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JOB - crime, theft
WORK IN THE SHARE - theft with an assistant who is allocated a share
WORK ON THE SKIN - to commit a crime with a thief - pokidchich-com money "dolls", things, etc.
QUIET WORK - burglary by key picking
WORK ON PORTYANTS-theft of outerwear
REDAW WORK - stealing gold items
WORKING WITH PAINTING - theft with clothes cut
WORK ON A BRANCH - theft from a victim put to sleep by sleeping pills
WORKERS - fingers, hands
WORK - to commit theft
WORK THROWN - rob apartment
WORKER - honest working convict
WORKING - NTK industrial zone
REDUCTION - mating
ONCE - 100 rubles
RELEASE - 1) pay off debts; 2) make up after a quarrel
DIVIDE - share loot
Smash - 1) beat; 2) reveal the secret
Break the DURK (BANDURA) - open the ladies' bag and commit theft
SPLIT POBOD - inspect the contents of the wallet
SPLIT PONT - break up
SPLIT PORT - open portfolio
DISASSEMBLY - 1) collective condemnation of the wrong actions of a group member; 2) the thieves' court; 3) conflict resolution between warring factions
DEVELOP ENDS - resolve a conflict in a criminal environment
DIVORATE WEB - crack the grating on the camera window
Distraught - authoritative thief resolving the conflict between individuals and criminal groups
UNLOAD - upset the colony
DRIVER - cheater (when buying and selling cars)
DISTRIBUTION - 1) men’s analysis of girls after a disco; 2) distribution of bodyguards on kiosks and stalls
SHARE - kill a man
Shred - split loot
DECLINE - rob drunk
SPINNING - argue, start
Chew - explain in detail
VARIABLE - a person who is friendly with everyone
SHARE - reveal the secret
Blur, shred, cut - cut, cut, stab wound
REVEAL - uncover, pull apart
TO PLAY - to deceive
Paradise - thieves hangout
ROCKET - racketeer
Raklo - 1) a person engaged in theft; 2) tramp
CANCER NECK - police car with identification marks
RAMA - tight male torso,
FRAME - playing cards RAMA - points
SPLIT - tell the truth
DOWNLOAD - discuss the behavior of a thief at a meeting
DISPOSE - to dissolve the prisoners' cells
DISTRIBUTION - 1) detailed explanation; 2) a confession to the crime. Splitting - to obtain the necessary information, testimony
SPLITTING ON A BACK (ARM.) -To perform the act of sodomy
SPLIT - 1) to confess something; 2) plead guilty; 3) to issue accomplices
DECOMBLE - 1) break; 2) to open; 3) undo
DROP TROUBLE - steal from bag, closet, chest
SCAN - 1) profitable to sell drugs; 2) beat the cards
DISCOVER - commit another crime in a colony or prison
BOOK - expose the informant
LOOK AT - 1) use drugs or chifir; 2) to beat; 3) beat someone in order to give a soul
BREAK UP - relax
SCHEDULE - cut through the back pocket of trousers
TIMETABLE - 1) 'cut your face with a razor; 2) strike with a knife
LISTED ON THE FENCE - to make escape from places of imprisonment
SCHEDULE - a person with many tattoos
Letting go Parashu - spread slander, false rumors
CRUSHED - lean detainees to the wall during a search
RELAX - 1) to commit sexual intercourse; 2) rest after work; 3) experience drug bliss
RASSLABUHA - vodka, drugs
KISS WALTS - go crazy
PACKAGE - 1) robbery; 2) taxi
COLORED ROSE - to contract venereal disease
UNLOAD - raise the status of a minor to a kid
CONSOLIDATE A LITTLE DUCH - to recognize a fake drug
RVANAYA - 50-ruble note
BREAK - make escape
RIPED - Ruble
RIPPING CLAIS, RIPPING THE FOOT - 1) run off; 2) to hide
REACTOR - moonshine
REVISION - theft
REGALKA - qualified tattoo, applied in accordance with the status occupied by the representative of the criminal "elite"
REDIC - ladies' bag (reticule)
REDISKA - two-faced man
RELEASE - open veins
CUTTER - Target crime
RUBBER - 1) bus, trolley bus; 2) condom
ADVERTISING - 1) costume, clothes; 2) the face; 3) tattoo; 4) women's jewelry
REMARKS - counterfeit money
REMESHOK - 1) death from suffocation; 2) gambling
REPAIR ON 5-MU NUMBER - to be treated in a narcological dispensary
Rapa - head
SIGNS - visors on the windows of the prison
Lattice, lattice - prison bars
RJACH - laughter, funny, laughing (for no reason)
RIGAN - call by phone
RIKISH - arrest, trial
Rickshaw - Taxi
RINCH - phone number
DRAW - 1) mark playing cards; 2) apply a tattoo; 3) inspect, suspect, observe
DRAW A BIKS - meet a girl
RISK - presentation for identification
ROBOT - camera door
HORN - stupid
HORNS TO BEND (BREAK) - to beat with a group for offense
ROGATIK - a person impersonating an experienced criminal, but not one
Horned - 1) an inexperienced thief; 2) trolley bus
RODIMCHIK - 1) a child taken poor "for hire"; 2) raped child
PARENTAL TEARS - money transfers from home (from parents) to soldiers (prisoners, convicts)
SPRING - 1) pocket; 2) washbasin faucet
RODSKY - 1) an old experienced thief; 2) the leader of the thieves' group
BREED - r - experienced thief
SHINE - a bottle with a broken bottom (as an instrument of attack)
ROLL AND K - motor scooter
ROTA CHERTOVA - Criminal Investigation
ROYAL - fingerprinting machine
RUBACH - watchman
CUT BOX - cut clock
RUBLE - one hundred rubles
RUGNYAK - cap, head
SLEEVE - lane
HANDS IN MOUNTAIN - raise your hands when you are arrested
MANUFACTURE - masturbate
STEERING - the landlord of the thieves office in the colony
Rudder - 1) the leader; 2) nose
DROP - get caught in the act
MANUAL FLAWN (PRISON SEMAFOR) - sign language for the negotiations of criminals among themselves
MANUAL - cell phone
MANUAL - 1) harmless; 2) dependent, run errands
FISH - 1) woman; 2) patrol; 3) dodger; slippery man
Rybak - Criminal Investigation Officer
FISHING - stealing on the beach
FISHING - young pretty woman
DRIVER - pulling out of the hands of money, a bag, tearing off his head with a hat
Redhead shaving - gold chain
Ginger Sidewalker - Gold Watch
RED FILE K - gold tooth
BIRDBAGS - 1) money; 2) ammo
LUCK - cheat
RYSK - criminal guest performer
LYNX - 1) experienced criminal, recidivist; 2) sly man, 3) convict for long term
Backpack - a coffin
Sniffing - to catch the breath
Ryabuha - taxi
RIGHTS - buttocks
Ryabchik - naval vest
Razhenka - vodka


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology