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Chapter XIII. Organizational and psychological bases of preventive work in places of social exclusion 1. Tasks and main directions of preventive work in places of social exclusion


Prevention is a set of measures aimed at identifying the causes and conditions conducive to the emergence and spread of crime, as well as the development of measures to prevent it. Depending on the degree of development of criminal activity in preventive work measures are used to prevent, prevent or suppress crimes.
Crime prevention is achieved by a set of measures aimed at identifying the causes and conditions that can induce and provoke the criminal behavior of minors, and their elimination
In the case when it was not possible to find out and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes, but it is known about the crime being prepared, measures are being taken to prevent it. If about the committed crime it became known to employees of places of social exclusion, then measures are taken to curb it.
In the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, special schools play an important role; special schools are assigned to the IC. Firstly, they, properly executing criminal punishment (VC) and compulsory re-education measures (special schools and special GPUs), using the mechanisms of public consciousness for this, have a general influence on the unstable part of the criminal population of the country's youth. Secondly, they contribute "to the formation in minors of correct legal ideas about the consequences of committing crimes, and consequently, legal awareness. Thirdly, the task of private prevention is assigned to places of social exclusion, that is, to create conditions that would exclude the commission juvenile crimes during the period of their stay in special educational and correctional institutions. Fourth, the role of places of social exclusion in the prevention of recidivism by the liberation students of special schools and special vocational schools graduated from punishment. Fifth, a well-organized job in social ISOLATION, aimed at encouraging minors who have not yet solved crimes to confess, helps not only the moral self-purification of the minor, removes "cargo" from his soul, but also to the increase in the level of the revealed (tm) crimes, and consequently, the increase in the "accuracy of criminal repression".
Thus, the preventive activity of social exclusion places includes several areas:
- according to the types of preventable juvenile delinquency, the following warning is issued: a) primary crime by a part of the unstable criminal part of adolescents and youths; b) recurrent juvenile delinquency (both during their stay in places of social isolation, and after graduation, release); c) different types of deviant behavior in places of social isolation (prevention of extortion, simulations and aggravations of diseases, self-harm, escapes, alcoholism and substance abuse, sexual perversions, etc.);
- according to the objects of preventive impact, the following is distinguished: b) private, aimed at the prevention of offenses by certain groups and individuals;
- according to the place of impact, they emit the prevention of offenses: a) by minors who are in places of social exclusion; b) from the persons released from special schools and special vocational schools who were released from VC and are in labor (production) collectives who continue their studies in ordinary schools and vocational schools;
- according to the system of measures used, prophylaxis is distinguished: a) general social, including the application of social, economic, organizational, managerial, legal, psychological, pedagogical, socio-medical, socio-cultural, socio-technical measures to the unstable part (the “risk” group) of adolescents and adolescents population; b) special criminological, including the development and application of targeted measures to specific groups of minors prone to offenses; c) individual, including a system of measures determined by the individual and personal characteristics of specific adolescents and young men.
Each of these aspects of prevention includes psychological and socio-psychological issues, without which the effectiveness of preventive work is reduced.
Since offenses and types of deviant behavior are very diverse, the system of preventive measures against minors in places of social exclusion is also very diverse. On the basis of this, programs and comprehensive plans for the prevention of offenses and deviant behavior of minors in places of isolation are being developed. It should be borne in mind that all social institutions in which minors are staying are closely connected with each other by the so-called “tracks”, according to which adolescents and young people communicate with each other by means of illegal correspondence. Therefore, preventive work in places of social isolation cannot be divorced from preventive work in freedom, and vice versa, preventive work in freedom with minors should be based on the influence of their friends on them who are serving sentences in colonies or being re-educated in special schools and special schools.
In the organization of preventive work in places of social isolation, educators and other employees encounter certain difficulties. This circumstance is explained by the specifics of the most preventive work, the strict regulation of its normative acts, the extreme heterogeneity of the cohort of minors and the need for its differentiation, the mutual criminalization of the contingent in isolation, the influence on the deviating criminal behavior of minors "laws" and the rules of the criminal subculture.
Psychology of general preventive effects of social exclusion. One of the goals of social exclusion of offenders is to solve the problems of general prevention (prevention of crimes by the unstable part of the adolescent and youth population). Its meaning is to prevent unstable teenagers from stumbling, to protect them from committing crimes. This is achieved by familiarizing minors with the procedures for applying compulsory re-education measures and the execution of criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, with the regime of special educational and correctional institutions, as well as with the consequences that they bear in themselves. Consequently, the general preventive goal is achieved if a minor knows what awaits him if he commits a crime, represents the essence of not only the law-restraining measures, but also the procedures for their execution, clearly realizes to himself the suffering they cause, feels the moral experiences that a person experiences. being socially isolated.
Thus, acquaintance with the procedure for the enforcement of compulsory re-education measures and criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty affects a minor in two ways: a) intimidates him with possible legal restrictions and expected suffering; b) changes the legal awareness of the adolescent (young man) and leads him to the conviction of the inexpediency (a kind of "disadvantage") of the crime.
The question arises: from what sources do minors get an idea about the procedure of re-education and the execution of criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment? There are two types of sources: official and unofficial. The official are the regulations issued by the legislator, from which minors learn the truth about the weights of the social exclusion regime. As if trying on the possible application of coercive measures of re-education and criminal punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty, the procedure described in the law for their implementation and possible consequences of this, the minor refuses to commit an offense or crime, which allows him to achieve the goal of prevention. The second official source is the warning of the juvenile commission and other law enforcement agencies about the possible consequences of the criminal behavior of the minor. However, the perception of this information is often not quite adequate due to the action of the socio-psychological mechanisms of social consciousness, the emergence of various psychological barriers between adults and minors. Often, it is distorted under the influence of various “hindrances” emanating from various social groups, becoming fixed in the everyday consciousness in the form of various social stereotypes.
Minors receive unofficial information from the stories of persons released from special schools and special vocational schools, as well as those released from educational colonies. Mostly this information becomes known to the closest circle of these persons. Usually, the “narrator” permits substantial distortions due to his subjectivity, exaggerating or minimizing the severity of social isolation. The content of information emanating from these minors is influenced by many factors: the goals that they pursue, informing those around them; the time elapsed after being released from a special institution or released from a colony, and the degree of its influence on the retrospective assessment of the transferred restrictions. If a minor seeks to soften, intimidate, or stop someone from a criminal step, he or she resorts to “exaggerating colors,” in every way exaggerating the severity of the suffering endured by him; if he wants to push someone to an offense or flaunts his suffering for self-affirmation in a criminal group, he can act in the opposite direction, emphasizing in every way his “ability to live” in a colony (special school, special technical school) or “get high in prison”.
Minors receive information about the procedure of compulsory re-education measures, the execution of criminal punishment, the burdens and sufferings experienced by persons in special schools, special vocational schools and VC. Most often, this information is sent to relatives during meetings with minors or in letters sent to friends or friends from places of social exclusion. Here the principle of the adequacy of perception and transmission of information may also be violated. Some minors underestimate the severity of suffering, others defy their behavior, embellish life in social isolation.
As a result of inadequate perception and transmission of information on the application of coercive measures of re-education and criminal punishment, minors with asocial behavior may have erroneous ideas about this procedure, i.e. erroneous stereotypes begin to form and consolidate in the ordinary consciousness of the population of teenagers and young men.
We give a description of some stereotypes arising in the everyday consciousness of the adolescent and youth population about the application of compulsory measures of re-education and criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment, which affect the occurrence of deviant behavior when they are in the "zone". A part of minors underestimate the consequences and the degree of severity of the measures applied, which may occur in case of their committing offenses and crimes. The facts of conditional early release from punishment in the VC, early graduation from a special school (special vocational school), amnesty of persons known to these minors contribute to this. In legal language, this is called "instability of sentences handed down by the court," which aims to stimulate the correction of accidentally stumbled adolescents and young people, and in fact often plays the opposite role. Minors form a stereotype that "until the end, from a bell to a bell, the youngsters are not kept." Letters from the “zone” also influence, forming a stereotype that “you can live” there.
There is another side to the problem. Minimizing the consequences and the degree of severity of the deprivation of liberty measures applied to juvenile offenders, and to offenders - compulsory measures of re-education can lead to a formation of injustice towards them for the victims of criminal encroachment. Mitigation of punishment for juvenile offenders, the existence of institutions of early, parole, its replacement with compulsory measures of re-education constantly support and feed in ordinary consciousness the idea of ​​the need to toughen repression against criminals.
In the opposite direction, there are stereotypes that exaggerate the severity of the applicable criminal enforcement measures against juvenile offenders and criminals. These teenagers and young men and their relatives consider the measure applied too harsh. This generates pity for the offender, the desire to alleviate his "fate." However, such a "good" feeling, as noted by some authors, is not always sent to. On the basis of these feelings, the students of special schools, special vocational schools, and students of the VC form the idea of ​​redemption by suffering.
Stereotypes that prevent juvenile offenders from suffering in a special vocational school (special school and K) are hindered by the achievement of prevention goals are considered a merit, a kind of feat that removes (blocks) and weakens the effect of moral properties on the application of criminal law and administrative measures to adolescents and young man. Estimating the transferred burdens as a certain merit, such a teenager (youth) flaunts his behavior "in the zone", and after leaving he begins to demand certain advantages and benefits from society.
Finally, part of the minors during the period of being in social isolation form a stereotype about the justifiable role of difficulties encountered in life, which allegedly give him the right to commit new offenses and crimes after graduating from special vocational schools (special schools), being released from the VC.
Therefore, in preventive work with minors it is necessary to take into account: 1) the possibility of the emergence and strengthening in the everyday consciousness of the stereotypes considered, ensuring that an objectively appointed minor measure is perceived subjectively as fair; 2) preventive work in the “zone” should be closely connected with the same work among the adolescent-youth population of the country, since there is close contact between this and the other part of minors that are not interrupted by any regime measures.

1. Preventive work in places of social isolation aims to exclude from the juvenile offenses contained in them, crimes and various types of deviant behavior by correcting and re-educating them.
2. Preventive work is organized by the types of offenses and crimes, by the objects of impact, by the place of impact, by the system of measures applied.
3. In the complex of preventive measures an important role is played by the use and proper use of psychological knowledge.
4. In order to achieve success in the prevention of offenses among persons in conditions of social exclusion, it is important to ensure that preventive measures are closely linked with measures used in the prevention of offenses and crimes among the entire adolescent-youth population of the country, since places of social exclusion are connected with innumerable ties educational and other educational institutions for minors.


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