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3, Characteristics of criminal groups of minors by sex


On the basis of gender, groups can be: 1) same-sex (mostly male and less often female); 2) mixed (with the participation of males and females).
The proportion of these groups in group crime varies. Criminal groups of male minors predominate. So, among the studied groups of males there were 72%. 18% were mixed criminal groups. Only about

1 Regulations on the class teacher of a vocational school.
2 Kupriyanov A. Evening plot for the city committee, the company of teenagers and the disco. - Komsomolskaya Pravda, April 9, 1986 With the disappearance of teenagers and young people from the life of pioneers and the Young Communist League, the distance between adults and minors has now increased even more.

10% were purely female criminal groups. These data reflect a rough picture of the prevalence of criminal groups by gender. The proportion of female crime over the past 15-18 years has increased by about three times. In some regions, female juvenile delinquency is more pronounced, which affects the growth in the proportion of mixed and purely female criminal groups of minors. The increase in aggressiveness and criminal mobility of criminal groups of minors with the participation of girls is explained not only by improper upbringing and deviations in the formation of their personality, but by deeper social processes in the adolescent population, which still needs to be deeply studied.
At the same time, females in a criminal group behave in such a way that they cause, on the one hand, the disapproval of the majority of their peers, on the other hand, a peculiar attitude of the group members, encouraging their dissoluteness, but considering them socially flawed. This creates an environment of spiritual isolation around girls. Therefore, in their interpersonal relationships, they firmly cling to each other and cruelly punish the “traitors” who would like to get rid of the behavior pattern adopted in the group.
The position of the girls in the criminal group is different. The bulk of them serves to meet the sexual needs of all members of the group. These are the so-called "swottings," in which all newbies go through the sexual practice and work out new methods of group sex. Another category is "lichnuhi" - prestigious girls, serving the sexual needs of the leader of the group.
Who is the object of their criminal encroachments? Most often, their peers belonging to the category “honors pupils” and “activists” in a vocational school and school suffer from them. The main defensive motives for violating peers are: “revenge”, “compensating for their inferiority” by reducing their peers to their level of immorality. Therefore, the favorite criminal actions of female persons are the organization of rape of their peers and participation in them. Often, all this is accompanied by a mockery of the victims, the infliction of grievous bodily harm, leading to a prolonged and persistent health disorder.
Thus, entering a mixed adolescent-youth criminal group, females are a provoking factor that activates their criminal activities. Mixed and feminine criminal groups are characterized by the commission of a variety of crimes with great cunning, sophistication, cruelty, cynicism. It seems that teenagers and girls provoke each other to such actions. It has a sophisticated intersexual self-affirmation mechanism that encourages males to take such criminal actions in order to win the approval of the female part of the group, and the girls to behave in such a way as to get the approval of the young men. The main way of self-affirmation in males is a demonstration of strength, boasting of their criminal adventures, imaginary courage, "inflexibility", physical strength, etc .; in females - demonstration of their sexuality, beauty, originality, special tastes, etc.
Most often (in 81% of cases) the leaders in mixed groups are males. But there are criminal groups of minors, where the leaders are girls. Taking on the role of "chieftain", they implant a special moral and psychological atmosphere in the group1. In the case of female leadership, the crimes committed by the group are distinguished by their particular sophistication and more cruel treatment of the victims of criminal encroachment than in purely male crimes. This is also characteristic of mixed criminal groups of adults2.
Practice shows that mixed and female criminal groups of minors have fallen out of sight of employees of TFD, social and pedagogical workers. Often criminal offenses of female students are considered atypical, random. Therefore, the mechanisms of interpersonal interaction in mixed and female criminal groups of students are not clarified, special measures for the prevention of female crime in schools and vocational schools are not developed. And here lies a large reserve of reducing the overall level of juvenile delinquency.


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Criminal psychology

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