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abbr. - abbreviation
alc. - the term alcoholics
English - English letters. - literally
military naval - naval term
VK - educational colony
warming - Greek
dialect. - dialectical
in - foreign language
foreign - foreign irony. - ironic
YU - Correctional Facility
Kazakh. - Kazakh
kart. - gamblers term
pronoun - pronoun
a pier - youth slang
sea - marine
a park. - term addicts
him - Deutsch
new rus - new Russian
hunts - hunting term
contempt - contempt
neglected - scornfully
Ray - speech
tour. - Turkish
franc - French
Roma. - gypsy

And - he, she, they (used to indicate someone)
AB-AB (AB-AB) - sexual perversion in the form of orogenital contacts (blowjob)
ABAZHUR - openwork; everything is good
ABAIM - deceiver, liar, rogue
ABAKUMYCH - thieves crowbar
ABAS, ABAZ - 1) a coin of 20 kopecks; 2) a close man
ABVER (him) - an operational part of a colony, a pre-trial detention center; criminal investigation
ABDASTA - the gun
ABISSINIA - a gathering of petty criminals, hungry and ragged
ABISSIAN TAX - giving a bribe, a tribute paid to extortionists
ABODE - time of good luck, happy time
ABOPOL (OBOPOL) - stake, stick
ABORDA (TAKE ON ABOARD) - physical violence or the threat of its use
ABORTORY - gynecological department of the hospital (irony.)
ABORATED - driven out of cells, groupings, from somewhere
ABORATE - expel from the camera, from the group (survive)
ABORTMAHER - a person performing underground abortions
ABREC - 1) armed gangster; 2) Caucasian national prisoner who escaped from prison
ABROTNER (TALENT) - horse rider
ABRUNGERN (in.) - deprive of virginity
ABFETTSEN (foreign) - kill, slaughter
ABFILKELN (foreign) - collusion
ABHALTEN - the robber’s blow to the victim’s head
ABTSUG - label, marking of playing cards
GOING UP - to smoke anashy
ABY DAY TO EVENING - just to make time; not work
ABISH - fifteen
AB-AB (AB-AB) - sexual perversion in the form of orogenital contacts (blowjob)
AVEN - run away
AUTO-ZAK - a camper in which prisoners are carried
AUTOMATIC - 1) bench; 2) a fountain pen; 3) cutlery
AUTOMATIC - 1) "thief in law", who served in the Soviet Army and, therefore, violated the prohibition of thieves; 2) the performer of someone else's will, an ordinary member of the gang; 3) deserter, a person who evades military service
CAR - cart
AUTOPILIL - automatic machine for the sale of soft drinks
AUTHOR - the leader of a criminal group
AUTHORITY, AUTHOR is an experienced recidivist criminal who has earned trust in his environment, has influence and is able to lead a criminal group, appeared in the 80s, taking control of his group of whole regions, opposed to the "thieves in law"
AVTOKHAPSNAB - station "Avtotehobsluzhivaniya"
AVYLA, AVYLO - pretty pretty
AGALEZ (OGOLETS) - a boy, juvenile delinquent
AGALCHIT - 1) to warn a friend in time by pushing him; 2) prevent
AGALTS - keys
AGACH - 1) good; 2) from the affirmative interjection - "AGA" - I agree; 3) one and a half share in the division of stolen goods
AGBA (foreign)
AGEL - 1) evil spirit; 2) Satan; 3) bad luck
AGENT - accomplice, assistant "puppeteers" (outdated.)
AGER - stallion
AGITKA - print, play, movie on patriotic or party theme
AGNETS - a person first convicted of imprisonment
AGRARNIK - racketeer picking farmers
UNIT - 1) electric appliance for cooking chifira; 2) car; 3) hours; 4) a set of master keys; 5) surveillance; 6) scales for weighing drugs; 7) any operating mechanism; 8) syringe for injecting drugs
AGGRESSOR - 1) rapist minors; 2) amusing (irony.)
AGSON - inn, bunk
ADA - 1) shelter; 2) refuge; 3) young gypsy
ADAM - friend
ADAMOV HEAD - 1) bald man; 2) human skull
ADAMOVO LYKO - whip with three ends
ADAMORA - head, human skull
Adda! - run away!
AJA-AJA - interjection expressing fright
ADIDAS - 1) fine; 2) good, successful; 3) fashionable, beautiful clothes
AD and K - Adolf Hitler
ADIC COOL - Hitler's nickname
ADIPT is a suspicious person
ADYA (from the French. - adeu - goodbye) - go away! go!
АЖИТАТ - 1) currency speculation; 2) usury
Openwork (abajur) - order, norm (everything is normal, everything is in order)
AZA - a young gypsy
AZYUHA - zipun
AID - authoritative Jew
Aida - a beautiful young Jewish woman
AIK (HAYK) (foreign) - icon
Quince - run away! hide yourself! anxiety!
Aida - let's go, let's go
YIZER - Azeri
And K - eye
ACADEMIC - experienced criminal, recidivist
ACADEMY END - serve sentence in IU
ACADEMY - 1) prison, colony, arrest; 2) a periodic collection of card cheaters; 3) the thief "school"
AQUARIUM - temporary detention facility; 2) sobering up station; 3) viewable camera
Accordion Music - Tea Tile
AKOSHEVKA - 1) a prostitute, a woman of easy virtue; 2) Mistress, Mistress
ACROBAT - passive partner in the act of sodomy
ACCUMULATORS - male testicles
ACTUAL ACT - consent to the sexual act of a woman in gratitude for anything
ACTIVE - 1) an active homosexual; 2) public prisoner
ACTIVIST - prostitute
ACTIVATED - prisoner released early from camp for health reasons
ACTIVATED DAY - a day when prisoners were not taken outside to work outside due to severe frosts
ACT - eight
ACULA - 1) a convict for a long term of imprisonment with confiscation of property; 2) experienced prostitute
AKULINA (ANYUTKA), BECAME THE SAMOVAR - brutal prison game, which was greeted by a novice, during which he received a beating
AKUS (in.) - despised prisoner
AKTSAY - vodka
ACCENT - Thieves language
SHAREED - total group girl
SHARE - to commit group sexual intercourse
ACCh - money
ALAV (in.) - dress, clothes
ALAR (in.) - forest
ALASH - 1) make noise; 2) hooliganism
Scarlet Rose - Woman Drunk
ALBERKA - medical syringe, machine, machine
Aldygat - cheat
ALEZARIN - a mixture of bread kvass with alcohol
ALEXEY ALEKSEEVICH, ALEShKA - footman, batman, six, hotel janitor, sender of a reputable thief
ALENKA - a bucket
ALEKHA - friend
ALYOSHA (in the female. CLAVA genus) - moron
ALIK (ALKAR) - drunk
ALIKA WASH - rob (rob) drunk
Alkash (Khanyg) - an alcoholic, a drinker
ALCONAWT is a difficult moving drinker
ALLAH - Asian
ALLEGRO - card bet, win 32 times the bet
ALLEY POSITION - make a passage (breach) in the fence of the PS
ALLEY GO - make a passage in the fence
ALLEY - fence
ALLEY OF LOVE - a place in the park where prostitutes swim
ALLIGATOR - a dangerous criminal, capable of any crime
ALLURE - 1) immediate departure to another locality after the commission of a crime; 2) greeting
ALLURE THREE CROSS - the same as ALLURE, but faster
DIAMOND - thief glass cutter
DIAMOND - great
DIAMOND - honest
ALTAR - referee table
AL tushka - 1 kopek, loose change
Almonds - small money, trifle
ALTIs! - danger signal (caution! hide! escape!)
ALTYSH - six
ALI SPEND - 1) to steal; 2) to buy stolen goods
NAME - 1) to cheat; 2) mock anyone
ALYRKA - 1) a liar; 2) sharper (when playing dice)
AL JRA - 1) a beginning prostitute; 2) a girl; 3) accelerated gait (from the French. Allure - gait)
ALYUSNIK - a beggar
ALUSNICHAT - to please from mercenary motives
ALAMS-TRALAMS - caustic answer to the comments
ALIAMS-TRAFULA - jester, frivolous man
AM (foreign) - 1) mouth; 2) a place where you can hide while escaping
AMANYA - flatterer
AMARA (from frank amour - love) - prostitute
AMASKA - assistant in the sale of stolen goods
AMBA - 1) collapse, end, stalemate; 2) violent death
1) the big guy, the tall man; 2) bodyguard with gang leader
AMBAL FOR DAMAGE - the thieves' porter
BARN - 1) a large bag;
2) penalty isolator; 3) temporary detention center
AMBARUHA - 1) a barn; 2) storage room; 3) stomach
AMBETS (from AMBA) - 1) to get caught red-handed; 2) the collapse of hope
AMBRAZURA - 1) window; 2) mouth
AMBRAZURKA (FEED) - square window leaf in the chamber door through which food is served to the prisoner
AME - Candy
AMEN (foreign) - we (loc.)
AMERICAN - game (loser fulfills all requirements of the winner)
AMEN! - keep quiet!
AMMONAL - 1) makhorka-self-garden; 2) bread
AMNUHA - role
AMORA - Gypsy
AMOROM - fast
Amplifier - sound amplifier
AMPULA (BANK, BAKER, WAGON, SULEYKA) - a bottle of alcohol
Ampulum - narcotic substance in ampoules
AMPUHA (GLASS) - ampoule with a drug
AMUR is a monetary "doll", as well as any "doll" used in fraud
AMURIK - a person convicted of rape of a minor; for defaming minors
AMURCHIK - a person acting with thieves and protecting them in the event of detention
ANARCHIST - 1) the former "thief in law", who has departed or expelled from a thief group, who did not observe the thieves' standards of behavior; 2) offender acting alone
ANAHOR - pretend
ANASHA (tour.) - narcotic drug - hashish, - made from Indian or Manchurian hemp
To ENABLE - to ask, to lend
ANGIBER - a person who gives information to criminals, where it is possible to commit theft, robbery; gunner
ANGISHVANA - celebration with excessive drinking
AN GRUSTE (foreign) - ring
AN DESH - 1) 15 rubles; 2) a drug, more often - hashish
ANGELA DAVIS - Swarthy, Kinky Passive Homosexual
ANDROMEDA - not giving birth or barren woman
ANDROT - blockhead, fool, dumbass
ANNUSHKA - impossible to fulfill our plans
ANO-FLEX - strange
ANOHA - 1) moron; 2) naive person
ENSEMBLE - a bunch of homosexuals
ENSEMBLES OF PLACEBARS - a group of women involved in orogenital contacts
ANTIK - antique
ANTILOPE - 1) a person who is always looking for his own benefit; 2) thin girl
ANTIPOLITS (ANTIGAI) - a tablet that smacks the smell of alcohol
ANTON - the janitor; watchman
ANTRAMENT, INK - fortified wine
ANTHRACITE - 1) cocaine; 2) shag
ANTRESOLI - the upper tier of the bunks in the detention center, IW
ANCHUTKA (dialect.) - 1) unreliable person; 2) hell
APE (foreign) - shelter
ORANGE - 1) an early thief crowned without sufficient grounds, mostly of Caucasian origin, or bought the title of "thief in law" (the same as Lavrushchenko); 2) hand fan
APYN (Kazakh.) - milky juice of opium poppy
APYAK GIVE - to blame the other
APPARATUS - 1) kettle; 2) any car or engine; car, taxi; 3) male sexual organ; 4) drug injection syringe
UNIT SELF-1) toilet; 2) a wash basin in the chamber
APPENDIX - 1) deadlock, lane; 2) insignificant person
APSIK - Card Term
АR (А) - suffix giving expressive coloring to the face (for example, “Volchara” - nickname)
ARA - Armenian
ARABKA - dexterous, dodgy hand (in the sense of dexterous, roguish)
ARAP - 1) a swindler, a swindler; 2) arrogant person; 3) booty thieves
ARAPA SEND, RUN - 1) deceive, brag; 2) do not pay card debt
ARAPA'S THINK - divert attention
ARBA - car
ARBUZ - 1) head; 2) billion rubles
ARBUS SPLIT - smash your head
ARGO - Slang (Fran.)
ARGON - 1) love feeling (from the Greek. Argos - inert gas); 2) bliss
ARDOM - house of detention, prison
ARED (foreign) - 1) miser; 2) an elderly person; 3) mentally ill person
AREPAT - an indecisive person
ARZHAN - money
ARISTOCRAT - 1) high-flying pickpocket; 2) authority in the criminal world (see MARVIHOR, MAVIHER)
Arcane - 1) watch chain; 2) the prosecution; 3) dependence on someone as a result of blackmail; 4) the term of imprisonment; 5) exposure
ARKANIA - to lure a man to profit (actions of a prostitute)
ARKUSH - blank paper
ARMATURE - 1) a set of thieves' tools; 2) refusal to execute orders and instructions of the administration and official asset
ARMENIAN QUEEN - a woman entering into orogenital contacts; passive homosexual (see ACROBAT)
ARMENIAN JOKE - anal-genital contact with a woman
ARMENIAN ARRIVAL TRAIN - railroad train of cognac tanks (wine)
ARMYASHKA (neglected) - Caucasian
ARTEK - pearl barley
ARTIST - an experienced crook, crook
MILITARY ARTIST - cheater, high class speculator
ARTICHOK - voluntary jester among prisoners
ARKHAROVETS - 1) detective; 2) a ragged, dissolute person; 3) bully
ARCHIVE number 3 - the register of persons who died in the colony
ARCHITECT (ironic) - prisoner working in the prison for the construction of the zone
Arshin - 1) dishes, from which you can drink; 2) measure something
ARSHIN, ARSHINNIK - merchant, trader, speculator
AU - homosexual known in his environment
ACEY (foreign) - foreigner
ASKAR - an independent person
ASK (from English, ask - ask, ask) - beg, ask for alms
ASMODEY - 1) a miser, Skopid; 2) the nickname, which was awarded to the cruel commanders in the camp (Asmodeus - in Hebrew apocryphal literature - the main demon, an evil spirit that controls demons); 3) bully
ASO - 1) bicycle; 2) a wheelbarrow (perhaps from the camp proverb: "A wheelbarrow - an ASO machine - two handles, one wheel")
ASS-Bober - convicted "highly qualified", "thief in law", well-guided in the Criminal Code
ASPHALT DISEASE - bruises of a drunk as a result of falling to the ground
ATA! - goodbye!
ATTACK - stand guard
ATANDA, ATANDO - danger signal; beware, run away! (from fran. atteinte - strike; encroachment)
ATANDA META - hesitate, frighten, retreat from his words
ATANDE (fran.) - hidden safely, fairly, be silent!
ATAS (VASSAR, SHUHER) - a signal of the approach of danger, a general alarm (be careful!)
ATAS COSSACK - robbery
ATAS THROW - go away with noise
ATASNIK - an observer standing guard and warning of the danger
ATAS ZINKUET - a guard observer reports danger approaching
ATE (foreign) - father
NECKLACE - depart
ATMAS - Alarm
ATOM (foreign) - a state of drowsiness after drug use
AUL - 1) administrative building in the PS; 2) the barracks of the internal troops of the Ministry of Interior for the protection of IS
OUT - 1) death; 2) signal: give up without resistance
AFGHANETS - killer, killer
Afganka - Afghan hemp
AFENSKY LANGUAGE - Thieves language
AFENA - Ofenya-peddler, petty trader in the distribution and delivery. Ofeni had its own conventional language - OFEN, as well as Kantyuzhny, Lamani, Alaman or Galivan.
POSTER - fat, fat, flabby face
AHLAMON - idiot, idiot
AHMURYAT (SHOCKING) - to deceive
AHROSH (foreign) - robbery
AHTARI - playing cards
Ashar - Bazaar
ASHAT - is
ASHE (foreign) - money
ASH MALASH - 1) feeling the victim before committing theft; 2) search
ASHMALASHIT - feel the pockets
ASHMONAT, ASH KUL YAT - search (SHMON - search)

See also

created: 2015-06-26
updated: 2023-08-26

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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology