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Chapter XI. Ways to prevent juvenile delinquency 1. Basic requirements for the organization of the prevention of juvenile delinquency


Prevention measures and their classification

In recent years, the former Soviet system of measures to combat juvenile crime has collapsed in the country.
This system included more than 50 social institutions - diverse state and public organizations, institutions and officials. For some, preventive work was the essence of their daily work activities (employees of the prosecutor’s office, IDI inspectors, other law enforcement officers), while others performed these functions on a voluntary basis (members of juvenile affairs commissions, community educators, mentors, bosses, etc.), their professional activity was in a different direction.
“The society has to pay a very expensive price due to dismantling the system of prevention, curtailing the multi-million public movement for strengthening the rule of law. Having lost such structural components as the people's guards, prevention councils, public law enforcement points, comradely courts, people's checkpoints, etc. and without creating anything new, the state not only weakened its preventive potential, but, as it were, drew a strip of alienation between the official judicial-legal power and the population. with regard to crime, there needs to be broad public control, control based on the interest of the entire civil society.
Equally unjustified was the dismantling of the system of legal education and the education of the population. Its links, such as teaching the basics of law at all levels of education, legal national universities, regular TV shows and legal rubrics in newspapers and magazines, carried not only the necessary legal information, but also formed morality, citizenship, and law-abiding. The dictates of time are the revival of the system for the prevention of criminal behavior "1 and its further development, the creation of new forms.
In the pre-perestroika criminological literature, the general requirements for the organization of the system were detailed.
1 Skuratov Yu. The transition to market relations requires a new system of law // Shield and Sword. 1996, No. 13.

juvenile crime prevention. There was a wealth of experience in crime prevention in educational institutions, which is practically not used in modern conditions, although there is a tendency to revive the previously existing state system for the prevention of crime, public participation in it and the use of previously accumulated practical experience1. Here's what the state system of prophylaxis should look like in accordance with the regulatory act (see the diagram).
Studies show that juvenile delinquency is more “sensitive” than an adult, to measures to combat it, to preventive management decisions. Depending on the organization of preventive work in areas, cities, areas with similar socio-economic, demographic, psychological, domestic and ethnic characteristics, the level of this crime, and especially group, can vary significantly.
How was the reduction of juvenile delinquency achieved in a number of schools, colleges and regions of the country? 2
First of all, this is the implementation at the regional level (district, region, city, republic) of general social, economic, organizational measures carried out by local authorities. Thus, in a number of places where the level of criminality of students is significantly lower than in other regions, coordination councils created in each region from representatives of law enforcement agencies, public organizations and the education system, and health care played a significant role, ensuring the planned and comprehensive use of measures aimed on the elimination of living conditions and education, contributing to the emergence and formation of criminal groups of minors. We do not dwell here on global social measures aimed at stabilizing the political, economic, social, national and ethnic situation in the country, without the achievement of which there can be no fundamental change in the fight against modern organized crime. This is not part of our task. This is the sphere of politics and activities of politicians. Here we will talk about what officials can and should do
1 See: A. Varchenya. Again the operatives! // Evening Moscow. 1996, April 25; Romikov A. DND - well forgotten old // Shield and sword. 1996, No. 16.
2 G. Mironov. It is impossible to defeat crime, and it is impossible not to fight it // Moscow Region, 1995, 4 November.

publicity in the field, at the lower level of preventive activities, directly in schools.
One of the global preventive measures of juvenile delinquency is the elimination of child and adolescent homelessness. Caught on the streets of cities and towns without a means of subsistence, minors are forced to commit selfish and selfish violent crimes.
The Russian Federation and Moscow, especially in comparison with most of the settlements of the CIS member states, look economically and socially provided. This circumstance induces many tens and hundreds of thousands of people to migrate from the places of traditional residence to the territory of Russia and, of course, to its capital.
In Moscow, now thousands of children roam the streets, live at train stations. They are being raped, forced to collect alms, and they may be killed — who will remember the missing vagabond? 1.
The movement of migrants occurs, as a rule, as a family, together with children. Numerous everyday situations occurring en route to Russia (Moscow) often separate children and parents. Thus, the first group of homeless minors is formed, represented, by and large, by themselves. Of the total mass of adolescents, this group is 4-5% 2.
The second group of homeless children is formed from minors left without parents or other care due to various tragic circumstances (disasters, insurrections, etc.). The number of these adolescents ranges from 8–9% of all street children.
The third group of homeless minors find themselves in a megalopolis, trying to escape from court and investigation after committing criminal offenses (0.5%).
The fourth group (the most numerous) of minor migrants are children who left home without permission. Runaway children leave parental shelter due to abuse, parental drinking or addiction, sexual abuse and for many other reasons. The mass of such adolescents reaches 82-86%.
1 Pakhomova E. I will kill you // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2001, January 24.
2 According to the Center for Temporary Isolation of Juvenile Offenders of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

The fifth group of underage migrants consists of persons who left the special children's institutions without permission — special schools, vocational schools, orphanages, boarding schools, and other facilities. Previously, these adolescents were members of one of the four listed groups of minor migrants. Having got under the social and pedagogical control of the state, they were placed in the mentioned kindergartens. The number of these adolescents is 5-6%.
The latency of the problem of migrant children for law enforcement and social services in Moscow ranges from 20-23%.
Each of these categories of street children requires its own specific measures in order to remove them from the streets and train stations, and in order to prevent them from reappearing there. The position of street children on the streets can be understood by reading their inscriptions on the stone fence of the Temporary Isolation Center: "I want to eat!", "Boarding school, take us to your place!" and other similar inscriptions and drawings. Many strive to get to the Center by any means and live for some time in warmth and satiety.
It is important to recreate the system of prevention in each school. It should include both general measures to improve the educational process, as well as special targeted psychological-pedagogical, organizational and criminological measures to prevent individual and group crimes both at the educational institution level and at the educational group level.
General measures include improving the quality of the entire educational process, improving its organization, methodological level. This includes the strict implementation of the curriculum, the prevention of absenteeism from students without valid reasons and absenteeism, ensuring the daily amusement of students after classes and in their spare time with useful activities, the revitalization of the bodies of student self-government, etc.
General measures also include educational measures. This includes not only the “raising the educational role of learning”, but also the humanization of the interpersonal relations of teachers with students. This is a very acute problem, as "according to official data of the Ministry of Education, 46 percent of teachers do not even hide that they use authoritarian methods (highlighted by us - V.P.) without taking into account the Convention on the Rights of the Child" 1. Gradually, but today there is a “resurrection” of the principle of compulsory education in a school buried by E. Dneprov’s team. 2 Not only should training be educative, it is important to specifically organize the educational process in an educational institution and in general in society in order to form high spirituality and morality, since it became clear that “spiritlessness gives rise to crime.” Its collectivist foundations “exploded at the end of the USSR’s existence” contribute to the growth of crime, which led to the deformation of social life nor "3. Unfortunately, each school itself grinds out its educational system." 4. How many in Russian pedagogy said that a teenager, a student is not only an object, but also a subject of education, that the main tool of education is a group of students. they themselves participated in the educational process? How to return collectivism to educational institutions? One of the tools of the educational process should be the spontaneously revived social organizations of adolescents and young people. "The past years have shown that children really want to have their own organizations at the place of residence or study, that cultural campaigns in museums and theaters are necessary. All this could have been foreseen five years ago by any experienced teacher. But for the sake of political conjuncture, those who are now advocating for a new national the concept of upbringing was once prepared by those documents that gave the green light to the destruction of everything that is now being revived. "5 Finally, the Board of the Ministry of Education even thought of in its decision “On the main directions of development of education in the system of variable education,” which should “enhance the educative nature of education, orient children to eternal absolute values ​​- Man, Family, Fatherland, Labor, Knowledge, Culture, World , Earth, create in educational
1 Kirillova S. “Tired of living on a swing,” said a participant in the board of the Ministry of Education “On the main directions of development of education in the system of variable education” // Pedagogical Kaleidoscope. 1996, No. 25.
2 Ibid.
3 Spirituality. The rule of law. Crime. Materials of the scientific-practical conference held on March 28, 1996 on the initiative of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation // Shield and sword. 1996, No. 13.
4 Kirillova S. Specified work.
5 Kirillova S. Specified work.

Institutions of all types and types of humanistic educational systems. "1 But this is an extremely difficult matter, because teachers for these five years have been corrupted by lesson-giving and will in every way reject" additional "duties, which is confirmed by experiments conducted in a number of educational institutions.
Of course, these general and educational measures in educational institutions will not bring results if they are not supported by appropriate social and economic measures related to the social protection of the individual, guaranteeing the rights to work, rest, social security2.
The system of prevention also includes organizational and legal measures:
- Recreation in each educational institution of the relevant bodies for the prevention of student offenses (whatever they may be called — councils, sections, prevention commissions, etc.);
- Recreation of public formations from the number of adult students and teachers of youth age (by the type of former OMOD - operational youth teams of warriors);
- recreation of various groups, groups (scout, green patrols, etc.) from among the minors;
- the creation of prevention bodies from students living in dormitories (councils, sectors, teams, etc.);
- assignment of students who are registered with the OTDP and KDN to persons who can have a positive influence on them (the matter is not in the name either of the chefs, mentors or public educators);
- Recreation of other law enforcement formations from among students (environmental protection, protection of historical and cultural monuments, etc.);
- ensuring close interaction of intraschool and intra-school prevention bodies among themselves and with external organizations.
Of course, the matter is not in the names, although it is necessary to get rid of the names like "detachments of young Dzerzhins", "operational
1 Kirillova S. Specified work.
2 Therefore, social protection institutions are included in the reestablished system of prophylaxis in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. See also: Malyuga L. All of us come from childhood, and the authorities of the underworld are also // Shield and Sword. 1995, No. 48; M. Tarasov. "Flowers of Life" grow in dumps // World of News. 1996, No. 17.

Komsomol detachments ". But this type of detachments are created among the youth of many developed countries under other names -" young policemen "," scout detachments "," green parties ", etc. It is not the name of the youth unit that is important, but the essence of its activities. school it will be the usual for the ears "detachment of young trackers" or, as in Noginsk "teenage patrol", "club of young criminologists", in Podolsk there is a detachment of young workers of the traffic police (where, by the way, recently there were competitions of such detachments from different regions) , in another - "detachment of law enforcement", in the third is "squad", etc.
For the successful operation of these formations, an elementary legal framework is needed. In some cases, it is possible to take advantage of non-repealed regulations on the activities of some formations, in others it is necessary to develop new documents that meet the requirements of today.
Special psychological and pedagogical measures include:
- psychodiagnostic: studying the enrolling contingent and identifying people with increased criminal risk (difficult and pedagogically neglected students registered at KPN and KDN, as well as having criminal records from special schools or colonies), identifying their friendship within the school ( schools) and beyond;
- psychocorrectional: systematic legal education work with these students using individual and collective forms of work, managing their interpersonal communication;
- psycho-prophylactic: the use of a wide range of measures for the early prevention of group offenses by adolescents "ousted" from dysfunctional families, as well as from educational groups of groups; ensuring systematic monitoring of their behavior within schools, colleges and beyond.
Special criminological measures include:
- identification of asocial, criminogenic and criminal groups, the establishment of their intra-school (within the school) and external relations;
- identification of the role of each member of the group and the development of measures for its separation from the group;
- identification of actual and potential leaders and development of measures to curb their leadership activities in such groups;
- development of tactics of work with asocial and criminogenic groups.
Principles of preventive work. The success of these measures depends on the high level of legal and psychological-pedagogical competence of persons involved in the prevention of individual and group juvenile crime, in-depth knowledge and adherence to the basic principles of preventive work. First of all, every participant in preventive work must act within the framework of Russian legality, clearly understand the group nature of crimes as an aggravating circumstance, and be able to differentiate the role of everyone in criminal group activities. The principle of competence prohibits doing “everything for everyone”, implies full use by the administration of an educational institution and its team of the rights and powers granted to them before turning to law enforcement agencies for help.At the same time, the master of industrial training, the class teacher can hardly identify the nature of the criminal group, its structure, leaders, differentiate the roles of each if they do not possess the basics of psychology and such psychological methods as spatial-sign sociometry, psychological observation, interviewing techniques, generalization independent characteristics, self-assessment method, various test methods (for example, "House, tree, person", "My family", "Family holiday", various projective tests), non-ending method these proposals, etc.
In the prevention of juvenile group crime, it is important to observe the principle of interaction of all forces and means leading to the fight against juvenile crime. The interaction is:
- in the timely exchange of information between the participants of preventive work on the emergence of criminogenic and criminal personalities and groups;
- joint development of plans for reorientation, dissociation and suppression of the activities of criminal groups;
- ensuring joint ongoing monitoring of the functioning of such groups;
- skillful use of the advantages of each of the interacting parties.
Thus, members of the pedagogical team of schools, colleges “see” their pupils on a daily basis, can more deeply reveal their ties and relations in the school and college, and the police can use their authority to influence such groups outside the school.
A necessary principle is the timeliness of identification of the emerging ("clustered") groups of criminogenic orientation and the taking of appropriate measures towards them (early prevention). It is necessary not only to tear adolescents away from the criminal environment in a timely manner, but also to improve their living conditions and micro-environment. If with the adoption of such measures late, then the group can outgrow from antisocial into criminal. The measures taken in advance prevent the group from developing adversely, switching its energy to useful activity.
It is very essential to observe the principle of proactiveness, which is to maximize the use of the time factor, to prevent specific asocial and criminal manifestations of the group. The group that committed the first crime, passes into another quality: from a crime it develops into a criminal one, burdened with a committed crime. A different socio-psychological atmosphere appears in it, the group turns out to be a firmly "welded" committed crime. It was already noted above that the smell of blood, the suffering of the victim intoxicated the members of the group, pushing them towards new, more violent crimes. Under these conditions, group euphoria to tear its members from it becomes more difficult because of the fear of each of them of criminal responsibility. Therefore, educators, masters,class leaders should know this feature of the crime as a factor contributing to the criminal-psychological cohesion of the group. To prevent the criminal manifestation of a group is to solve a specific problem of prophylaxis using the most effective and humane methods, without bringing the matter to the application of criminal repressive measures to minors.
However, all preventive measures must be applied differentially, taking into account the level of criminal development of the group, its composition, the nature of the acts committed. This principle means the selective choice of preventive measures. So, in a group of different ages, all efforts should be focused on "knocking out" an adult leader from it; in a heterosexual group, it is important to differentiate preventive measures taking into account the age and gender factor, showing the incompatibility of asocial and criminal behavior with the role and purpose of the woman (for females), emphasizing the role of "strong sex" in friendship, partnership, etc.
Differentiation of preventive measures, brought to the level of an individual, becomes an individual approach, taking into account which certain preventive measures should be applied to each member of the criminal and asocial group. So, some measures must be applied to a leader who strives to save the group by all means and not allow it to turn away from the criminal path. Other, softer, loyal measures - to the student, being in a criminal group and fearing to break with her. For the first, criminal punishment is most often; for the second, help, approval, psychological support, protection from the persecution of the leader and other authorities.
An important principle of prevention of group crimes is the sequence of the use of various means with the growing requirements for each member of the group. At first, it is necessary to apply softer measures designed for the self-awareness of the members of the group and the potential possibilities of each. If such measures are not effective, then it is necessary to move from persuasion and explanation to more stringent measures, including coercion, disciplinary and administrative responsibility of members of the group for committing group offenses and offenses. Consistency manifests itself in continuity in time. This means that an asocial or criminogenic group must be under the direct and constant educational and preventive influence and social control throughout the day, week, month, year as in a school, in a school,and in the period of practical training, in free time, at the place of residence and rest.
When planning and conducting preventive work, it is necessary to strive for the integrated use of the forces and means of preventing group crime of students. For these purposes, the influence of the family, the pedagogical team, the sponsoring organization, the psychological service, public formations, the community at the place of residence, OPPN, KDN, out-of-school work with adolescents, and sports societies are used. Complexity is achieved by the fact that the crime prevention plan becomes an integral part of the integrated long-term planning of educational work for the entire period of study. At the same time, the nature and intensity of preventive work are developed taking into account the data on offenses that are most typical for students of this school and school.Educational work in the dormitory of an educational institution should be planned taking into account the nature of immoral behavior and offenses and crimes committed in dormitories - violation of the daily routine, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, storage of prohibited items (drugs, toxic substances, weapons), fights, theft of students' personal belongings, etc. .
Preventive work in an educational institution during the period of work practice should be planned taking into account criminogenic factors at the enterprise (cases of drunkenness during work, petty theft, safety violations, etc.) together with the administration1 of the enterprise and public organizations.
It would seem that such simple "trifles" as settling in dorm rooms should not slip out of the control of teachers. It is impossible to settle criminogenic group in one room. It is impossible to inspire a weak-willed student to the room where he will live with a potential asocial leader. All this should be reflected to some extent in the plan and in the course of concrete preventive work. For example, in a number of schools, before resettling students, they conduct sociometric studies, reveal the likes and dislikes of students, leaders and followers, taking this into account when settling dorm rooms, recruiting study groups, selecting assets, etc. Of course, the implementation of all these principles and methods is not a mechanical matter, but a living, creative one.Its success depends primarily on reliable information support for preventive and preventive work with criminogenic contingents and reliable forecasting of group crime dynamics, combining preventive work with criminal groups with purposeful work on the formation of interpersonal relations in the educational team, rallying the team of students on a healthy basis of active joint activity .


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Criminal psychology

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