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3. Refusal in the system of preventive measures


The concept of a surrender. A confession is an oral or written voluntary statement of a minor to the bodies of inquiry, investigation, prosecutor's office, court or representatives of the administration of social isolation places about the crime committed by him. Distinguish between true confessions (when a teenager committed a previous crime, which for some reason was not disclosed) and false (when a minor, for whatever reasons, is incriminating himself). We have already dealt with the problem of slander in Chapter 1: according to the laws of the underworld, if a group crime is committed and a group is arrested, the youngest member of the group voluntarily assumes the role of leader, blocking the actual leader (assuming the role of a leader in criminal slang) . First of all, this rule applies if the actual leader is an adult member of the group. In turn, the true turnout with guilt, depending on the motives may be frank or mercenary.
The question is: what is the attitude of surrender and the inclination of minors to it have to prevent crime and deviant behavior of minors in places of social exclusion? First of all, work on inclination to turn out to be guilty is relevant in the system of preventive measures due to the fact that among minors in places of social exclusion there may be persons who have previously committed crimes that remain unsolved. Successful concealment of such a crime engenders a sense of impunity and strengthens criminal attitudes, complicating the process of correction and re-education. At the same time, having unsolved crimes behind them, such minors encourage others to daring behavior, to commit various offenses, they are pushing on a criminal path to divert the attention of the administration and educators from themselves.
On the contrary, a sincere true surrender testifies to the rupture of a minor with a criminal past, which is the key to his successful re-education; it contributes to the increase in crime disclosures (tm) and is of significant general predictive value. In addition, a sincere adolescent teenager is an important support for educators in working with other minors; he will not commit an offense in places of social exclusion. Thus, a sincere confession is an indicator of the effectiveness of the educational process in places of social isolation and the effectiveness of preventive work.
However, there are cases when a minor claims a crime that was actually committed by him, for mercenary purposes. This happens in cases where he realizes that the law enforcement agencies are on the trail of a criminal, and probably his exposure. Such a confession of a minor confuses the educational process, misleads caregivers and the administration, creates in the places of social isolation an atmosphere of lies and deceit in the relations between the administration and the minors. Being guilty of mercenary purposes, the minor is trying to get certain privileges (to pass for the corrected ones, to achieve early release or graduation from special schools, special vocational schools, etc.). Self-serving can be a surrender, when a minor participated in a group crime, the crime is solved, the law enforcement agencies can reach the entire criminal group. In this case, by warning such an exit to the whole group, the minor fully commits the crime (usually at the request of the group). An even more negative role is played by a false surrender when a minor negotiates himself. This creates in places of social isolation an unfavorable moral and psychological situation of lies and deception, weakens efforts to prevent crime and crime. Usually, when committing a false surrender of a guilty adolescent, they report such crimes that are rarely recorded (since victims are rarely or not at all). For example, a teenager admits that in the metro (bus, tram, trolleybus, etc.) he stole a bag from a citizen in which there was so much money, valuables. It is almost impossible to verify or clarify such a statement if the amount of money and valuables is insignificant, and that’s what a teenager is counting on.
It is important for the teacher to correctly assess the nature of the appearance of a minor with a guilty plea, to analyze the motives that guided him in doing so. And for this, one should have an idea of ​​the existing system of interpersonal and intergroup relations among minors, which often leads them to take such actions. In the system of these relations lies the reason why some minors, having unsolved crimes behind them, are not to confess.
Types of juvenile groups with respect to a surrender. In the environment of minors, it is possible to distinguish typical groups, depending on how they relate to a surrender. The first group includes persons who positively relate to such a step, believing that it allows them to finally break with the criminal past, to prove their correction by deed. However, some of them, realizing this, are at the same time not resolving to take such a step, fearing a possible harsh punishment. Others fear the possible threats of reprisals from criminal-minded groups of minors, distrust of the administration, etc.
The second group is made up of minors who have a negative attitude towards a surrender, considering that this is a harmful and unnecessary step, which does not allow them to “live well” in places of social exclusion. In addition, a surrender is a step towards cooperation with law enforcement agencies, which directly contradicts the rules of the criminal subculture and is severely condemned in a criminal environment. It is only the threat of exposure of a more serious crime, which has not been disclosed by the police, to induce such persons to give a confession. Therefore, representatives of this group intimidate and harass those who are trying to take this step.
The third group consists of people who have a negative attitude towards the very fact of turnout, go to a false turnout or declare crimes actually committed in order to achieve their own selfish goals, to shield the adult leader of the group, etc.
The fourth group of minors was not determined in relation to a guilty plea, most often because there are no crimes uncovered by the law enforcement agencies and their conscience is clear in this regard, or they simply don’t care or not be guilty ("everything, and they"). These are often teenagers and young men, distinguished by increased conformance and suggestibility. Other small groups of minors could be distinguished in relation to the fact of confession, but the groups noted are the main ones. For each of these groups, taking into account the motives of their behavior, and measures should be developed and applied to induce them to turn up in surrender. The above classification is also important because it allows you to accurately determine possible violators of the regime and individuals prone to offenses and crimes.
Measures to induce juveniles to surrender. In each institution of social isolation, a system of operational, organizational, psychological, propaganda and other measures to induce minors to return with confession is being developed. This system includes primarily a targeted study of the composition of juveniles (contingent of offenders), among which may be unsolved crimes. Without this, the work of declining to confess will be unaddressed and unsuccessful. The presence of unsolved crimes mostly refers to those who have committed offenses and crimes in the group that are prone to alcohol, drug use, gambling, have mental abnormalities, have been wandering for a long time and have been evading education, engaged in racketeering, speculation, and prostitution.
Important indicators of the likelihood of unsolved crimes may be tattoos of the persons in question, possession of criminal jargon, degree of harmonious nicknames, adherence to the values ​​and norms of the criminal subculture, etc. However, probability is not the presence of an unsolved crime. Therefore, in the work on inclination to surrender, we need indirect methods of influence, sensitivity and tact.
The effectiveness of the measures taken will be facilitated by the identification of juvenile offenders who have committed crimes that were not previously disclosed (“all secrets will sooner or later become apparent”). For this purpose, examples from the practice of this place of deprivation of liberty are used, when the released (or graduate) was brought to criminal responsibility for a crime committed before being sent to this school, this special school or to a colony.
At the same time, educators seek to show that to surrender is to commit a bold and courageous act, and not to show cowardice, as representatives of criminal groups sometimes say. A skillful appeal to the conscience of a teenager or a young man, whose assumption of educators may be an unsolved crime, helps in this. You can achieve a positive result, if you explain to a minor the advantages of being presenting guilty as mitigating circumstances, while showing a sense of proportion, sensitivity and tact. The advantage is not only that the possible measure of punishment will be minimal compared to the one that follows if the crime is disclosed by law enforcement agencies. It explains the advantages and psychological plan - the cleansing value of a guilty plea for the conscience of a person when the load is removed "from his soul." The inner psychological advantage lies in the fact that this act has an impact on the rest of your life, freeing you from constant waiting for revelations and arrest.
Purposeful and systematic psychological impact using vivid and well-known examples of adolescent attendance can play a significant role. Several years ago, in the Kurgan VC, two minors were identified, for whom there could be serious unsolved crimes. The measures taken managed to persuade them to confess: they confessed to the murder. The whole procedure of surrender, the investigation and trial (including the exhumation of the corpse hidden by them) was filmed. Both were convicted, and they, taking into account sincere repentance and a number of circumstances that were of a mitigating nature (the deceased started the fight), were determined the minimum penalty for this article of the Criminal Code.
The filmed movie was constantly shown to teenagers in the colony for a month with explanations from a psychologist, educators and representatives of the prosecutor's office. The psychological impact on minors was so strong that within two months 59 people confessed, and all the reported crimes were confirmed by the police, where the relevant requests were sent.
When inclining to turnout with confession, one cannot disregard public opinion among minors, supporting the steps of those who sincerely and honestly went for a turnout with confession, or, on the contrary, hides, conceals "hanging" crimes. To form a positive opinion in relation to a surrender is in many ways to determine the solution to this problem in the institution.
The necessary measure is a decisive fight against groups of minors who adhere to criminal traditions, oppress and intimidate adolescents who are disposed to commit an act of surrender. This struggle includes the exposure of mercenary and false confessions. In these cases, it appears that such steps are being taken in order to shield the leader of the criminal group, to confuse the law enforcement agencies.
Good results are obtained by engaging in work on inclination to give a guilty plea to persons who have previously declared crimes committed by them, and the courts have taken this into account by easing the punishment or not using it at all. But these persons should be known to minors of this place of social exclusion, to use their authority. They should also be aware of the facts of non-surrender of persons who were previously in the institution, and after the release (release) of those arrested and convicted of a previously committed crime.
All work on inclination to surrender is clearly made out. The special stand reveals the essence of surrender, shows its place in the fight against crime, in establishing a person on an honest way of life, emphasizes that it is a mitigating circumstance, explains in detail all the consequences of failure to show up for those who have unsolved crimes. From psychological positions, the circumstances that keep the adolescent from appearing with a confession are revealed, ways of overcoming painful doubts and fear of taking such a courageous step are recommended.
The work on inclination to surrender is considered completed when the educators took measures to consolidate its results, to retrospective awareness of the committed actuality by the minor, achieved such a situation when a person does not blame himself for perfect attendance with surrender, sees its positive meaning, overcomes all doubts , he is confident in his future, hopes that the team will protect him from unreasonable attacks from those who adhere to criminal traditions, their possible revenge.
Any failure to consolidate the results of a surrender can radically affect the effectiveness of all preventive work. In one of the VCs of convicted K. (nicknamed “Lech”), the teachers were inclined to surrender, for which he was convicted and a new significant term was added to his unserved part of the term. All this had a negative impact on his psychological state, which was aggravated by ridicule from the negative-minded part of the convicts, who gave him the nickname “Lech with a clear conscience”. In order to somehow rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the majority of minors, he committed a crime "in the zone", and a new term was added to him. Naturally, all the work on inclination to give a surrender of convicts and on the prevention of offenses in the colony was paralyzed.

1. A confession in places of social exclusion is an important tool in the prevention of offenses and other types of deviant behavior of minors. For each adolescent and young man, she has her personal significance, which should be taken into account when carrying out relevant work with minors.
2. In relation to the fact of the appearance of guilty minors can be classified: on the positive-minded, negative-minded and not defined their attitude to this fact. Each of these groups should work on differentiated programs.
3. In the work on the inclination of minors to a confession, considerable experience has been accumulated, the generalization of which makes it possible to substantiate a system of measures, the application of which is effective with regard to the use of psychology data.


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