You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

3. The influence on the personality of a minor factors mediated by law


Sexual need for isolation. A high ranking place among young men and women of older age is occupied by the sexual problem in places of social isolation. Through the prism of this problem, they consider other regime restrictions.
The following facts indicate the significance of the sexual problem among minors in places of social isolation:
1) the early onset of their sexual life, usually associated with joining a criminal group (more than half of those surveyed began sexual life at 11-12 years old);
2) a significant proportion of minors who committed sex crimes (every sixth in special schools, every fifth in special vocational schools, every fourth in VC), most often of a group nature (in the criminal jargon this is called “to follow a youth article”);
3) endless conversations of adolescents and young men on this topic;
4) the high proportion of words and expressions of criminal jargon and youth slang, devoted to the attitude of the sexes and the satisfaction of sexual passion;
5) mass tattooing of sexual and openly pornographic content;
6) the numerous obscene inscriptions and comments left on the books of libraries of institutions of social isolation left by minors;
7) numerous obscene inscriptions, sexual and pornographic drawings on the walls of disciplinary and medical isolators, toilets, etc .;
8) colonial and prison humor, criminal lyrics dedicated to "thieves' love" and sexual debauchery;
9) secretly distributing pornographic drawings, handicrafts, maps, etc., among minors;
10) the illegal letters and love notes intercepted by the administration, sent by the young men to "outsiders" and the girls to the males;
11) collecting by minors pictures and pictures from magazines and newspapers bordering pornography;
12) prevalence in some special schools, special vocational schools and vocational schools of various sexual perversions, etc.
The sexual question at all times was one of the sharp and difficult in places of social isolation1. In modern conditions, especially among minors and young people, its importance increases even more due to social processes taking place in society: acceleration and the earlier puberty of a person with a significant lag in his moral formation as a person; the ongoing process of spiritual and socio-psychological emancipation of women and an increase in their activity and independence in the choice of partners; widespread prostitution and the involvement of minors in it; transformation of public opinion on sexual issues and its greater tolerance for various aspects of the sexual problem (age of onset of sexual activity, extramarital affairs, group cohabitation, etc.).
However, these processes were unrecorded in the work with minors of employees of institutions of social exclusion. Hence the ignorance of the causes and factors affecting the spread of sexual perversions among minors in special schools, special vocational schools and vocational schools, the inability to deal with them. Often idleness, boredom, the lack of any useful entertainment and the expenditure of physical strength, the action of prison traditions causes the formation of adolescents and young men on the path of homosexuality, other sexual perversions. The sexual pathology arising under the influence of social exclusion in the personality structure of minors deserves special study and the development of special preventive measures, which will be discussed in the following chapters.
Forced communication of minors in conditions of social isolation. Social isolation is associated with the forced placement of a minor in a closed system of communication. In conditions when people with different characters, habits, attitudes, hobbies, with different upbringing are placed in a closed environment forcibly, the ground is created for the emergence of mutual discontent, hostility, which quickly develop into enmity between individuals and groups. A minor cannot, by his own will and desire, change his habitat, move to another community if he has not developed a relationship in the first community. He cannot even temporarily leave his primary group in order to remove his
1 See: Gernet M.N. In prison. Sketches of prison psychology. Section Vi. Kharkiv, 1930; Melshin M. In the world of the outcasts. Notes of the former convict. Russian wealth, 1895; Eliseev V. So it was. New World, 1977.

discontent or tension in a relationship with a member of the community. Such a "hard" binding to the same environment favors the emergence and aggravation of psychological incompatibility, which is perceived as an additional and severe element of punishment. Therefore, the compulsiveness of communication takes a high place in the rank range of personally significant factors of social exclusion (for the whole population - the 7th, for the males - the 6th, for the girls - the 9th). For example, people under investigation in questionnaires write: "Mutual hostility, enmity, fights make life in the camera unbearable." "We live in terrible stress, just the slightest reason for a quarrel to flare up." This is confirmed by the literature data: "Various conflicts constantly arose in the cell, which were usually resolved by fists."
Psychological incompatibility is added with physiological incompatibility when all the physical advantages and disadvantages of a person are visible to others, when it is necessary to live in a close room, sleep next to a person who has an unpleasant odor from their feet, who “chommas” when eating, etc. "I recently sat for 10 days with one ... I don’t even know what to call him. Dirty, fallen, nasty, smelly, bestial. You have nowhere to go from him, you have to sleep next to him, but he’s not just unpleasant, he’s disgusting, disgusting. But you ... you can not avoid his company, you should even sleep next to him, listen to his sleepy, animal moaning; everything must be tolerated, because you do not want to work the same way as he did. "2 Physiologically incompatible usually fall among minors among the outcasts. These are primarily persons suffering from enuresis, having different physical defects, not complying with the requirements of hygiene, etc.
Psychological and physiological incompatibility is sometimes supplemented by incompatibility of the criminal. In the past, there were various thieves "suit", feuding among themselves. So, the convicts met the arriving party, sorted and “processed” the “masters of the zone” - the criminals of the “suit” dominating here 3. Especially strictly adhered to this principle, youth and minors. In modern places of social isolation, criminal incompatibility has been preserved, but it has taken on a different look and other forms: this is primarily the incompatibility of traditional thieves
1 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 57.
2 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 63.
3 Monkhov V.I. Thieves groups and groups. M., 1956; Eliseeva V. Specified work, p. 167.

factions with a new wave of "lawlessness", with spontaneous criminals, with vagrants, beggars, hooligans, rapists. Also sometimes incompatibility is manifested by various youth groups of fans, supporters of various musical directions, representatives of different nationalities, etc.
Tired of psychological, physiological and criminal incompatibility, minors are looking for ways to overcome it. Unable, because of their age, to make reciprocal concessions, they often seek to get rid of incompatible persons by removing them from their surroundings or removing themselves from a given environment. To do this, there are two traditional ways: 1) depersonalization of an incompatible person in order to induce her to leave this environment (for depersonalization various methods of “omission” are used - beatings, sodomy, etc.); 2) the requirement for the administration to remove an adolescent who is not acceptable by the community to another department (link, cell, room, etc.), in the so-called "chicken coop", "cockfire", "pigsty".
More diverse ways of self-removal of minors from an incompatible environment (see table 12.6).

Table 12.6. Ways of self-removal of minors from an incompatible environment
Self-removal methods Frequency Rank
Qty %
Appeal to the administration with a request for transfer 45 16,1 one
Bold violation of the regime 41 14.7 2
Simulation of the disease and self-harm 39 14.0 3
False surrender 37 13.3 four
Refusal to work and study 36 12.9 five
Demonstrative manufacturing and carrying of prohibited items 25 9.0 6
Blackmail threats L 20 7.2 7
Committing crimes nineteen 6.8 eight
Other ways 17 6.1 9
Total: 279 100.0

The table shows that the most frequent cases of minors applying ("according to the laws" of the criminal world - necessarily with the consent of the community members) with requests to the administration to transfer to another room, department, detachment. Usually the reason for such a transfer is not deciphered or false motives are set. In case of refusal to translate, a bold violation of the regime is used, which is punishable by placement in a disciplinary isolator. Disease simulation and self-harm are widely used for this purpose, as a result of which the minor is taken to hospital for treatment and is temporarily dismissed from peer persecution. Adolescents also resort to false surrender in cases where the crime is known and the perpetrator has not been found. Here it is taken into account that after a surrender of a guilty, a criminal case can be initiated, and a minor can be transferred to the detention facility, from which one can get to another VC. Systematic refusals to work, study, and demonstratively produce prohibited items allow a minor to be seen as bold and inflexible, and at the same time relatively quickly and independently of cellmates, associates retreat from this community, first to a disciplinary detention center, and later to another institution. If this does not help, then the minor resorts to blackmail and threats to commit a crime, and in case of expected reprisals by his accomplices, he does commit a crime or escape. Here he will probably be removed from this community without the consent of his accomplices.
Every fourth of the respondents pointed out the urgency of the experience of being forced into the environment of criminals, and every third dreamed of temporary or complete seclusion. The same is true of adult criminals: "From all those who have no strength to endure ... I wanted to retire", "I hated others ... I only dreamed of one thing: retire", "I was tired of them ... I I dreamed of at least being alone for a while, "I immediately decided to retire alone" 1.
The tendency to privacy as a way to resolve the incompatibility situation in isolation in modern conditions is increasing, which is fully explained by the dynamism of social life, the rapid “tiredness” of a person from numerous contacts, an increase in people's self-esteem, and intolerance to the violation of their legal rights. This is reflected in the UN Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, which provide for the avoidance of
1 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 105, 107, 111.

consequences of incompatibility take into account the consent of prisoners when they are placed in a particular cell (room), where other persons are already located. Unfortunately, these conditions have not been created in modern special schools, special vocational schools and K in these conditions.
Incompatibility, which takes in the environment of juvenile offenders, as a rule, extreme forms of mutual aggression, is one of the causes of various types of deviant behavior in conditions of social exclusion. This should be taken into account in educational and preventive work, an important place in which should be taken: 1) scientifically grounded creation of material conditions for the detention of minors, taking into account their compatibility in accordance with the Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners; 2) the involvement of psychologists in the distribution of minors in primary groups (teams); 3) constant control over the dynamics of compatibility and timely adoption of measures for the transfer of minors to other premises (communities); 4) provision of adolescents and young men the right to self-unity in separate premises, as is done in a number of countries.
Forced leisure activities. Free time and leisure time are for minors one of the last “islands of freedom” in conditions of unfreedom, which is of particular importance for them and which they value. Attempts to control and give free time and leisure of organization on the part of the administration and educators minors are painfully met with internal resistance. This is explained by the fact that free time in psychological terms is identified with "free activity", a kind of experience for a minor of the "mental state of freedom of action" 1.
However, it is impossible to clearly consider the attitude of minors to free time and leisure time. Two categories of minors are satisfied with spending time in places of isolation: a) institutions that are included in the so-called official "elite" (activists, amateur participants, rationalizers, artists, woodcarvers, chasers, inlays, members of editorial boards of wall newspapers, etc.); b) persons belonging to the informal "elite" ("authorities", gamblers who are prone to alcohol and
1 Pirozhkov V.F. Social and psychological problems of leisure. M .: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1982.

drug addicts, students who refuse to study and work, violators of the regime), who most often engage in prohibited activities in their free time.
Less satisfied with spending free time the majority of minors. This part makes a number of proposals to improve the free time: a) to provide more opportunities to do personal things in your free time; b) it is better to organize free time, not allowing "authorities" to operate during this period. c) to create appropriate material and other conditions for the useful leisure activities (to have more books in the library, sports equipment, musical instruments, etc.); d) to have there are enough rooms for practicing “activities of the soul” (embossing, inlay, visual arts, etc.), as well as for temporary seclusion from the majority of minors.
Social exclusion cannot affect the functions of free time and its content. First of all, the function of free time is distorted, aimed at improving the education and upbringing of the personality, its intellectual and professional level. 24.3% of minors do not see the need to devote their free time to study, considering this to be an "additional punishment", which is caused by: 1) the lack of prospects in life, as a result of which the teenager does not see the immediate benefit of his studies; 2) physical and psychological difficulties of learning (it is difficult to combine study with work, hatch every day at the desk for 5-6 hours, many gaps in knowledge); 3) lack of ability to learn (skills of mental activity are de-automated). The result of the distortion of this function is the open and hidden evasion of minors from school and vocational school.
Distorted and the function of free time associated with the performance of human social duties. Here the traditionally negative attitude of a significant part of minors to public work is being felt: they see the servitude of the administration in carrying out public tasks. If some of them “sacrifice” their free time for the sake of fulfilling public duties, it is mainly due to selfish motives (the desire to assert themselves, to be visible, to deserve early release (release), to receive material benefits, etc.) .
The function of free communication in free time is of particular importance for minors. In his spare time, it is possible to avoid the pressure of forced communication for at least a short time, to maintain contacts with persons of special interest to the minor, to make the choice of friends. However, this function is distorted by the fact of social exclusion. In their free time, the activities of asocial groups and groups are intensified, criminal activities are spreading, various types of "prison" deviant behavior are realized, and "prison" ingenuity and dexterity are developed and polished. Therefore, in the prevention of deviant behavior in places of social isolation, it is important to pay attention to the organization and productive use of free time by minors. But in this case there are extremes. The first is the lack of control over the behavior of minors, in giving them complete freedom with a weak organization of the use of free time. It is in such institutions that most types of deviant behavior in free time are observed. The second extreme is too strict regulation of free time, which is perceived as an additional element of punishment, directing the aspirations of minors to violating the established prohibitions, the rfpo phenomenon of "prison" cleverness.
In the organization of free time, it is important to be able to switch the activity of minors into the mainstream of socially useful and socially acceptable ways of self-assertion and personality manifestations in their free time. And this requires penetration into the motives of their hobbies and the ability to rebuild them. For example, many minors are addicted to playing cards, which is prompted not by one but by a whole group of motives: 1) “kill” time; 2) communicate with others and avoid loneliness; 3) to assert themselves by demonstrating their art of playing; 4) "try your luck" and "profit at the expense of others"; 5) to experience a state of excitement, enthusiasm, risk (in short, to experience "thrills" due to the high emotional intensity of the game; 6) to subdue, enslave and exploit other minors, etc.
Therefore, the most severe sanctions, as history shows, have never yielded effective results in the fight against this game in prisons, if prisoners' motives were not rebuilt, if they did not switch to socially useful activities that have the same emotional intensity, elements of excitement, risk, the same intellectual intensity (demanding ingenuity, helping to assert itself on an intellectual basis), allowing minors to communicate freely, to be a group, etc. It can be a game of chess, sports competitions, competitions of innovators and inventors, etc. However, at the slightest weakening of attention to motivation, even the most "harmless" classes and games easily turn into gambling "under interest", be it the same chess, a match with your favorite team, or watching television programs like Field of Miracles, Lotto Million ". The need for illegal leisure time generates a specific "prison-colonial" leisure industry "(making cards, items for other games of chance, purchasing and storing alcohol, etc.), as well as specific" prison "professions (lenders, usurers, specialists for the manufacture of leisure items, game experts, referees, cheats and their assistants, etc.). Thus, the optimal solution to the problem of spending free time and leisure in places of social isolation is an important way to prevent specific "prison" types of deviant behavior.
Nutrition restrictions. Social isolation affects the change in the structure of human nutrition, which becomes different, causes a specific relationship to food and the conditions of its reception. These changes in the attitude of a person to food in isolation were also noted by other authors. "Food products require considerable attention and a free person, and the prisoner has this question raised and experienced extremely acutely. No matter how well built the houses are, but their population is always in a state of active appetite, especially such prisoners who have no faces able to take care of improving their food allowance "1. For a number of reasons, which we indicate below, the prisoner is always “fighting for the integrity of the pieces of food being released from the prison kitchen” 2.
The need for food is also noted by people themselves in social isolation: “Having received my prisoner portion of bread, I did not hesitate to sink my teeth into it, because I was hungry, because the prisoner rarely ever gets full” 3. By-
1 Karpov PI Creativity of prisoners. M., 1929, p. 54.
2 Karpov PI Specified work, with. 56.
3 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 114-115.

Constant talk about the delicacies used at large warms up the appetite, so “they wanted to eat everything, and they wanted to eat more tasty, more hungry” 1.
At first glance, a contradiction arises: on the one hand, the need for food is experienced in places of social isolation very sharply; on the other hand, it is put by minors at the end of the rank value series by their personal significance (17th place for men, 19th place for female). Contradiction is only external, apparent. In modern places of social isolation (special schools, special vocational schools, colonies) do not really die of hunger. Moreover, for a significant proportion of minors, “prison food” is significantly better than what they had at home in the context of constantly growing inflation. For minors, scientifically based nutritional standards for calories have been developed, taking into account the needs of a growing organism and in case of illness. However, it should be borne in mind that in the process of living in a family, each minor has developed his own individual eating pattern, which, when placed in conditions of social isolation, is significantly rebuilt. This is that the mode and conditions of food intake, as well as the usual range of products, change. The change in nutritional patterns is manifested in the increased sensitivity of juveniles to food, the formation of a specific relationship to the conditions of its reception. From experience it is known that the slightest coercion in food, for example, in a sanatorium (despite the right to choose dishes there), not only leads to sanatorium food quickly getting tired, but also causes internal opposition and the desire to diversify your table. There is no choice in social isolation, there is compulsion in the diet, in the assortment of products, and in the conditions of eating.
Affect the need for food and age characteristics of minors whose body is in the stage of growth and development. Therefore, up to 20.0% of minors experience a shortage of food, its monotony - 50.9%, the compulsion of the menu and intake regimen - 29.1%. Constant increased active appetite is one of the characteristic features of minors in conditions of social exclusion, encouraging them to search for legal and illegal channels of “getting” food and expanding its range. (We omit
1 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 57.

here, one of the reasons for the inadequate diet of minors, which should be handled by police and prosecutors, is the widespread theft of food by correctional officers, who resort to this, probably not from a good life. - This phenomenon is also observed in orphanages and other residential institutions. Let us list the main ways that minors use to overcome the monotony of nutrition and increase its caloric content: 1) parcels, programs received from relatives, acquaintances, strangers, and lured away from "outsiders"; 2) high-calorie foods purchased for personal (in VC and special vocational schools - for earned) money; 3) home-made products obtained during dating and allowing temporary disconnection from “prison” food; 4) "supplements" from improved quality products obtained from "pals" working in the catering department (therefore, in places of social isolation there is a fashion for friendship with cooks, distributors, bread slicers, storekeepers, regular clerk attendants, etc.); 5) products selected, borrowed, won in cards, received as “patronage payment”, etc. Another specific method is also used: disease simulation and self-mutilation in order to get to the hospital where you can “go on a diet”. Criminal standards and traditions are imprinted on food. A special attitude to food in conditions of social isolation is manifested in the fact that it becomes an important equivalent in transactions between minors, an object of encroachment on the part of "authorities", a means of enslaving the "haves" of underprivileged adolescents and youths.
By virtue of these mechanisms of redistribution and expropriation, the “haves” accumulate huge stocks that rot on bedside tables, deteriorate, and then are thrown away or used to “buy” the labor of other minors. At the same time, such a “redistribution” dooms losers to a reduced nutritional rate, prompting them to humiliate themselves before the “authorities” because of the food that rightfully belongs to them. Under these conditions, inevitably, another, directly opposite food supply mechanism should emerge, allowing several to level the diet of minors. One of the mechanisms is the food of the "family", when the gryppa unites to share food and fight for its preservation from the encroachments of other groups, as well as the "common pot" as a kind of emergency reserve in case of losing food in cards and other unforeseen circumstances. From the "common pot" a member of a group can take food "at interest" and satisfy his hunger.In daily work with juveniles, existing mechanisms for the redistribution of food that can cause significant damage to the health of those who lose it due to the action of intra-group norms, traditions, loss, dispute, etc. should be taken into account.
Forced labor, studies, life and life organization, participation in educational work and public organizations. In order to correct and rehabilitate minors in places of isolation, such means as general education and vocational training, productive work and self-service work, educational work, participation in the work of self-governing bodies and public organizations are used. However, social isolation leads to a restructuring of the individual and group perception of minors. Because of this, they begin to see punitive content in the said means of re-education. Thus, a contradiction arises between the objective social content of studies, social activities and labor, and their subjective significance for minors.
Perceiving re-education means as punitive, some minors develop a steady negative attitude towards them. This attitude is reinforced by the lack of skills and habits of training and production activities, gaps in knowledge as a result of absenteeism in the public, as well as stereotypes of group consciousness in the form of certain criminal norms, traditions that are widely used in places of social exclusion. These traditions and prevailing stereotypes, refracted in individual motives, encourage minors not only to shy away from school, productive labor, participation in the work of self-governing bodies and public organizations, but also to constantly improve the ways of such deviation, in which they achieve incredible sophistication.
At the same time, a minor cannot fail to take into account generally accepted assessments of studies, labor, public and collective activities, since the duration of his stay in conditions of social isolation depends on this. Therefore, he, striving to show himself in front of caregivers and co-workers with the best hand, often hides his true attitude to the above-mentioned means, which is one of the reasons that reduces the effectiveness of their use in the educational process.
All this in the practice of social isolation places generates two types of evasion of minors from school, labor, participation in the work of self-government bodies and public organizations:
- open evasion - in the form of a direct refusal from studies, labor, etc., motivated by the unwillingness to study, work or “refrain” to engage in certain activities in connection with the refusal's commitment to the criminal “laws”, norms, traditions;
- covert evasion, when a minor uses various pretexts to not work, not to study, not to participate in the work of amateur organizations (simulation and aggravation of diseases, self-harm, issued for work or household injury, etc.). Naturally, the tactics and methods of influencing the refuse will be different. Considering the prevalence of such phenomena as defrauding refusal to work as a means of self-assertion and gaining authority, as well as an increase in cases of self-harm, simulations of diseases, and extortion of products of labor, you should pay close attention to the formation of an objective perception by minors of work and study, to get a profession as an important social value . . (
Coercion to participate in amateur organizations is perceived especially painfully, because according to the “thieves' laws” cooperation with the administration has always been prosecuted in the criminal world. It is not by chance that, in terms and concepts of “thieves' jargon,” participants of amateur organizations are awarded with contemptuous and insulting nicknames. But it is sometimes impossible not to participate in the work of amateur organizations. Therefore, depending on the motives and the goals pursued, the participants are divided into two groups:
- some seek into amateur organizations because they like to "be in sight", I want to show with my participation the actual correction and achieve the fastest release (release), realize their inclinations and abilities to social activities, etc .;
- others seek independent organizations motivated by selfish individualistic or antisocial motives: “seize power in the zone” and get the official right to command people, to take revenge for the loss of leadership in the informal sphere, to deceive educators and administration and to achieve undeserved early release (release) ) and benefits, to avoid manual labor in the workshops, to harm the administration from inside the amateur, organizations, etc.
Negatively minded to work in amateur organizations, minors, obtaining certain rights in connection with participation in the work of such organizations, use them primarily against those who seek to live an honest life, firmly embarked on the path of correction, thus discrediting these organizations. Minors who have embarked on the path of correction, psychologically difficult to tolerate obedience to such "shifters"

It is difficult to obey and activists, although not adhering to criminal traditions, but work in an asset pursuing their own selfish goals.
Анализируемый фактор социальной изоляции тесно связан с другими факторами, усиливающими или ослабляющими его карательное влияние на личность. Степень активности самодеятельных организаций, уровень их организованности прямо влияют на морально-психологическую обстановку (социально-психологический климат) в учреждении. Анализ чрезвычайных происшествий, в том числе массовых неповиновений, побегов, неизменно показывает, что одной из главных причин возникновения ЧП является конфликт между активом, с одной стороны, и основной массой несовершеннолетних - с другой. Возникшие неповиновения своим острием направлены, как правило, против актива, и жертвами ЧП становятся активисты. Когда против актива выступают отдельные индивиды из "авторитетов" или небольшая группа лиц, то это понятно и объяснимо. Но при массовых беспорядках против актива выступают почти все несовершеннолетние. Это очень серьезно и опасно и вызвано ошибками, допускаемыми в работе с активом (см. таблицу 12.7).

Table 12.7. Errors and deficiencies in working with an asset in places of social exclusion

According to experts, the characteristics of the errors Number of respondents Ranked place
people %
Errors in the selection of members of the asset 61 26.4 one
Providing non-privileged benefits to activists 53 22.9 2
Empowering amateur organizations with administrative powers 39 16.9 3
Violation of the principle of shift and election of an asset 37 16,0 four

According to experts, the characteristics of the errors Number of respondents Ranked place
people %
Contrasting a section of internal order to other sections 21 9.1 five
Other errors 20 8.7 6
Total 231 100.0

Самый серьезный недостаток - это ошибки в подборе членов самодеятельных организаций (26,4% опрошенных). Либо в активе оказываются лица, систематически нарушающие дисциплину, приспособленцы, двурушники, терроризирующие и запугивающие основную массу подростков и юношей, либо - лица, подобранные по принципу послушания, удобно управляемые, но не пользующиеся авторитетом в среде несовершеннолетних. Указанная ошибка усугубляется предоставлением активистам неположенных льгот, что вызывает в основной массе несовершеннолетних, подогреваемых "авторитетами" разговорами об абсолютном равенстве в общностях, придерживающихся "воровских законов", негативные реакции на требования активистов. 16,9% экспертов видят ошибку в извращении функций актива: наделении членов самодеятельных организаций властными полномочиями, предоставлении больших прав, недозволенной самостоятельности, что способствует превращению самоуправления в самопроизвол. 16,2% экспертов полагают, что все беды - в несоблюдении выборности актива, отчетности перед коллективом, возможности отзыва не справляющихся с работой, что ведет к отрыву актива от основной массы подростков и юношей, возникновению "бугризма", который в свою очередь срастается с "авторитетами". Так произрастают произвол и насилие одной части подростков и юношей над другой в местах социальной изоляции. Например, в бывшей Московской специальной школе члены актива выполняли функции группы поиска и захвата подростков, совершивших побег. За выполнение "задания" им директор школы предоставлял отпуск на сутки. К этой же ошибке присоединяется другая, связанная с противопоставлением секций внутреннего порядка другим секциям, что также способствует возникновению конфликтов, делающих, по мнению несовершеннолетних, "жизнь в спецшколе невыносимой". В той же Московской спецшколе беглецов заводили ночью в туалет, и там их активисты "учили" (избивали, насиловали и т.п.).
Thus, the creation and work of amateur organizations and self-government bodies in places of social exclusion is a very painstaking and responsible work, requiring a verified and balanced approach, careful monitoring by educators.
Moral experience of criminal punishment and compulsory educational measures. The role and importance of the moral experience factor of punishment attracted the attention of many researchers, demanding its study and analysis. In modern conditions, in connection with the intensification of research on the mechanisms of psychological protection and self-justification in the genesis of criminal behavior, new approaches to the study of the analyzed factor are opening up. This experience has a complex structure and includes experiencing one’s guilt (guilt) and experiencing one’s impairment due to belonging to a certain social group (offenders). Moral experiences experienced often become an important stimulus for the correction of a minor. However, not all minors can be under moral and psychological pressure for a long time.Many include a mechanism of self-justification.
Рядом исследований было выявлено, что, находясь в местах социальной изоляции, несовершеннолетние изменяют оценки совершенных ими правонарушений и преступлений и отношение к ним. Возникновение данного феномена может быть объяснено объективными причинами: 1) нестабильностью, например, объявляемых судами приговоров в связи с действием законов об условном и условно-досрочном освобождении; 2) отсутствием единства в определении срока наказания по идентичным делам, в результате чего в одной и той же ВК скапливается значительное количество несовершеннолетних, осужденных по одной статье УК, но имеющих разные сроки наказания (от минимума до максимума). В этих условиях, естественно, осужденные сравнивают и сопоставляют свои сроки, в результате чего у подростков с длительными сроками возникает иллюзия завышения судом им меры наказания, а это в свою очередь порождает стремление к самооправданию и снятию с себя части вины. Следует добавить и то, что часть подростков берет на себя чужую вину на суде, выгораживая по законам преступного мира "взросляков" или лидеров группы. Кроме того, нередко в следственных изоляторах непокорных несовершеннолетних следователи помещают в "пресс-хату" (камеру, где к ним применяется насилие, чтобы они давали показания, выгодные следователю). В колонии они от всего этого, естественно, отказываются.
Однако только названными объективными причинами нельзя удовлетвориться при объяснении данного феномена, следует учесть также и действие субъективных причин. Совершив преступление, человек стремится каким-то образом объяснить для самого себя это неправомерное действие, оправдаться перед собой и другими. Если рассматривать напоминание о совершенном преступлении в ретроспективном плане как "неприятный" для личности, а точнее - психотравмирующий фактор, то естественно будет увидеть в непризнании себя виновным определенный психологический механизм защиты своей внутренней целостности и внутреннего комфорта.
The intensity of the mechanisms of psychological defense and self-justification depends on many factors (gender, age, nature of the offense or crime, the term of the sentence, the size of the part of it, etc.). Thus, it is noted that, depending on the length of stay of minors in places of social isolation, tendencies toward self-justification arise and grow. The more minors spent in places of isolation, the greater the proportion of those who do not plead guilty in whole or in part. At the same time, the mechanisms of psychological protection in women are more intensive. This can be explained by their greater emotionality, the manifestation of greater interest in their own destiny.
При выборе методов воспитательной работы в местах социальной изоляции и при оценке поведения каждого воспитуемо-го необходимо учитывать действие механизмов психологической защиты, имеющих внутреннюю и внешнюю направленность. Внутренняя направленность психологической защиты заключается в стремлении несовершеннолетнего убедить себя в том, что он не настолько плохой, каким его характеризуют старшие, суд или комиссия по делам несовершеннолетних. Это стремление подростка необходимо использовать в воспитательной работе, чтобы побудить его доказать делом, своим поведением, что он не плохой, помочь ему снять с себя груз прошлого и этим вызвать у него чувство внутреннего облегчения и удовлетворения.
Внешняя направленность психологической защиты состоит в том, чтобы убедить других в своем превосходстве - фактическом или мнимом (по принципу "мы" и "они"). Часто это проявляется в бравировании своим прошлым, в стремлении несовершеннолетних объединиться в местах социальной изоляции в криминогенные и криминальные группировки, объявить себя приверженцами "воровских традиций", создать видимость, что им якобы не страшно пребывание в местах социальной изоляции. Это является одной из причин отклоняющегося поведения в виде симуляции болезней, побегов, членовредительства, половых извращений и т.п.
Если не снять действие указанных механизмов психологической защиты, не преодолеть психологического барьера между воспитателем и воспитуемым, то трудно добиться успеха в перевоспитании последних. Здесь опасны крайности: постоянное подчеркивание социальной неполноценности и ущербности личности несовершеннолетнею, совершившего преступление или правонарушение, подрывает у него веру в себя, в возможность вернуться в общество достойным человеком, преодолев разобщение на "мы" и "они".
Moral and psychological atmosphere in the institution. The attitude of the administration to minors. As a synthetic factor of social isolation, which plays the role of a socio-psychological background, on which the effect of all the analyzed factors manifests itself, is the psychological climate (moral and psychological atmosphere) in the institution. Experience shows that minors are sensitive to his condition, because it strengthens or weakens the effects of other factors of coercion.
Наряду с психологическим климатом (морально-психологической атмосферой) несовершеннолетние выделяют в качестве самостоятельного фактора, облегчающего или затрудняющего перенесение ими тягот социальной изоляции, отношение администрации к ним, тем самым подчеркивая его важность и в некоторой степени отождествляя психологический климат со сложившейся системой взаимоотношений администрации и несовершеннолетних. Поэтому оба фактора следует анализировать в единстве и взаимосвязи, поскольку они представляют собой психологическое отражение всего комплекса явлений социальной изоляции непосредственно в эмоциональной сфере несовершеннолетних в виде настроений и психических состояний. При этом особую роль они отводят руководителю учреждения (начальнику ВК, директору спецшколы, спецПТУ), что отражено в уголовном жаргоне и в сложившемся стереотипе группового сознания. Так, на уголовном жаргоне руководителя называют "хозяином", и от него во многом зависит климат в учреждении. Понимая необходимость строгости в этих учреждениях, несовершеннолетние особо ценят такие качества "хозяина", как справедливость, честность, "правильность".
Несовершеннолетние по-разному понимают, что такое благоприятный или неблагоприятный психологический климат. Одни считают важнейшим его элементом наличие в учреждении защиты от агрессивных проявлений отрицательно настроенных групп, уголовных "авторитетов", другие же - послабления в режиме, отсутствие требовательности со стороны администрации к нарушителям дисциплины и порядка, процветание "авторитетов", с помощью которых администрация держит в повиновении основную массу несовершеннолетних.
Как правило, несовершеннолетние не обижаются на требовательных воспитателей, педагогов, сотрудников режима ("вертухаев"), если их требования законны, справедливы и разумны. Во многих учреждениях социальной изоляции отмечается неблагоприятный психологический климат: в них идет постоянная скрытая и открытая война между несовершеннолетними и администрацией, причиной которой являются непостоянство требований к подросткам и юношам, их необоснованность, зависимость от капризов тех или иных сотрудников, несоответствие законам и т.п. Все это дезорганизует учебно-воспитательный процесс. В ряде учреждений отмечаются отношения сотрудничества между представителями администрации и несовершеннолетними, что позволяет оптимизировать педагогический процесс.
Various organizational, material, domestic, production and other disadvantages significantly influence the psychological climate. Minors are keenly reacting to shortcomings in the work of the canteen, bathhouse, club, library, and the unsatisfactory conditions for granting meetings. A particularly painful reaction is caused by shortcomings in the work of the medical and sanitary unit and doctors ("sculpted").
Неблагоприятный психологический климат, нарушение взаимоотношений между подростками и администрацией могут вызывать не только скрытое или открытое недовольство несовершеннолетних, но и серьезные виды отклоняющегося поведения. Так, в одной из спецшкол на каждого учащегося в год приходилось по 3,6 побега (на 100 человек - 360 побегов). А причина была в том, что "авторитеты" обирали основную массу (отбирали "пайку" в столовой, посылки и передачи, лучшую одежду и обувь и т.п.), притесняли слабых и беззащитных, заставляя их выполнять за себя всю "грязную работу", занимались "вафлерством", прибегали к "парафину", а администрация с этим не боролась.
1. Все проанализированные факторы, опосредованные правом, имеют разную личностную значимость, что зависит от пола, возраста, опыта криминальной деятельности несовершеннолетнего, срока наказания и продолжительности пребывания его в изоляции и т.п. Вместе с тем они взаимосвязаны и действуют комплексно на несовершеннолетнего, в каждый данный момент определяя его личностные реакции и актуальные личностные состояния.
2. Взаимосвязь между исследуемыми факторами не однозначна и не имеет строгой линейной зависимости, как результат прямых причинно-следственных связей одного фактора с другим. Связи между ними и проявлениями личности могут быть: прямыми, непосредственными, и косвенными, опосредованными. Часть из изученных факторов, наряду с позитивным влиянием, на которое рассчитаны законы и другие нормативные акты, стимулирует и специфические для мест социальной изоляции социально-негативные проявления личности (побеги, членовредительство, половые извращения и т.п.), изучение которых необходимо для повышения эффективности применения уголовных наказаний и принудительных мер перевоспитания в отношении несовершеннолетних.


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Criminal psychology

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