You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin



BABA - 1) passive homosexual; 2) a talkative and cowardly man
BABAY - 1) the usurer; 2) old man, grandfather; 3) active pederast, the keeper of the "girls"; 4) Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kirghiz, Tatar
BABALNIK - 1) a womanizer; 2) Convicted for rape
BABAN - a peasant incongruous man
FIRST GRADE BABA - girl, young woman
BABA WITH EGGS - active lesbian
BABAT - to give an accomplice to the crime
BABAKHAT - to inform, give out
BABAKHNUT - 1) to speak out thoughtlessly; 2) ruin the air loudly
BABA-YAGA - strict guard, an employee of the Investigative Department
BABEG - rich
BABETS - a portly middle-aged woman
BABICH (BOBKA) - shirt

BABKA - 1) foot; 2) ruble, money; 3) ring, ring; 4) young beautiful woman
BABKI VKOLACHIVAT (ZABIV, Pour) - 1) to deceive; 2) to distract attention by talking
HOT BABKI - money earned by prostitution BABKI BREAK - 1) to cheat when exchanging banknotes; 2) to cheat at currency exchange BABKI OBSCHAKOVYE - money collected in the thieves' cash desk (see GENERAL)
BABKA BACK - debt repayment
BABKI PICK UP - to sum up
BABKS STAND DOWN - money is in the pocket in bundles
NET BABKI - money obtained by criminal means and "laundered"
BABKA TO BUREAU - prison game, during which they rob a novice
BUTTERFLY - 1) a shirt, predominantly dapper; 2) corduroy jacket; 3) chicken
BUTTERFLY - fish in an aquarium
BUTTERFLY ROLL - wriggle out, justify
BUTTERFLY - stealing clean money
BABTIST (irony.) - Lovelace, womanizer
BABULI - money
BABY TEARS (ironic.) - wine and vodka shop (beer tent)
BABYA MERCHANT (ironic) - pregnancy
BABYA JOY (ironic.) - 1) a large male penis; 2) money
Baba Conscience (ironic.) - female genitals
BAGGAGE - 1) drives, criminal records, shoots; 2) a covert cannibalism escape participant
TRUNK - pocket
BAGRIT - 1) to issue partners; 2) smoke hashish
BAGYT (tour.) - do not interfere
BUDAY - take it
BADAYSKIY - station
BADYUGA - firearms
BUDYAG - 1) vodka; 2) a revolver, a pistol, a firearm; 3) a thief; 4) unnecessary, empty occupation
BUDYAG DIVORCE - file a complaint to the prosecutor
BADYAZHIT - 1) to cook something; 2) mix liquids
BAZHBAN - a stupid man
BAZHIT - want, wish
BASE - 1) caustic powder, thrown into the eyes of the pursuer; 2) a thieves den
BAZAKONBASK - rub in glasses BAZAAR - 1) cry, noise, scandal; 2) an abstract conversation with the aim of withdrawing suspicion (“for the bazaar”, for the sake of appearance, deceptively); 3) provocation, provocative action
BAZAAR-STATION - argument, quarrel, fight
BAZAAR ROTA - empty talk
BAZARILO - liar, deceiver
BAZARE - 1) in vain to talk, talk; 2) shout loudly, make noise, scold
BAZAAR ON THE WALL LUBE -1) fight; 2) quarrel
BAZ - to make pickpocketing on the market, in a public place
BAZAAR TAKE - beat, rob by group
BASIL - butter
BASIL - technical oil
BAZL - noise, scream, quarrel
BASE, BASE - shout, yell, talk noisy
BAZLI - chatter
BASE - metal teeth
BAI - 1) cards; 2) the head of the detachment in the IS; 3) a rich man
BAI BUT - 1) dagger; 2) dice
BAYDAN - airport, station, marina
BAYDANSHIK (BANSHCHIK) - station thief BAYER - dandy
BAIKA - 1) burning of cotton wool or rags in the face of a sleeping inmate; 2) joke, fiction
BAIKAL - weakly brewed tea
PUKE RED (FIXED) - gold watches
HIKES Circle - silver watches
BIKE LANGUAGE - conditional language of thieves and fraudsters (probably original. Comic education from BAIKA - a fairy tale, fiction)
BAYROV - to persuade, courting, inclining to any action
BAYSTRYUK - 1) boy; 2) illegitimate
BAK - 1) a mug; 2) a dollar; 3) table TANK - pocket watch
BOCHATA) - pocket watch
BAKES TO INSTALL, INSPIRING, AMBULATING, TURNING OVER - 1) deceive, lie, divert attention; 2) choke
Eggplant - Pound Sterling
BAKLAN - 1) an inexperienced person, a fool, an inexperienced thief; 2) a bully; 3) the contempt for the pseudo-pores; 4) a greedy escort who takes away from prisoners everything that he likes
BUCKLAND - hooligan, rob
BAKLANKA - 1) the title of the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation condemning hooliganism; 2) a degraded woman; 3) tattoo of a convicted person for hooliganism
BACLAN PORODY - convicted of malicious hooliganism
BACLAN HAVIRNY - hooligan,
condemned for apartment brawl
BAKLANYA HAZA - sports school of boxing, martial arts
BASKET - pan, BAKSA capacity - bijouterie
Bucks, Greens - dollars
BAKSHISH - 1) bribe; 2) gift
BAL (BALCHUK) - 1) bazaar, flea market, market; 2) intoxication
BALL RAISE (MAKE UP) - make noise, shout
BALA - white bread. BALABANI - money
prostitutes language
BALABAS - 1) fat; 2) sausage
BALBOLKA - chatty man
BALABON - 1) talker; 2) jester
BALAGAN - amateur art in PS
BALAGAS - sugar
BALALAECHNIK - convicted
anti-Soviet agitation
BALALAYKA - 1) a revolver; 2) tape recorder; 3) onanist; 4) cruel chamber game
BALAMUT - 1) shulersky way of laying cards; 2) a convict misleading his cellmates; 3) fool
BALAN - log (from the word BALANCE - an assortment of wood in the form of round bark-cleared logs)
BALANDA - 1) prison chowder, liquid food in the colony; 2) lies;
3) gossip; 4) lard
BALANDER - 1) food dispenser in prison, cook; 2) he who is engaged in harmful chatter
BALLAND RUN, DILUTE, GRASS - lie, tell tales
BALAND MUTE - 1) to deceive; 2) confuse
BALAND DILUTION - 1) carry nonsense; 2) to lie
BALAN ON THE TAIL - warning about being watched
BALAN S YUP - to work in the IU on the logging
BALAN S W DRING - working on logging in the AI
BALATON - 1) reservoir; 2) swimming pool
Balberite - 1) speak in vain; 2) chat; 3) gossip; 4) to let false rumors
BALBES - 1) the parasite; 2) a fool; 3) a fool; 4) lazy
BALDA - 1) anasha, another narcotic substance; 2) night watchman; 3) chisel; 4) fool, fool; 5) the ironic name of the head
BALDAHA - 1) night watchman; 2) chisel
BUD EZH - 1) drug intoxication; 2) fun, upbeat
Baldea TYPE - 1) funny person; 2) a person who is prone to drug addiction, drunkenness Baldet - 1) to have fun; 2) do not work; 3) smoke anasha; 4) consume alcohol in large doses; 5) fall into a state of ecstasy ("high") in the process of drug use
take a rest
BALDOMER - 1) a mug; 2) capacity;
3) male penis
BALDOH - soldier, sentry
BALDOKHA - the sun, the moon
BADDYRKA - 1) woman; 2) intentional puncture car wheel
BALEK - internal lock
BALLERINA - thieves instrument
BALESHNIK, BALLETS, BALJO-HA - party, accompanied by group sexual acts BALI - 1) hours in general; 2) pig
BEAM - 1) inner jacket pocket, coat; 2) a loaf of white bread; 3) capital punishment
Balance - 1) sexual intercourse of homosexuals; 2) sexual abuse of a minor
BAG - a prostitute working on a train to Bologoye and back
BALONS - money
BALLOUT (BAL, BALA, BALTOCH-KA, BALCHUK) - market, flea market, market

BALTOCHKA (BAL, BALA, BEACH, BALCHUK) - bazaar, flea market
BALUN - male penis
BALCHUK (BAL, BALA, BEACH, TAG) - bazaar, flea market
BALYA - a sheep
BALYASINA - lard, sausage, fats, butter
BALLS - idle talk
BALLS TURNED - keep the conversation empty
BAMBER watch
BAMON (BOMON) - gathering homosexuals
BAN - station, marina, public place, market
BANAN - 1) penis; 2) crowbar
BANBER - crowbar for hacking B AN G (foreign) - hashish
GANG GRAY - 1) the police; 2) Internal Troops of the Ministry of Interior for the protection of IS
BANDA FI KOSNAYA - store of gold items
BANDER - 1) husband; 2) the head of the criminal investigation department; 3) the owner of the brothel
BANNER - a bundle of money
BANDERSHA - keeper of the brothel
BANDIR - robber-guest performer
BANDISA - guitar
WOODEN BANDIT - a thief committing theft from basements
BANDURA - 1) bulky item; 2) guitar
BANDURA SPLIT - to commit theft from a woman's handbag
BANDYAK - parcel post
BOCHATA) - pocket watch
BANK - 1) stool; 2) a blow to the skin; 3) a bottle of alcohol
BANK (AMPULA, BAKER, WAGON, WHO, SULEYKA) - a bottle of alcohol
BANKER - 1) a person who sells illegal items such as drugs among criminal elements; 2) the pot holder when playing cards
BANKS PUT - 1) a way to harass a cellmate by pulling the skin off on your back or abdomen and striking with your hand 2) beating
BANKS TAILS - vodka with snack
BANK - 1) sell items prohibited by law; 2) to divide stolen goods between accomplices; 3) give out cards to the players
BANK-TABLE - gambling hangout
BANIKA BIKA - the woman of easy behavior (the station prostitute)
BANE SHPAN - station thief
BANOSKA - market, market
BANCH - pick something up
BANNER (BAYDANCHIK) - station thief
BATH - 1) interrogation; 2) station, 3) corporal punishment (beating)
BATH DRY - search
BAR (in.) - 1) son; 2) stone
DRUM - leather bag, bag
DRUM - serve time in prison
DRUM PUMP - 1) to conceive a child; 2) to perform sexual intercourse
DRUM STICK - woman with venereal disease
DRUM PUNCH - 1) strike the victim with a knife in the stomach; 2) to commit the night theft. DRUMMAN - a burglar thief, knocking on the window or making a call before checking the absence of owners
DROP - grab, pick up
DRUMBO - scammer
DRUM - talker, optional person
BARAN - 1) a stupid, narrow-minded person; 2) a monetary bribe to an employee of the Investigative Department for bringing in a zone of alcohol, tea, etc .; 3) a prisoner killed by a knife in the stomach; 4) Asian; 5) sheepskin coat, fur clothes
BARKS - handcuffs
BARSTER - a man cohabiting with his mother
BARE - to commit sodomy
BARACHLYA (BARAHLO) - stolen goods
BARAHOLKA - clothing market
BARE HOLSTER - petty thief
BARASHEK - 1) a minor, a victim of a homosexual; 2) the same as BARAN
DRUM - money prepared for bribery
BARBA - tortilla
BARBOS - 1) the investigator; 2) barman
BARBUT - gambling hangout
Bargovka - door chain
BARDADYM - 1) playing card - the king of black suit; 2) clumsy tall man BARDAK - the name of the tattoo with the image of a woman, playing cards, bottles, money with the words “That's what ruins us”
BARIN - 1) authoritative head of the colony, director of special schools, special technical schools; 2) authority in the colony camp; 3) authority in the criminal world
BARISRAEL (in.) - Jew
BARIA - fat
BARK - 1) a cache where stolen items are stored; 2) a cache in the IU for storing prohibited items
BARKAS - 1) collection of a colony, restricted area; 2) attic
BARLEN (in.) - speak
WARM (BOTH, BOOT) - speak loudly, distract attention
BARMICA - BARNAULIT beads - 1) to participate in the riots in the PS; 2) shout
BARNO - good
BARON - Head of the Gypsy Camp
BARON VON TRIPPERBACH - a person chronically ill with gonorrhea
BARS - 1) (abbr.) - Bay Active, Cut Suk; 2) Caucasian repeat offender
BARCY K - a man living on the content of a rich woman in years
BARSUKI - young homosexuals
BARULIA - thief's lover
BARUN - lover, roommate
BARUHA - 1) a woman who is available sexually; 2) the thief's mistress
Baryga - Stolen dealers, speculators
GOTS - money
Gingerbread Man - speculator
BARYSHNIT - 1) speculate; 2) buy and sell stolen goods
BAG (BARM, BOOT) - speak loudly, distract attention
BASKA - decoration
BASMANSHIK - a crook
POOL - 1) sauna; 2) swimming pool
BASTANDA - torture by heels
BASURMAN - 1) mullah; 2) Muslim prisoner
BASS - female breasts
BAT (in.) - house
BATALO - 1) talker; 2) language
BATAR - father
BATTERY - 1) prison; 2) human ribs; 3) a group of similar objects
BATAS (in.) - long knife
BUTTON - T-shirt
BATON - 1) passive homosexual; 2) a young prostitute;
3) tie
BARS - young lecherous girls, 14-15 years old
BATOR (BATYR) - 1) father; 2) elderly respected person
BATY - Mongolian, Kazakh, Buryat, Kirghiz
BATYA - 1) the head of the colony, the director of the special school, special vocational school; 2) a cook in a colony or prison; 3) a bottle of alcohol
BAUL - personal belongings of the convict
BAFEN (in.) - drink
BAHAR - prostitute
BACHOR (in.) - woman of easy virtue
BAHUR - teenager
BATTLES - dancing
BATSAT - 1) play a musical instrument; 2) dance, dance
BACILLA - 1) meat, salt, fat; 2) a harmful person; 3) transfer to a convict together with money, drug products
BASIL (BACILIST) - lean, frail, sick person
BACHATA - watches
BOOK - to understand, to understand something
BACHKYST - a thief committing theft of watches from his pockets or from his hands
BASH - 1) a portion of hashish at one time; 2) a measure of drug dose measurement; 3) money
BASHIBUZUK - 1) the thug; 2) Asian thug
BASHKIR - policeman
BASHLI - money
BASHMAK - 1) shoemaker in the IU; 2) narrow-minded people; 3) tea tile
BASH ON BASH - service charge
BAYADER - 1) beautiful prostitute; 2) a mixture of moonshine with dry wine
BAYAN - 1) medical syringe; 2) a radiator; 3) a bag; 4) a liter of vodka; 5) duck tiloscoping machine
BBK - cigarettes "Belomorkanal"
BDS (abbr.) - "long-distance tramp" (tramp, homeless)
BABIKI STUN - eyes gouge out
Beva - woman
RUN - steal, pickpocket
RUN THE ENTIRE ROAD - to professionally steal
RUN ANNOUNCE - return debts
RUN THE BAN - to commit theft at the station
RUN ON JUMPS - to commit burglary
RUN ON SONNIKUK - to steal at night
RUN ON CHAINS - steal clothes hung to dry
RUN ON WIDTH - to make pickpocketing
TO RUN WITH A PITCHARD - to walk with an adult thief, to go through a “school of thieves” (to train)
BEGEMOTE - 1) table VK; 2) a toilet in the cell insulator; 3) fat man
RUN FOR LONG DISTANCE - 1) to evade paying alimony; 2) escape from the PS
BEGUN, BEKAS - 1) bug, louse; 2) fugitive from IW
Bede - a knife, drugs, a gun
BUDKA (BIDKA, BIKSA, CHEAP, KURVA, LAKSHOVKA, LYARVA, MARA, MARUSHKA, TYNA, SMARTA) - a prostitute who constantly needs money
POVERTY - arrest; detention
POOR RELATIVES - Friendship Society with foreign cities, countries
POOR - unarmed
POOR DO - cheat
Poor woman of easy virtue
THE BADOLAG - 1) a pistol; 2) a convict “offended” by his comrades, friends, cellmates
BEDUIN - the oppressed convict of Caucasian nationality
RUN ON DEAL - an invitation to commit theft
1) indifferent to all people;
2) Fraer, not dangerous for PATIENTS
NON-HEADLESS (NON-HEADED) - not having a passport
NECESSARY - a passive homosexual with many sexual contacts
Roadless - stupid, unnecessary action, thoughtless act, prank, prank
WITHOUT INTEREST - play cards for fun
BELARUS - "the thief in law", not having thieves men
BEZMEN (in.) - poisoner
NO STRING (in.) - girl
BAY - unbuckle the victim's clothes during a robbery
Beibut - dagger, big knife
BETTING THE TOP CEILING, BAY ON THE TOP - Search the upper pockets of the suit
BEIKUT - Finnish knife
BAYTSLY - male testicles
BEKAS - 1) cigarette butt; 2) louse bug
WHITE HEAD - a bottle of vodka
WHITE RAT - doctor taking bribes
BELVEDERE - first class hotel
WHITE - narcotic pills
BELINSKY - white bread
PROTEINS - money
WHITE-BLACK - 1) passport for someone else's name; 2) blank passport form
WHITE CABBAGE - domestic money (rubles)
BEELMAN - a thief specializing in stealing clothes hung to dry
BELUGA - 1) cigarette case; 2) silver coin
BELUGI - silver change coins
WHITE FLIES - falling snow
WHITE BOILER - silver watch
WHITE SWAN - A particularly strict regime of AI, containing the thieves in thieves. Even a "thief in law" can be omitted here.
WHITE BEAR - a mixture of alcohol and champagne
WHITE PROSECUTOR - Escape from the IW in winter
LINEN - silver items
BELMONDO - a mentally ill person
BELYAGA - a lazy man, a slacker
BEELASHKA - morphine
Benders - Ukrainians
BANDYUGA - 1) a closet in the zone of the colony; 2) booth
GASOLINE - 1) codeine; 2) gastric drops
BENZOL b (in.) - artist
BER - house, apartment
BERDANKA - 1) transfer to prison; 2) a backpack, a duffle bag, specially made packaging for stolen items
BIRDANOCHNIK - a thief committing theft of hand luggage at train stations
BERDYCH (BACILLA, BERDYG) - fat, meat, food, transfer to the arrested
BEER (in.) - year
BEACH - 1) apartment, dwelling; 2) a den; 3) a secluded place
BEACH DISSIKA (irony.) - abroad
BERLOGA - 1) a den; 2) a secluded place
BERLYAT - 1) eat; 2) drink alcohol
BERMUDIAN TRIANGLE (irony.) - police - court - IU
BES - 1) a convict who works well in the workplace; 2) a cunning, vengeful man; 3) (abbr. Tattoos) Bay, if you can
Besa to drive - 1) to simulate a mental illness; 2) to lie, turn out; 3) chaos
BOZKOZYRKA - 1) sailor of the Navy convicted of a war crime; 2) a metal cork from a bottle of vodka
Besovka - girlfriend, lover of a thief
BESOGON - 1) fool; 2) the person telling a lie
FREE - 1) useless; 2) to persuade someone from the number of the administration to go for prohibited links with convicts
FREE PES - Member of the voluntary people's squad, the operative
VARIABLE - 1) extreme, even from the standpoint of "thieves" concepts, the degree of violation of individual rights; 2) "thief in law" who does not comply with the norms of the criminal world
DISASTER - 1) a criminal investigation officer, FGC; 2) a thief who is not part of the thieves' groups; 3) "new Russian" criminals who do not recognize the law of thieves
WIRELESS PEOPLE - 1) hooligans; 2) See DENIAL
WITLESS ROGACH - the bully bully
DISARMAMENT - lawlessness, arbitrariness
BESEMYANKA - not giving birth to an elderly woman
IMMORTAL - Minister of the Interior, Chairman of FGC
TERMINAL - Psychiatric Hospital
BOTTLES REPAIR - smash your head
COURSE - a man who has nothing to take (steal, take away)
BET - a shortage, a penalty (in a card game)
TAKE - arrest, arrest
HANDLING - 1) an honest, fair person; 2) a thief who strictly observes the law of thieves
LACE - fallen woman, tramp
BASIC - sodium etamininal
Rabid - drugs
RAGED - the head of the regime in the IS with a bad temper
BZDET - fear
BZDILOVYY - cowardly
BZDIMO - scary
BZDO - intestinal gases
BZIK - 1) goal; 2) the plan of the planned theft
BIBI (Gypsy.) - aunt
BIBLE - 1) book; 2) playing cards
BIVEN - a weak-minded person
BIGSA - walking woman, prostitute
B ID RA - the key to the door of the passenger car
BUSINESS (Eng.) - speculation, a deal with fartsovschiki
BUSINESS BUSINESS (eng.) - fartsovschik
Bison (AM B AL) - 1) healthy, heavy-handed; 2) bodyguard with gang leader
BIKITSER - faster
BIXA BANOVA - station prostitute
BIXA MAIDANNAYA - train station, train prostitute
BIKSA SHOFERSKAYA - 1) a prostitute who trades with the help of taxi drivers; 2) a prostitute who trades with drivers of trucks, buses, etc. ("truckers")
BILL - acquaint
BILBADO (in.) - unbaptized
BINBER (FOMKA, FOMICH, GUITAR) - a thieves crowbar for hacking
BING (in.) - hell
BINDWARE - drunkard
BINO (in.) - sin
VIRA (in.) - river
EXCHANGE - production area of ​​the colony
EXCHANGE - a man convicted of large-scale embezzlement, embezzlement
TAG - 1) a gun; 2) documents, passport; 3) pass
DARK DARK - fake document (passport, ID)
TAG NET - a genuine passport, a genuine document
YAMNAYA TAG - fake passport
TAGS - 1) badge; 2) documents; 3) clothes, clothes
LOOKING - eat, eat, drink
BIRMA - vegetable shop
BISTURI (in.) - a small knife
BITA - edged weapons (handheld nickname)
BATTLE - highly skilled thief experienced
BATTLE HUT - uncovered hangout
BATHED GUY - a brave man
BATTING BUBNA - beating up
TO BEAT A DUCK - to uncover a woman's purse with the purpose of stealing from it
BEAT PONT - impersonate an honest person, pretend to be honest
TO BEAT THE FLIGHT - to walk, to walk aimlessly
BEAT TAIL - give out partners
Scourge tramp; "former intelligent person" or a person without a certain place of residence
BISHKAUTS - human ribs
BISHKET - stealing food hanging outside the window
GRATEFUL (S) - master key, key
GRACE - wash basin
CHARITABLE - 1) king pin, stake, scrap, whip; 2) the penis; 3) police baton
COLLECT - scream
BLAMEK - a person leading a parasitic lifestyle
BLAT - 1) acquaintance; 2) the name of the thieves' jargon; 3) the general name of all criminal, crimes, bribery; 4) average between friendship and bribery
BLATE IN THE CITY - an official taking bribes
BLUE ON BOARD - true to death
BLATED CAT - a prostitute, accomplice of criminals
FAVORABLE. MUSIC - criminal jargon
Pay - thief
BLACK (from English, black) - black
BLINOV - ace (playing card)
Pancakes - fake money
UNIT - stage
BLOTNYAR - stolen goods buyer
FORD - knife
BLUMING - a tall, "cool man"
BLUE - bruise
PLAYERS - orders, medals
Bober - 1) the speculator; 2) a convict who is not a member of amateur organizations; 3) the authority of thieves
WAWN - shirt
NET BOBKS - cash money
BOBN - boil
BOBOCHKA - tunic
BOBULI - money
GOD (abb. Tattoos) - Condemned by the State
GOD FOR MEETING - I wish you successful theft
GODDAY - beggar, beggar
GODS - money
WATER HA - gun
Bodyguard Dilution - keep empty talk
Boevik - six, ordinary member of a criminal group
GOING - giving the word, oath
FIGHT - playing cards
FIGHT SOMETHED - marked playing cards
SIDE RED - gold watch
SIDE FRONT - silver watch
BOX - very tight camera for one
BOXER - 1) a bully; 2) operational worker
SIDE OF THE NURSE - check for ovarivaniya in the colony shop
BABE - 1) a click put with a finger released from under the support; 2) teacher VK
BOLAN ON THE TAIL - the policeman is watching
Bolda - the sun
BOLDOHA - the moon
Sick - keep in custody; to be arrested
BOLOBOS - sausage
BOL ON - police officer dressed in civilian dress
BOLTALO - soup cooked in the dining colony
BOLTUN - a reproducer in a colony, prison
HOSPITAL - sanitary part of the colony, prison
BIG AREA - the territory of the former USSR
BIG ICON - internal regulations in the colony, prison
GREAT HELLO WITH DIMEDROL - request to send the drug
BIG MAN - Recurrent Thief
BOMBILA - 1) tramp, beggar, beggar; 2) apartment thief
BOMB (BOMBANUT) - 1) to get into any room by hacking; 2) steal something from any premises; 3) ask for supplements in the kitchen; 4) beg for alms
BOMB MOSCOW - come to Moscow to commit a crime
Bon - checks, money
BONDAR - the leader of a criminal group
BONSHITZA - accountant in a colony shop
BORZHOM - night shelter
BORZET - impudent, lose sense of measure from impudence, impudently behave
BORZY (BORZYAK) - 1) is an arrogant person who enjoys the support of the negative part of the convicts; 2) a convict who finishes the rest
Bears - failure
BOARD - camera shackles
BORTANT - 1) deprive of the right to use a stall in a colony; 2) deprive the right to receive parcels; 3) push someone off, get rid of someone
Barefoot go - play cards without money
BOSS (abbr. Tattoos) - was convicted by the Soviet Court
BOSYAK - 1) an avid thief; 2) the name of the caste of thieves
BOTALO - talker, language
BATTLE TO GO - shut up
BUT to speak
BOTTLE ON HAIR DRINKING - speak criminal jargon
BOTVA - hair
BOCHAT (BAKI, BATH, BIMBO RY, BOCA) - pocket watch
BARREL - watch-box, guard tower at the checkpoint
BR + AT - tattoo, meaning fraternization in the zone
BRACELETS - handcuffs
BRATVA - 1) comrades, friends, accomplices; 2) the inhabitants of the chamber
BROTHER - 1) Browning; 2) Gypsy
Bratsky grave (alc.) - bank sprat, herring bank
Bratsky horror - disgusting erysipelas (unpleasant appearance)
TAKE A WAFLY ON A TOOTH (ON THE KEY) - take the penis in your mouth
TAKE A CHIP - make orogenital contact
BROTHER KABUR - 1) punch a hole in the next chamber; 2) make a dig
TAKING GOD - intimidate, extort anything
TAKING ON A SCALP - pickpocketing when stealing only a fraction of the money
TAKE A GUN - to deceive
TAKING ON CHARP - 1) act arrogantly, bravely; 2) daring robbery
TAKE A LIST (LETTER TAKE) - cut, cut clothes
Log - man
BREAKFAST REMOVAL - map out the object of burglary
BREHUNOK - newspaper, radio
BRIQUET - medical pills in pack
Shaved Awl - a person with smallpox marks on his face
BRITZ - Jew.
BROVENOSETS - the nickname of Leonid Brezhnev.
BROADWAY street - 1) main street; 2) the place of gathering of convicts in ITK; 3) SIZO corridor; 4) a meeting place for drug addicts; 5) the place of gathering of prostitutes THE WOMAN
- the name of the thief
DROP HORSE - throw the rope through the window of one camera into another and use it to get any objects
DROP - 1) play cards or another game; 2) to deceive
DROP INTO TRADE - put in jail
DROP STAL - perform sexual intercourse
BAR - newcomer in the cell
BAR SAFE - informant from the number of convicts
DROP - work
BLASHING - run away from a convoy
HIS BURNING SLUMS - talking on raised
HANDS - eyes
BLOCKING - throwing
BLACKING - resisting
BRUNETTE - a car for transporting prisoners
BATTLE - say
BUBON - 1) a bun; 2) boil; 3) an abscess on the body; 4) venereal disease • BUGAY -
BUGOR - 1) brigadier; 2) the person who
heads among the convicts BUDKA - the full face of the
HONETH'S HAMMER - the camera for convicts rejected by the thieves' world of
BUDORGA (VATORGA) - a pistol, a revolver, a firearm I
WILL CALL - serve time until the end of the
BOOK - 1) mood 2) male penis
BUZA - disobedience, revolt in a colony, fight, conflict
BOOSE - to organize a conflict, scandal, dump
BUT - beat
БУКАШКА - троллейбус в Москве по маршруту "Б"
БУКЕТ - 1) сбор отрицательной части осужденных; 2) лицо, имеющее много судимостей по разным статьям УК; 3) человек, занимающийся всеми или большинством форм половых извращений
БУКЕТ, ДУПЛЕТ - одновременная болезнь сифилисом и гонореей
БУКСОВАТЬ - 1) заикаться; 2) говорить одно и то же, повторяться
БУЛАТ - нож
БУЛАТЫЙ - рубль царской чеканки
БУЛЬВАР - пол в камере
БУЛЬДА (ПЛАШКЕТКА, ПЕТУХ, КОЗЕЛ) - пассивный гомосексуалист
БУНКЕР - живот, желудок
БУР - 1) (аббр. татуировки) Барак Усиленного Режима (помещение камерного типа); 2) наглец, нахал
БУРА - 1) разновидность игры в карты; 2) суп, рассольник
БУРКАЛЫ - глаза
БУРОВИТЬ - обманывать
БУРОМ - толпой, нахально
БУРОМ ПЕРЕТЬ - брать горлом, нахрапистостью
БУРУНДУКИ - жители Урала
БУРЧАСТО - сдать воров сотрудникам милиции или оперативным работникам колонии
БУСАТЬ НА ХАЛЯВЩИНУ, НА ХАЛТОН - пить на чужой счет
БУСАТЬ ПО-ЧЕРНОМУ - пить в одиночку
БУТИ К - бутерброд
БУТИЛОВКА - толкотня
БУТИТЬ (БАРМИТЬ, БАСИТЬ) -громко говорить, отвлекать внимание
БУТОН - 1) булка; 2) красивая девушка
БУГОР - малоценные вещи
БУФЕТНИКОВ, БУФЕТЧИКОВ -вор, совершающий кражи из буфетов и столовых
БУХАЛО - спиртные напитки
БУХАРИК (БУХАРЬ) - пьяница
БУХАТЬ - пить водку
БУХОЙ - пьяный человек
БУХТА - притон
БУЦКАТЬ - избивать
БУЦКАТЬСЯ - драться
БЫДЛА - крупная женщина
БЫДЛО - человек с психическими отклонениями
БЫК - 1) бездушный человек;
2) слабоумный, делающий зло другим;
3) название лиц в групповой иерархии криминальной субкультуры;
4) общественник; 5) человек, достигший успеха в преступной деятельности
БЫКОВ ГОНЯТЬ - азартная игра на кусочки мяса в супе
БЫК-РОГОМЕТ - осужденный, хорошо работающий на производстве
БЫТОВИК - преступник, не принадлежащий к воровскому миру
BE IN THE SHARE - get your share * of drugs, share stolen goods
BE IN SMARM - not know what to do
BE ON A LIMAN - break away from the police
BE ON A STRESS - watch out, watch out
BE on
A UNIFEST ON WARNINGS - serve the sentence in the colony
BULL KAYF - a state of severe intoxication
BULL DEPARTMENT - convicts who are interested in working in the
BUK BUCH - 1) cigarette butt; 2) plump prisoner, taken to escape for cannibalism by the
bull of buried - moonshine
BEC - ass
BYASHA (BYAKA) - sloven; constantly dirty, fallen man


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology