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3. Dehumanization of relations in the vertical in the adolescent and youth environment as an indicator of the dynamics of the criminal subculture


A quantitative and qualitative analysis of all factors considered, ranking by offenders and experts, showed a close relationship between the rank ranks of offenders and experts in the prolonged studies of 1980 and 1990. This indicates the proximity of the assessments of the subjects and their reliability.
At the same time, over the past decade, the ranks of a number of factors have changed significantly, indicating a change in their importance: the importance of the factor "nationality" has increased (it moved from 7 to 1 for offenders, and from 11 to 2 for experts in rank ranks) , as well as "complicity in past crimes" (respectively - c8na2is9na! place). In the assessments of offenders in 1990, the “attitude towards the weak”, defenseless and “lower ranks” factor turned out to be very significant (it moved in the rank rank from 12 to 3). This indicates an increase in the process of dehumanization in relations along the vertical in the adolescent-juvenile criminal environment. The attitude of the offenders towards the educational work and studies conducted with them has deteriorated.
The greatest discrepancy between the subjects and experts was found in the assessment of factors: in 1980 - "age", "physical strength", "behavior in law enforcement agencies", "fraternities"; in 1990 - "term", "physical strength", "attitudes towards the weak", defenseless and "low", "attitudes towards study and educational work".
A closer relationship between the ranking ranks of experts and offenders was observed in 1980 (r = 0.83) and less close - in 1990 (r = 0.65). These changes in the significance of the criteria of 1990 compared with 1980 reflected the dynamics of the criminal subculture while simultaneously maintaining a certain stability of a number of factors (“experience”, “age”, “category and qualification of a criminal group”).
This indicates that in the underworld there are, as it were, two processes in parallel: the tightening of customs of the criminal subculture, especially among the "vulgar" criminals, and at the same time democratization (if you can say so) the subculture of organized professional crime. Essentially, "the hierarchy of relations in criminal groups, as in a crooked mirror, copies our social relations"
In the environment of "vulgar" criminals "power, cruelty rule the ball."
Another thing - professional crime, where the first place put forward the mind, resourcefulness, accurate calculation. Here the group is governed not alone, but together (the advice of the leaders); they may hate each other, but they oppose the "lower classes" as a united front. If necessary, they can easily “lower” the status of any member of the group so that they “know their place”.
Knowledge and comprehensive consideration of each of the factors considered, their dynamics in connection with the dynamics of crime, allow us to accurately determine the rating of any adolescent and young man, foresee possible options for his behavior and develop differentiated programs of educational and preventive work with him.

Practical lesson
The task:
1. To analyze the plot of the criminal case.
2. Using the information provided, determine the status of each member of the criminal group and the factors by which this status is determined.
Information from the criminal case. A criminal group of 6 teenagers committed gang rape of a minor, Kati 3. During the investigation, it was established that Katya 3. was friends with a member of this criminal group, Sasha N. A month before the crime was committed, the group suggested that Sasha be made Katya a “group girl”. Sasha refused. A few days later he lost in the cards, and the group "put it on the counter." The day before the rape, the group demanded to repay the card debt or give it to her girlfriend. Otherwise, he himself will be "omitted". Sasha invited Katya to the basement where the group usually gathered. Then the group pushed Sasha out of the basement, closed the door, leaving the general group girl, Paradise J., on the spot, and made Katya's group rape. From Katy’s testimony and the interrogation of the accused, it was established that Sergey R. was the first to force her, and the last was Misha B. Then the group let Sasha into the basement and forced him to have sexual intercourse with unconscious Katya.
Information about the members of the criminal group. Sergey R - age 17 years old, was on re-education in a special school from 11 to 13 years old, then - in special vocational schools - up to 16 years, along with accomplice Dima V. He is friends with an adult criminal authority that "holds" this neighborhood.
Dima V. - age 16 years old, was on re-education in special vocational schools together with Sergey R., he passed with him in one criminal case. Neither the school nor the vocational school is not studying. In investigating the past criminal case, he assumed the role of organizer of shop robbery.
Misha B. - age 13 years old, attending school, skips classes, wanders, sometimes engages in begging. He is drawn to friendship with Grisha Y., 15 years old, the son of rich parents.
The following two members of the criminal group: Victor K. - 16.5 years old, studying vocational school, "breaks" into the leaders of the group, but a couple of friends are holding him back - Sergey and Dima. Victor is engaged in sports, "pumps" muscles. Does not smoke and does not drink, the guy is "on his mind." As for Sasha N., his age is 15 years, in this neighborhood he is a newcomer. His family migrated from the zone of interethnic conflict. He joined the group in order to avoid oppression of other groups.
1 Semenov I. In a crooked mirror // Union, 1991, № 7.


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Criminal psychology

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