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6. Shoots (unauthorized care) and their prevention


The concept of escape and unauthorized care. Escape and unauthorized care is the open or hidden escape of minors outside the protected area of ​​the institution in order to evade serving the sentence in VK or the compulsory reeducation measure in a special school and special vocational school. Avoiding serving a criminal sentence is a criminal offense and is designated in criminal law by the term “escape”. Avoiding serving a compulsory re-education measure, which is not a criminal punishment, is called unauthorized care and does not entail criminal liability. This is the difference between escapes and unauthorized departures. The unauthorized stay for the time of the institution, which does not have the purpose of evading serving the criminal punishment and the coercive measure of re-education, belongs to the category of the unauthorized absence. Naturally, unauthorized withdrawals from special schools and special vocational schools are more frequent phenomena, and shoots from VK are much less common. Thus, in the former Moscow and Pärnu special schools for the year, more than 360 unauthorized departures were carried out with their fullness up to 100 adolescents, i.e. the score goes to tens and hundreds, while the shoots from the VC are isolated phenomena, although numerous mass shoots caused by extraordinary circumstances are known from the history of these institutions. The study of the socio-psychological and psychological aspects of escapes and unauthorized care is necessary for their prevention and suppression.
Shoots and unauthorized care have a number of negative consequences for the minor and for the collective (environment) of this institution. First, they create an environment of universal suspicion, mistrust, and the caregivers (sensitive workers, the administration), and minors are knocked out of the rut, disrupting the normal course of the educational process. Secondly, escapes and unauthorized withdrawals force the administration to temporarily tighten the regime, to impose increased requirements on all minors, which immediately causes reciprocal resistance. Thirdly,
1 Schwarzenegger A. Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding. M .: 1993.

{the situation in the adolescent environment and in the group of persons who have escaped or unauthorized care is changing significantly: they? tutors do not trust, they are constantly “worked through”, which 1 causes defensive reactions, their opposition to educational means. Fourthly, the social danger of committed acts is great. Virtually no escapes and no unauthorized abandonment of institutions can not do without the "fugitives" did not commit a criminal offense. And not only because they needed food, clothes, shoes, money for travel, etc., but also because of the special psychological attitude (on the principle: "seven troubles - one answer"). In other words, the experienced states of excitement, tension provoke adolescents and violent crimes. And this means that in the criminal law relation their future prospects are worsening (investigation, court, new terms of punishment or transfer from special schools to special vocational schools, etc.).
Motives of escape and unauthorized leaving. In order to fully understand the psychology of escapes and unauthorized departures of juvenile offenders and to develop effective preventive measures, it is necessary at least to identify and understand the motivation of these actions. Deciding to escape (unauthorized care), minors are usually guided by the following reasons:
a) the desire to get rid of the persecution of other persons (for example, a player or teenager lost in cards, put on the counter, voluntarily leave a special school, a special technical school, escape from VK);
b) the desire to fulfill the requirements of other persons, due to gambling or a dispute "on the word" ("plug-in"), etc., because it has its own "code of honor": lost - pay, you can not pay - do what you they will order (to make an escape, leave, to beat someone, etc.), not to mention when they specially play or argue “to escape”;
c) the desire to avoid constant humiliation and harassment by other persons (most often, these motives are peculiar to minors who are being tried to “leave out” - to commit an act of sodomy, to force "waffle" or "paraffin");
d) by means of escape (unauthorized care) to achieve transfer to another institution and thereby get rid of loneliness and moral and psychological isolation among the minors of this institution;
e) the desire to demonstrate their “courage”, “resourcefulness” and thereby gain (or strengthen) authority among the criminal groups of minors;
e) the desire to test yourself, what you can do;
g) imitation of others (care "for the company"), when the adolescent himself may be completely unaware of why he escaped or left the institution without permission;
h) the desire to "take revenge" on the caregiver with whom he was in conflict, believing that the latter will be punished for it;
i) under the influence of sudden heavy experiences (homesickness, family, friends).
Stimulated to escape (unauthorized care) entrenched criminal traditions: if you do not escape (unauthorized care), you will not advance along the hierarchy in the criminal world.
There are also other motives, both stable (sense-creating) and unstable (situational, incentive motives - for example, to meet a familiar girl).
The motive for escaping (unauthorized care) depends not only on his personal significance (what meaning does a teenager invest in him, leaving the institution and knowing about the expected punishment for it), but also the degree of his public harm and danger. It is one thing when a minor voluntarily leaves, for example, a school to get rid of the persecution and harassment of others, and quite another when a teenager runs to commit a new crime.
Characteristics of persons making escapes (unauthorized care). Persons committing shoots and unauthorized withdrawals are heterogeneous in their moral and psychological characteristics. Most of the unauthorized withdrawals and escapes occur in negatively-minded adolescents and young men united in friendly groups or criminogenic groups. The departure of these persons is dangerous, requires urgent preventive measures. Thus, in one of the special schools, four minors, through their friends who were "on the outside," chose an object for theft. Without permission, they left the special school, got to the necessary settlement, committed theft, but when selling the stolen goods they were detained by local residents, who beat them so that one of the detainees was urgently hospitalized and operated on due to an appendix rupture. A criminal group of teenagers - students of the former Moscow special school made cares for the night, robbed private cars and returned to the school with the loot, where it all sold for nothing to its "educators", as well as to co-operators who rented premises in the school.
Neutrally-minded adolescents and young men who try to achieve certain "benefits" for themselves in such a way, voluntarily leave and shoot. So, in one of the special schools (Pärnuskaya), minors hated the sensitive employee S. for his petty captiousness and injustice. Then they decided to make a group escape, preparing it according to all the rules of "prison art." They stocked up on food, saving on breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then they sawed in a dormitory on the second floor of the lattice on the windows, each time smearing the place with a crumb, and then proceeded to the psychological treatment of a regime worker. On the day of his duty in the room, one of the groups, located in the left wing of the building, staged a noisy brawl and “disassembly” after the end of the building, where the regime worker was in a hurry. On the contrary, the group preparing for the escape behaved exclusively disciplined. On the eve of the departure, the fugitives turned off the lighting in their room, spoiling the switch and cutting the wiring. After dinner, they unnoticed, under the guise of a group that staged a constant “showdown,” carried the clothes from the dressing room from the first floor and hid them under the mattresses. After the end of the day, when another mess started in the left wing, they turned the "dolls" out of blankets, quietly dressed and left the "zone", and only in the morning the regime worker found an unauthorized departure, and then, according to the external guard, who noticed the next round of the sheet, hanging from the window of the bedroom, which ran down the runaway. It is characteristic that the day before the fleeing group was on an excursion, from where it was easier to make a runaway escape, but it did not do this in order to “not let down the educator” and also because, according to criminal traditions, “they don’t run away.” In addition, in the case of "escape from the will" (from excursions, hiking, etc.), the administration will immediately impose restrictions on these activities, which will hurt everyone’s interests.
Finally, a part of escapes and unauthorized departures falls on beginners who are not yet familiar with the situation in this “zone” (during the adaptation period), and on positively characterized adolescents and youths. Among the latter, there may be persons who have successfully concealed their criminal and asocial nature, as well as truly positive persons, who are thus trying to get rid of the oppression of "denial".
Most often this happens when the asset does not feel the support of the caregiver. So, teenagers I. and F. made an unauthorized departure from a special PTU, having reached the city, they immediately went to the police station and "surrendered", telling about the wild order that existed in this vocational school.
There are also age differences in the psychology of those who leave the special school without permission, special vocational schools or who escape from the VC. Thus, many younger adolescents often imagine a specific program of behavior after leaving the institution. They are captured by the preparation environment itself, especially if the whole group leaves without permission, leaving itself, accompanied by elements of mystery, risk, unexploredness. They most often do not think about the consequences of their actions or follow the instructions of the leader. Older adolescents and young men are predominantly guided by stable, conscious motives, pursuing well-defined goals, thinking out with varying degrees of detail: the plan and methods of care (escape), actions after leaving the “zone”, although these individuals can escape (care) under the influence of short-term moods.
Thus, unauthorized care and escape are performed by persons of different ages, characterized not only negatively, but also positively, which significantly complicates the selection of a contingent of persons among whom preventive work is required. Especially difficult is the selection of persons capable of escaping and unauthorized care under the influence of short-term moods characteristic of adolescents, especially with mental abnormalities, craving for changing places. In this regard, attention should be paid to persons prone to vagrancy, a long time before the social isolation of those who "traveled" around the country.
Unauthorized care and escape as an activity. Escape and unauthorized care as activities include the following steps: 1) preparation for escape (unauthorized care); 2) the actual escape (unauthorized care); 3) behavior and shelter after escape (care); 4) behavior at the time of detention and 5) behavior when investigating the causes of escape and unauthorized abandonment of the institution.
Of particular importance in the prevention of escapes and unauthorized departures is the preparation stage, which is characterized by a sharp change in the behavior of minors who decide to escape or leave special schools and special technical schools. They become closed, cautious, whisper in the corners, store food, clothes, things that they will need after leaving the "zone". The nature and extent of preparation largely depends on the methods of escaping, unauthorized care and the intended course of conduct (activity program) outside the “zone” in freedom. If the "fugitives" leave the "zone" to perform a one-time action, and then they do not care what happens to them, then the preparation includes mainly objects, things necessary to perform precisely this planned action. If offenders flee in order to subsequently hide and lead a parasitic way of life for as long as possible, then food, shoes, clothing, documents are harvested, shelters and places of residence are determined.
Escape and unauthorized care can be accomplished by one teenager or a group. For the prevention of group escapes and cares, it is necessary to know the role of each minor, it is especially important to establish the initiators, instigators, leaders and persons who promised shelter and assistance after the escapes (escape).
Minors escape (unauthorized care), most often from a dormitory, workshops, or even use a favorable atmosphere of being in a school, in a club, etc. Some run away from the “zone” (for example, when harvesting in a subsidiary farm, a collective farm, a state farm, during mass sporting events at the stadium of the settlement, visiting theaters, circus, etc.). But, as mentioned above, a significant proportion of minors consider such actions to be below their dignity, inconsistent with their criminal morality and “thieves' traditions”, since “they don’t run away from their will”.
In order to make their own escape (leave the "zone") from a hostel, training workshops or school, minors use various methods: climbing through a fence, passing through a checkpoint, illegal transport (in the back, in boxes with products, and t .P.). For example, in one of the colonies, the convicts were taken out in the trunk of the Volga by the deputy head of the colony for a regime that attracted them to service their personal car. Their absence was discovered only after an evening check. The deputy of the regime has sinned on many, but he turned out to be guilty himself, departing from the established rigid rules for inspecting any car entering “into the zone” and leaving it. The fact that his car was inspected was beating on his ambition. Therefore, the security stopped his car inspect. The offenders took advantage of this by leaving the trunk in the evening, when the regent left it near his house for the night.
Different ways of overcoming fencing require different items: ladders, poles, ropes, clothing, documents (for example, firing for persons with unlimited movement) and even wigs and makeup. The discovery of the manufacture of these improvised means may be a sign of an impending escape (unauthorized care). In this case, the manufacturers and custodians of improvised means are identified, an observation (preferably secretive) of their storage places is established.
For the quickest detention of those who left the “zone” without authorization, it is important to know the intended places and ways to hide them at liberty. Usually, the fugitives seek to take refuge in cities, in large settlements (at railway stations, at marinas, in places of heavy traffic and mass gatherings of people), in summer in the forests, at summer houses, as well as with relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Thus, a group of fugitives from five people for a long time hid in the autumn in the summer cottage, carefully cleaning the cellar of summer residents from their winter harvest. Their behavior was so thoughtful that the owners of the dacha, in the attic of which they lived, did not find anything suspicious during their visit. Randomly the owners of the neighboring cottage revealed the fugitives, seeing in the evening a light from the cigarette being lit flashed in the window.
In 90% of cases, the rapid return of these persons to the “zone” is achieved by knowing the circle of their kinship and friendship ties, the places and residential addresses of relatives, friends, and acquaintances. It should be borne in mind that the escaped teenager does not necessarily go to his parents, for example, in Tver, he can “wave” to his aunt's home in Rostov-on-Don, where it is warmer and more relaxed, and may not be looking for.
Most often, failures at the first escape (unauthorized care) discourage the juveniles from repeating it in the future, but some adolescents make escapes, and especially unauthorized cares, repeatedly, acting more and more carefully and cautiously each time. Thus, O.'s teenager over 30 times made unauthorized withdrawals from a special school, fleeing violence from "strong" adolescents, and each time inventing new ways to escape and shelter in the city.
Minors behave differently during their arrest and investigation of escapes and unauthorized departures.
Some teenagers tend to hide, to avoid returning to the "zone". Others themselves after some time return to the institution, are in the police, in other law enforcement agencies. Not all fugitives behave honestly during an investigation. It is important to arrange them to yourself, to cause frankness. Thanks to this, it is possible to identify in the “zone” persons who oppress others, create unbearable conditions for them, thereby prompting them to escape (unauthorized care).
There are special schools, special vocational schools and VK, in which for many years there were no escapes and unauthorized departures.This is explained not only by special preventive work, but also by certain psychological reasons: established positive traditions, highly developed public opinion of minors, condemning such actions, interesting intra-collective life, a variety of leisure activities, suppression of cases of harassment of “weak” “strong” teenagers and young men, gambling games, etc. In other “zones”, unauthorized withdrawals and escapes are a systematic phenomenon. All this allows us to conclude about the serious role of the psychological factor in the prevention of escapes and the unauthorized departure of minors.
Prevention of escapes and unauthorized leaving of minors is divided into general and private. General preventive work includes:
a) a comprehensive study of the contingent of minors and the identification of the circle of persons prone to escapes and unauthorized care;
b) carrying out explanatory work with all minors about the harmful and unpleasant for the individual consequences of escape and unauthorized care;
c) the creation of an environment (socio-psychological climate) security of the person, the formation of interpersonal and intergroup relations of goodwill, humanity, responsibility;
d) debunking the ostentatious heroism of persons trying in this way to assert themselves in the criminal environment, to strengthen their status;
e) a decisive struggle against the “thieves' traditions”, norms and “laws” approving such actions.
General prevention of shoots and unauthorized care is carried out according to a special plan. This work is activated during the periods of the year that are most favorable for care and escape: in spring and summer, and also when the situation becomes more complicated (a large number of newcomers arrive, criminal traditions are revitalized, there are more frequent group violations of the regime, there are interpersonal and intergroup conflicts in the system relations, the emergence of criminal "authorities", etc.).
Private prevention includes working with persons and groups of minors prone to escapes and unauthorized care, creating conditions for them when, for organizational, technical and other reasons, this would not be possible. These include the following measures:
a) the study of the motives of escapes and the unauthorized departures of the indicated persons in their dynamics and the adoption of measures for their restructuring
b) early detection of preparations for unauthorized care and escape (objects, things, products, technical means, clothes, shoes, documents, etc.); their suppression;
c) identification of persons provoking minors to escape and unauthorized care, and taking appropriate disciplinary, educational, organizational and managerial measures to them;
d) organization of permanent control over the behavior, actions, social circle of minors prone to escapes and unauthorized withdrawals from the "zone";
e) conducting individual explanatory work with persons prone to escapes and unauthorized care;
e) determining the role of each minor in the commission of group escapes and unauthorized departures in order to take measures to reshape the collectives;
g) investigating the behavior of each “fugitive” outside the institution and at the time of detention;
h) application to persons who have committed unauthorized withdrawals, measures of public and disciplinary action;
i) initiation of criminal cases against persons who committed crimes while they were at liberty;
k) application to persons suffering from mental illness, therapeutic and preventive measures.
Thus, the prevention of unauthorized departures and escapes of minors from special schools, special vocational schools and VK requires the use of a complex of psychological, educational, criminal law, organizational, regime, psychotherapeutic measures covering all minors with differentiation depending on the status in the group (criminal environment), age, propensity for vagrancy and runaways, mental health, etc.
The management of social exclusion places together with the local internal affairs agencies serving the institution, is developing a system of measures to prevent, suppress escapes and unauthorized departures and detain fugitives. This system of measures includes:
a) the procedure for notifying the internal affairs agencies and other law enforcement agencies, public order policing units about the escape or unauthorized care of minors, their signs, intended directions of movement, places of shelter and possible behavior;
b) the overlap lines of the alleged escape routes (railway stations and platforms, bus stations, airports, road junctions, jetties, settlements, summer villages, forests, etc.);
c) the forces and means allocated for searching and apprehending the fugitives (the number of orders, the responsible persons heading them, the body allocating forces and means to each frontier, etc.);
d) the order of engagement with outfits (patrols, posts, search groups) overlap lines;
e) the procedure for actions at the overlap lines and in the places of possible appearance of fugitives (inspection of transport, verification of documents are carried out only by police, traffic police);
f) the connection of official work orders with the internal affairs bodies and the administration of social exclusion places during the search and during the arrest of the fugitives, mutual notification between the orders;
g) the procedure for detaining fugitives and delivering them to a special school, special vocational school, VK or to the nearest receiving centers, pre-trial detention centers (if the place of detention of fugitives distant from the institution of social isolation).
Action plans for the prevention, suppression of escapes and careers and the detention of fugitives are drawn up graphically in the form of a terrain map, maps with the necessary explanations. They provide several options for action, for example, with single and group care (escape), with the rapid and late detection of the fact of escape, etc.
Questions of interaction with law enforcement agencies and public formations, the order of notification and other issues are worked out in training sessions (exercises), on which the reality of the developed plan is checked, adjustments are made. On the exercises and trainings conducted, an appropriate mark is made in the plan.
Practice shows that timely measures, developed and tested during trainings and exercises, to suppress escapes, unauthorized withdrawals and detention of offenders make it possible to detain fugitives for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the detention is stretched for a considerable period of time, during which the fugitives manage to commit more than one crime.

1. Runaways and unauthorized cares - deviant behavior of minors, which has a particularly negative effect on the moral and psychological atmosphere in places of social isolation, is associated with the deterioration of the future prospects of the fugitives, and has social and negative consequences for society, because, being "in the wild", persons have time to commit a significant number of crimes.
2. Therefore, attention has always been paid to the prevention of these types of deviant behavior in special schools, special vocational schools and VK, but, as a rule, the role of psychological and socio-psychological factors in their prevention has not been sufficiently taken into account.
3. This forces us to take a fresh look at this problem, to pay special attention to identifying the motivation of escapes and unauthorized departures of minors, their goals, and hence to the differentiation of adolescents and young people according to these grounds.
4. Shoots and unauthorized leaving can be considered as an activity involving a number of stages. Therefore, their prevention is based on each stage, taking into account its specificity: 1) preparation for unauthorized care (escape); 2) the escape (unauthorized care); 3) behavior and shelter after escape (care); 4) behavior at the time of detention; 5) behavior when investigating the causes of escape and unauthorized care.
Each of these stages corresponds to its own complex of precautionary, suppressing, educational and other measures, which all employees of the institution of social exclusion should be trained. A significant role is played by the close cooperation of the administration of the special school, special vocational school and military academy with the local police, the prosecutor's office, the traffic police, aimed at preventing and suppressing the shoots, apprehending the fugitives, which is worked out at joint exercises and training sessions.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology