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FABAT - Blowjob
FACTORY - a place of clandestine manufacture of drugs
FACTORY DUNKINA - female enterprise (sewing, knitting)
FAGT - to smoke
FAGELAH - unreported goods
FAGOS - a cookie
FAZAN - 1) Chinese; 2) an inexperienced thief; 3) a young man; 4) scam, deception
Fazanschik - a man who does not fulfill his promises, a deceiver
PLUMBER DEPT. - Buyer of stolen goods
PASI - hangout
Fayka bad - cigarette butt with hashish
FIFE (from English, five - five) - 5 rubles
FUCK - to have sex
TORCH - 1) fire; 2) life; 3) bruise under the eye
FACT - sexual intercourse
FACTORY - place of sale of drugs
FAKTURA - real, genuine
ACTUAL ACT - sexual intercourse with a woman, to whom she is a sign of gratitude for something
Fal - suitcase
FALESHO - a worker around the house, yard
False - 1) to persuade to engage in sexual intercourse; 2) to persuade the victim in fraud, playing cards
FALUET - decoration
FALSTART - 1) a stupid, narrow-minded person; 2) mentally retarded person
FAL I - 1) simpleton; 2) gaping
Plywood - 1) money, documents; 2) orogenital contacts; 3) chest, vest; 4) a close man
FANZY - money
FANICH (FANYCH) - kettle, tank with water, mug
FANTIC - 1) bond; 2) share; 3) certificate
FAVTOMAS - 1) mentally ill person; 2) a criminal using a mask; 3) bald man
FAN-FANYCH - a representative man
FANFARA - whistle
PHARAOH - 1) a police officer; 2) watchman
PHARMASON - 1) a fraudster, marketing fakes for diamonds; 2) a man posing as a thief
PHARMASON IT - to deceive
FARON - senior police officer
FARS - black man
FART - happiness, luck
FLAT - own
GIFT RED - seasoned, experienced thief
FARTAL GUYS - permanent residents of the prison
FARTOVY - 1) lucky, happy; 2) dodger; 3) fashionably dressed
FARUA PICK UP - get a sentence of imprisonment by sentence
FARTS - to speculate in deficit
Farzovka - buying up currency and walking with foreigners
PARTSWAYER - a buyer of things and currency from foreigners
The Farcerer - Assistant Thief
FARSHMAN - butcher
STILLING, STILLING -screaming, humiliating human dignity
HEADLAMPS - I) eyes; 2) glasses
HEADLIGHTS WASH (DRAW) - cut the eyes of the witness
FASAD - face
FACADE DYE (DECORATE) -but in the face
Facet - deception, fraud
FASON HOLD ON ~ behave with dignity
FAST - hand
FATER - 1) father; 2) the head of a criminal group
FAUSTPATRON (FIRE EXTINGUISHER) (alc.) - bottle of "Tsimlyansky"
FAUSTPATRON WITH BRATER'S MOGLY AND A COLD DEATH (ALK.) - a bottle of "Tsimlyansky" with a can of sprats and a couple of meat pies
FAFA - an elderly person
FASCIST - 1) a convicted dissident; 2) German
FEBUS - underdeveloped, stupid
FEBRUARY - 1) imbecile, fool; 2) mentally abnormal person
FEDYA - 1) railway carriage in which wine is transported; 2) drunkard; 3) stupid man
FECA - 1) cigarette; 2) a cheater; 3) extortionist
FELDA - cunning, deception
FELT - to deceive
FELDYUGA - cheater
HAIR DRYER (COURSE) - talk thief slang
FABRICS - bracelets, beads
PHENOMENON - 1) married passive homosexual with children
FENCH - 1) a joke; 2) small coin
FENJA - 1) rich; 2) thieves' jargon; 3) buttocks; 4) joke, news ("Do you know, what is his last fenya?")
FENYA IN BOTH - not a thug man who studies thieves' jargon
ENZYME - red wine
PERTEN - theft
FERC (in.) - 1) ruble; 2) male penis circumcised
FESTIVAL SET TO - 1) get drunk; 2) use drugs
FEFER - punishment, punishment
Violet - trash can (urn)
FIGA - Policeman, Criminal Investigation Officer
FIGARIST - informer, scammer
FIGURE - 1) to carry out surveillance; 2) smoke
FIGURE - a cigarette filled with hashish
FIGARES - cigarettes
FIGARO - hairdresser
FIGURE - 1) a pistol; 2) fist; 3) the highest playing card (ace)
FIGURE ZAMORSKAYA - playing card - two
FIGURIST - tricky
FIGURE SKAT - intercourse
FIGURE - show off your weapons
FIDUCIA - Theft Plan
Physical - unreliable person
PHYSICS - face
FICA - female sexual organ
FIX - Golden Ring
FIXA - 1) inserted tooth or crown; 2) gold crown on the tooth
FIXED GANG - jewelry store
FIXED - a person with a gold tooth or crown inserted
FILK - 1) thieves' instrument; 2) camera wall
PHILIPEN - authoritative convict in the colony
Filin - the controller in the colony
FILMS - money
FILON - 1) a simulator; 2) a beggar
PURE PHILON - a person who is rightly simulating mental illness
PHILONY - 1) take time off work; 2) beg
PHILES - money
FILDA - Universal Master Key
FILM - 1) money; 2) bedside table; 3) Gypsy-horse rider
FILMS - small money
FILM'S CERTIFICATE - Internal Regulations in the Institutions
FIMA - a reputable prisoner - a Jew
FINAL - 1) a knife; 2) wallet, wallet
FINALS - banknotes
FINISH - the highest degree of any experience; 2) death, the end; 3) failure, collapse
FINT - 1) to deceive; 2) to ingratiate
FINAK - Finnish knife
FIRSHMAK - untidy man
FISCAL - 1) recorded; 2) brag
WICKER - 1) a patient, an idler, a degraded person; 2) a tall thin man; 3) a candle; 4) a refusal to work in a colony
FISH (English, fish - fish) - fish
CHIPS - money
FLANER - Slacker
FLEGON - a stupid man
FLET-HATA (from English, flat - flat) - hangout, place of gathering of criminals
FLIRT - jacket
FLUGER - nose
FLYING - foot
FLASH - meat
Foka - iron
FOCUS - spoil the air
FOCUS - 1) chatterbox; 2) fitter
FOL - 1) a large bag; 2) male penis
FOLET - spoil the air
FOMKA, FOMICH - thieves crowbar
FLASHBACK TALK - disinformation
FLASHING - to tell a lie
LANTERN - 1) bruise; 2) a ban on the conversation; 3) deception
FORA - 1) intentional loss of cards in order to cause excitement to the victim; 2) contractual terms; 3) warning
TROLE - mentally ill person
FORINTS - money FORMACH - dishonor, humiliate a person
FORS - 1) high speed; 2) money
FORCE, FORTS - money
NOZZLE - 1) nose; 2) mouth; 3) anus
FORES - 1) a lot of money; 2) shoes
FORT - 1) window, pane; 2) prison, colony
FORT retired - open window, window
FORTACH - an apartment thief getting inside through a window
FORTINGS (in.) - 1) money (trifle); 2) the poor
FORTOCHKA - 1) mouth; 2) talker; 3) fly
VARIANT - apartment thief, penetrating through the window
FORTUNA - good luck
FORTUNA ALWAYS WITH ME - Tattooing in the form of a woman with wings
FORTUSHECHKA - balabolka
FORUM - 1) company; 2) a bunch of homosexuals
FORCES - money
FORSHMAK (FARSHMAK) - 1) inept thief; 2) a person subjected to the humiliation of “lowering” in an institution of conduct; 3) a person who learns the language of thieves, but does not belong to thieves; 4) a sloppy, fallen man
FORSHMAK DRAW - to commit defamatory actions on someone.
FOSCA - 1) a middle-aged prostitute; 2) small playing card
PHOTOGRAPHER - robber stripping the victim
PHOTOGRAPHY TO SEND - provide information defaming a person serving a sentence in the Investigative Department
FOAN - 1) the scammer; the convict reporting to the administration; 2) a fool; 3) a frightened person; 4) a crime victim; 5) simpleton
FRAER BATH - experienced, sophisticated person
FRAER OFFICIAL - Convicted Dissident
FRAER SING - the victim calls for help
FRAER STAKHANOVETS - repeatedly convicted person, but not related to thieves
FRACTIVE - 1) cheat; 2) brag
FRONT - disgrace, let slip
FRAESHA - unemployed, financially secure woman
FRYER - 1) potential victim; 2) an intellectual; 3) an inexperienced thief; 4) dude; 5) a person holding a responsible post; 6) assistant thief
FRYER ZAKHARCHEVANNY - a thief who is well aware of the criminal law and adamantly observing the traditions of thieves, experienced and highly skilled
FRYER TOOTH FOR TWO SHNIFTA - convicted, informing the administration about all the cases of other convicts
FRIERSHA - nowhere working woman
FRAC - male
FACEC WITH ORDERS - tattoos on the body (thieves)
FRANTS - show off, show off the best side
FRANT - Witness
FRENCH - 1) Jew; 2) a blower; 3) inexperienced convict
FRENCH MADERA - a mixture of feces with urine, which under the threat of death is forced to eat a prisoner
FREY - 1) camp intellectual; 2) proud; 3) a rich person; 4) an inexperienced thief
FRENCH - 1) French; 2) uniforms; 3) jacket
FREYA - a woman left behind a roommate or husband
FRONT - 1) place of gathering prostitutes; 2) crime scene
Fruit - a thief who does not adhere to the laws of thieves
FRUNT - police officer
FRY - to be in charge
FUGANOK - a convicted informant
FUGAS - Complaint
FOODEN CHECK OUT - the victim noticed that they want to rob her
LAND OF SMOK - negligible prey
LEAF POUND - strict colony regime
VAN - headdress
FURIC - cologne, tinctures of drugs used by alcoholics and drug addicts
FURIA - the evil prostitute
FURMAN - a random person in the underworld
FURUNKUL - medical drug
CASE - bag
FOOLER - woman taking penis in mouth
FASHION - 1) do not pay the card debt; 2) do not fulfill your duty; 3) to deceive
Bullshit - 1) notorious lie; 2) a person who is not trustworthy;
3) buttocks, anus;
4) outstanding debt when playing cards
Fuhlo PUSH - to tell a lie
PUTTERS - 1) a person who has not kept his word; 2) passive homosexual; 3) the person who lost the cards
FOOTNESS - making someone a bad fufu arsonist
FUFUL - 1) male penis; 2) an inexperienced thief
SHOES - bottle of cologne
FUCIUS - a coward
Futsik - traitor
FUTSIN - 1) the intended victim of theft; 2) the person leading in the chamber
FUTSMAN - scammer, informant
FENS - the best, real


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology