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This paper examines only the main factors affecting the individual in conditions of social exclusion, and shows their role in stimulating the types of deviant behavior of minors that are specific to these institutions.
The stated theoretical positions and practical conclusions and recommendations are based on a large amount of factual material, among which an important place is occupied by:
1) extensive use of expert assessments (directors, deputy directors and other employees of special schools and special vocational schools, as well as heads and deputy heads of the VC and other employees of these institutions, who at various times took courses of retraining and advanced training) acted as experts;
2) content analysis of periodicals covering the activities of institutions for the re-education of juvenile offenders (7,500 articles were analyzed, of which over 300 in 1995; over 900 in 1996-1997);
3) questionnaires for obtaining data directly from minors;
4) individual conversations and interviews with minors;
5) materials of official statistics on the problem of juvenile delinquency, its structure and other characteristics;
6) special author's methods (methods of spatial-sign sociometry for identifying leadership in criminal groups, methods of ranking social exclusion factors according to their personal importance for a minor, as well as methods of operational development of criminal groups);
7) the author's personal experience in the prevention of deviant behavior, obtained during the inspection of special schools, special vocational schools and VC when working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the State Educational Institution of the USSR, as well as with supervision included in the brigade of minors who worked in various jobs (industrial, agricultural and .P.).
The author analyzed the most common types of deviant behavior occurring among minors in places of social exclusion. Many of the recommendations we have proposed have been tested in the mass practice of special educational and correctional institutions. However, life does not stand still, the nature of criminality is changing, new generations of juvenile criminals are coming, not burdened by any “thieving morality”, which today people who have served sentences in ITU are considered to be one of the most humane and fair1, or their conscience. The reigning utter lawlessness, the armed nature of criminal manifestations, the division of people and in places of social isolation on a national basis, require new approaches in the prevention of deviant behavior of minors, which is reflected in this work.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology