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Chapter VII Tattoos in the system of values ​​of the criminal environment of minors 1. The prevalence of tattoos among adolescents


An integral element of the criminal subculture are tattoos. The phenomenon of tattooing has been known for a long time and is found not only in criminal communities, but also in law-abiding groups of minors, but it has a different psychological meaning. In adolescence, street children and people who are prone to vagrancy usually tattoos, having learned this from receivers and distributors. In adolescence, cases of tattooing are more common, especially when a demonstration of independence, bravado with their adventures is required. In crime groups, tattoos have more complex psychological implications. Here they become a symbol of initiation to the criminal subculture. According to our data, over 70% of offenders have tattoos. As a rule, teenagers are fond of tattoos at the age of 12-15. With increasing age, the frequency of tattooing decreases. Tattoos are common among both males and females. Especially often they are inflicted by persons with mental disabilities, as well as persons belonging to stable criminal groups. However, law-abiding teenagers and young men sometimes cannot resist the general fadiness, following the fashion common in the country. For example, dozens of tattoos are open and operate in Moscow, where there are long lines. As a rule, minors who have been to several distribution centers, pre-trial detention centers
1 Tattoo (in jargon - "tattoo", "regalka", "picture", "tailgate") - drawing on the body of drawings, inscriptions, numbers, abbreviations, signs by introducing dyes under the skin using cutting and piercing tools. Tattoos made by scarring the skin with cutting tools are also common. They are made without the introduction of dyes under the skin. Such tattoos are in people mostly with dark skin. The historical aspect of tattoos, their historical content and functions, see the book. Pirozhkov V.F. The laws of the underworld of youth. Criminal subculture. Tver. Ed. "Prize", 1994, p. 199-122; Bonar S. The Tattooed World // Judgment is on. 1924, No. 3; Vorokhov A.D., Gubin V.A. Methods of rapid diagnosis of deviant behavior in persons of military age. L., 1990; Bronnikov A.G. Forensic significance of tattoos. Perm, 1982; Vakutin Yu.A. Dictionary of slang words and expressions. Tattoos. Omsk, 1979; The rulers of the underworld. Compiled by A.Gurov, V.Ryabinin. M .: Small ed. Enterprise "Green Sail", 1992; Dictionary of prison-camp-criminal jargon. Compiled by Baldaev DS and others. M. Ed. "The Edge of Moscow", 1992.

pax, special schools a lot of tattoos.
But still, some minors applied tattoos before entering these institutions, which was done with their entry into criminal groups and the acceptance of their values.
Comparison of the frequency of prevalence and content of tattoos among minors in a number of countries shows a common tradition of the criminal environment, regardless of national characteristics.
The main "building" element of tattoos in different countries is the same:
1. The Greek cross reflects the number of convictions, the term of imprisonment, as well as its main religious function.
2. The fascist cross is a sign of dissatisfaction with the existing regime, and on the penis - sexual aggression.
3. The point is used as a stigma of convicts for the misconduct they have committed in their group and is applied by force. As a means of punishment used stigma.
4. Instruments of committing a crime (knife, dagger, pistol) indicate and reflect the criminal installation.
5. Syringe, cards, bottle, glass, bones as attributes accompanying the criminal lifestyle.
6. A naked woman, most often on a cross or near, over a coffin entwined with a snake, has numerous meanings: suffered because of a woman, is prone to homosexuality; the bust of a woman, the name of a woman - suffers specifically for a woman. Naked woman - an expression of sexual orientation.

7. Birds, snakes, tigers, lion mean aggressive orientation of the criminal. An eagle tearing at a woman is a rapist, an eagle on a chest is a high status in the criminal world, the same is a snake twisting a dagger.
8. Landscape and natural phenomena are used both for artistic and decorative purposes, and for the expression of certain ideas. The sun, rising over the sea, expresses the desire for freedom. Palm trees - on a desert island - isolation.

Tombstone, bells, domes and crosses mean the term of imprisonment.

9. Bell, grille, barbed wire mean insulation.
10. Abbreviations are widely used - save our souls, a distress signal.
The more aggressive and malicious the criminal, the more historic the tattoo. Everyone knows that the masses move the history (sometimes the crowd), but little is known that the criminal has his own attributes, incl. and tattooed, indulges the crowd, calls the crowd on themselves (fascist tattoos, narcotic, weapons, alcohol, flag, etc.). The feeling of the fatherland is expressed even in the most notorious bandits through the subject of tattoos.

An integral part of the life of criminals are women. In no other form is this noticed or marked the way it is in tattoos. By tattooing can determine the fate of women, often specific (specifying the name, nicknames, the accuracy of the portrait). In their own way, criminals express the apogee of their sexual needs, opportunities,

advantages, making tattoos on the penis. The content of the tattoo speaks about the aggressive completeness of the psyche of the criminal - fascist cross, prison, etc.
As with us, tattoos are applied to all parts of the body, and preference is also given to hands - from shoulders to fingers.
National characteristics are not reflected in the content, but in the symbolism and ornament used to reveal the principles of the criminal subculture. At the same time, persons of different nationalities living in similar conditions use similar symbols when tattooing. Those who live on the seashore use the images of traveling waves, the rising of the sun above the waves, the seagull floating above the waves, etc., and the eagles living in the mountains, the peaks of the mountains, the fortress on the rock, etc.
Tattoos perform diverse functions and reflect in their content and location on different parts of the body the personality characteristics of the offender, refracted in the group consciousness of the criminal group. Based on the principle of personal approach, you can consider tattoos from the standpoint of personal significance (as a value) and as a means of symbolic communication.


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