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5. "Disassembly" as a manifestation of aggression


The concept of "disassembly" in the criminal environment. Above in a number of places we mentioned "disassembly". This is a manifestation of aggression, which can not be reduced only to interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, although the cause of "disassembly" is the conflict. "Any" disassembly "has nothing to do with the stabbing of the urkagans, the bloody robbery or the killing on the domestic soil of quarreling neighbors drinking companions."
What is "disassembly"? Since the criminal world lives by its rules and "laws", there must be mechanisms and means of influence on violators of these norms and "laws". “Disassembly” is a kind of investigation, a court and bodies that execute punishment in relation to persons and groups of the underworld who violated these “laws” 1. Thus, the reason for “dismantling” in relation to individuals and groups of criminals is their violation of the “laws” and “rules” of the criminal world. It follows from this that “disassembly” applies only to persons and groups belonging to the criminal world. "Disassembly" is an internal matter of the criminals themselves and their groups, i.e. a special kind of intragroup and intergroup aggression in the underworld. Therefore, the underworld does not give out to law enforcement authorities the initiators of “dismantling” and executors of measures applied to violators, whatever the consequences of any “disassembly”. It does not apply to individuals and groups of law-abiding citizens who are “simply” killed, robbed or raped (without any rules).
Usually violators of any "rules" and "laws" of the underworld and apostates from them, betraying clan interests, as well as other criminal groups that invade a "foreign" territory engaged in its "illegal" fishery.

The reasons for "disassembly". Based on an analysis of scientific and detective literature, a survey of some of the leaders of the underworld, our own observations, and an analysis of criminal cases, we will try to systematize the reasons for the “fights”, highlighting the main ones:
1. Violation of the agreement ("convention") on zones and areas of criminal fishing (did not divide the territory, type of criminal fishing, are engaged in criminal fishing on "foreign" territory, etc.).
2. Late return of debts to the "general cashier".
3. Snitching, informing, double-dealing.
4. Violation of the interests of the group (withholding money, valuables, etc., obtained by criminal means).
1 Modestov N. About the mafia - not a word // Moscow region. 1993, No. 2.

"Disassembly - group discussion of the behavior and actions of the thief." Dictionary of prison-camp-criminal jargon. Authors-compilers Baldaev D.S., Belko V.K., Isupov I.M. M .: 1992, p. 204. "Disassembly - group discussion of the wrong behavior and actions of his comrade from among the criminals" // Milyanenkov LA On the other side of the law. Encyclopedia of the underworld. SPb. 1992, p. 217.
5. Failure or untimely execution of this "gathering" or leader of the order (for example, to deal with the apostate).
6. Communication with persons subjected to ostracism (expelled from the criminal environment).
7. Violation of the word given to the community, i.e. "start up".
8. Other violations of the "laws" of the underworld.
However, the focus is on protecting the criminal interests of individuals (leaders) and criminal groups (clans). “The struggle for the best piece constantly leads to conflicts”, followed by “disassembly” - it turns out who violated these or other interests, how and when (intruded into someone else's zone and the sphere of criminal fishing) and which can be applied to the violator, to restore justice. For example, a member of a criminal group did not repay a loan obtained from the "general ticket office" on time, or a group of pimples, "registered" at the railway station, began to act at a bus station in one of the underground passages that belong to the fishery zone of another group. The debtor may be "lowered" or demanded from him to repay the debt, but "by the counter" at a high percentage for each day of delay. A group of gamblers that invaded a foreign zone may be beaten or must pay a fine, etc.
So, one of the pimps concealed the proceeds in the currency, which he received from the “surrender” to clients of juvenile prostitutes, whom he “passed away”. As a result of the “disassembly”, he not only lost this currency, but was also expelled from a criminal group that racketed and “protected” a “brigade” of prostitutes in this area of ​​the city. The depersonalization measures taken in the criminal world were applied to him.
The procedure of "disassembly". For many years of the existence of the underworld, the procedure of “dismantling” itself was perfected and perfected in it, overgrown with immutable rules and regulations. “Dismantling” - in its classic “thieves'” sense - is not a one-time act, but a specific and unique “criminal process”, including the investigation of the guilt of a particular person or group, the court and the imposition of punishment, as well as its execution against the guilty. Such a "disassembly" is carried out "according to the rules": it is carried out "on
1 Modestov N. About the mafia - not a word // Moscow region. 1993, No. 2.

The meeting "1 arbitrators who are reputable in the criminal world, includes charging the perpetrator, hearing their excuses, making a" sentence "and his execution. Persons who have brought accusations against other members of the community, if not confirmed, can themselves be subject to (and the accused person must “answer” the charges. If the defendants' justifying arguments are weighty, then the charge can be dismissed. If the charge is confirmed, then the sentence is In the past, a "meeting" entrusted someone to carry out the sentence. Then they switched to a "roulette" (one cartridge in a revolver, and the criminal, spinning the drum, had to pull the trigger by placing a muzzle to his head) or opening his veins guilty himself. As a rule, with such a classic “disassembly” the criminal investigation department did not find the guilty, since there was a fact of suicide.
We give the case told by the deputy head of the transfer prison N.N. Lebedev. Although the example applies to adult criminals, but it is very instructive. Especially since adolescents very strictly adhere to the rules and norms of the criminal world ("thieves' laws"). A few years ago, a thief in law (we call him Sych) arrived at the prison and swallowed some pills in the evening and, in a state of dope, gave a signal to the entire prison to knock. Not knowing the reasons and fearing to disobey the "thief in law", the whole prison began to knock, crush everything that can be crushed. Riot policemen were called in. Sych was urgently isolated in a “deaf” cell in the basement, and at night it was sent to the East. Several prisoners and riot police died. There, where Sych arrived, the “thieves in law” urgently gathered a “gathering” and charged him, finding out in advance that there were no grounds for group disobedience. The prison administration did not violate the rights of prisoners, did not allow deviations from laws. Having weighed and listened to the last word of the Owl, rejecting repentance, the assembly sentenced him to death. The death sentence Sych executed himself, opening the veins.
According to the traditions of thieves, "demolition" was one of the final and most important (personnel) questions of any thieves.
1 It should be distinguished: “gathering” as a congress of criminals, “shooter” as the place of this congress (meeting place) and “showdown” - the trial of the guilty, ending with a “rule” (sentencing).
meeting, in the course of which the status of some increased, and the status of others decreased. Therefore, members of the "gathering" were particularly interested in its consideration.
Raising the status of a criminal, consisting in introducing him to the rank of "thief in law", is called "coronation." At the same time to the candidate for the title of "thief in law" imposed strict requirements. Those who "perish" (violates any rules of the underworld), are expelled from the thieves' community. Reports of "coronation" and exile are sent by thieves' mail across the entire country1.
In the conditions of criminal lawlessness, the growth of the shaft of vulgar crime, the classic thieves' “disassembly” was replaced by the vulgar “disassembly”, which most often represents armed clashes without any rules between different groups or oppression of the members of the group that had been punished. "Ball reigns" among adult criminals force, machine gun fire, a shot from a sniper rifle, a grenade or mine2. Such “clashes” are like lynching: mutual gangster attacks, testifying to the devaluation of the norms, values ​​and traditions of the criminal world.
Juvenile criminals, copying adults, actively use "disassembly" to restore "justice", often resorting to armed conflict resolution. It happens that "dismantling" is used by groups of law-abiding teenagers. At the same time, juveniles have much more reasons for “fights” than adults. For example, “showdowns” are widely used for minors from other localities or neighborhoods who are trying to care for “our” girls (girls living in “our” settlement or neighborhood). Applies to "disassembly" in relation to the "clever" teenagers. At the same time, adolescents and young men more strictly than adults monitor the observance of their territorial sovereignty and the sovereignty of their sphere of criminal fishing, immediately responding to the invasion of “outsiders”. By virtue of their age inclination to standard-setting and maximalism, adolescents and young men carefully develop the “disassembly” procedure and follow it punctually.
“Disassembly” of adolescent and youth groups that find themselves in places of social isolation is widely used. There are specific reasons and conditions for the "showdown". This is due to the fact that in conditions of social isolation more intense increases in interpersonal and intergroup relations, giving rise to psychological and criminal incompatibility and manifested in mutual oppression, which minors are trying to somehow regulate1.
Thus, “dismantling” can be considered as a way of regulating and regulating intragroup and intergroup aggression in the criminal world, having its own specifics among juvenile offenders.


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