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3. Preventing the appearance of criminal groups


Management of group differentiation and interpersonal relations of students. Along with the general measures used to prevent juvenile delinquency in general, measures are envisaged to prevent the possibility of the action of factors contributing to the emergence of criminal groups. Among them, a special place is occupied by the methods of managing group differentiation and interpersonal relations of students in any educational institution.
Preventive work begins with the study of a psychologist, a master of industrial training, and a class teacher for newly admitted to a school or college of teenagers. First of all, it is necessary to identify among adolescents those adolescents who, by their personal qualities, psychological characteristics, and antisocial behavior, can be leaders of criminal groups. To do this, it is necessary to know the personality traits that are especially valued in the criminal world and the criminal characteristics, where the leader is “not determined by age ...” The role of the “chieftain” usually goes to a person with different “merits” 2.
6 Sokolov-Kartashov K. Spiritual revival - the enemy of crime // Podmoskovnie news. 1996, April 20th.
1 It is characteristic that, as shown by our survey of adolescents in the Orlyonok camp, they themselves strive to determine for themselves the ideological guidelines of their lives: the usefulness of society, optimism, concern for the prosperity of the Motherland, professionalism, humanism, internationalism, honesty, integrity, etc.
2 Karpets I.I. The specified work.

Without listing all personal qualities and criminogenic / characteristics, we note that such criminogenic indicators are particularly highly valued in the criminal subculture, according to experts in the field of combating juvenile crime: 1
1) "experienced", i.e. criminal and asocial life experience, which a teenager usually gains during his stay in correctional colonies, special schools, pre-trial detention centers, reception centers, wandering around, communicating with other juvenile offenders and criminals;
2) the number of convictions, drives to the police, shoots from the house, which are specifically reflected in the tattoos and serve as an indicator of the position of the individual in the group hierarchy ("signs of distinction");
3) qualification of the crimes committed, which has a special distinctive: in the criminal subculture is not held in high esteem those engaged in begging, no-schenstvovaniem, petty speculation, but respected crooks pocket and apartment thieves, racketeers, thieves, robbers, hijackers motor vehicles, sharps. This indicator may be reflected in tattoos and nicknames;
4) the punishment imposed or served for the crime committed; the length of time spent in a special school or other correctional institution (the longer the period served in the colony, the time spent in the special school, the higher the "merit" of the minor, which is also reflected in the tattoos);
5) a thorough knowledge of the thieves (prison) "laws" and the rules of behavior in the criminal environment, the ability to interpret them and the desire to support them;
6) knowledge of criminal laws and the ability to violate them, without exposing themselves to criminal prosecution by law enforcement agencies.
From personal qualities for occupying a position of a leader, great importance:
1) volitional traits (perseverance, decisiveness, courage);
2) the ability to dominate people;
1 For details, see: VF Pirozhkov. The laws of the underworld of youth. Criminal subculture. Tver: 1994, ch.1.

3) the ability to program criminal activities of the group;
4) ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity, necessary for planning criminal activity and “sweeping up” traces;
5) cruelty to the weak and defenseless;
6) the thieves 'honesty and the thieves' nobility.
Physical strength is of limited value, for example, when a criminal group is created and there is a struggle between teens claiming leadership. When the group is created and the leader is established, physical strength somewhat loses its meaning. This is explained by the fact that as a physical force in criminal groups, leaders use their approximate and accelerated teenagers from among morons. In addition, the whole group multiplies the physical strength of the leader.
On the other hand, the masters of industrial training and class supervisors are obliged to reveal the “building material” from which potential leaders can form a criminal group. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the criminogenic personality characteristic of a teenager. Here, indicators opposite to the characteristics of the leader are taken as a basis: lack of criminal experience, criminal record, drives to the police, low criminal "qualification" (begging, petty theft, etc.), short periods of stay in a special school, receiver-distributor, ignorance " laws "and" norms "of the criminal subculture.
From personal qualities it is necessary to distinguish: increased suggestibility, lack of independence, conformism, cowardice, timidity, the inability of the adolescent to stand up for himself, duplicity, dishonesty.
The study of criminogenic adolescents is not an end in itself. It is necessary to create such situations so that potential leaders of criminal groups do not show their leadership qualities, and persons of a conformal type of behavior do not get addicted to them. How it's done?
In vocational schools, there is a practice of attaching senior students-activists to teenagers who are easily influenced by others, who are obliged to acquaint them with the traditions and norms of school life, to form in them a "feeling of elbow" and "psychological security." In this case, leadership tendencies manifest themselves in a positive way - guardianship of the weak, their protection, and in individuals of a conformal type, unsure of themselves, a sense of security and self-confidence is formed.
If among the contingent of students there is a friendly group of adolescents that has developed at school or at the place of residence, then it is important to identify its orientation, group norms, values, and attitudes. If this is a group with a positive orientation, then it is advisable not to divide adolescents into different study groups and dormitory rooms. If the group is characterized by asocial attitudes, then it is necessary to distribute the adolescents to different primary groups, to allocate them different places of residence in the hostel. The same is done with the accomplices of crimes in order to prevent them from daily communication. If there is a danger of a negatively directed group becoming a criminal one, then it is necessary to seek before the commission on juvenile affairs to transfer several members of the group to other vocational schools to continue their studies, and schoolchildren to other schools.
In identifying the highly suggestible and conformal adolescents, a technique called the “friend’s choice” is used. Its essence lies in the fact that the master, educator and class teacher1 advise the novice who to be friends with. This is done unobtrusively, as if by chance, during a conversation. The teacher gives a description of his future comrades and prospective friends, advising in case of difficulty to turn to one or another of them for help. Talking about activists, violators of discipline and order, the master, the class teacher (class teacher) introduces the novice into the sphere of interpersonal relations, helps to better understand the new life situation.
Used and hidden forced "choice of a friend" (girlfriend). This is achieved by settling in a dormitory room for co-residence of students who are of some concern to teachers, with those who, having a strong will, can influence them positively. A variation on this technique is to give future friends a joint, long-term public assignment to ensure their constant interpersonal contacts, for example, participation in the work of a scout squad or in a teenage patrol, a green squad, etc.
1 This work should involve social teachers, as well as "school police" from among former military personnel (if they are included in the staffing table) on the basis of a psychological diagnosis made by the school psychologist.

Identifying places "parties". Preventive action. It is also important to identify the places ("parties") and situations in which conditions can arise for the emergence of asocial and criminal groups, and to create a system of factors opposing them. For example, according to our study, male adolescents have friends:
a) socially well-off: 84% - only in their own study group (class); 29% - in their own school (school); 34% - in other schools and colleges;
b) socially well-to-do have fewer friends in the study group (61%); in their own school (23%), but they have more friends outside the school: in other schools - 40%; in other schools - 17%; in technical schools - 14%; in labor collectives - 4%; among unemployed and non-students - 15%.
The number of extracurricular (out-of-school) friends among male adolescents with asocial behaviors is 1.7 - 2 times more than among adolescents with positive behaviors.
Among the juvenile women have friends:
a) social welfare: 90% - in the educational group (class); 31% - at school (college); 49% - in another school (another school); 5% - in the technical school; 9% - in other educational institutions; 6% - in labor collectives;
b) socially disadvantaged: 57% - in their study group (class); 34% - in their school (school); 35% - in other schools; 25% in other schools; 33% - in technical schools; 49% - in labor collectives; 9% - from among those who are not working and not studying.
The number of extracurricular (out-of-school) friends among female minors with socially negative behavior is 2.16 times more than girls with positive behavior.
Thus, socially disadvantaged minors of both sexes have much more out-of-school (extra-curricular) friendships than students with socially positive behaviors. The influence of extracurricular (out-of-school) friends, especially those with an increased “criminal risk”, leads to more intensive involvement of juveniles in criminal groups and their criminalization. Hence the conclusion: in order to prevent group crimes, it is necessary to keep extra-school (out-of-school) communication of students under constant control, to be able to influence them.
A significant role in the formation and consolidation of criminal groups play places of their meeting (the territory they occupy). A stereotype has developed in the public consciousness: family trouble, school failure and vocational school, "rejection" in the peer group "pushing" teenagers "into the street." However, an analysis of the places where minors meet with socially positive and socially negative forms of behavior shows that “street” is a very conventional concept (see table 11.2).

Table 11.2. Places of gathering of friendly groups of minors with various forms of social behavior (in percent)
Places Boys Of girls

gathering friendly I


dysfunctional ratio successful dysfunctional ratio
groups % rank % rank +/- % rank % rank +/-
At school 7 7 64 1 -57 77 1 50 2 27
In the apartment 33 3 47 2 -14 55 2 65 1 -ten
On the street (in the park, square) 43 1 37 3 6 15 3 17 4.5 -2
In the courtyard 35 2 27 4 eight And 4.5 17 4.5 -6
At the entrance And 5.5 17 6 -6 5 6.5 8 7 -3

club, disco

11 5.5 25 5 -14 5 6.5 17 4.5 -12
In the sports section 21 4 15 7 6 And 4.5 17 4.5 -6
The degree of coincidence between prosperous and disadvantaged 0.03 0.9

So, males prefer to meet:
a) with socially positive forms of behavior: on the street (in the park, square) - 43%; in the yard - * 35%; at the apartment - 33%; in the sports section - 21%; in the club, recreation center and porch - 22%; in school (school) - 7%;
b) with socially negative forms of behavior: in a school (school) - 64% '; at the apartment - 47%; on the street (in the park, square) - 37%; in the yard - 27%; in a recreation center, club, in a disco, at an entrance - 42%; in the sports section - 15%.
Women, as can be seen from table 10.2, prefer to meet:
a) social welfare: in school (school) - 77%; at the apartment - 55%; on the street (in the park, square) - 15%; in the yard - 11%; at the entrance - 5%; in a recreation center, club - 5%; in the sports section - 11%.
b) socially disadvantaged: at the apartment - 65%; in school (school) - 50%; in the yard - 17%; at the entrance - 8%; in a recreation center, club - 17%; in the sports section - 17%.
These data indicate that there is a significant difference in the choice of meeting places for males and females, prosperous and socially welfare. The main conclusions may be as follows:
1) male socially successful adolescents are rarely found in a school (school), but socially disadvantaged minors prefer school (school) as a meeting place with friends. In female social minors, a vocational school as a meeting place with friends is quite understandable. Many of them, together with friends, participate in the work of an asset, which is usually held after class. At the same time, it is difficult to explain why socially successful male adolescents prefer to meet with friends at school. Unfortunately, this propensity of socially disadvantaged minors is not taken into account, and work with them at this time in the educational institution is not carried out. Moreover, they prefer to meet at a school (school) when teachers are not there. Socially well-off people often visit their school, meeting with friends from the lower grades, engaging in extortion and extortion from children.

1 In the city of Noginsk, pupils of one school preferred to meet in the basement of the school, where they first entered, breaking the door. When the door was slammed, socially disadvantaged adolescents of both sexes made a hole there, where they got through all night.

There are cases when guardians (guards) of schools from among the youth let the children into the premises at night and showed them porn films for payment, gave drugs, alcohol, organized wild orgies there, and the girls provided sex services. These cases became known when someone from the participants of the orgy committed a crime or came into the view of the police.
Note: In DK and the club of adolescents attract primarily disco, as well as performances of popular rock music ensembles. They are less attracted by their own participation in various creative associations (amateur art, dance, etc.). Since discos are not held every day, DC and clubs, as meeting places for disadvantaged adolescents, occupied the 5th rank position, and the socially disadvantaged girls - the 4.5th rank position.
2) the prevalence of social and beneficiary minors, male and female, as compared to socially-friendly teenagers' apartments as a meeting place with friends is explained by the changed social conditions: the majority of families have separate apartments. When parents are at work, socially disadvantaged minors prefer to meet in these empty apartments, which is one of the ways they leave social control. This explains the trend towards an increase in the so-called apartment crimes committed by this category of students (rape, hooliganism, murder). Drunkenness, drug and toxic substance use, watching pornographic videos, gambling, etc. precede these crimes. In the courtyard and on the street (in the park, public garden), socially disadvantaged adolescents, especially during school hours, do not show up or appear much less frequently, fearing to get into the view of the police. With the return of parents from work, socially disadvantaged adolescents move "to parties" (in entrances, in attics, in squares, parks, recreation centers, clubs, "hundred meters", commuter trains and other public places) 1.
In rural areas, in suburbs, socially negative adolescents love to “hang out” on embankments and railway platforms. The appeal of the platforms lies in the fact that they are paved and there you can dance. Besides,
Kofyrin N. "Tusovka" - also life // Arguments and Facts. 1990, No. 40. It is now becoming fashionable to "hang out" around stalls and commercial tents, which at night are also used as places for providing sexual services (dens). See: D.Koretsky. Antikiller. M .: 1995.

attracting the attention of passing by the train, giving rise to teenagers craving for the romance of long-distance roads, envy of passengers passing by in trains as people from another world. Favorite activity "hanging out" on platforms and railway embankments - "to shell" the train with stones, breaking glass. The damage from such attacks is such that the railway workers take measures to replace conventional glass in the cars with armored ones.
Thus, the discrepancy between the choice of meeting place among minors (socially positive and socially negative) of the male sex is more pronounced than that of girls, which requires its consideration in organizing the prevention of group crimes, and above all the revision of the existing system of social control, when the main attention of minors, masters of vocational training, class teachers, the public have given the "street" (parks, squares), underestimating the apartment as a place of asocial manifestations ershennoletnih.However, it should be noted that control over minors in apartments has its own specifics: the rule of law strictly regulates the invasion of law enforcement agencies and the public in the homes of citizens, the circle of persons entitled to this right is limited, etc.
In order to prevent juvenile group crime, it is important to identify factors that bring together and rallying criminal groups. In their cohesion, as in the cohesion of socially positive groups, the same age factors operate: general education, cultural, technical, sports interests, tourism, joint visits to cinemas, discos, dance floors, a common desire to have fun together, the authority of the leaders. However, a qualitative and quantitative difference was revealed between the actions of these factors depending on
1 The right to control the behavior of a minor, the conditions of his life and upbringing at any time of the day is provided by representatives of the commission on juvenile affairs, crime prevention departments, public educators assigned to a special contingent (in accordance with the Statute on Commissions for Minors Affairs and the provision on social educators), representatives of guardianship and trusteeship, social protection. It is with these individuals that representatives of the teaching staff should work closely. Teachers, visiting students at home, are guided by the Regulations on the class teacher and the Regulations on the master of industrial training. Their rights are significantly limited. They mainly act on parents and students with methods of persuasion and caution. Law Enforcement Representativespublic educators, representatives of the guardianship and social protection authorities have authority.

on the age and form of social behavior of minors.
First of all, in criminal groups the role of leaders in their rallying increases. This is understandable, since most often from the very beginning the leader programs the creation of a group to achieve the criminal goals of group activity. In socially positive groups, the cementing group is the leader’s role less visible due to a number of other factors.
Of particular importance in criminal groups is the desire to have fun together, which is explained by the specifics of the criminal subculture of these communities, where the ability to “kill time” is erected into a cult, having received the name “baldet”, “catch the buzz” in the criminal jargon. Not one article in the periodical press is devoted to the issues of fighting "balde-jom", "catching the buzz", various ways and means of fighting them have been expressed1.
It should be noted the recent trend of qualitative restructuring of the action of this factor in connection with the transfer of criminal manifestations of minors from the “street” to apartments and dens, and from apartments and dens - again to public places. The essence of these changes is that along with the “bad news” other entertainments appeared in the apartments and entrances: the fascination with pop and rock music, disks, watching pornographic videotapes, gambling, the use of various hazardous aids (drugs, breathing fumes) nitrokrasok, acetone, smoking "weed", etc.), activating the base motives, fake sports passion among minors.
Having tuned in during the "baldezha" in an apartment or entrance to basement entertainment, criminogenic groups rush to public places, and above all to the stadiums where the team plays, for which they "get sick". Whether there is a stadium in one’s city or another, it doesn’t play a role for the group. This is how the groups of minors are formed, who wander around the country after their “favorite” team. Representatives of this "traveling tribe" crush their opponents, "ill" for other teams, show group hooliganism at stadiums and leave their "autographs" on the fences and walls of houses.
1 Brun E. Chemical high // Arguments and Facts. 1994, No. 1; VolodinM-Ostrov "Sistema / Shift. 1987. No. 2; Eremin V * Panicles" // Not sharing. 1991, No. 7; Konishev A.Videoodurman // Shield and Sword 991 No. 11. Baranov G., Obukhov D. Lenochka - meek, otlichnitsa, butterfly // Week

The education authorities, the police have to show great efforts to block the stations and communication lines and keep the nomadic "fans" in their hometown.
The role of age in the action of a factor that unites criminogenic groups is manifested in the following way: the younger adolescents, the more meaning for them is the desire to have fun together, which, asocial, may not reach the criminal level. The older the minors, the more utilitarian the factor “jointly entertaining” becomes, acquiring a pronounced asocial orientation.
Thus, the prevention of the emergence of criminal groups should be built on a solid basis of psychodiagnostics: a deep study of the entire contingent of students, the ability to identify the future leaders of criminal groups and those who leaders can use for their own purposes, fully identify extra-curricular and out-of-school connections of minors, places their meetings, as well as factors contributing to the convergence and consolidation of these groups.


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