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Chapter X. Group aggression of minors 1. General characteristics of group aggression of minors


The concept of aggression. Aggression (Latin agressio - attack, attack) - motivated destructive behavior of the individual, contrary to the accepted rules and norms of the existence of people in society, causing moral, physical, material or psychological damage to other people.
In psychology, it is customary to distinguish the following types of aggression:
1) physical, i.e. the use of physical force against another person or object;
2) verbal, manifested in the expression of negative feelings both through the form (quarrel, cry, squeal), and through the content of verbal reactions (threat, curse, swearing, insults);
3) direct, directly directed against a specific object or subject;
4) indirect - making actions directed in a devious way to another person (evil gossip, jokes, fabrications, etc.), and actions characterized by nondirectionality and disorder, manifested in explosions of rage, shouting, stomping their feet, beating their fists on the table and etc .;
5) instrumental, which is a means of achieving a goal (for example, achieving victory in a competition);
6) hostile, expressed in actions intended to cause harm to an object (murder, grievous bodily harm, sexual violence, etc.);
7) auto-aggression, manifested in self-accusation, self-abasement, self-infliction of bodily injuries up to su-icicide1.
You can give another classification of the aggression of the individual.
In many cases, aggression occurs as a reaction of the subject to frustration (an obstacle to the aggressor in achieving goals) and is accompanied by the emotional state of anger, hostility, hatred, etc. This is the so-called reactive aggression in its various manifestations (expressive, impulsive, affective). From it should be distinguished hostile aggression, the nature of

1 See: Aggression // Psychological Dictionary. M .: 1996.

Being determined to deliberately deliberate intention to harm the other. The willingness of the individual to aggressive behavior refers to the stable personality traits - aggressiveness. The development of aggressiveness as a personality depends on the level of its socialization, its assimilation of cultural and social norms, the most important of which are the norms of social responsibility and the norms of retribution (punishment) for the aggression shown. However, the aggressive behavior of an individual can be triggered by others (victims of aggression), the development of the situation, misinterpretation of the intentions of others (for example, the necessary defense in the attack of criminals), and so on.
It has been established that some manifestations of aggression and auto-aggression can be a sign of developing painful personality changes (pathopsychological - excitable psychopathy, paranoia, epilepsy, etc.). In deterring aggressive acts, a large role is played by the formation of personal self-control mechanisms, the development of psychological processes of empathy, identification, decentration, underlying the subject's ability to understand others, empathize with them, contributing to the formation of ideas about another person as a unique value and uniqueness, freedom of self-expression within the framework of established society of norms and rules of conduct. In the criminal law and criminological aspect of aggression is considered in the case when there is an encroachment on the rights and interests of other individuals prohibited by law under the threat of criminal punishment. So, bodily injuries received as a result of a boxing match that proceeded according to the established rules cannot be qualified as criminally punishable, and bodily injuries received as a result of committed hooligan manifestations are criminally punishable.
The socio-psychological characteristic of aggression escaped the attention of researchers, although in the field of criminology it is a very important problem when a particular individual is morally, physically or materially damaged not by a specific individual, but by a group of individuals, i.e. criminal group.
Both for group aggression, and for other forms of aggression, developing in mass social phenomena (terror, genocide, racial, religious, ideological clashes), are characterized by:
1) accompanying processes of infection;
2) mutual induction;
3) stereotyping of representations in the created "enemy image";
4) the presence of initiators and provocateurs;
5) the willingness of the masses to solve some of their problems at the expense of others;
6) anonymity of each participant of aggressive manifestations in society.
Types of criminal harm caused by group and individual aggression
To moral damage can be attributed to various ridicule, insults, humiliation, harassment of the group or its members over people, aimed at reducing the social and socio-psychological status of oppressed people, as well as causing other negative consequences. Moral harassment can be carried out both independently and in conjunction with the physical and psychological impact on the victim and the infliction of material damage. The purpose of moral harassment is to defame one or another person in the eyes of other people whose opinion he values ​​or in the eyes of public opinion, and also to cause a moral crisis in him. Spreading a man’s vile rumor, gossip - it means inflicting moral damage on a person, and killing an elderly woman’s eyes with her beloved dog, with whom she whiled away her lonely old age, means damaging the complex: the moral, psychological and physical that caused the victim persistent depression, a health disorder (hypertensive crisis, for example), and serious material damage (a good pedigree dog costs a lot of money that the victim spent on its acquisition).
Physical damage is not only the infliction of bodily injuries to other people, leading to a breakdown of their health1, deprivation of life as a result of hooliganism, robbery, attempted murder, racketeering, rape, etc. Serious physical (somatic) consequences can also come from causing, as we have seen, moral and psychological trauma.
Material damage is expressed in the seizure of victims of material goods through theft, fraud, robbery, extortion, racketeering, robbery, or their damage and deterioration as a result of acts of vandalism.

1 See: Aggression // Psychology Dictionary, M .: 1990.
I A seventh grader scored a teacher and her child for poor grades with a hammer (Urgently in number) Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1995, 2 November.

Psychological damage may be the result of moral, physical or material damage, as well as an independent type of aggression, resulting in a violation of the internal status of the individual victims, in experiencing serious mental states, the destruction of the established lifestyle. The consequence of such damage may be suicide of the victim.
This is roughly the difference between the different types of damage caused to people as a result of aggression. It is important to understand that this division is conditional, since it is difficult to separate the consequences of this or that damage caused to a person, which largely depends on the degree of his moral and psychological stability. For one, the loss of a beloved cat or dog is intolerable; the other one with endurance endures the loss of their loved ones. This does not mean that the second one suffers from emotional deafness, he is simply emotionally more stable.
Concepts of aggression. In the Western and domestic press, there are often reports of "unmotivated crimes" committed by criminal groups and individuals of adolescence with particular cruelty and sophistication. To explain aggressiveness as a variety of deviant behavior, they resort to biogenetic, sociogenetic, or psychological concepts1.
Supporters of the biogenetic concept believe that aggression lies in the very nature of man: each person has certain reserves of aggressive energy that must be discharged and spent under the control of society. K. Lorenz in the book "On Aggression" is trying to prove that in the process of evolution, the trends towards intragroup aggression and public relations developed simultaneously.
Representatives of the sociogenetic concept believe that there is no innate inclination to violence in a person; he learns this in the process of life. The sources of aggression must be sought in the peculiarities of people's lives in the era of dehumanization and alienation, caused by the rapid pace of the scientific and technological revolution and unlimited urbanization. To senseless and cruel acts, to violence, unconscious

In the domestic legal (criminal) psychology, the greatest contribution to the development of the criminal aspects of aggression was made by the staff of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Prosecutor's Office under the scientific supervision of prof. ARRatinova (See their collective work "Violence, aggression, cruelty: Criminal psychological research // Coll. Scientific papers under the editorship of ARRatinova, 1990.

and uncontrollable reactions are prompted by the consciousness of emptiness and the aimlessness of their life1.
However, the most common psychological theory of aggression, using the achievements of neurophysiology. K. Moyer proceeds in building a psychological model of aggressiveness from the totality of internal and external factors of aggressive behavior in their unity2.
According to K. Moyer, aggressiveness depends on the initial state of the neural systems ("centers of aggression") and the action of certain stimuli. When these systems are in a state of activity and at the same time there are certain incentives, then the person will act aggressively. Aggression may occur under the influence of the following factors: heredity ("just as we inherit our tendency to epilepsy, we inherit our tendency to aggression"); the physiological state of some parts of the brain; changes in the chemical composition of the blood (for example, during puberty, the boyish tendency to fight gradually increases over several years as the level of testerone in the blood rises); life experience gained (for example, a system of penalties and rewards can induce and suppress aggressiveness); special education destructive and constructive reactions. The hereditary aggressiveness of a person can change greatly under the influence of life experience and learning. Therefore, K. Moyer believes: it is not enough to say that human aggressiveness is biologically programmed, it is not enough to say that it is acquired in the process of life, it also depends on a number of non-permanent factors.
These are well-proven scientific facts. However, when analyzing the psychological theory of aggression, one should keep in mind that one cannot regard the aggressiveness of a person as a kind of psychophysiological phenomenon of the same type that does not have shades and varieties. For example, the aggressiveness of a person who is in a clear state of consciousness responsible for his actions is not similar in nature; the aggressiveness of a person with a damaged brain or delusions of persecution, which is of a clinical nature; the aggressiveness of the person pursuing the noble goals, and the aggressiveness of the abuser. In Russian psychology, the “theory of aggression”, which ascribes to the individual the desire for power, was considered one of the most
1 See: Maslov A. New Knowledge in Human Values, 1954.
2 See: Moyer K. Surgery of Aggression // Lit. newspaper, 1973, February 13th.

more reactionary theories, spread in various branches of psychology. "It expresses the ideology of class capitalist society, - it was considered until recently, - and it is widely used in many modern psychological studies abroad" 1.
It was also believed that this theory is used to justify violence in the relations between people and capitalist society, to show the inevitability of conflicts between people, the consequences of which are increased anxiety, neuroses, and obsessive fears. Ignoring the complexity and social nature of a person’s aggressive actions, supporters of this theory recommend only medical measures to eliminate aggressiveness, which is clearly not enough 2.
However, all these theories of aggression should not be denied from the threshold. We should look at the state of aggression from the standpoint of the concept of social disorganization, 3 according to which, during the transitional period between stages of social change, society’s life becomes disorganized, because the agreement between people is destroyed due to the loss of significance for them of previous standards of behavior. At the same time, some try to adhere to the old norms and values ​​(ritualists, traditionalists), while others are guided by newly emerging norms and values ​​(avant-gardists). If the rules are unclear and contradictory, as T. Shibutani believes, then individualism is becoming widespread. “Freed from coercion, people now feel free to pursue their own interests.” 4 Probably, from these positions one should look at the current state of society in the CIS countries after the collapse of the Union, whose norms are not currently in force, and the new ones by civil society have not yet been assimilated. Isn't this the reason for the rampant individualism, aggressiveness and terror, which are stimulated by the so-called national interests and values? Maybe it would be worth testing those who aspire to power, to the present level of testerone in their blood, to trace their whole pedigree from a biogenetic point of view and from a sociogenetic one - their entire life path? Maybe we will then find the causes of the sources
1 Chernikov O.A. The theory of aggression in the psychology of personality. - In: Personality and Activity. Abstracts of the V All-Union Congress of Psychologists of the USSR. M .: 1977.
2 Ibid.
3 Shibutani T. Social psychology. Per. from English M .: 1969, p. 470.
4 Shibutani T. In the same place.

conflicts not in the national consciousness, but in the peculiarities of the personalities of the leaders and their inner circle?
We are now particularly useful would have been a well-developed socio-psychological theory of aggression ie. the theory of group aggression, which has fallen out of sight of domestic science1. In fairness, we note that in the 70-80 years. The Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, together with the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, conducted such experimental studies (in the department headed by the author, a group of employees led by NN Pukhovsky) to test the adequacy of the biogenetic, sociogenetic and psychological theories of aggression. An increased level of testerone in the blood of criminals was recorded compared to law-abiding citizens. It was also found that, by "bunching" up in groups, individuals with elevated levels of testerone qualitatively transform criminal activity and criminal mobility of criminal groups.
We concluded that group aggression cannot be considered as the sum of the aggression of certain individuals, i.e. outside the transformative influence of the criminal group, and the criminal group without analyzing the individuals that comprise it. A criminal group is essentially a collective aggressor, in which group aggression is a completely different quality, transformed, as in a reactor, from the aggressions of individuals. Cree

On the problem of the aggression of the individual there is a vast literature, a list of which is not possible here to bring. Thus, psychoanalysis sees in aggressive behavior a manifestation of the Oedipus complex, the result of the suppression of instinctive libidinal aspirations in early childhood (Z. Freud and his followers); Neobievist considers aggressive behavior of frustrations that a person undergoes in the process of "social learning" (Dh. Dol-lard, N. Muller, A. Bandura, L. Berkowitz); interactionism considers aggressive behavior to be the result of an objective “conflict of interests”, “incompatibility of goals” of individuals and social groups (D. Campbell, M. Sheriff, etc.); cognitivism is the result of "dissonances" and "inconsistencies" in the subject's cognitive sphere (L. Festinger, G. Thashfel). The biology approach of C. Lorenz has already been noted above. Without giving estimates to these theories, since it is not part of our task, we only note that it is necessary to pay attention to the cosmobiological theory of aggression, founded in 1939 by A. Chizhevsky, the founder of cosmobiology, who discovered the relationship between the state of Sun activity and human behavior. According to his observations, solar storms cause not only increased irritability, nervousness, but also aggressiveness in many completely normal people (see Kondakov V. In the Ocean of Magnetic Storms, Podmoskovnye Izvestia, 1995, December 6). Many criminologists note a certain cyclical nature in violent crimes, also associating this with the state of solar activity, which is consistent with the theory of A. Chizhevsky.

The mine group radically transforms the personality, its components: it makes the cowardly bold, the bold - careful, the kind - cruel, the indecisive - decisive, etc. Of course, much depends on the leader who defines the “face” of the criminal group, but also the group determines not only the face and type of leadership, but also its “laws of life”.
In the criminal group, a feeling of hatred and hostility towards “strangers” is quickly formed, which, it would seem, should not have any personal aspect.What can you hate a person who never touched a group and “did not stand across the road”? Violence, moreover, the most savage and perverted, becomes customary for the group criminal behavior of its members. At the same time, the most sophisticated and cruel murderers, torturers, rapists in the criminal group are surrounded by the light of heroism and kindness, although each of them did not have personal hatred for the people whom such a gang killed and tortured. Here is a concrete example of the murders of a taxi chauffeur by a gang of Muratov. "Kaif" caught not so much from the money received for the sold cars, but from the process of murder, torturing the victim. Fractions first threw stranglehold on the victim's neck, and then participated in the "finishing off", together with the Muratov brothers thrust a knife or sharpening into the chest or neck, kicked in the groin, in the stomach,to the head ... When killed, the gang members seemed to lose their personal traits and become one. It turned out that killing together is the biggest “buzz”; something like a common bioenergy field is created that inspires courage even in a desperate coward.
They seemed to themselves bold and cruel. And when the detectives got on the trail of the gang, when the investigator began to creep closer and closer to them, they started fussing, they were frightened, because the articles were shot over them. And threw around like a cockroach. ”1.
Let us give another example. In the suburbs, a criminal group of 4 teenagers and 3 girls sauntered near the platform. An elderly man was walking towards her. One of the girls asked him to give a light. he doesn’t smoke himself and wouldn’t advise her. With shouts: “To teach us?” - the group attacked an elderly person, knocked them down and began to beat them mercilessly with their legs.

1 Mironov G. Taste of blood. From the notes of the prosecutor's office. // Private life. 1993, No. 14.

bushes, stabbed with knives, so as not to live, and buried. The next morning, several members of the group came to check whether the body had not revived. These are insignificant reasons for aggression and its terrible consequences.
We will cite a unique case that raised the entire Moscow militia to its feet. "They killed (teenagers. - V.P.) that guy with a briefcase and a plastic bag, from which a bottle of champagne was peeking, for a very long time. Diligently, one might say, killed. After Horke punched him a couple of times over the pumpkin ( - VP) with an iron hexagon and a man fell, Pussy tightened the victim's throat with his scarf, and the whole company diligently beat on the ribs. But the man wheezed, jerked his legs, tried to get up on all fours and did not want to give ends. the next construction site to take a decent stone and complete their work "So they happened a month and a half ago. The wheezing man was left on Tosik. When they returned, there was no one at this place ... a man who was beaten to a pulp was able to crawl into the subway, to the people, and the cowardly Tosik ran away."SOBR fighters assumed to capture a gang of mature adult sadists. However, they and the staff of the investigation team still can not recover. "The eldest, as it turned out later, was two weeks old and 13 years old; the youngest was less than 10. Their age was confusing for almost a year and a half to employees of many police services investigating the senselessly cruel, sadistic murders of lonely passersby. In all cases (and by the time of the arrest of Khorka and his gang, 8 were recorded. The circumstances of the crime were similar, as were the killers' handwriting. "Their age was confusing for almost a year and a half to employees of many police services who were investigating the senselessly cruel, sadistic murders of lonely passers-by. In all the cases (and there were 8 of them at the moment of apprehension of Ferret and his gang), the circumstances of the crime and the killers' handwriting were similar. "Their age was confusing for almost a year and a half to employees of many police services who were investigating the senselessly cruel, sadistic murders of lonely passers-by. In all the cases (and there were 8 of them at the moment of apprehension of Ferret and his gang), the circumstances of the crime and the killers' handwriting were similar. "

The victimological aspect of aggression

In some cases, the victim herself provokes the criminal group - by its behavior, manner of speaking, moral teachings, clothing - to the manifestation of aggression.
There is a term - victimization, from the English word - victim - victim. There was a whole science about the victims of criminal assault - victimology. Developed whole treatises on ensuring safe human life, including how to avoid criminal encroachment (by the way, the subject "Basics of Safe Vital Activity" was introduced as a federal component in the curricula of schools, lyceums and other types of educational institutions).
As criminal statistics show, victims of their own gullibility, naivety, levity, absent-mindedness, and lack of consensus do not become less, but rather the other way around.
Young and not very young women are at the mercy of groups of rapists who have charmed them with their manner and appearance. Schoolgirls, returning late from the guests, agree to drive to the house in a car with unfamiliar men and get to the apartment to hot and loving Caucasians. The girls decide to walk with friends after the disco, where they met. The result can be very unpleasant. An elderly citizen begins to teach an unfamiliar group of teenagers how to behave. A member of the Ferret gang, 9-year-old Vovchik, is like an old veteran who scored near the junction at the Pushkinskaya Square pipe. He drank three cans of cologne. “When Vovchik sucks, it’s better not to touch him, he’s a bit of a prick,” the young sadists pointed out at the investigation. “And the grandfather touched and spoke about his childhood about something. Vovchik sucked, followed the grandfather through the pipe.”Ararat ", and there from the broken cafe bricks are lying around. Vovchik and bricked him in the head". At first they did not believe the testimony - too wild, it seemed impossible. However, they caught Vovchik, and he willingly, obediently showed how he killed the old man, how he broke the faces of two more passers-by who dared to make a remark in the "pipe" about the cologne with the stone near the Doronino Moscow Art Theater.
It would seem that there is an individual murder. However, at the moment of the assassination, the ferret was, as it were, invisibly present. It was in this community that he got the experience of killing old passers-by.
The gang of Fitch for Vovchik was referent. It is somehow inconvenient to designate this psychological dependence of the behavior of a sadist and the manifestations of his aggressiveness on the norms of a minor gang. There are many such examples. Therefore, it is important to take into account the victimological aspect in group aggression. And not only. The basis of group aggression is the growth of aggression in society as a whole, a decrease in the consciousness of the value of human life, an orientation toward the achievement of a goal at any cost, the same moral decline, which makes it possible to treat a person as a thing4.

1 See: Modestov N. Specified work.
2 Tolstoy M. Gadenysh "Cupcake" // World of News. 1996, No. 11 (117).
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.

Objects of group aggression

Group aggression of minors can be directed outside the group and inside the group. Outside the group, children, peers and adults become targets of minors' aggression. In relation to children, such methods are used that do not reach the level of crime, such as ridicule, insults, minor mockery, butting, and criminal - such as extortion, rape, bodily harm, and murder. It should be noted that the criminal behavior towards children differs mainly in the groups of vulgar criminals - uncontrolled. Groups of professional criminals, as a rule, do not allow this, for they know that, for example, for the rape of a child in the event that he is placed in a colony, the rapist himself may be subjected to sodomy. "Thieves laws" prescribes severe retribution for those who rape, kill and torture children.Such molesters and rapists have no authority in the eyes of the majority of criminals. However, all this does not reduce the number of children who annually become objects of aggression by criminal groups of minors. Murder, rape, debauchery, extortion, taking hostages from among children, etc., flourish.
Another thing - peers. In relation to them, the morality of the underworld allows all types of aggression, both pre-criminal and criminal, according to the means of manifestation. The laws and morals of the criminal world do not know the limitations here. Any single teenager and young man can be the object of aggression of a criminal group. Often, lonely teens become the targets of criminal aggression by "stray" (arrived from other localities) criminal groups. For example, in Moscow, many adolescents suffer from attacks from Kazan, embankment-Chelnovsky, Lyubertsy and other visiting criminal groups. In Astrakhan, local teenagers are kept in constant fear of Dagestan criminal groups of minors, etc. Most often this is manifested in the form of beatings, robberies, and robberies, and in the case of girls - gang rape.
In relation to adults, group aggression can manifest itself in both pre-criminal and criminal forms. Pre-crime manifestations are most often a reaction of age opposition to adults (demonstrative behavior, testing the boundaries of social norms, disturbing public order, etc.). Group aggression in the form of crime in relation to adults covers all types of group criminal manifestations stipulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (robbery, robbery, murder, rape, theft, racketeering, etc.). All this is motivated by such motives: a demonstration of their strength and superiority, courage, decisiveness, ingenuity and resourcefulness; demonstration of their male abilities; thirst for rapid enrichment; group solidarity; lust for power; a feeling of revenge for the remark, etc.
I would especially like to draw attention to group aggression, the objects of which are not loners, but other criminal groups of minors. The reasons for the manifestation of mutual group aggression can be: territorial disputes and the protection of "their" territory from the invasion of the group of "outsiders"; disputes between groups for areas of criminal fishing and the right to control sources of enrichment; disputes over privileged places of recreation and leisure (dance halls, discos, cafes, restaurants, beaches, parks, etc.); other violations of the interests of a criminal group. Mutual group aggression manifests itself most often in group hooliganism, carnage, "showdown" and armed clashes. It happens that mafia structures seek to take control of mutual group aggression or introduce elements of "organization and order" into it.(determine the place of "disassembly" and its rules, the procedure for mutual concessions, etc.). Such "disassembly" take relatively civilized forms. But often intergroup aggression results in a form of chaos with shooting, murder, etc., as often reported in the press.
Intragroup aggression has as its objects physically weak, infantile or non-authoritative members of its own group, as well as newcomers. It kind of helps the group to relieve tension and discharge, if there is no opportunity or time to discharge outside. The causes of aggression directed at a group member may be different: his fault, violation of taboos imposed by the group or established rules and behaviors, test for what a person is capable of, etc. The purpose and motives of aggression: to teach a “guilty one”, “put him in his place”, make the group or its leader feel, etc. There are various ways of such aggression: oppression, beatings, branding, ostracism.
This is how the group of peteushniki robbers acted in relation to a member of his group who made a tip to the store he had guarded, but had violated the previously reached agreement on the procedure for robbing the store. “The robbers went into rage. Fragmingly, Veremkovich smacked him (the member of the group. - V.P.) twice on the head. Ananiev, having pulled out the ax from the falling one, sent the watchman to a deep knockout. Veremkovich dragged the immovable body into the utility room. I went into the back room and, seeing that Shalpegin was alive, with a frenzy struck him with the tip of an ax with several more blows to the head "1. This example shows how group aggression developed: the emergence of group affect, the unaccountable actions of group members, the desire to "outdo" each other in cruelty, a test of a certain pleasure from murder.
In the psychological aspect, group aggression is a certain cycle of group mental states experienced: at the initial stage, the emergence of a certain group destructiveness and dissatisfaction with one’s condition; then an increase in intragroup tension requiring discharge; search for an object on which it would be possible to discharge and relieve tensions; promotion of group motives of discharge and stress relief; the choice of motives and ways of manifestation of aggression; "buzz" from the process of committing aggression, the voltage drop and discharge.
There is no reason to stand up for group aggression to take more civilized forms, because the whole point of aggression and aggressive states of a group is not only and not so much in achieving a certain result of a criminal act, but in the process of joint group criminal activity itself, allowing each member of the group to defuse and "prove yourself". Therefore, due to the emerging competition as the aggression is "unwound", the latter begins to take on the most sophisticated and cruel forms. So, in the process of rape, the goal is lost - getting sexual satisfaction, and there is a desire to cause the victim more suffering, and with racketeering - the goal of getting money disappears and the desire to demonstrate its power begins to dominate.
Incentives for aggressive group behavior. Important incentives for aggressive behavior of the group are defenselessness, pliability, or, conversely, the resistance of the victim. The defenselessness and pliability of the victim provoke the group activity of gangs and groups of teenagers. And the provision of resistance to the victim causes a group rage (group affect), characterized by the desire to teach a “sucker” a lesson, to make it clear who he is dealing with,

1 Sokolov B. Became a victim of his own guidance. Crime // Moscow news. 1995, December 2nd.

put him in his place, "etc., why he dared to resist. All this happens against the background of" narrowing of group consciousness. "The group, as it were, does not give an account of the possible consequences.
However, the most significant incentive is the desire of the aggressor group to test power over people. The thirst for power, the possibility of domination over others can be attributed to the functional psychological formations that contribute to the aggressive behavior of the group. In this case, there are two floors of power: the power (authority) of the leader over the group and the power of the group over the victim. The essential point is that the leader (the leader of the gang, the gang) has no particular need to show his superiority over the victim, since he already dominates the group. And each member of the group, especially from the bottom up, wants to assert himself, to compensate for his certain disadvantages experienced because of the low status in the group. Therefore, they rage on the victim. As we seehere the fundamental principle of the criminal activity of a criminal group is manifested - the leader achieves his goal by using the power of other members of the group. This provides him with a certain gain in the event of arrest, investigation and trial. Therefore, it is not by chance that the “lower classes” and “middle strata” of criminal gangs are the most cruel to the victim, demonstrating to the others what they are capable of. They strive to experience power, a sense of superiority even over "strangers", which they lack in status in their group. It is not by chance that an analysis of various authoritarian systems (from the state to gangs) shows that a servant is always more cruel than his master.that the “cruel” and “middle strata” criminal gangs are the most cruel to the victim, demonstrating to the others what they are capable of. They strive to experience power, a sense of superiority even over "strangers", which they lack in status in their group. It is not by chance that an analysis of various authoritarian systems (from the state to gangs) shows that a servant is always more cruel than his master.that the “cruel” and “middle strata” criminal gangs are the most cruel to the victim, demonstrating to the others what they are capable of. They strive to experience power, a sense of superiority even over "strangers", which they lack in status in their group. It is not by chance that an analysis of various authoritarian systems (from the state to gangs) shows that a servant is always more cruel than his master.
Depending on the socio-psychological status, the roles in the implementation of group aggression are determined:
- the planning of an aggressive act and the distribution of duties (or if the aggression manifests suddenly, spontaneously, a signal to start) is carried out by the leader;
- the instigators are the “sixes” (they ask a passer-by to light a cigarette, lure the victim into a favorable situation with rape, attack the object, start beating, etc.);
- less experienced and newcomers to criminal activity undergo a "course of study" - stand "on the lookout" (they provide security and support services, help other gang members, do "dirty work");
- the most experienced and physically developed ("shock group") come into playat the most crucial moment and complete the aggression;
- the division of production is carried out by the keepers of the “common boiler” of the group.
Other members of the group extract transport (or provide transport), if it is required to commit this crime, dismember the corpse or hide it, if the aggression ended in murder, cover up the traces of the crime, ensure the group’s withdrawal, etc.
Let us analyze the actions of the Ferret gang: "One or two hung around the platform of trains, subway stations or the terminus of the border bus." They served as intelligence services, choosing drunken and complacent citizens who could not resist. "The rest of the pack stayed nearby in the bushes or other shelter." As soon as "the victim turned into a deaf alley, into the passage yards, where between thickets, garbage containers and skeletons of abandoned car bodies and in the afternoon, nothing is visible," the call of the pack leader sounded: "Cupcake!"
“Cupcake” in their language meant both the name of their own animal brood, and the common nickname of the victim. ”Usually they were killed quickly and almost silently:“ they hurt their heads with a metal polyhedron, finished them with a strap and legs. ”“ Each victim was carefully stripped - wallet or wallet, watch, wedding rings and rings, cigarettes and lighters ... "And immediately retreated along previously explored routes. If there was an opportunity, the corpses were immediately buried" in deaf places. "This is a unique criminal case for world practice, in which investigative Ikov "was shaken by a wild, inexplicable from the point of view of normal human consciousness, the discrepancy between the very tender age of the murderers and their pathological bloodthirstiness, contempt for the life of others" 1.
It is not by chance that many authors and participants in international conflicts note that a person becomes a predator, “sensing the taste of blood”, experiencing a “passion for murder”. Not all members of the “Cupcake” gang from dysfunctional families: the parents of some “cupcakes” are now more than well-to-do. “True, most are classic fighters and victims of drunken conception.” 2
Thus, status and roles in group aggression are closely related, as in any criminal group activity: "To whom it is necessary and not to be done."

1 Tolstoy M. Gadenysh "Cupcake" // World of News, 1996, No. 11 (117).
2 Ibid.

In the allocation of roles in the commission of a crime there may be exceptions. So, with rape, the first person to have sexual intercourse (“the right of the first wedding night”) naturally has a leader, and then all of them are raped in turn according to the status in the group.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology