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Chapter XII. The impact of social exclusion on the personality of a minor 1. System analysis of social exclusion factors


Factors affecting the identity of a minor, isolated from society. Isolation from society for the committed offense or crime may be in the form of deprivation of liberty (criminal punishment served in an educational colony), compulsory placement in a special school, a special vocational school for re-education or temporary detention in a detention center for minors, in a detention facility. From a psychological point of view, they all have a similar effect on the individual.
Firstly, an individual acquires a special legal position, which consists in restricting his rights (for free movement throughout the country, for his own daily routine and lifestyle, for the satisfaction of various vital needs, etc.). As you know, any restrictions and prohibitions engender the desire of people to violate them, intensify their creativity and sophistication in this direction.
Secondly, a person in the conditions of social isolation also acquires specific duties, in which moral standards common to any citizen acquire a legal character and their violation entails legal consequences. Thus, violation of the norms of interpersonal relations, rudeness and tactlessness of a minor are evaluated by educators as his unwillingness to correct and can significantly postpone his release from special institutions and exemption from punishment.
Thirdly, the very fact of social isolation for a person acquires a stigmatizing character: a minor, isolated from society, acquires the official status of a criminal or offender subject to criminal punishment or coercive measures of re-education, which is subjectively perceived by a person as an act of branding, relating it to people of the second grade, causing experiences of their social inferiority and activating the mechanisms of its compensation, as well as psychological protection.
Fourth, isolation from society is connected with the forced change of lifestyle and the inclusion of a minor in new social processes: specially regulated general education and vocational training, work in production workshops of an institution, participation in the public life of a collective, in sports, in the library and etc. Different types of social benefits in the context of isolation from society acquire a different personal significance. So, minors willingly participate in circle work, the work of library associations. Circles are needed not only to get some new knowledge, but also diversify the lives of minors, they allow you to “kill time”, to communicate with new people invited to lead the circle work in the institution from the outside.
Fifth, minors in a socially excluded environment are included in a specific environment where people with varying degrees of pedagogical neglect and criminal infestation are gathered, and in this connection, socially negative norms, values, traditions — in short, their own “prison subculture” providing direct impact on a minor and largely determining his behavior. The assimilation of the norms of the "prison subculture" carries with it the danger of further criminalizing the personality of the minor, of enhancing his "professional criminal" skill. It is not by chance that the places of social isolation in criminal jargon are referred to as "academy", "institute of advanced training", and "institute of improvement".
Deprivation of liberty and other types of social exclusion mean the forced placement of a minor in a special system of social time, where the beginning and end of the period of social exclusion do not become the starting point of the new year, classes at school or the year of birth of the minor. Therefore, each minor lives as if in three dimensions: everything that was before the time of arrest (detention, transfer to a special institution) relates to the past and is connected with the commission of an offense (crime). Permanent memories of the past manifest themselves in a retrospective reassessment of values. The time period from the beginning of the term to the release (release) of the correctional and special educational institutions is the present, to which you need to optimally adapt (adapt). All that comes after liberation from the VC (graduation from a special school, special vocational school) is the future that we can only dream of and plan the corresponding prospects. Therefore, in determining the behavior of a minor it is necessary to take into account his past life path and attitude towards him, the behavior of a teenager in conditions of social isolation and attitude to the very fact of isolation and all factors acting in it, his attitude to his future (plans, orientations, prospects, etc. .).
Studying the past of a minor, it is necessary to pay attention to his life path, which led to developmental deviations and criminal behavior. This approach allows us to identify the causes of such deviations, the emergence of social and pedagogical neglect, social unsuitability, which in turn could be the causes and conditions of his criminal behavior. Therefore, the past of a minor, reflected in the psychology of his personality, is manifested not only in specific adolescent and adolescent reactions (opposition to adults, bravado, the desire for self-affirmation, etc.), but also in typical forms of criminal and asocial behavior (theft, vagrancy, hooliganism, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, etc.).
However, the psychology of the personality of a minor is formed in conditions of social isolation, not only and not so much under the influence of the past life path. Such a criminal-psychological retrospective analysis does not allow one to understand the peculiarities of a person found in conditions of social isolation, does not reveal the states that she experiences, and those qualities that are formed in her under the conditions of coercion. Therefore, it is not clear why a seemingly more neglected teenager who has committed a serious crime quickly takes the path of correction and the law-abiding way of life, and the other, less neglected, not only resists the correction, but also gains new criminal experience in conditions of social isolation.
The study and analysis of his life activity, in which he is included in the conditions of social exclusion, helps to identify the psychic states he experiences and the qualities he develops. Social isolation and the accompanying measures of coercion, acting on the minor complex, each time create for him a special way of life in the present. This vital activity (practical activity and the system of relations) consists of constantly changing life situations, the most typical of which are:
- frustration - breaking down and collapse due to the arrest (isolation) of previous life plans and prospects. Since a person cannot live without prospects, he is forced to put forward new plans and prospects, at least for a period of social isolation. Knowledge of these "prison" prospects is very important for the most effective impact on a person;
- pressure - a situation caused by the superstrong pressure of the criminal environment on a person, which is capable of significantly distorting the motives and behavior of the minor. Typical situations of pressure are the “registration” of the newcomer, as well as his placement in the so-called “press hut” (cell, insulator, dormitory), when the whole force of environmental pressure is concentrated on the beginner, seeking to subordinate him to his orders. This situation inevitably forms motives and behavior aimed at removing the press environment (by desperate resistance or conformal behavior);
- The situation of trauma associated with the very fact of social exclusion, which is expressed in the destruction of the former customary connections and social circle of the minor, as well as the circumstances surrounding social exclusion. The psycho-traumatic situation inevitably triggers psychological defense mechanisms, as well as ways to relieve trauma. So, the minor is trying to replace the usual old connections with new ones, to create his own social circle in social isolation, or to “fit in” to an existing one in the institution (division);
- the situation of learning (instructing) the administration of minors, as well as adolescents and young men of each other (how to act in certain specific conditions so as not to incur serious moral and psychological losses, just to survive in conditions of social exclusion). So, from the very first steps, a minor receives information from others (in the form of an explanation or an example of the behavior of others) about what is possible for him and what is forbidden to do;
- a situation of imitation (contagiousness) caused by patterns of behavior of other, more experienced, minors, who managed to show ingenuity, and often - resourcefulness, and “well” to settle in a colony (special school, special vocational school, remand prison) by exploiting newcomers and weak.
Each of these situations has both positive and negative consequences for the individual. The positive impact of the situation must be effectively used in the process of re-education (or simply the reorientation of the individual); to help form new life plans with socially valuable content for the period of being in the institution and for the next life, instead of destroyed social plans and prospects; stimulate imitation of those who are on the path of correction. Socially negative consequences in these life situations, it is important to prevent timely. Thus, the pressure of the criminogenic environment should be eliminated or prevented, to prevent the inclusion of the minor in the criminogenic social circle, etc.
Constantly attracts the attention of the minor and his future, about the occurrence of which he dreams after being released from the VC (graduation from a special school, special vocational school). He strives to bring the attacks of this so desirable day in every possible way. One invests all his strength in achieving excellent release (release) with excellent study and exemplary behavior, the other only dreams of the future, but does little to bring it closer and even more so to really prepare for it. The third one is carefully preparing for the future, working out in detail the plans for further criminal activity: by playing cards, it accumulates money, establishes connections with the “will”, etc. In all this it is necessary to understand the teacher, working with a particular teenager or young man, penetrating into his plans for the future, helping him to correct them.
All factors acting on a minor in conditions of social exclusion can be divided into two groups: 1) direct legal. those. statutory (period of stay in a correctional or special educational institution, the possibility of granting meetings with relatives and friends, correspondence, receiving parcels and broadcasts, protection and supervision, restrictions in food) and 2) factors mediated by law, i.e. not implying a forced impact on a person (closed communication system, general educational and vocational training, educational work, work in the workshops of the institution, socio-psychological climate in the institution, remoteness of the institution from the place of residence of the minor, etc.).
The specific psychology of the personality of a minor who is in conditions of social exclusion is the result of the interaction of all these factors (past, present and future, directly legal and mediated by law), the specific living conditions and activities of the minor in isolation. This personality has the following features:
- a greater or lesser transformation of the qualities and properties that have developed in the minor prior to the moment of social exclusion, in the process of asocial and criminal activities;
- intensive formation and consolidation of social and group properties (qualities) inherent in a person isolated from society;
- accentuation of properties (qualities) that were not manifested in a minor under normal conditions of a free life.
Over time, in conditions of social isolation and stereotypical lifestyles, the personality of the minor stereotypes occurs, erasing the lines between different asocial and criminal types (rapist, vagabond, hooligan, petty thief, etc.) and the formation of a new type - the convicted person (person under legal restrictions). This person may also have typical temporary deviations that may disappear after being released (graduating from a special school, special vocational school) or fixed in the personality structure for the rest of his life.
Forced social exclusion of a minor, characterized by various legal restrictions, is a very acute, extreme situation. It leaves no one indifferent, causes different depths and powers of experience, leaves an imprint on the value-oriented sphere of activity and motives of activity, mental properties, the system of relations. The reactions to the coercive system in each adolescent and young man are individually peculiar, but a number of general points can be made out of which allow for the appropriate classification and typification of minors.
The significance of social exclusion factors for the individual. To determine the significance of social exclusion factors for an individual, a method was used to rank them by different groups of minors and to compare the obtained data with other age categories. For this, in the preliminary survey, minors named (listed) the following, in their opinion, essential and significant elements for them (factors, circumstances) affecting behavior in places of social isolation: the period of isolation, the prospect of early release from VC (graduation from special schools, special vocational schools ), life under constant protection and supervision, strict regulation of the daily routine, restriction of free movement, forced labor, forced to go to school and vocational school, forced d osuug, censorship of correspondence, restrictions on receiving parcels and broadcasts (or their content), as well as on using money, forcing people to communicate and live with people "worse than me", moral and psychological atmosphere in the institution, relations between minors and the administration and their degree of trustworthiness , moral experiences of punishment (isolation), dietary restrictions, various shortcomings in the work of the institution (in the organization of mass cultural and sports work, in medical care, in educational work, etc.). Older youths emphasized such a factor as the impossibility of satisfying sexual needs.
Then, the minors of different classification groups were asked to put down all the factors according to the degree of personal significance, from the most significant to the less significant. After that, individual and average indicators were calculated for each classification group. When interpreting the data obtained, statements and detailed assessments of minors, their diaries, essays and letters, and the results of interviews were taken into account.
During the preliminary system analysis, it was possible to subdivide the list of currently relevant factors proposed by minors into the following five groups:
1) direct legal factors that express the essence of legal regulation of the execution of criminal punishment and re-education measures: term of isolation, protection and supervision, restriction of freedom of movement, free communication, correspondence, broadcasts, presence or absence of the prospect of early release (release);
2) law-mediated factors arising from the execution of criminal punishment and the use of coercive measures of re-education: restricting the choice of work "like", dissatisfaction with food, limiting the possibilities of communication with family and friends, strict regulation of free time and leisure;
3) moral and psychological factors accompanying punishment and coercive measures of re-education: the need to communicate and live with people “worse than me”, extortion and harassment by “authorities”, insecurity from infringements of other minors, moral and moral depreciating properties социальной изоляции, плохие взаимоотношения с администрацией, отсутствие доверительности и заботы о подростках и юношах;
4) penitentiary and pedagogical factors: training, labor, educational, cultural, and cultural activities;
5) Other factors that can be followed: For example, there are various detective films shown here, etc.
It was his time (23.3%), he wanted to make it out. morally and physically (31.6%). 10.1% of respondents avoided answers. There is no current. A.A.Belyaev (1967) obtained other results: 33.5% survive more than limitations of physical properties; 51.7% experience greater punishment (isolation) morally; 5% experience isolation both morally and physically; 9.8% gave frivolous, provocative answers or did not answer1.
Belyaev, quite understandable. First, the researchers used different techniques. A.A.Belyaev asked the respondent the question "head on": "What are you experiencing more punishment?" This is a significant factor for less significant. Secondly, AA Belyaev, adults were taken only for comparison, and we were minors (adults were taken only by comparison). Thirdly, between our studies is a significant period of time during this period.
1 See. AA subjective perception of punishment.

It has been shown that the "human material" has changed. Fourthly, the social exclusion is also affected. For example, the AA Belyaev refers to moral factors. In fact, this factor is experienced physically, as well as in adults, satisfying sexual needs. It has been given that it has been defined as conditions through which each factor refracted.Often,see the punitive elements in factors that create a negative attitude towards them. For example, the institution of the institution does not relate to the elements of punishment. Moreover, they are under the constant supervision of physicians, who were free. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.which creates a negative attitude towards them. For example, the institution of the institution does not relate to the elements of punishment. Moreover, they are under the constant supervision of physicians, who were free. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.which creates a negative attitude towards them. For example, the institution of the institution does not relate to the elements of punishment. Moreover, they are under the constant supervision of physicians, who were free. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.The minors are under the control of the physicians, who were free. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.The minors are under the control of the physicians, who were free. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the fact that the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.The medical unit becomes the center of the teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men.The medical unit becomes the center of the teenagers and young men. But the medical unit becomes the center of attraction for teenagers and young men. Also A.S.Makarenko noted that "teenagers love to be treated very much." Therefore, they are deeply experienced. If you are a woman, they have to go through the climatic zone and the distance from them to home.
The number of minors has been taken. Juvenile offenders were compared with it. The number of examined minors and female minors (see table 12.1).
The total number of people from the rank of the total population of the total population of the total population is taken.
There is a significant difference. For example, it is more significant than for the rest of adolescents and youths; It is a question of the administration of the institution. The data obtained are not supported by experts.

Table 12.1. Ranking of the factors of social isolation by minors
Name of social exclusion factors Average rank range Floor
Male Female
Term isolation one one one
The prospect of parole 2 2 2
Restriction of free communication 3 four four
Restrictions in receiving parcels (gear) four 3 6
Restrictions on the use of money five four eight
Correspondence Censorship 6 eleven 7
Forced communication 7 6 9
Regimentation eight ten eleven
Security and Supervision 9 eight 12
Restriction of freedom of movement ten 9 13
Forced leisure time eleven eight 15
Forcing to study at school. Vocational school 12 13 14
Forced labor 13 sixteen sixteen
Moral experience of punishment 14 12 3
Moral and psychological atmosphere in the institution 15 15 five

Name facto

P ow
ditch of social exclusion Average rank range Male Female
The attitude of the administration to minors sixteen 18 ten
Coercion to participate in educational work and amateur organizations 17 14 18
Power limitations 18 17 nineteen
Deficiencies in the work of the institution nineteen nineteen 17
The coefficient of removal from the average rate 1.0 0.937 0.689

Note: in older adolescents and young men, as well as in adult convicts in the colonies, the second place in the ranks of persons of both sexes is the inability to meet sexual needs.
Similarly, the difference in the rank ranks of the attitudes of minors to factors of social exclusion according to other socio-demographic and criminological indicators was calculated.

Table 12.2. Difference of rank ranks of the attitude of minors to social exclusion factors according to socio-demographic and criminological indicators (in comparison with adults)
Juvenile classification groups The value of K. beats.
A. Socio-demographic indicators
1. Gender Husband. Female 0.937 0.689
2. Age 11-13 years old 13-15 years old 15-18 years old 18-21 years old 0,605 0,893 0,945 0.967
3. Education initial incomplete secondary average incomplete higher 0,741 0,894 0,943 0.857
4. Здоровье здоровые больные 0,959 0,655

Классификационные группы несовершеннолетних Magnitude

К. уд.

5. Состав семьи и ее характеристика имеет обоих родителей имеет одного родителя благополучная семья неблагополучная семья 0,733 0,959 0,537 0,948
Б. Криминологические показатели
one . Характер совершенного преступления, правонарушения убийцы хулиганы воры разбойники грабители насильники наркоманы бродяги прочие 0,899 0,785 0,985 0,987 0,961 0,725 0,725 0,853 0,755
2. Сколько раз изолировался от общества one

2 3

0,591 0,913 0,977
3. Осталось до освобождения (выпуска) до 1 года до 2 лет до 3 лет до 4 лет (ВК) 0,533 0,641 0,882 0,981
4. Сколько времени находится в изоляции до 1 года до 2 лет до 3 лет до 4 лет до 5 лет до 7 лет свыше 7 лет 0,521 0,801 0,913 0,933 0,954 0,961 0,805

The table shows that certain categories of minors are “closer” or somewhat “farther” from the reference series in their assessments of the aggregate factors of social exclusion affecting them. “Removal” indicates an increase in the importance of some factors typical for isolation and a decrease in the importance of others for a given minor in comparison with the total population. “Approaching” to unity means typifying the significance of social exclusion factors for the individual. It turned out, for example, that for minors such factors of social exclusion as lack of food, strict regulation of life, deficiencies in the organization of sports have a different personal significance than for adults; for patients, issues of participation in work, receiving packages and transfers, meetings with relatives are more significant than for healthy ones; for minors who have had sexual experience, the inability to meet sexual needs, the inability to meet with a familiar girl alone is incomparably more significant than for adolescents who do not have sexual experience.
No less interesting data was obtained in the study of the difference in the rank ranks of the attitudes of minors to the factors of social isolation, based on their criminological characteristics (nature of the crime or offense committed, number of convictions or how many times they were isolated from society, term of isolation, etc.).
As it was supposed, social isolation is less significant for robbers, robbers, thieves than for those who committed other crimes. Apparently, this is due to the fact that for this category of persons who have committed more than one crime, this isolation is not the first one, and therefore they experience it more easily than for the first time isolated. In the first year, isolation is experienced more strongly than in the second and third years; before release (liberation), it is experienced more strongly than at its apogee.
In order to understand the mechanisms of this “different personal significance”, it is necessary to analyze each factor separately. For example, in females, the moral and psychological factor (moral experience of punishment) is in 3rd place, and in males - in 14th place. Forced leisure activities in males causes stronger feelings than females. The female sex experiences the unfavorable moral and psychological atmosphere in the institution more than the males, etc. It. In our opinion, it can be fully explained by the greater vulnerability of females, as well as, oddly enough, by adaptability to external adverse conditions. As a result, social isolation quickly destroys and levels the identity of the female gender than the male.
The proposed approach to studying the impact of social exclusion on a person allows revealing the deeper inner connections and dependencies necessary to improve the regulations governing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, as well as coercive measures of re-education in special institutions for minors, taking into account social processes in society and changes "human material" on modern -lap; understand why some punitive elements are ineffective, others are perceived distortedly, and non-punitive - as a serious punishment, and having understood, find ways for the most effective educational impact on a person. Take at least the remoteness of the institution from the place of residence of the minor. It would seem, what does this factor have to do with kare? And it turns out the most immediate. Thus, in the Maykop special vocational school, minors from Murmansk, Tyumen regions, Bashkortostan are on re-education. To the student N., his mother (he has no father) came from Murmansk only once in two years. To students from Tyumen and Bashkortostan never came (because of the high cost of travel tickets). Is this not a punishment for these teenagers, when relatives from nearby places constantly come to visit others? It is not by chance that in a number of Western states it is customary not to send even adult criminals to places of deprivation of liberty located more than 100 kilometers from their place of residence. According to our “Soviet” legislation, minors convicted of criminal punishment must also serve their sentence at the place of residence (the oblast is considered to be a place of residence). As a result, a teenager who committed a more serious act in Moscow is serving a sentence in the Ikshansk or Mozhaisk colony for minors, and his peer, not sentenced to criminal punishment, is sent to the same Maykop special technical school or to the Ocher special school of the Perm region? Which of them consider themselves more punished? In this regard, it is surprising, for example, the decision of the Moscow Department of Education to close the Moscow Special School, which immediately affected the level of crime among minors in the capital.
Therefore, the question, which may be asked by incompetent persons, whether it is legitimate to single out factors of social exclusion, which in fact do not belong to it as such, can be answered in the affirmative. According to the usual logic, it is difficult to even suggest that the state punishes adolescents by giving them the right and opportunities for vocational and general education, active participation in educational work, in creating conditions for the realization of the principle of self-government in a team, etc. Here one should proceed not from abstract theoretical reasoning, but from the actual personal evaluation by minors of all the circumstances accompanying social isolation.

1. The psychology of the personality of a minor who is in isolation is characterized by: a) a special legal position in the system of social relations; b) the special social status of "socially isolated" ("deprived of liberty", a student of a special school or a special vocational school); c) a special type of correctional activity or compulsory re-education measures. All this in its totality creates for the minor a completely different way of life, different from the way of life of a free citizen.
2. The proposed approach to the study of social exclusion makes it possible to most fully reveal the entire set of factors accompanying it; to determine the grounds on which they could be classified; establish the nature of the relationship of each factor and group of factors among themselves; to study each factor separately, identifying the mechanisms of their influence on the person; determine the range and strength of influence of each factor on certain groups of juvenile offenders; to synthesize the influence of all factors of social isolation on a person and present it as a model of the personality of a teenager and a young man, isolated from society for a perfect offense and a crime.
3. The set of factors affecting the personality of a minor in conditions of social exclusion is classified: a) in relation to the life course of the individual, into: retrospectively significant, actual significant and prospectively significant; b) according to the degree of legal regulation of the life and activities of the individual in conditions of social isolation on: directly legal, mediated by law, moral-psychological, penitentiary-pedagogical, and others.
4. The attitude of the minor to the factors of social exclusion can be measured by ranking them by personality according to their importance for her, which allows comparing their influence on different groups of minors and revealing a typical attitude towards them among adolescents and young people from different socio-demographic and criminological groups.


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology