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8. "Mining" and its prevention


The concept of "mining". Such a type of deviant behavior in places of social exclusion, such as "mining", has not been studied at all. We do not find a holistic description in the scientific literature of this deviation. However, it is very widespread in places of social exclusion. By "mining" we understand one of the ways to depersonalize an individual, to reduce its status through fetishes - various objects and actions attributed in the group consciousness of socially isolated individuals to the category of "dirty" and "indecent". It is indecent, for example, to pick up something in the toilet from the floor and use it for personal needs (for example, a dropped glove, a hat, a bull, a handkerchief, etc.). The toilet in the group consciousness of minors is the dirtiest place, and everything connected with it is used to depersonalize the individual. L.Gabyshev described in his work how in Odlyanskaya VK "undermining" minors, forcing them to crawl through a point in the toilet. Such methods as coercion to clean the toilet are used, they are forced to pick up a bull in the toilet and smoke it, or simply throw the depersonalized teenager on the floor to the toilet (it does not matter if the floor was completely clean, or dirty, uncleaned). In fact, the toilet becomes the most important fetish in the minds of minors, personifying all the dirtiest and indecent.
“Undermining” a minor with the help of a “bull” raised in a toilet, and in this way. Someone, at the direction of the "horn" ("plow"), lowers an unfinished cigarette on the floor of the toilet with tweezers, and then carefully, in front of the witnesses, puts it in a matchbox. (Tweezers are needed in order not to "mined" yourself.) Then this “bull” is given to the unsuspecting teenager so that he can smoke it. After that, witnesses claim that it was a “mine”. It is impossible to wash off such "mines".
"Mined" food in the dining room, touching the plate, servings of bread, a glass of compote, etc. "indecent", "dirty" object or throwing a cockroach into the plates, any other "living creatures". In addition to food, they “mine” the clothes, shoes, bed and other personal belongings of the minor by touching them with a “dirty” object. In the former Moscow special school, the “mining” of beds of objectionable teenagers was widespread by pouring them with urine. This was done in the evening, when the tutor was absent from the bedroom. The main group urinated on the bed of the one whom she wanted to “lower”. Tom had either to stay up all night and not sit on a chair, or sleep on a bedside rug if he was not doused with urine. To lie in a wet bed means to become instantly untouchable. But sleeping on the floor for a minor is also very fraught with unpleasant consequences: although he is not yet classified as untouchable, his status immediately decreases sharply. He is already halfway to the status of untouchable.
“Mining” food is also used to force a minor to a long-term starvation and force him to make concessions (to agree to an act of sodomy, to escape from an institution, to make him buy off “mining” with money, valuable things, etc.). When an educator or a staff member on duty in the canteen asks why a teenager does not eat, it doesn’t occur to him that there is a real psychological war with this teenager. Usually a teenager, in order not to become a scammer, replies: “My stomach hurts!”, “No appetite,” “Syst,” etc. On the basis of the "mining" of food there are the most unpredictable consequences: attempts of suicide; autopsy of the veins, other methods of self-harm to get to the hospital and get rid of hunger; buying from the same "miners" "clean" food in the "debt" with the subsequent production of a teenager "on the counter"; making escape or unauthorized care, etc.
The subject to which the penis has touched becomes "dirty" and indecent. There are so many ways used here that it is impossible to consider them all, since in this area the fantasy of minors is inexhaustible. Most often, this "mining" is carried out in the bath. Any object will do here, but more often the soap with which the "miner" touched his penis, and then suddenly and unexpectedly for the "mined" to his face and lips. In this respect, “mining” is somewhat similar to “paraffin”: both here and there the penis acts as a definite fetish in the group consciousness. It is very characteristic that “paraffinists”, “wafflers”, “penis smokers”, passive homosexuals, like “mined”, belong to the category of untouchables. And this is true, any physical contact with them (shaking hands, smoking cigarettes, using the same dishes, some personal things, etc.) threatens anyone, including the “miner”, with an immediate decrease in status. However, with chastity, when forced to "waffle", "smoking the penis", "paraffin" you can touch the "mined". This is a double standard.
A very dirty item, often used for “mining,” is unwashed socks. There are also quite a lot of ways here: make an inexperienced beginner wash them; touch them face "mined", throw them into his bed, so that he on them accidentally lay down, etc. Transitive ways are also used: to touch with dirty socks not to the teenager himself, but to his things: a slice of bread, a cigarette, which he, not knowing about “mining,” will use.
Thus, the ways of "mining" can be said to be unlimited. It is important to understand the mechanism of this "mining" and the consequences that it brings to the "mined" person. And these consequences are very serious. First of all, a person is not deionized, i.e. a person as a person disappears, only a living organism remains, with which the “powerful of the world” can do what they please. This living organism is rejected by everyone, it really becomes like a mine in the adolescent community: those who bodily communicate with it, instantly “explode” - also disappear as a person. A “mined” teenager does not have the right to sit at the same table with others, he must, like the passive homosexual, “waffleur”, “paraffinist”, “penis smoker”, from separate dishes, do not have the right to take bread, pour out tank soup, etc. His clothes, shoes and other things should be stored separately (or at least not in contact with the others).
From a psychological point of view, such a person is in a state of complete loneliness, deaf isolation, which often leads to serious mental disorders.
Prevention measures "mining". As with other deviations in behavior, it is first necessary to identify: are there any cases of “mining” in a given place of social exclusion and in what forms do they most often manifest themselves? First, this can be judged by the dining room and the procedure for eating. Since it is dangerous for “clean” adolescents to eat food from “dirty” plates “mined”, the discovery of labeled dishes in the dining room indicates that both adolescent “mining” and sexual perversions are common in this institution. Aluminum dishes are usually marked with scratches, pressing the bottom, with notches. Previously widespread punching of holes at the edge of a bowl, on a spoon of a spoon is extremely rare, since such dishes are immediately removed by the administration from circulation. Therefore, the labels are applied very carefully, and if this is not possible, then they resort to separate storage and washing the dishes of the "clean" and "unclean", which are followed closely by the next kitchen outfits from among the teenagers. Therefore, the administration and educators should not be overly deceived by the lack of tags on the dishes. There is no limit to the ingenuity and sophistication of people in places of social exclusion, which the well-known domestic prison specialist M.N. Gernet.
Here is one evidence of this. In the Dushanbe special PTU, in order to combat this evil, the administration replaced all aluminum crockery with earthenware, ordinary bowls and catering plates, on which it seemed impossible to put tags on. But did not consider a small detail. Bowls and catering plates had different patterns and different rims. The minors took advantage of this by separating the blue-rim dishes in the foot, which was stored separately from the rest of the dishes and was intended for the "blue" - persons affected by sexual perversions and "mined". Our observation showed that during the meal period not all the dishes were placed on the tables indiscriminately. “Blue” dishes were used only by certain individuals, a biographical study of which showed that they all belong to the “untouchables” who fall into this category for sodomy, “waffle”, “mined”, etc. It is also characteristic that immediately after eating, they washed their dishes and put them in the same place, although the rest of the dishes were washed in a general manner (on duty, in the general tank, in one place).
Secondly, it is important to identify those who are trying to mock others (the “miners” and their leaders, masterminds), remembering that the leaders themselves rarely carry out such operations, entrusting them to their “sixes”. Here it is necessary to punish the really guilty, and not simple performers who fear for their "skin", who are afraid to be in the role of "mined" themselves. And in the usual practice, most often, if such bullying is detected, the immediate perpetrator is punished, for example, the one who urinated on the bed of the person being rejected, and the mastermind is left behind. And here observation is necessary, for example, in the same canteen: who, how and with whom he sits, who pours food from the cistern, who distributes bread, who first gets up from the table. All this can be very useful in order to determine who is who. The “authorities” do not distribute the food themselves, but they also do not allow the “untouchables” to this, they sit in the best places, and they have fuller portions. And, finally, before the "authority" no one can leave the table. “Authority” does not humiliate itself by direct execution of the “mining” procedure, for which it has assistants.
Third, tough measures are needed, up to disciplinary or criminal prosecution of "miners" and their inspirers, since "mining" in all respects corresponds to acts connected with mockery of a person, and may well be interpreted as malicious hooliganism.
Fourthly, doctors of the medical unit can provide serious assistance by identifying those who are trying to “mine”, hospitalizing them in time and thereby defusing the situation for a while. But during the period of hospitalization, it is necessary to take all measures to resolve the current situation (debunking "authorities" who mocked teenagers, punishing those responsible for specific acts, psychological and physical separation of the group of "miners", etc.).
Fifth, the psychological service could play a significant role in the prevention of "mining", the need to create which in every place of social isolation is quite obvious. An individual visit to a psychologist, the ability to "pour out his soul" in many ways would help weak-willed, timid adolescents to resist the cheek and insolence of criminal "authorities", and the task of discounting their "authority" based on violence and mockery would be made easier. Perhaps the clergy would help here with their sermons for the good of the neighbor, with the secret of confession, etc.
Unfortunately, there is no clear and comprehensive program to combat "mining" as a social and socio-psychological phenomenon in places of social exclusion.

1. "Mining" is one of the unexplored and insidious types of deviant behavior that is common in places of social isolation among minors, which falls into the category of social stigma and ostracism.
2. Its essence is reduced to the depersonalization of the personality through various objects and things classified in the group consciousness of minors as “dirty” and “obscene”, and then to its complete rejection from the teenage microenvironment with all the attributes of humiliation and mockery over it.
3. The system of measures to combat this kind of deviant behavior in places of social exclusion has not been developed. The existing individual elements of prophylaxis are still used by the administration of institutions and teachers of places of social exclusion is not always effective. All this requires additional efforts to study the "mining" and the development of preventive measures.


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