Teen crime and fashion. In the prevention of student crime, it is necessary to take into account its strong and flexible connection with youth fashion. When they try to carry out preventive work with this factor in mind, they mainly mean the connection between group crime and fashion for things (clothes, shoes, other items) that become the object of
1 Drug traffickers carry a potion in children's eggs // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1996, April 9th.
mi group criminal assault. However, this view is one-sided, incomplete, superficial. Youth fashion is many-sided, it manifests itself not only in the thing-subject area, but, above all, in lifestyle (behavior, leisure, sports, interpersonal relationships, in choosing friends, in getting an education, choosing a prestigious profession, and so on. P.). In the criminological and sociological literature, only the mechanism of communication between fashion and acquisitive crimes is usually reflected, where fashionable things (clothes, shoes, stereo and video equipment, cars, CDs, jewelry, etc.) become objects of encroachment. This is understandable, since this connection is the most visible and most fully reflected in the materials of criminal cases and criminal statistics. It is important for educators, criminologists and psychologists to know that the links of juvenile group crime with fashion are more diverse and complex. So, at one time, fashion for everything Italian spawned groups of teenagers, “Italians,” fashion for clothes like padded jackets and the like. Fashion for people with access to the deficit in the past has generated speculation and fraud, in the conditions of transition to the market - illegal business activities or racketeering. A fashion for a special type of behavior characterized by bravado, disrespect for the rules of the dormitory, can manifest itself in mockery of the person, malicious group hooliganism, group acts of vandalism, cruelty, etc.
Bodybuilding as a fashion in sport encourages teenagers to practice boxing, karate, sambo. And this is useful. However, the acquired skills of defense and attack, some of them use against unarmed victims, which often leads to injury. Such "bodybuilders", as a rule, do not measure and do not want to measure the force of a strike with a bare fist, although it has been experimentally proved that this force of a strike significantly exceeds the force of a strike in a boxing glove. This is the same as if the blow was struck with a brick or fist1. Even more dangerous are the methods of sambo, judo, karate, used against untrained people. In modern conditions, cases have become more frequent when sports skills under the massive influence of film strikes by minors are used for criminal purposes, for example, with racketeering, various "fights", etc.
It was eternally fashionable, there is and, probably, for a long time it will still be in the sport to “root out” for this or that team, with the intergroup enemy
1 See Furman M. Knockout outside the ring. - Soviet Russia, April 8, 1986.
Doi minors, supporters of various sports teams - "fans" ("left" - decent, "right" - extremist-minded to opponents). Unfortunately, often this "disease" ends in mass slaughter and acts of vandalism.
The fashion for certain types of criminal leisure activities stimulates the emergence of clandestine disco and video libraries, sex dens, wild tourism with environmental damage, conspiratorial casinos. In the recent past, the fashion for motor vehicles stimulated the hijacking of motor vehicles and its conversion to go-karts and buggies. And now it is expressed in the hijacking of foreign cars and their resale. The fashion for color music caused offenses committed on rail transport (unmounting traffic lights, theft of flashing devices, flashing lights, etc.). The fashion for a certain type of relationship between males and females stimulates the spread of pornography, specific group sex crimes, group sex and sex perversions (sodomy, lesbianism), pimping and organizing child prostitution, etc.
However, one cannot blame youth fashion as the main cause of juvenile group crime and see the fatal dependence of juvenile group crimes on the vagaries of youth fashion. This dependence is most often mediated. It takes place at the extreme manifestations of fashion and acts not directly, but through perverse needs, the already established consumer psychology of minors, when a person becomes a slave to his needs. And finally, the extreme manifestations of fashion are particularly infectious in the group. If the closest friend has a fashionable thing, then it especially stimulates the manifestation of the consumer psychology of the minor. Possession of a fashionable thing, fashionable behavior, fashionable leisure activities, “illness” for a fashionable sports team become motivating factors and at the same time, according to the adolescent, the methods of most effective self-affirmation, demonstration of imaginary superiority over others.
The knowledge of this particular group crime obliges criminologists, psychologists and pedagogical workers to closely follow the vagaries of fashion, its tendencies, to lead students' familiarization with fashion, elevating their needs and suppressing the consumer attitude towards life and the people around them. It is in line with the management of fashion and the education of reasonable needs that many tasks of preventing the juvenile group crime are being solved. Greater success here is achieved by those teachers who themselves set an example of a rational attitude to fashion in the organization of their lifestyle. With all things being equal, trusting relationships are established more quickly between them and students.
The ratio of spontaneous (unorganized), self-organized and organized forms of crime. In the former USSR, it was believed that organized professional crime, inherited from Tsarist Russia, had long been eliminated. Communist ideologists believed that juvenile delinquency is not professional and is predominantly spontaneous (spontaneous) in nature. However, it was forgotten that the emergence of criminal groups is a pathological process of self-organizing1 communities of minors deprived of pedagogical leadership, which, under favorable conditions for this, immediately take the form of corporations. A clear confirmation of this can serve as drug addiction and related crimes. Self-organized juvenile delinquency is inherent in:
- a certain level of corporatism in which criminal groups of minors are organized on the model of criminal gangs, subordinating interpersonal relations to the goals of criminal activity;
- the presence of the organizers (recidivists and mafiosi), who program and plan the activities of the group;
- rigid intra-group hierarchy, a clear distribution of roles and functions among the group members;
- severe sanctions for deviations from the “laws” and “norms” adopted in the group;
- conspiracy of life and activity of the group.
It is these conditions that ensure the long existence of the group from the beginning of its occurrence to bringing to criminal responsibility, the serious nature of the crimes committed by it, the greater number of criminal manifestations attributable to each criminal group, the self-organized group accounts for 2.5-3 times more committed
1 The process of self-organization itself includes a number of stages: a group with asocial behavior, a criminogenic group, a criminal group. See: I.P. Bashkatov Psychology of groups of juvenile offenders M Prometey, 1993, Ch. Iii.
crime than by chance, poorly organized or formerly friendly group.
The degree of public danger of self-organized groups is significantly higher than groups that have arisen by chance. This is reflected in the severity of criminal punishment. As a rule, in self-organized groups, only every 4-5 minors receive a conditional sentence or postponement of the sentence, while every second in a randomly formed criminal group. The average term of imprisonment in self-organized groups is 4 years. In spontaneous groups, about half of their participants received a conditional criminal punishment or postponement of the execution of the sentence, the average term of imprisonment does not exceed 2.4 years, even slightly lower than the term for single-handed crimes (2.5 years).
However, one should not identify self-organized and organized crime and the corresponding self-organized and organized criminal groups of minors. Their distinction from the psychological point of view consists in setting the goal of criminal activity and the methods of achieving it. In self-organized groups, the goal of criminal activity arises within the group, while the group determines how to achieve it, based on its means and capabilities. For organized criminal groups, the goal is set by the leaders of the mafia structures who plan the criminal activities of the group as part of their criminal fishing, allocate appropriate resources for this activity and take security measures. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that any spontaneous and especially self-organized criminal group may eventually develop into an organized one if it comes into the view of the leaders of organized crime and is of some practical interest to them.
Considering the increased public danger of self-organized criminal groups of minors, law enforcement agencies and pedagogical teams are obliged to pay more attention to their study, identification, prevention of their occurrence and suppression of criminal activity. Let us name the most important signs by which it is possible to reveal the appearance of such groups. First of all, you should pay attention to the names that students give to their groups (office, team, crew, and often - "gang") 'with the obligatory addition of an exotic, catchy or frightening name to such a team ("Fortress", "Coffins", " Pentagon "and others.). A significant feature is the division of people into "castes", which is often reflected in the wall "painting" in the toilets and on the fences ("Boys", "Bulls", "Devils", "Plebes", etc.); the presence of means of communication and identification of "their": the spread of jargon, nicknames, tattoos among students, wearing amulets, bracelets, etc. Mandatory attribute is a permanent gathering place for the same persons, in the same places, at the same time. Other indicators should be used - statements by members of the groups themselves, their threats against activists, cases of group fights, hooliganism, extortion from students on the days of receiving scholarships. In order not to be mistaken and not to accept positive-minded groups, who are striving to restore order on their own, for criminogenic groups, all these data should be analyzed as a whole. However, it is important to see the difference between self-organized and organized groups, as mentioned above. The latter are more conspiratorial, carefully camouflaging their connections with mafia structures. These links can be identified only by operational means, which is the responsibility of the employees of the criminal investigation department.
Regional and ethnic features of juvenile delinquency1. Juvenile delinquency is significantly affected by regional and national characteristics, which are manifested in the structure, nature and qualification of the crimes committed, the characteristics of the organization and activities of criminal groups and other indicators. Regional factors such as:
- interethnic conflicts and attitudes towards non-indigenous people;
- socio-economic features of the region and infrastructure development;
- the general state of "adult" crime (level, degree of organization, communication with corrupt authorities, etc.);
- availability of regional exits to foreign countries (port cities, airports, railways and highways);
1 In large cities, ethnic gangs, including minors, are intensively formed (see the Indestructible Union of Free Thugs // KP in Moscow. 1995, No. 27), although in general the underworld is distinguished by deep internationalism. Where "smells" of money, nationality does not matter.
- the level, direction and forms of migration;
- conditions for the organization of leisure and recreation for minors.
It is known that in areas of ethnic conflicts juvenile delinquency is more dynamic, more organized, criminal groups are armed and are particularly active. More often, this crime is in the form of looting, mass robbery, hostage taking, murder of innocent people, etc.
In the coastal and border towns, a large proportion of juvenile delinquency is occupied by burglaries with theft of expensive and fashionable things, pornography, and speculation in foreign goods. In regions where cereals grow - raw materials for drugs, drug addiction is more common. In a number of northern and eastern regions, where youth have limited leisure opportunities (there are difficulties with roads, few cultural centers), drunkenness is more widespread and, as a result, group hooliganism, and sometimes wall-to-wall fighting, one street to another.
As noted above, the majority of crimes committed by students (from 43% to 49%) are in free time (from 15.00 to 21.00). However, studies show that in resort areas and in coastal cities, students commit the most crimes after 21.00, i.e. when they should be at home; in a number of places in the Siberian region - in the period of industrial practice, in some areas of the North Caucasus - during school hours.
Naturally, these and other regional features of group crimes of minors require the timely identification, in-depth analysis, reliable explanation of the causes and their inclusion in the operational restructuring of the system of preventive work.
The presence of criminal groups in criminal groups of minors. It was said above that in the criminal world there are their own norms, values, criminal (“thieves”) traditions, “code of conduct”. As you know, any group of minors, including law-abiding (especially the age of 14-17 years old), creates its own norms and rules of behavior, which received in the psychological literature the name of adolescent and youth "partnership code" 1. It is based on
1 See Age and pedagogical psychology. Ed. A.V.Petrovsky. M., 1973, p. 124.
the opposition of youth to generally accepted norms as a result of the reaction of emancipation. But in antisocial groups, this opposition often acquires a criminal nature. Juvenile offenders deliberately increase the distance between generally accepted and their group norms of behavior. They are guided by the values of the criminal environment, furnishing their criminal actions and interpersonal relations with rituals of group behavior, resorting to a special language, communication system, identification, etc. The basis of the juvenile group code, as noted by many researchers, is a false collectivism, mutual responsibility, a demonstration of strength, cruelty, and sophistication of sanctions against “traitors” and “alien” 1. Contribute to the emergence of a criminal subculture among students of schools and vocational schools social processes observed in the youth environment (the emergence and spread of a particular way of life, leisure, intensive development of youth slang, modification of traditional forms of relations between persons of the opposite sex, etc.).
Criminal norms and values (they will be described in detail in the book of the second) form a heightened sense of corporatism and clan membership in the group of minors, in which they see a guarantee of self-affirmation and protection. In the criminal group, the perverse needs of choosing aesthetic values are satisfied, which are then transferred to the ethical norms of interpersonal relations.
Naturally, police officers, psychologists and pedagogical workers should understand the essence of the criminal subculture, the causes and mechanisms of its occurrence, and lead a decisive struggle with it. This is a delicate matter: it is important to be able to distinguish tolerant youth slang (language) from criminal jargon; friendly nicknames from nicknames (cliques, chased) given in a criminal environment; youth romance from criminal romance; true friendship and partnership from mutual responsibility and false partnership, etc. Life itself suggests here such a rule: tolerance and tact in relation to the values of the youth subculture, intolerance to criminal norms, values, conventions, rules, parasites
1 See. Makhov FS Features of interpersonal communication pedagogically neglected adolescents. - Soviet pedagogy, 1978, № 5; Medynsky G. Fav. manuf. V. 1, 2. M .: Soviet writer, 1973; Podguretsky A. Essays on the sociology of law. M .: Science, 1974. with. 200-212.
on norms of universal morality, decisive debunking them.
The special nature of the crimes committed by minors. Juvenile crimes differ in nature from identical adult crimes. The reason for this are the mechanisms of mutual criminal infection, conformal behavior, group pressure. This is confirmed by the results of the content analysis of the materials of the central and local periodicals, which highlighted the most "audacious" and "unusual" crimes committed by minors.The press draws attention primarily to such violent and selfish-violent crimes that were committed with particular cruelty, sophistication, mockery of a person, regardless of whether they were committed by prior agreement or spontaneously as a result of exaltation of the group (group affect). Most of these crimes are related to the use of alcohol, toxic substances, drugs, weakening of social control, emotional deafness of the individual. All this determines the main directions of prevention of such crimes, identifying their causes.When analyzing such crimes, it is necessary to identify the victimological aspect1: what role did the criminal attractiveness of the object of encroachment play: its defenselessness or, on the contrary, resistance, open opposition to violators of public order that caused an attack of group rage. This is important not only to identify the role of each member of the group in the crime committed, but also to provide moral support to the victim. In every third case, in spontaneous groups, the criminal situation arose under the influence of a group emotional state and was characterized by transience, which requires the adoption of emergency preventive measures, the ability to defuse the situation with acceptable methods.It is important to know that, while committing a crime, members of criminal groups resort to self-justification, including such defensive motives as “solidarity with a friend”, “protection of a friend”, “for the company”, “teach a lesson to the offender” and others. There are other motives and methods of self-justification in the commission of violent crimes. Let us point out some of them: self-justification by advancing the idea of “nashism” (defense of one’s own), which is found in territorial groups; self-justification you- ___________
1 Victimology - the science of the victims of criminal assault. ___________
movement of the idea of kinship (with "disassembly" and inter-ethnic conflicts); revenge (vebdetta) individual and group for grievances, damage; partial denial of responsibility and guilt; self-justification by the motive of sovereignty (protection of its territory from the encroachments of "alien"); the motive of armed self-defense, since “everyone is arming”, and others. Dispelling these defensive motives consists in showing the difference between the partnership and the mutual responsibility, between group irresponsibility and individual responsibility, between demanding others and lynching, etc.In the prevention of open appropriation of someone else's property, qualified as a robbery attack, one should proceed from the fact that some adolescents pursue primarily a goal - to plunge, humiliate the enemy. Property encroachments are more likely to occur in the process of implementing violent actions, when valuable items and money are taken as trophies from a defeated enemy. The objects of property encroachment in these cases are fashionable wearable things (jeans, jackets, sneakers, portable recording equipment and playing equipment, jewelry, etc.).However, in recent years, mercenary motives have become predominant in adolescents. That is why they are plunging the enemy to seize his values. At the same time in the group and individual consciousness of minors there was a shift in the use of things that they seized by criminal means. If earlier the norms of the criminal subculture excluded personal use of the “thief in law” of someone else’s wearable underwear and clothes (only completely dropped elements - vagrants, beggars, alcoholics) could afford it, in recent years, despite the general growth of the material support of the younger generation, cases where juvenile delinquents, undressing the victim, immediately put the acquired things on themselves. Here motives such as: "fashionable things", "the desire to immediately possess it", "the desire to immediately stand out from the environment. "Group secret theft of another's property (theft) has its own socio-psychological characteristics. When committing this crime, minors, especially younger ones, are attracted not so much by the motives of enrichment, but by the elements of the game. For secret abduction, it is necessary to work out a plan, assign roles in advance, discuss the details. The need to hide and risk creates a touch of romance. In the initial stages, when personal disregard for the abducted person still exists, acquisitive tendencies do not appear or appear weakly. The kidnapped is given to friends, transferred and sold for nothing, which allows a minor for a long time not to internally identify himself as a criminal. The defensive motives “I am generous”, “I am not greedy” and others are usually very strong and stable.Only when under the influence of adults or other adolescents with hapless attitudes in a minor become acquisitive habits, thefts begin to acquire signs of true theft ("achieving material benefits", a narrow circle of initiates, full use for personal purposes of each stolen thing). The motives of psychological defense and self-justification for theft are different: “everyone steals, not just me,” “took what would have disappeared anyway,” “the state will not grow poor”, etc. 1.The motives of psychological defense and self-justification for theft are different: “everyone steals, not just me,” “took what would have disappeared anyway,” “the state will not grow poor”, etc. 1.The motives of psychological defense and self-justification for theft are different: “everyone steals, not just me,” “took what would have disappeared anyway,” “the state will not grow poor”, etc. 1.In modern conditions, juveniles are increasingly noticeable under the influence of changes in the economy of the trend of hoarding. This contributes to the development of the idea of enrichment. Theft, theft, the subsequent “laundering” of money accumulated by criminal means are becoming an important ideological, if one may say so, installation not only of adults, but also of teenage criminal groups. Here are the defensive motives of this installation: "You need to be able to make money." In the conditions of wild accumulation of capital, criminals have emerged and new ways of self-justification and self-defense, especially during the racketeering: “honestly share their“ gain ”with others;” not to call others with their wealth. ”If the group is headed by an adult or formed juvenile moneymaker, quickly self-organizes into a gang, the morals of which are typical:worship of the cult of power, unquestioning obedience to the "king" ("khan", "ataman", "atamansha"), the struggle for power in the territory controlled by the group, etc., the creation of a "common pot".A special character is the motivation of psychological protection in group property crimes in girls. It is the envy of its wealthy peers who possess prestigious things; stealing them is prompted by the desire to “look no worse than others,” since the lag behind fashion is perceived as a tragedy, a personal social flaw. Often, girls participate in the thefts of solidarity with a friend. ________ 1 Ratinov A.R. The psychology of the personality of the offender. Value-normative approach // Personality of the offender as an object of psychological research. M .: Izd. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, 1979, p. 3-33. ________In this case, the motive of psychological protection and self-justification is "nobility of purpose", "partnership". In case of thefts in hostels, vocational schools, the assignment of another's property is often justified by such defensive motives as “took it upon time to revile”, “borrowed”, “took as protection fee”, etc.The increase in the number of armed groups of juvenile delinquents. Juvenile delinquency is becoming increasingly tougher. One of the indicators of this is its armed nature, an increase in the number of armed criminal groups. The question arises: from where and what weapons do they get? Weapons are acquired from areas of interethnic conflicts and combat operations, purchased on the black arms market, withdrawn from military units. In the recent past, handicraft weapons were made in workshops of schools. Now teenagers and young men are armed with modern military weapons. The spread of weapons in parts from military factories where it is manufactured is widespread. In the subsequent part of the removal of weapons going to underground workshops. Partially used on site, and partially sold.These are mainly machine guns (including foreign ones, for example, Israeli "ultrasound scan"), Makarov pistols, gas pistols, fans, explosives, grenade launchers, etc. Who is this weapon used against? First of all, against the objects of criminal encroachment from among law-abiding citizens during robberies, robberies, committing contract killings, etc. The cases of firearms use during the "disassembly" of different groups, division of territories, the struggle for power in mafia structures, etc. In many cities of the country does not pass even the night, so that there will be no “showdown” with the use of firearms. An important role is assigned to the use of weapons as a demonstration of power in the process of racketeering.A very important psychological aspect is the presence of firearms in a criminal group. When possessing weapons, group consciousness and group well-being change significantly. First, there is a sense of superiority over others (victims of criminal encroachment and rival factions), a feeling of power. Secondly, there is an impulse to immediately demonstrate this power. But it does not end only with a demonstration. Thirdly, adolescents tend to move directly from words to action (to the use of such weapons). Therefore, if a group has a firearm, then it will definitely use it. Thus, the presence of firearms not only stimulates the criminal activity of the group, but also tightens the nature of the criminal manifestations, giving the crimes committed a special burden and particular danger.Criminal adolescent fanaticism. Fanatic (lat. - fana-ticus - ecstatic) is a person who is distinguished by a frenzy of faith in something, extreme intolerance, an unusual commitment to something. In adolescents, this intolerance and commitment are combined with spiritual immaturity, a claim to independence and adulthood, with the result that an explosive mixture - adolescent fanaticism. Unlike the usual uncontrollable crowd, the crowd of teenage fanatics is distinguished by two factors: 1. Fans are united by the object of hatred or worship. 2. The first stone or first blood easily turns every fan from the crowd into a criminal1. The following types of teenage fanaticism are best known: - sports; - theatrical; - musical;- nationalist; - political; - religious; - collection; - skutermaniya and others. Along with the traditionally sporting and musical fanaticism, there has recently been a surge and a rapid development of nationalist fanaticism in the form of skin-headed neo-Nazi factions in the teenage environment, which immediately caused a backlash - the appearance of "red skins" who do not care to beat - Caucasians or Nazis2. What is the expression of any fanaticism other than hatred or worship of a particular object? 1. In an effort to collect the most complete information about the object of worship or hatred (in the form of articles of the media, amulets, symbols, T-shirts with inscriptions, scarves, etc.). 2. In telephone terrorism of his ideal, to achieve a meeting. ______________
1 Proshchak L. Fighting fans // Arguments and Facts "Moscow", 2000, № 27 2 Latysheva M "Red Skins" // Version 2000, December 12-18. ______________
3. In an effort to get and collect autographs. E. Titov, captain of “Spartacus”: “Near Tarasivka such fans, up to twenty people gather every day and beg several times a day to sign. I already recognize them ... I ask: they say, why do you have so many autographs ?. .. seriously answer: “We collect them.” 1 4. 4. Follow the country and even abroad to follow your idol. 5. Girls have the desire to get pregnant and marry their ideal. Having arisen in adolescence, fanaticism can make a particular personality trait to old age. The whole question is what color is it accepts? There are two types of fanaticism: 1. Normal, within the limits of common sense and the norms of law and morality.2. Fanaticism, acquiring asocial and criminal coloring. This is especially characteristic of fans of destructive religious sects, nationalist and fascist groups, and sports groups of fans. So, sports fans in advance before visiting the stadium prepare not only flags, put on T-shirts, scarves to match the color of their team, but also cold arms (bits, nunchucks, fittings), which they secretly carry to the stadium. And then used to crack down on fans of the opposing team. Many hundreds of teenagers are involved in the massacre on both sides, sometimes ending in murder and rampant wild vandalism. More terrible and grave consequences are from the battles of skin-heads (shaven-headed), who are always armed and ready to fight.Teenage prostitution and crime. Rampage of the sexual revolution, deformation of public morality led to the fact that prostitution became fashionable, prestigious and profitable occupation. "It seems that our country is turning into a huge den" 3. At the same time, prostitution itself is significantly younger. It is not uncommon when "girls come across, and at the age of 10-12 these are already quite experienced women" 4 (see Diagram 2.1). _____________
1 E. Shpiz "MK" - Football // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2001, January 10. 2 Latysheva M. "Red skins" // Version, 2000, December 12-18. 3 Denisevich O. Oldest at the crossroads. // Shield and sword. 1995, No. 48. 4 Fedotkina T., Chuprin V. Wolf's ticket to life gives homeless home state at railway stations // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1995, November 14th. ___________
Diagram 2.1 Age characteristics of prostitutes
From the diagram it can be seen that minors and 18-year-olds make up 27%, and those aged 16-24 years old - 60%, i.e. prostitution employs the female population of the most active reproductive age. Since the age of 25, the proportion of prostitutes in the total population is significantly reduced. Prostitution has developed a clear organizational structure. 7-10 prostitutes make up the brigade, headed by a pimp (or pimp - "bandersha", herself, as a rule, a former prostitute). Several teams are united under the same "roof". So, in Moscow, in Orekhovo, this business is run by the Dagestan group. Each such criminal clan has its own guards, intermediaries, its own apartment owners, its own fleet, its medical staff, and so on. (see scheme 2.3)."Bandershi" recruit staff on the streets, train stations. "They're coming up to a cute tenth grader:" Girl, don't you want to make money? Evening - 200 thousand. "Rarely refuse. More often, they themselves come and ask for the brigade." Often parents themselves are driving girls to panel1 ______________
Pankratova J. On Tverskaya are selling love // World of news. 1995, No. 46. _________ Scheme 2.3 Structure of organized crime related to apartment prostitution
A significant proportion is made up of prostitutes (up to 20% in Moscow), "working on a rotational basis" (coming to major cities from small towns and rural areas according to the schedule of the brigade) . Table 2.2.1 Basic characteristics of prostitution Specifications | Quantity in% |
Marital status of prostitutes - married - have children - have more than 3 children | 25 27 5.5 |
The intensity of prostitution - several times a week - every day - several times a day | 67 27 6 |
Average duration of prostitution | 5 years |
Suffer from sexually transmitted diseases | 80 |
Use condoms | 25 |
Earned money is spent - on clothes and shoes, personal items - on children - put on the passbook | 77 15 12 |
Subjected to extortion - by the pimps, the mafia - by the police | 100 77 |
According to police data, almost all underage prostitutes are flawed personalities: they have had sex with sexually transmitted diseases (and there are about 30 of them sexually transmitted), often have abortions, drink alcohol, and some, "having tasted the drug with the client, firmly sat on the needle or swallowed everything from the poppy seed straws to pills LSD "2. Often, prostitutes are “shot” by a brigade or forcibly taken away, which is typical of “persons of Caucasian nationalities”, arranging “subbotniks” - group rapes, when even their guards are powerless. In criminology, the rule is that “where prostitution is, there is crime” 3. Moreover, adolescent prostitution is a powerful factor stimulating the development of organized crime. ____________
1 See Mikhailov A. I protect prostitutes // Top Secret. 1996, No. 2. 2 See A. Mikhailov. I Protect Prostitutes // Top Secret. 1996, No. 2. 3 Denisevich, O., The Oldest at the Crossroads, Shield and Sword. 1995, No. 48. ____________
On the one hand, the prostitutes themselves become the object of criminal encroachments, or a huge add-on of the criminal world parasitizes them1. The prostitute herself gets only a quarter of her earnings, and the rest is taken by the pimp, who, having a brigade of 8 people, earns up to $ 25,000 a month, of which some go to the business leader. Prostitutes are raped, beaten, mocked with sophistication, etc. On the other hand, the prostitutes themselves become the subjects of the crimes committed. Three ways are most typical. The first is that a prostitute lulls a rich client with the help of clonidine, "which comes to life only after a few hours and discovers the loss of a wallet, a ring, a ring, or even a machine" 2. The second way is that the prostitute carries the client as if to her apartment, explainingthat "parents in the country (on vacation, etc.)." Having already undressed and brought the client up to standard, he opens the door to knocking the inflamed "relatives", who threaten with the police, and with a weapon for the corruption of a minor. "They so convincingly say that the would-be lover will consider it fortunate to give them a thousand dollars and get out of the way."The third way is that on the way "to the bridgehead" (apartment, other place for having sex) the "moth" asks for a moment to slow down (she, a professional, can justify such a request), and then the cool guys rush into the salon. Rob driver, gas, strong blow to the head lead to insensitivity, they sit behind the wheel, stealing a car.There was also a certain circle of clients, "removing" young prostitutes. These are jaded tycoons of criminal business, merchants of various stripes, loafing teenagers and young men of wealthy parents, ordinary repeat offenders, lascivious family members, etc. Among the clients there are especially "individuals of Caucasian nationalities", eager for young prostitutes, distinguished by a particularly cruel and sophisticated mockery of the "prostitute" they removed, group violence. Needless to say, prostitution not only affects the health of the nation and raises the level of crime, giving it more and more organized forms, but also levels the scope of what we call morality, spirituality. _______________
1 Vasilyeva N. I trade in a body. So what?
// Wallet and life. 1996, No. 2. 2 Denisevich, O., The Oldest at the Crossroads, Shield and Sword. 1995, No. 48. _______________
The prostitution of minors has long gone beyond the borders of Russia. Trade in "live goods" with foreign criminal clans has already become commonplace. Although the law on the legalization of prostitution is not, but in the public consciousness, it is actually legalized. Citizens have long been accustomed not to be surprised by advertisements in print to various sex-offers: “night massage parlor”, “inviting young girls on trips as dancers, masseuses, top models”, etc. The fight against juvenile delinquency should therefore include the fight against teenage prostitution.In organizing the fight against teenage prostitution, one should take into account its various levels, types, stratification of juvenile prostitutes in this particular world, and the motivation to engage in this industry. So, there are prostitutes - station, panel, hotel, apartment, sauna, night masseuses, telephone (on call), shoulder (operating in long-distance trains), truckers (working on highways and serving drivers of heavy trucks), acting in an organized "brigade" and spontaneous (acting independently at their own risk). Thus, part of the Oktyabrskaya railway track from Moscow to Bologoye is served by Moscow brigades of prostitutes, and from St. Petersburg to Bologoye - brigades of prostitutes of the northern capital. In those and other brigades there are a lot of underage prostitutes.The motivation to engage in prostitution is the most diverse: hopelessness, when a girl is given for a piece of bread; the pursuit of "beautiful life"; fashion impact; imitation of adult prostitutes; forcing native mother to take up this business; family tradition; the awe-inspiring impact of the media about engaging in prostitution as a profitable business; example of a friend or acquaintance, etc. A special group consists of musical prostitutes, "growing up" from female fans, who "want meetings, sex, children from their idols" 1 (pop stars, artists, etc.). The first group consists of home fans - quiet, balanced girls who sit at home, watch TV, collect newspaper clippings with articles about their idols, collect their photos, albums, etc. With age, they all pass. ___________
1 Landowners A. Fans - cool girls // Arguments and Facts, 1994, № 50. ___________
The second group consists of concert fans, who are ready to go to the concert of their idol, go at least to distant lands, beg for autographs, write letters to the idol, promise to open their veins, throw themselves out of the window if the idol refuses to meet. From this meeting, if held, sexual harassment can begin from one side or the other. The third group - transitional, this is a party girl fan, penetrates into the dressing rooms in the most incredible ways, backstage to their idols, the final for which is turning into "toads", "girls who, without great doubts and throwings, fall under the musicians. As a thank you "creative people carry" toads "with them on tour ... Of course, these girls sleep not only with soloists and not only one group - after they are approved in the status of" toads "girls go hand in hand. Using the involvement in the musical environment, the “toads” in their beds (rather, by the way, a provisional name, since everything can happen both in the dressing room, and in the toilet, and just behind the scenes) dragging on stage technicians, sound engineers and other personnel. ”1 In addition Opportunities to be raped by drunken musicians, fans and more serious dangers lurk. Rivals often kill their rivals. While pursuing "musical prostitution," they often pursue very specific goals: to find a richer man and marry him. But, as shows AET practice, few manage to achieve this. "2 But to turn into an ordinary prostitute is much easier.since everything can happen both in the dressing room, and in the toilet, and just behind the scenes, stage technicians, sound engineers, and other personnel are dragged in. ”In addition to being raped by drunk musicians, more serious dangers also arise. Competitors often kill their rivals. "musical prostitution," they often pursue very specific goals: to find a richer man and marry him. But, as practice shows, few manage to achieve this. "2 But to turn into an ordinary prostitute is much easier.since everything can happen both in the dressing room, and in the toilet, and just behind the scenes, stage technicians, sound engineers, and other personnel are dragged in. ”In addition to being raped by drunk musicians, more serious dangers also arise. Competitors often kill their rivals. "musical prostitution," they often pursue very specific goals: to find a richer man and marry him. But, as practice shows, few manage to achieve this. "2 But to turn into an ordinary prostitute is much easier.musical prostitution, "they often pursue very specific goals: to find a richer man and marry him. But, as practice shows, few manage to achieve this" 2. But to turn into an ordinary prostitute is much easier.musical prostitution, "they often pursue very specific goals: to find a richer man and marry him. But, as practice shows, few manage to achieve this" 2. But to turn into an ordinary prostitute is much easier.Another way for minors to prostitution is through the street and street "teams" of teenagers. For such girls, such a test is provided: “they are hated two or three, and everyone else is watching. It is clear that it is more interesting!” Teens call this "movie" 3. Without such tests, no girl can be accepted as a teenager. And its further path is “to be swotted”, i.e. common girl in a group serving to meet the sexual needs of group members, or on the panel, to earn money. Teen-scammers. In recent times, group fraud has become common in public places to replace the thimble in public places. _____________
1 Landowners A. Fans - cool girls // Arguments and Facts. 1994, No. 50. 2 Ibid.
3 Koretsky D. Antikiller. Novel. Spb., 1995, p. four.
game sacrifice like a thimble. The essence of the scam is to find the victim - "sucker" and "unleash" it. This requires a clear development of crime technology and a coordinated work of a group of fraudsters. Scheme 2.4 The structure of the group of scammers
Moscow is divided into 4 "bush" with his looking. Each "bush" consists of 3-5 points. At each point 30-40 people work. Places of work: markets, stations, sites near the subway are divided between teams. The teams are very well placed intelligence and security. So, in the Kuzminki metro area, operatives leave for a call from the local ATS 10-15 times a day, but they never manage to detain a brigade at the time of work. Every time, scammers warned about the departure of the police squad in advance.The essence of the scam is that fraudsters (they are from 5 to 15 people in the brigade), usually teenagers who are not suspicious, seek out the victim ("sucker") and offer her a free lottery ticket (photo album or something else). it is a trinket) under the pretext that a company or a shop holds such a day of charity or a free presentation, etc. and the victim is the owner of a valuable prize. The victim is asked to approach _____________
1 Azman Y., Salina E. Money to the Point // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2001, January 17. _____________
to the company’s claimant (the player), who usually stands in a secluded place to be able to make legs if the police appear. When the victim approached the player, he announced that the sucker was very lucky: he won. there is a front player and he, too, is winning. Then the "representative of the company" offers to play the winnings as a result of the lottery, artfully heated passion, the victim is out of money. in the place of the game create multiple lines of protection, usually from teenagers with cell phones. If any of the bout their dangers, the foreman enters signal and the band immediately disappears. Often the mobile phones set to a communication wave of the local police department. Therefore lohotronschiki almost imperceptible."Players" usually have an attractive appearance (many of them are female) and the ability to "powder brains" "suckers". Therefore, it is very difficult for the “sucker” to be hooked to break out of this web of excitement.Teen terrorism and hostage-taking. One of the features of juvenile crime is its dependence on adult crime, which is based on the psychological mechanism of imitation. This is especially clearly seen in the emerging "epidemic" of "telephone terrorism" and the taking of hostages. The press constantly reports about breakdowns of classes in schools and other educational institutions as a result of their "mining" by young terrorists. Speaking to the deputy directors of educational schools in the city of Kursk, the author drew attention to the need to be prepared for such acts. The answer followed: "We do not have this and never will. This is not Moscow for you." However, after the author’s departure, 6 such calls were recorded during the week. In this way,the mass media promotes the rapid spread of criminal experience.At the same time, the age of "telephone terrorists" is steadily decreasing. There have been cases when children aged 8-10 years did it. However, the most active adolescents aged 12-14 years. Thus, the fifth-graders of school number 77 of Nizhny Novgorod "called the teacher’s room and reported that a bomb was laid at school. The teachers immediately suspected a trick, but just in case they called the special police squad. The bomb was not found, of course, but the girls were quickly calculated." A large fine was imposed on parents1. _____________
1 What are the "smart" fifth-graders // Labor. 1996, April 16th. _____________
If earlier, in order to break a lesson, a dead cat (rat) was carried to school or, in order to hide the test results, they simply stole and hid magazines, now methods of influencing annoying, disliked and demanding teachers, class teachers, school principals have changed. "The corrupting influence of tough American militants and the harsh reality of our lives, in which a terrorist act becomes commonplace, have done their dirty work." 1 “As soon as explosions begin to rattle in the country ... the curve of false reports of bombs is creeping up sharply. Psychiatrists call this“ induced psychosis. ”2 So after the explosion in the transition to Pushkin Square in Moscow, the peak of telephone terrorists activity fell the next day - 9 August - 14 calls (see histogram for August 2000) Figure 2.fiveThe dynamics of telephone terrorists' activity in Moscow (August 2000) The
motivation of "telephone terrorism" is the most diverse: to shirk control tests, a teenager’s unpreparedness for lessons, to revenge a "harmful" director or teacher for constant nagging, "reluctant to go to ______________
1 Burov K. Terrorist Liberator / / Evening Moscow. 1995, December 1st. 2 Schelkova M., Azman Y. Ordinary Terrorists // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2000, September 9. ______________
school, “I want to go out with friends,” relax, “laug-me”, fool around, see how everyone will fuss, show power over others, the teenager's desire to participate in some other events (meeting friends, camping, drinking and etc.), which coincide in time with classes in school, etc. It happens that these are teenagers and young men who are “expelled” (expelled) for some offenses from their educational institution. They tend to derail not only classes, but also especially organized and conducted various public events (New Year’s aly, autumn discos, concerts, dances, etc.). Thus, in "telephone terrorism" the following groups of motivation are manifested: the achievement of benefits (to have free time, do something else, not study); , from examinations, etc.); psychological protection (from the claims of adults, teachers, etc.); imitation (adult terrorists); self-affirmation; elementary revenge, etc.Successfully for a teenager (or group), the provocation that ended, which did not entail negative consequences for the guilty (guilty), pushes him (them) to new “feats”, causes an imitation reaction in the teenage environment and unwinding such “terrorist attacks” in a spiral. The methods of "telephone terrorism" at first were not very diverse and were very primitive: a call from a pay phone to the police, there were even cases when they called from residential telephones. Then the call was preceded by all sorts of tricks related to the imitation of explosive devices that were found in the urns, under the stairs, in the halls, etc.Of course, the consequences of such "telephone terrorism", qualified under Art. 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (a deliberately false report on an act of terrorism) is very serious, they consist not only in disrupting classes, disrupting the educational process, causing tension in society, but also in large material costs associated with calling anti-terror units, inspecting premises, funds for which ultimately come from the pockets of taxpayers. Therefore, the problem of increasing legal and material responsibility in the fight against telephone school terrorism is being pushed to one of the first places. _____________
1 Nekrasov, V. Telephone terrorism. "Joke" pulls for three years // Shield and sword. 1995, No. 40. ____________
One of the reasons for the rise in adolescent "telephone terrorism" is the lack of knowledge of teachers and the psychology of this age, unwillingness to take into account the needs, interests and demands of people of this age. In addition, school psychologists are not focused on the prevention of student offenses.As for the prevention of “telephone terrorism”, there is a lot of work here: from organizing an effective educational process to developing special measures to control adolescent behavior, organizing duty duties, monitoring inspections of premises, identifying attackers and publicly involved in investigating the incident and engaging in a harsh criminal and the liability of the students themselves and their parents. So, the mayor of Chelyabinsk, worried about the mass calls for the preparation of terrorist acts in the school, signed a "draconian" resolution imposing huge fines on the guilty teenagers and their parents, public investigation of provocative calls, their coverage in the press. And they say that the calls have stopped.Other types of criminal activity are especially dangerous - taking hostages for ransom. A teenager can be both an object and a subject of criminal encroachments. Teenagers - the most favorable object to capture them as hostages. This is evidenced by numerous cases from the life of our society: teenagers are seized on the street, in apartments, at school, on buses, on airplanes, etc. Children and adolescents are attractive to terrorists because they are easier to keep in obedience. In addition, when children and adolescents are taken hostage, the state authorities, the FGC, the Ministry of Internal Affairs throw all the forces and means to rescue them from captivity, fulfilling any demands of the terrorists. "Kidnapping children for ransom is one of the worst crimes." 1 But even worse when teenagers are involved in this abduction.The main motive of such crimes is enrichment, receiving money. Groups of teenagers kidnap their peers or young children from wealthy families who can, in their understanding, pay a ransom for a child. Often such abductions are accompanied by _____________
1 Gurov A.I. Safety of our children // Top Secret. 1995, No. 11; Komarov I. The Testament of a Childkiller. Has the era of psychopathic terrorists begun in Russia? // Moscow's comsomolets. 1995, December 7th. ____________
given by bullying the abducted. In the press, there were also cases when teenagers, having killed a child, still demanded ransom from their parents1. The taking of hostages by submitting to the media about the helplessness of law enforcement agencies, for example, in the town of Budennovsk, in Mineralnye Vody, made the profession of such “invaders” heroic and prestigious. This is exactly what adolescent crime groups "peck" on. In the taking of hostages by groups of adolescents, their psychological inability to a new social situation, the search for easy and quick ways of enrichment, the full copying of the behavior and activities of adult criminals and criminal groups.As for adolescents as subjects of hostage taking, this is a multidimensional problem, it is facilitated by the favorable emotional and moral atmosphere of general fear in the country, when terrorism becomes for some social groups of the population a means to achieve their narrow criminal goals, increasing the motivation of terrorist activities of adolescents. This can be demonstrated by the example of adolescents of closed educational and correctional institutions who, by taking hostages from among the employees of the institutions, tried to achieve their narrow group goals. A special problem is the psychological rehabilitation of adolescents and children who have become victims of terrorist acts2. Here it is necessary to distinguish two types of consequences of post-traumatic stress disorders:- immediate effects, causing quite a serious "mistake" in the human psyche, deep reactive states. After release, their sleep is disturbed, they are afraid to fall asleep, they are haunted by constant nightmares, accompanied by intense motor reactions. If acts of murder were committed before their eyes, then they, “stepping over blood”, change themselves inwardly, often hardening in relations with people afterwards; - long-term post-traumatic consequences that change the personality profile (psychosis and other major changes). There is such an emotional scar that is not under- ____________
1 Skoblo S. et al. The Condemnation of the Murderer of a Minor Hostage // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1996, April 13th. 2 See Psychologists on terrorism // Psychological Journal. 1995, No. 4; Anatomy of terrorism // Moskovskaya Pravda. 1995, July 26th. ___________
given a radical cure, and such a person requires constant psychological and psychiatric care and support throughout his life. To solve such problems, relevant scientific and medical institutions are needed, leading to a prolonged observation of the victims of terrorism by children and adolescents (and adults as well). It is possible, on the basis of a foreign model, to create societies of persons affected by various types of violence, which would contribute to their self-rehabilitation. Workshop Questions for discussion: 1. What are the features of the dynamics of juvenile delinquency?2. What are the signs of organized crime and its relationship with spontaneous and self-organized crime? Place of juvenile crime groups in organized crime. 3. What is the relationship of juvenile delinquency and adolescent alcoholism? 4. What is the role and place of criminal groups of minors in the adult drug business? 5. To give the psychological characteristics of an armed criminal group of minors. Practical lesson
Topic: Identification of the characteristics of juvenile crime based on periodicals. Content of the lesson: Conduct a content analysis of the crime chronicle in the periodical press for the month according to the following indicators: a) the time of the commission of crimes by teenagers; b) the number of adolescents; c) the number of crimes committed by groups and their nature; d) characteristic of the armament of criminal groups; e) the level of organization of criminal groups; e) alcoholism and criminal manifestations; g) teenage addiction; h) regional and national characteristics of juvenile delinquency. Check out the materials in the table. Report your findings in the classroom.
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