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2. Group sexual aggression


Types of rapists groups1. In the structures of youth crime, group sexual aggression takes on an ever-increasing scale. In this, oddly enough, reflects the consciousness of our society, passing from the era of "developed socialism" to the era of "developed democracy." Increasing aggressiveness provokes ever more daring and brutal sex crimes. Rape of minors, rape with torture and sexual perversions, rape followed by murder become everyday. The adventures of singles like Chikotilo and other rapist Jacks, unfortunately, have been eclipsed by numerous and not so innocent cases of gang rape committed by groups of minors. At the same time, there are several types of criminal groups according to the nature of their sexual aggression.
The first type of groups from among the still law-abiding adolescents and young men for whom rape is the result of a favorable situation that has arisen. Two girls returned home late in the evening from the disco. They were escorted by four guys, all from wealthy families. Two guys ate a little and somewhere they have picked flowers from flower beds, presenting them to their companions. Companions from such gallantry literally melted. Especially along the way, the guys were intelligent conversations about art, technology, science, etc. Along the way, one of the mourners offered to look to him for a moment, to see the "video recorder", especially since the parents at the dacha. The girls agreed.
In the apartment, at first everyone looked at “porn”, then the guys laid a table and immediately offered the girls a glass of vodka “for the acquaintance”, and when they refused to drink, they poured them into their mouths by force. Then they took turns raping them all night. When they sent them home, they warned that if they said they would know in the city and at school that they had been raped.
1 In the absence of the “best” given typology, we offer as conditional, working, in order to more deeply reveal the psychological mechanisms of group sexual aggression.

The second type of groups - formed specifically for the perpetration of rape (the type of "group sex maniac"). The most experienced members of the group search for the victim, “tie” her to him by “manifesting feelings”, can first cohabit with her (this depends on the will of the leader if he does not claim the right of the first wedding night), and then “give up” ("sell") sacrifice to his group1. It happens that they organize house tolerance.
At the cottage, located in one of the villages near Moscow, three rapists organized a den. “The girls were mostly chosen by them among nonresidents: visitors, tourists, adventurers.” Someone from the trio suggested to another candidate after a short acquaintance “to go to nature” ... guys like decent ... who agreed to go soon cursed their gullibility .. Group rape in a perverted form is not the worst thing they did to the victims. One of the girls eventually managed to escape from this sadistic lair. When police officers arrived at the dacha, they found all three strawberry lovers there. The rapists "relaxed" in preparation for the next "play". The new victim was already waiting, locked in a country house shed. The girl was forcibly held there for more than two months, subjecting him to daily abuse. Bruises, abrasions, fractures of the hips, rupture of internal organs - these are all the "joys of love" that she received from her tormentors. The victim is hospitalized. Rapists planted. They justified by referring to the "freedom of love" and sex, the desire "to liberation" 2.
The third type of groups differs from the second in that rape is for them a distraction, detente, rest from the main type of criminal activity (robbery, robbery, racketeering, etc.). The scheme is the same: acquaintance with the victim, enticing her with his "awakened feelings", bringing to the "hut" where the group gathered, and as the final - group rape with or without a fatal outcome.
The fourth type of groups - "graduate". Two girls went to a cafe, sit, drink coffee. The waiter sat at their table two young people, apparently from the Caucasus. Schoolgirls represent
1 Socially disadvantaged family: problems and the search for solutions. Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference. October 24-25, 1995. Stupino: 1995, p. 75
2 Stepanova T. Fans of "Strawberry" and their gullible victims // Moscow news. 1996, February 24th.

Were students, guys - graduate students. Acquaintance decided to continue. On the appointed day, the girls arrived at the "graduate students" in the hostel; They were promised to be introduced to a film director from Azerbaijan (options: with a professor, a manager, etc.). The director was not there, but the girls were greeted with a royal dinner with champagne and vodka. Schoolgirls allowed to kiss and hug themselves, but when it came to bed, they began to resist ... At three o'clock in the morning, they were taken by taxi to their homes. A criminal case was opened1. Guys from cultural families, but were struck by their cynicism: “Didn’t the girls understand why they were fed and watered? After all, it’s clear to the child too!” 2

Often, this type of group is called a "podsadnom", in which the waiter or another person plays an important role, as if inadvertently bringing the victim and rapists together.
The fifth type of groups is spontaneous, the first unfamiliar woman or girl who happened to meet in a deserted place is raped. The criminal group returned from a successfully completed "case", met a lonely walking girl in the park, dragged her into the bushes and, giving herself the opportunity to "discharge", relieve tension, she raped her. Tied and gagged, she lay there all night. In the morning, she was discovered by a woman walking a dog.
The sixth type of group is the killer rapist group. Usually they kill those who know the rapists or can identify them. So, the neighbor boy invited Nadya in the evening to go swimming in the river. Nadi's parents were away. On the river, they were met by a familiar company, who raped Nadia, and then, to escape responsibility, she was strangled and buried in the forest.
The seventh type is rape of girls - members of this group, and then permanent alternate cohabitation with them, turning them into "dolbezhek".
The eighth type of groups - the applicant. Currently, the search for objects of rape at railway stations from among the entrants entering the cities has become widespread under the pretext of the search for “director” of typical people for certain film roles. These girls are taken "on trial", they propose to undress, imitate the preparation for filming, and then rape.
1 Shokhina T. "He sold me to his friends" // Top Secret, 1993, No. 7.
2 Ibid.

The ninth type is the prisoner. Sasha received a sentence for having knocked a man to death on a motorcycle. He wrote to Nina from the colony very gentle letters, and on the first date he said that he loved. And she agreed to become his bride, agreed to share with him the fate and those years of his lack of freedom. And then they raped her ... Boys ... his friends, with whom she sang with a guitar the day before, talked about life, about how things would turn out after their colony. They mocked her for almost a day, they beat her. "What are you calling your Sasha? He passed you to us." With difficulty she managed to escape ". As you can see, someone from the group is credited with the girl, swears her love, and then" surrenders "to her group. This type of group aggression is widespread not only in the colonies, but also in freedom At the same time, often in order to “cover the tracks”, the group goes to kill the victim2.
Many criminal groups, using a favorable situation, lure victims of rape with offers to work in commercial structures with secretaries, referents, as well as for traveling abroad as photo models, tourists, etc.
Often they act almost officially. Here is an example. "Year 1992. The Red Star Agency held an international competition for the Person of the Year at Sovintsent-re. The winner received a contract for 30 thousand dollars. The defeated beauties who had flown from all over the country, like butterflies at the light, could only spread tears on their cheeks : second, third, sedatives and similar prizes were not provided. A comforter, however, was found. The jury impressively rose the figure of a strong, dark-haired man, benefactor and trustee of young talents, a well-known philanthropist from sports Kvantrishvili. six contestants who managed to get closer to the first place. "We give you a prize: go with us to the Olympics in Barcelona. Audience Award. ”Cinderellas got into a fairy tale, which, alas, did not last long. Neither Spain nor Barcelona, ​​they, in fact, did not see: the uncontested“ program to relieve stress from the athletes ”fell on them. hotel rooms. But they were taken in turn by the entire team that accompanied Otari Vitalyevich ... "3.
1 Shokhin T "He sold me to his friends // Top Secret. 1993, No. 7.
2 Modestov N. Affordable Entertainment // Moscow Region, 1993, August 7.
3 Petelin A. Black Cardinal // Dangerous bet. 1996, No. 2.

Rape in all possible and seemingly impossible places. One could give examples of group rapes in apartments, in attics and basements, in boiler rooms and elevators, in public toilets, in parks, in cars, in electric trains and long-distance trains, etc. But the essence does not change: a group that appeared specially for rape, rape as a “rest” from the main criminal activity, spontaneously perfect rape, rape of a randomly encountered victim or a special search for the victim, etc. All these rapes differ from each other only in ways to immobilize the victims: they are pre-soldered or put to sleep with clonidine, by “deactivating consciousness” by strangling, or by painful techniques they immobilize, bind or train; uses an infinite number of different ways to achieve the goal.
The consequences of rape are different too. The victim can be sent home by car, or they can take a life with torment and without torment, take it out to the forest and bury it; she can be tamed for later cohabitation and intimidated so that she is silent; they can let her go or drive a vodka bottle into the vagina, etc. There are so many options that it is difficult to enumerate everything, because the fashion for sophisticated savage torture of the victims flourishes in the teenage environment. In the process of gang rape, the group turns into a flock of lascivious and hungry sadistic males.
From a psychological point of view, it is important that any woman can suffer from rape: "no woman is immune from sexual crime" 1. It would seem that with the heyday of prostitution and free love, the increasing danger of becoming ill with AIDS and venereal diseases, rape, especially group, should decline. But this does not happen for several reasons.
First of all, from the side of the object of criminal encroachment, it is important that every woman and girl is attractive in her own way to rapists. One of its gullibility and naivety, the other risky clothing and behavior, the third - carelessness, inability to foresee the development of the situation. One is raped so that it “does not show off,” the other because it is otter, the third because it is “so that we know our people” and not go to “someone else’s company for a walk”, etc. This is the victimological aspect of the problem. Foreign scientists, who are developing the basics of safe living in the city, in connection with the danger of being raped, specifically recommend women and girls not to go alone to unfamiliar companies, not to return home later on deserted streets and parks; avoid entering the elevator with unfamiliar men; Do not wear too intimate parts of the body and clothes that cause heightened sexual interest; Do not take a taxi or a passing car, where there are still male passengers, etc.
For any woman, even prostitutes, gang rape is a serious personal tragedy. Prostitutes who have been raped confirm this: "Why would they rape me, I would give them to them anyway."
As a result of gang rape, a woman’s life shatters. Many do not tolerate this and end their lives by suicide, others go insane, and still others carry this tragedy in themselves all their lives and cannot forget it. Victims of gang rape experience a life of inferiority, anxiety, fall into the alienation strip, because they consider it shameful to share this with someone, just to speak out to someone. The emotional sphere is seriously disturbed, they lose their parental feelings towards children, are cold in their sex life with their husband, are suspicious, neurotic, prone to deep depression, etc.
Any, especially group, rape a woman perceives as a shameful spot in his biography, which should not be the property of others (acquaintances, girlfriends, friends).
It is not by chance that studies show that according to art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is a very high level of latency. This feature is known to the rapists and taken into account when committing crimes. And during the trial, you can intimidate or bribe the victim. Contribute to the increase in the level of latency and relatives, parents of criminals and victims. Parents of criminals are looking for the parents of the victims and are trying to pay off, and the parents of the victims are afraid of shame and "do not take out the litter from the hut." Often, in order to avoid criminal liability, any of the rapists, by decision of the group, sends
1 See, for example, V. Kirillov. Rape. (Your personal safety guide) // Advertising Bulletin. "Free world". 1993, No. 32; Mayetnaya E., Nosova O. Violence. What should be done to prevent this from happening // Komsomolskaya Pravda. 1995. November 19th.
2 "From the file" KP ": Only every seventh woman, becoming a victim of a sexual crime, submits an application to law enforcement agencies." Mayetnaya E. Nosova O. Today, the march of silent women in black will pass through the streets of Moscow // Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1995, November 19.
matchmakers to the victim, marries her and everything is settled for a while. And having escaped criminal punishment, the criminal submits for divorce.
Several years ago I had to act as an expert in a single criminal case. A group of 7 adolescents, boys and girls constantly plied in suburban electric trains, looked for naive girls, got acquainted, on the platform Malenkovskaya went out and lured the victim to the basement of the house, where there used to be a boiler room. They arranged for the acquaintance "party" with a drink, and then raped the new one. The girls - members of the group - served as bait, made acquaintances, they also stood "on the lookout", instructed the children, commented on sexual intercourse, performed other functions (washed away the victim, brought her to her senses or "turned off the consciousness", etc.). Once this group lured two friends into the basement: Natasha and Sonya. Natasha felt something was amiss, asked for leave to go to the toilet and quietly ran away, and Sonya was raped in three circles; bullied on her as they wanted, she often lost consciousness. After the completion of the rape and mockery, she was dragged out into the street, put on a bench and warned: "Don't tell anyone, otherwise it will be worse!"
Barely getting to the house, Sonia immediately went to the hospital. This crime would not have been solved if the next day the guys had not met Natasha at the school and had not beaten her for running away. The girls grabbed her hair and demanded that she ask for forgiveness and kiss the shoes of the guys. Natasha had a concussion. In fact, malicious hooliganism and a criminal case was opened. And then came to Sonya. Sonya wrote a statement on rape, but the parents of the criminals quickly collected a thousand rubles each and took Sonya’s mom, who suffered from alcoholism, and Sonya took her statement, although during the investigation the investigator revealed about 20 girls who had suffered from this group, and none of them wanted apply for rape. It also happens that the victim, extorting money, gives false information.
The victims are silent not only because they are ashamed or bribed them, they were threatened or blackmailed, but also because they do not believe the police, they are ashamed of the investigator - the man. This is all known to criminals, they have all “figured out”, and therefore
1 Budartseva S. Victims of sexual violence have "Sisters" // Evening Moscow. 1995, November 23

they have a sense of impunity, pushing them to search for new victims. Therefore, as a rule, not one undeclared or unsolved crime “hangs” behind any group of juvenile rapists.
It is necessary to take into account a number of points that stimulate gang rape by minors. First of all, this is the abundance of pornographic literature in the country, which is sold at every corner, with its various recommendations that encourage minors to test them immediately; TV demonstration of films with numerous “bed scenes” that are not recommended for children under 16 years of age.
As noted above, criminal groups of tyrants are not affected by such restraining factors as the threat of becoming ill with AIDS, a venereal disease or undergo pederaction themselves when they are in places of deprivation of liberty. It operates a well-known socio-psychological mechanism to overcome the danger in front of everyone ("Peace and death is red!"), Which allows to remove the fear of the expected danger, intensify the feeling of impunity, the hope that the perpetrators will pass and criminal punishment, and disease.
These feelings are warmed up by persons who are in the group who have undergone veno-diseases or who have served a “term” “under a youth article” (for rape). These individuals boast suffered veno-diseases and served punishment as personal merit, which is an important incentive pushing for sexual aggression of the rest of the group.
In the group of teenagers, the rapists are suppressed and do not show a feeling of natural disgust when performing group sexual intercourse, if the victim loses consciousness, defecates, etc. On the contrary, it is put forward as a merit, demonstration by members of the group of their male abilities.
When a group commits sexual intercourse, the demonstration of their male merits (the size of the penis, the duration of sexual intercourse, the ability to bring the victim to orgasm or deactivation of consciousness) is an essential factor in the competition between group members: at least in something, but to demonstrate their superiority over others this soil to assert itself as a sexy man. Actually the satisfaction of sexual needs recedes into the background. All conversations after the completion of the crime are conducted around how and who "broke", and who was a boy, weakling, etc.
For adolescents in a criminal group, the natural feeling of jealousy becomes unnecessary, so they calmly “hand over” their girlfriends, even loved ones, to their criminal group1. There is information about the appeal (in the phone "Trust") of girls, "lost" in the cards by the guys from their street companies2.
Here is another typical example. Lena 3 and her mother were summoned to discuss at the meeting of the city Commission on Juvenile Affairs. The occasion is a long absenteeism, although Lena had not missed classes before and was a solid "good-looking", diligent student. Reasons for absenteeism she did not call. And the members of the Commission were puzzled for a long time: what to do, what decision to take. And then mom, asking the members of the Commission for indulgence, let out that Lena had a constant stomach ache lately, and the other day she found bruises on her side. This alerted the members of the Commission. And then, in the course of a confidential conversation of one of the members of the Commission alone with Lena, it turned out that the guy with whom she was friends requires cohabitation from her, and she refuses. Then he began to beat her with karate techniques, and she hesitates to declare it, he is afraid of being called a "snitch." The guy threatened her if she did not give himself to him, then he would "throw her under the tram." The mention of the "tram" put everything in its place: "throw under the tram" - give it to your company for gang rape. A psychotherapeutic conversation was conducted with the girl, and her mother was asked to write a statement to the police about bringing to justice a student who had inflicted bodily injuries on Lena for a long time, leading to a health disorder. The practical psychologist of the school, who was present at the Commission meeting, was the first to pay attention to why a previously disciplined and diligent student suddenly became a malicious extinguisher. However, the diagnosis of interpersonal relationships, as a rule, school psychologists do not pay enough attention.
In the process of gang rape, mental contagion is no less important. Observation from the sex of members of their group is pornography "in kind", and it is known that pornography is dangerous because it has a certain narcotic effect on people, especially
1 Lena G. I do not want to be a group girl // Arguments and Facts. 1995, No. 39.
2 Socially dysfunctional family: problems and the search for solutions. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Stupino. 1995. p. 75-76.

being in a group. The spectators of the sexual intercourse experience the hunting excitement, the atavistic syndrome of the male pursuing the female, which stimulates the sexual activity. Especially since group rape is preceded by a certain preparatory stage: constant and lengthy conversations on sexual topics, passion for sexual anecdotes, watching "pornographers" and reading pornographic literature, "initiating men" of inexperienced members of their group (having a teenager have sex in public view "common" girl), "movie screening" (alternate sexual acts under the supervision of partners), the game "chamomile" (alternate change of sexual partners before the onset of orgasm), etc.
In adolescent and youth environment group cohabitation with “common” girls became widespread. This is observed in all types of educational institutions. Particularly conducive to this is the living environment of students and dormitories. Often there are formed from among the undergraduates of the group of rapists, who penetrate the rooms to the girls "for sex". Any resistance of the victims is suppressed by sophisticated methods, when blackmail, threats, beatings, etc., are used. Чтобы избежать такой участи, многие девушки отдаются кому-нибудь одному из наиболее влиятельных ребят, чтобы не оказаться "подо всеми". Нередко девушки, прошедшие такой "курс группового секса", испытывая свою ущербность, сами провоцируют ребят на изнасилования своих подруг по принципу: "Я пострадала, так пусть и она пострадает, а не кичится своим целомудрием".
Прошедшие "школу общаги" с ее сексуальной распущенностью всю жизнь несут эту каинову печать, что отражается на их семейной жизни. В этом кроются социальные корни групповой половой агрессии. Поэтому не вызывают удивления появляющиеся в последнее время рекламные объявления типа: "Муж (30 лет) и жена (25 лет) приглашают супружескую пару для совместных интимных отношений" или "Две прелестные девушки ищут партнеров для совместного занятия сексом".
Необходимо глубоко и всесторонне исследовать причины, условия и факторы, порождающие групповую половую агрессию, способы защиты от нее. Способствует росту групповых изнасилований стереотип, сложившийся в общественном сознании, что девушка должна терять целомудрие до замужества. У лиц женского пола подросткового возраста даже распространен девиз: "С окончанием школы - аттестат половой зрелости" или "Долой девственность!"
Все это отрицательно сказывается на генофонде нации" в виде: ранних браков, рождения детей несовершеннолетними, алкогольных зачатий; увеличения числа отказных детей; возрастания количества новорожденных детей с психическими аномалиями и соматическими заболеваниями; криминальных абортов и т.п.
Prevention of sexual aggression and the provision of psychological assistance to victims. Based on the above, an important issue is ensuring the individual safety of women, overcoming the stereotypes prevailing in the public consciousness regarding the sexual behavior of both men and women. From childhood it is important to teach children personal safety. On these issues in our and Western scientific literature there are many works.
В то же время каждая женщина и девушка должна знать, что делать, не только для того, "чтобы этого не случилось", но и "что делать, если это уже случилось"2. Важно преодолеть в себе чувство стыда. "Пусть этого стыдятся насильники, а не жертва" - такая установка должна быть выработана у каждой женщины и девушки. После совершенного акта изнасилования необходимо срочно добраться до безопасного места и позвонить в милицию. После этого нужно позвонить человеку, которому доверяете: пусть он немедленно приедет. Ни в коем случае нельзя мыться, менять одежду - иначе экспертиза станет практически невозможной. Одновременно обязательно вызывается "Скорая", а где это невозможно, нужно самой явиться в медучреждение, врачи и медсестры не только успокоят, но и проведут профилактику беременности и венерических заболеваний. Таковы советы американских ученых Мэрибет Роден и Гейла Абарбанэла в книге "Как это бывает".
In order not to be left alone with their experiences, it is necessary to promptly contact the help centers for the survivors of sexual violence "Sisters", which are created and are being created in large cities.
Violent survivors should not expect such a serious psychological trauma to pass by itself. Rape victims may develop fear for their personal safety, a sense of being lost, turning into
1 Kondakov V.Sexual revolution // Tatyana's Day. Almanac.M .: 1995, No. 3.
2 Budartseva S. Victims of sexual violence have "Sisters" // Evening Moscow. 1995, November 23
тоску. Жертва может испытывать сильное чувство ненависти к насильникам. Весьма сильно проявляется чувство стыда, из-за чего жертвы не хотят заявлять о совершенном над ними надругательстве. По этой же причине они начинают сторониться друзей, избегают различных компаний, вечеринок. Сильно проявляется состояние незащищенности, вследствие чего такие лица боятся выходить на улицу, быть в незнакомой обстановке.
Многие жертвы насилия испытывают чувство вины, обвиняя себя в происшедшем (свою неосмотрительность, неосторожность, беспечность) или считая происшедшее карой за какие-то их прегрешения.
Для жертв насилия, пострадавших от "своих" друзей, знакомых, которым они раньше доверяли, характерно также переживание от предательства, совершенного в отношении них, которое порождает недоверие к окружающим людям, ожидание с их стороны пакостей. Жертвы насилия теряют доверие и к себе, поскольку начинают считать, что их подвела неспособность разбираться в людях. "Почти все жертвы насилия отмечают, что одним из самых ужасных моментов пережитого было ощущение беспомощности, отсутствия возможности защитить себя, как-то повлиять на происходящее. Чувство беспомощности остается с жертвой на долгое время"1.
Такие лица становятся нервозными, раздражительными, нередко впадают в истерику, а также в глубокую депрессию, которая может толкнуть их на суицид.
All these experiences can be of different strengths and intensities, occur immediately after an act of violence or with some delay. And the return of these experiences is possible. All this is reflected in the behavior, activity, since all the attention of the victim is focused on their experiences. There are various sleep disorders: later falling asleep, ragged sleep, early waking up, nightmares. In appearance, marked emotional tension, great fatigue.
The most important condition for the successful social rehabilitation of victims of violence is to give them the opportunity to speak out, to share their fortune with someone. And here the help and support of a practical psychologist who would take over their experiences "on themselves" are indispensable.
Urgent psychological assistance and support to the relatives and friends of the victim of violence is also needed. Special
1 ibid.

This is important for adolescents, who often do not dare to report the tragedy to their parents, for fear of their unpredictable response. i
Следует подчеркнуть, что психологам, привлекаемым для проведения судебно-психологических экспертиз по фактам изнасилований несовершеннолетних, важно знать внутреннюю психологическую структуру сексуального насилия: мотивацию группового насилия, механизмы психологической защиты и самооправдания; виктимологический аспект; поведение жертвы, ее переживания, механизмы и способы компенсации попранных достоинств личности. Особенно это актуально в связи с тем, что сексуальное насилие является одним из главных факторов суицида несовершеннолетних, возникновения психических заболеваний.
Более подробно все эти вопросы освещаются в методическом пособии Синягина Ю.В., Митиной М.Н. "Особенности назначения и проведения судебно-психологических экспертиз суицида" на материалах несовершеннолетних (М.: Изд. МГУ, 1994)1.


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