in the motivations of the crimes committed, in the methods of self-justification, the mechanisms of psychological defense, the characteristics of people, even “their own”.
Criminal jargon includes a lot of tinsel, unsaid: “kill” - “dunk”, Finn - “feather”, cut a person - “write”, debates of the parties in court - “bicker”, commit sexual intercourse - “mate”, “insert voucher” etc.
At present, militaristic terminology has prevailed in the criminal jargon. Recall: gangs are called brigades, detachments, crews, teams; the leaders are commanders (and in “hot” points of interethnic conflicts are “field commanders”), and the members of the gangs are “fighters”, “militants”, “infantry”, “machine gunners”, the murderers are “killers”. This process originates in the national language, where for many years social events, according to tradition since the civil war, were designated in a militaristic spirit: “battle for harvest” (and not harvesting), “student landing”, “ideological front”, “battle for the literary front, the writer is the "ideological fighter of the party," etc. It should be noted that the process of militarization of the national language in society is not diminishing, and in criminal jargon the so-called militaristic spirit comes to the fore, which is promoted by interethnic conflicts and military clashes between the “national guard” units, “self-defense”, etc.
In criminal jargon, as well as in the national language of the times of totalitarianism, the compensation mechanism is also manifested, which we mentioned when criminal activity is denoted by "correct" or neutral words: theft - "event", "purchase", "work in the countrywoman", rob - “caress”, beat - “call the doctor”, fight - “criticism”, “prime minister”, “recipe”, “registration”, “polishing”, etc.
However, with the help of criminal jargon, criminals and self-exposing, since the language is given to a person not only to hide thoughts, but also to talk about intentions, no matter how carefully he masks them. If you are in the carriage compartment, the traveling company has invited you to spend time playing cards and such words have come to your ears in the conversation between them, such as: “Krap”, “shadow”, “trimming”, “holding”, “bouquet”, “filling” cards, compiler, overlay, slip the shift, katran, grease, then immediately quit playing with them, for you have a team of cheaters playing telegraph.

Term Its decoding
one 2
Bouquet to offer Give good cards to your partner, keep the highest combination.
Take God for nothing Schuler reception
Crab Layout of invisible tags on the shirt
Shirt Top side of the card
Flying tag Crumpled one of the corners of the map
Shadow The label left on the shirt card with a finger, slightly sprinkled with ash cigarettes
Pin up Pin-on label, recognizable by touch
Trim the sides on a light cone Label of key cards in the form of aces or ten
Telegraph game Playing cards with the transfer of information using a sharper using gestures, facial expressions, cigarettes
Holding Letting the partner not the first, but the second card
Fill the cards Mark them in advance
Slip the shift Change deck
Make a cover In the eyes of a partner, put cards on the table in the correct order
Master - (Executive Player) Sharper
Assistant Partner sharper
Compiled by The person who organizes the card game, drawing into it gullible people
Extras Fans sitting in a game of cards

Term Its decoding
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Dude The client, who seek to beat the cards
Katran The place of the game of cards
Sharpener Person involved in gambling cards
Game of interest Cash game
The game is just like that A way to cheat a person on the number of squats
American On the terms offered by the winning bidder
Packer Sharper acting alone
Greasing Introducing an opponent in the game of passion
Kneading Favorable placement of cards
Otmazchik A person who provides (covering) the master (skirmisher) retreat when he has to flee from the losers
Stos, borax; rams Type of Spanish game (punks) in cards
Volt Jack
Beaters (washing, machine gun, Maidan) - card names
Session Card game
Head-on The first card when throwing in stoos
Figure King, Queen, Jack
Ruff Easy cut along the edges of the cards
Stay putty To lose
Answer Card debt (loser)
Farce Luck in playing cards
The game is under the answer Bet on future theft
Walk Play for money
Katranshchik Card sharper, beating large speculators in special places
Play by chance The game of cheaters with a major cheater in order to improve their skills
Frontal game Fair game
Shoemaker deck Receive a false card shuffle
Packer Sharper acting alone

The teacher who heard the exchange of such terms as “kuknar”, “morgaliki”, “ruby”, “crutch”, “planned” or “plan”, “pig”, “shirevo”, “heated” in a group of teenagers, “High” should know that the conversation is about drug use, that this is a group of drug addicts.

Drug abuse jargon used for specific contacts and have a known diagnostic value in the daily work of doctors, law enforcement officers
Term Its decoding
one 2
Automatic, button accordion, machine Lipsokaroman, versed in laws
White lady Cocaine
Botanist Narcotic Grass Grower
Veins are hiding It becomes impassable with regular use of drugs
In the vein, in the suit What a good addict that suits him
Screw Type of synthetic drugs prepared by processing certain chemical reagents in artisanal conditions (chemical treatment of solutan, ephedrine, etc.)
All on the runway Ready-to-use drugs
Counter-transverse When in a circle, a second cigarette is allowed to meet the first (jamb)
Wave coming The first, the brightest phase of drug intoxication. Relaxation after euphoria.
Volokusha, quiet peace Magician, garbage, cop, color, cop Law enforcement (policeman)
Sleeve Gutted cigarette stuffed with drugs
Chief cook Responsible for drug cooking
Glitch Hallucinations after taking drugs
Messenger Messenger for drugs
Two by the sum Poorly versed in drugs
Move bullshit Tell a lie
To move Take drugs
Dose Amount of narcotic substance at one time

Term Its decoding
one 2
Doctor Drug dealer
House Psychiatric hospital, drug treatment clinic
Dyshlo Substance inhaled for intoxication
Zavarukha Conflict between addicts
Charged Currently addict
Charged Casher Bag, bag stuffed with drugs
Charged plan A drug addict who carries drugs
Kaif, Chafe, Taska The second, longer phase of intoxication, the stage of calm, blissful state
Wheel rolling Take pills
Square, office Meeting place of drug addicts
Kent, kentjar, tramp Insider
Wheels, boots, Kaliki Tablet drugs
Ship Matchbox with poppy straws
Whirls Gains something
Cube 1 ml narcotic drug
Kuklyak, soaked dolls Hematoma at the site of injection or injection
Breaking, kamoleomka, Khumer, Kumar Drug Deprivation Syndrome, withdrawal abstinence
Oiled Kaliki Good tableted drugs
Car wash Blade for cutting poppy boxes
Moscha throw Praise the dope
Cartoons Hallucination after taking drugs
Direct mackley Figuring out where to get the drug
Napas Tightening
Narco Drug user
Not in the kepish said; not in kiggyul No offense
De ^ opali; don't hold Do not be greedy
Nervine, the chocolate coming Ward species

Term Its decoding
one 2
Nyuhach Use of drugs or toxic substances by inhalation
A monkey The person who is irregularly taking drugs
Bummer Sudden loss of buzz caused by attendant moments
Breakage Conscious interruption of drug use in order to reduce their dosage
Bummed out; threw off the shank; grunted; played in the blind man's buff; rushed Has died; died from poisoning
Othodnyak Phase out of intoxication, usually unpleasant
Pioneers Novice addicts
Planned Drug addicts
Drove the geese; the roof has gone; the roof began to flow Addictive psychosis
To heal up Prick
Rejuvenate, catch up, take in pursuit Taking an additional dose of drugs at the height of intoxication with the loss of control over the amount of the drug
Guinea pig, rabbit Addict, the first to try a drug after its preparation
Breathe Inhale vapors of intoxicants.
Catch the buzz; catch the buzz; to gag Feel the desired signs of intoxication
Crossed like a tank; poper on earth; drag fly; centering; the roof has moved out The feeling of the highest bliss in a state of intoxication
Ceiling Highest grade (good)
I went to the engine, took over Took the blame
Coming The highest pleasure for an addict lasts an average of 3-7 minutes. The time of arrival depends on the amount of drug injected and drug experience. The more experience, the shorter the time of dreams and hallucinations. Mature drug addicts have almost none
To puff, shob, maw, blow Smoking dope
Heel Drug residue in a cigarette
Spread arrows Settled conflict

Term Its decoding
one 2
Develop dose Addiction to high doses of the drug
To curl Accept, 'arcotik for the purpose of relieving abstinence
With the wind Rapid intravenous drug administration
Svoyak Addictive
Session (Smok) Marijuana without impurities
Sat on the needle, tightly settled Became a drug addict.
Break loose Restart the use of drugs after treatment
Jump off the needle Stopped drug use by the intravenous route.
[Flock, family, maza Combining a group of addicts
Glass, ampulushki Drug ampoules
Track Trail of numerous pricks in yenu
Pipes Vein
Settle down; sit on the needle Switching to the parenteral route jj introduction ||
Fartsovschiki I Suppliers of drugs, speculators | (drug; i
Fuflyzhnik “Bad” man selling bad! drug 1;
Khanka, drugs, infection, sponge 1 General designation of drugs
Centruk, turnaround, reverse flow of J Vein, drug is injected into Kula
Chain Persons who have transferred narcotic substances from one to another i
Tsynkanul; passed; burned split Shirevo Gave testimony

Drugs used with | using syringe

Shirovoy, Shirakesh-i A person who uses drugs in the form of injections
Swum! Smoking a cigarette with a narcotic substance
Schmal Hashish
Shmarova Nagoman, smoker hashish
Studs Needles
Baton Dirty cigarette ready to be consumed
Pit A place to get drugs

Term Its decoding
one 2
Opiate group
Squirrel, whitefish Morphine, Omnopon, Promedol
White high Morphine, heroin
Blue iapKormoi opioid-morphine group
Children's morphine 1medol
Deel Little
Maze maker A bit of morphine
Red buzz 1Safe from caffeine
Suknar Broth from mature poppy heads (dry) without seeds
Bag Opium, a dose of 1.5-2 g, the size of a two-kopeck coin, sold on paper, cellophane
Marfusha marafet Morphine
Morgaliki Addict pills, usually with codeine
Opium Opium Handicraft
Ruby Dried poppy juice
Straw Broth from the stems and leaves of dry poppy
Thayan blackberry Raw opium
Teriak ______ Opium
Check Dose of dry morphine (usually 100 mg) packaged as powders in a pharmacy
Shira _____ Cooked Opium
Hashish group
Atom Anasha, the highest grade (above clay)
Married crap Anasha with tobacco
Hammer a joint Wrap a cigarette with anasha
Gag, make a fumble , puff Smoke hashish
Jamb, crutch Pie with anasha
Kropal, big kropal, bash Measures of hashish
Suit Cannabis variety
Planned A person smoking only anasha
Die Want drugs, miss them. This is usually an exaggeration of sensations in the planokurok

Smoke a cigarette with anasha

Term Its decoding
one 2
Heels, heels, goats foot Cigarette butt stuffed with anchovy about three puffs
Pig Feeling of hunger with hash drunk
Sushnyak, dry batter Thirsty with hashish drunkenness
The grass, the grass of God, Marukh, foolishness, Tran, probivuha, greens, plasticine, plan, sex, etc. Hashish, Anasha, Marijuana
Shala, trash, bestantik Insufficiently treated cannabis products that do not cause the desired effect.
Shugnyak Fears, phobic reactions at the exit from the state of hashish intoxication
Other groups
Swallower The messenger carrying narcotic substances in the condom swallowed in the stomach
Jeff, marzefal, Murtsovka, Mulka Oxidized ephedrine or ephedrine as a stimulant
Durazin, Duriks Aminazin, tizertsin (neuroleptics)

Thus, criminal jargon as a specific professional language captures the criminal style of thinking of a certain social group of criminals, and above all - minors and youth. However, he exposes this style and takes revenge on society for the past and present. It is no secret that many law-abiding people also think in criminal jargon. When you consult with a friend about how to get the necessary certificate in the authority quickly, and he advises you to give some official "on the paw", then you resort, without the will, to a criminal type of thinking. This is one of the causes of criminalization through the assimilation of the criminal jargon of the entire population, and above all the younger generation.
As we have noted, criminal slang is constantly evolving. Some other words appear and disappear in it, but it still serves and will serve criminal activities and the criminal way of life of people. One of the reasons for the dynamism of criminal jargon is not only the dynamism of crime itself and the dynamism of society, but also the two-way process of penetrating individual words from the criminal jargon of young people into ordinary spoken and literary language, and, conversely, from literary and spoken language (for example, youth slang) - in the lingo. There is a process in which different linguistic streams collide: the language of bureaucrats and totalitarian adherents, the language of professional criminals of the “thieves clan”, the language of unrestrained criminals, youth slang, colloquial and literary language, local dialects, various professional languages, foreign languages, etc. P. Under these conditions, the slang words that have gone from criminal jargon to colloquial and literary language are being replaced by new ones that "secret" certain types of "declassified" or newly emerging types of criminal activity, events, phenomena, objects, etc.
Summing up, we note that the harm of criminal jargon is little taken into account in educational work with adolescents, and he teaches the personality to think in criminal categories, instills in it perverted views and beliefs, spreads an aversion to honest work, cruelty and inhumanity in relations with people, praises the criminal the way of life, the “thief of thieves”, the cult of force, arrogance, contempt for the norms and values ​​prevailing in society, morality, distorts and corrupts the legal sense of the individual.
It must be remembered that criminal jargon, like any language, is easier to digest in adolescence. This age period is called sensitive for language acquisition (favorable).Therefore, it is important to protect adolescents and young people from criminal jargon. So far this, unfortunately, is only a dream.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology