You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

2. Psychological analysis of direct factors of social exclusion


The term social exclusion and the prospect of parole (release). The first place by personal significance in all examined classification groups of minors takes a period of isolation (deprivation of liberty), since it directly and directly determines being, all life prospects of an individual, its present and future. Following him is a factor such as the presence or absence of a minor’s prospects for early (conditional, conditional-early) release (graduation from a special educational institution).
The main feature of the term is its use as a "time meter" in places of social isolation. The beginning of the term is a point of reference, dividing the whole life of a teenager or a young man into life “before” and “after” isolation. Scaling of time is carried out according to the following frontiers and parts of the term: beginning, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, end of term (in educational colonies); the beginning, the end of the school year, 1/2 of the term, the end of the term (in special schools and special vocational schools), and also - in all institutions - by the time of granting (holding) meetings, receiving packages and broadcasts. At the same time, the following pattern is manifested: the longer the term of punishment (re-education), determined by the court (commission on juvenile affairs for special schools, special vocational schools) and remaining for departure, the larger the units for its measurement are chosen (1/2, 1/3, 3/4 etc.). The less time left for the departure of a part of the term in isolation, the smaller the units of its measurement are chosen (the number of film shows, visits to baths, meetings with family, dinners or dinners, etc.). 1-2 months before the release (release), adolescents and young men often go on to measure the term using microunits — weeks, days, hours, minutes, and even seconds. It is characteristic that the transition to micro-units is a general regularity of time measurement in any regime system. So, in the army, starting 100 days before the demobilization order, the “grandfathers” force the recruits to count the remaining time for them up to minutes and seconds: “When the“ grandfather ”asks:“ How much is left? ”- you must calmly name the number of days before the order of the dismissal of the soldiers of his call "1.
From a psychological point of view, the pressure of the term of social isolation manifests itself very diversely, and above all - in terms of time. 86.5% of students surveyed in special institutions and over 93% of those convicted in VC have their own "calendars", calculating the years not from January 1, but from the moment of isolation. Using these individual gauges, minors are constantly busy counting the remainder of the term. Here, for example, how the convicts in the VC answered our question: "How much is left before the end of the term?" Nikolai 3 .: "From my
1 See: I. Popov. The course of the young fighter. Arguments and Facts. 1993, No. 46.

deadline thrown half. Two years and four months, or 28 months and three weeks, remains. "Renat K .:“ There are 53 days or 1272 hours until the end of the term. ”Pavel R.:“ There are 123 days left until graduation from the special school. ”This is a feature of calculating time in Imprisonment is widely reflected in the literature on prisons1.
Being in isolation, minors seek not only to know, but also to see: how much has passed since the beginning of the term and how much remains before its termination. They learn to divide time into parts, to manipulate them in their calculations, like real accountants. So, Sergey D., who successively passed a special school, special vocational school, being in VK, sums up this: “I was 372 days in special school, then 193 days in special vocational school, I committed a crime there and ended up in VK, where I am already 438 days, total in prison - 1003 days. " The same is observed in adult criminals: "And now let us draw the balance: 5 years 7 months + 8 years 7 months 15 days. Total: 14 years 2 months 15 days. From this period, one year in punishment cells, five years in strict prisons, the rest is in the colonies ... "2
In the VC, special schools and special vocational schools, the prison tradition has been kept to erase the past day from life with various marks, notches, dashes on the walls, window sills, lattices, tables, stools and benches. Minors produce from calendars and other improvised means their calendars, in which daily marks about the past day are made.
In educational colonies, convicts are particularly interested in the amount of imprisonment of those with whom they have to serve their sentences. The most significant topic of conversation among them is the period of isolation and the possibility of its reduction by amnesty, conditional or parole. The same interest is observed in students of special schools, special vocational schools. All this is manifested in the so-called colonial (prison) humor, various anecdotes. In a distant labor-educational colony, the convicted person, wanting to nudge the teacher, says to him: “Citizen teacher, I know what for and for how long I got here, and why did you get here for 25 years?” (I mean - until seniority, until retirement).
1 Levi A. Notes of the Gray Wolf. Smile of fortune. M .: Legal literature, 1975, p. BY; Gorky M. Solovki. Collected cit. M., 1952, Vol. 17, p. 224.
2 Levi A. The indicated work, p. 124.

The term is embodied and animated. In prison and colonial art, the reduction of the term (amnesty, pardon, early release) was depicted and depicted in pictures and wall newspapers by snails, turtles or riding oxen1, which underlines the slowness of the passage of time in conditions of social isolation. In the criminal jargon, the term is called "yoke", "luggage". "What baggage did you arrive with?" - The first question, which meet a novice in places of social exclusion. The term is not appointed, and "break in" ("the term is lazy less" 2). He is not departed, but “they are sitting out”, “are pulling” (“We are together in the North, we have been dragging the term” 3), “dragging”, “getting rid of”, and “pushing” “from call to call” (i.e. completely ), "without exchange" or "with exchange". A short term “to swell” is just “take a walk”, to serve a long time is to “anchor”.
Term - a constant theme of prison (criminal) songs, which emphasize the slowness of the passage of time in places of isolation and the length of the term:
"On the Little Falcon
Robbed stall
And again long-long
And not the deadline ... "

Table 12.3. The perception of minors of the time spent in different periods of social isolation, in%
Time perception Periods of social exclusion On dates
Elementary Main Before release Durable Short term
Time is worth 48.2 61.3 73.4 -
Time stretches 51.8 38.7 26,6 - -
Time is running out - - - 44.5 55.7
Time flies - - - 55.5 44.3

1 See: PI Karpov Creativity of prisoners. M., 1929, fig. "When will the amnesty be?"
2 Trailib G.V. Debunking Legends J. Ural, 1975, No. 9, p. 145.
3 Trailib G.V. Ibid. With. 129.
4 Trailib G.V. Ibid. With. 137.

This slowness is one of the essential features affecting the perception of the magnitude of the term of isolation. "Long, painfully stretches the time from your first call to the last" 1. However, at different stages of isolation, the flow of time can be perceived differently: time can “completely stop” (“For me, the clock stopped for 2, slow to stretch” (“days seem to me years” 3), run and even fly "(" days of meeting with my mother quickly flew by "- from the answer of Mikhail S.) (see table 12.3).
Although, in general, time in the conditions of social isolation “moves slowly”, its significant slowdown and even stoppage grow especially noticeably from the beginning of the term to its end. However, there are exceptions, when time “runs” and “flies” - this is during dating. In this case, the speed of time flow is more noticeable during long meetings. Against the general background of the slow motion of time in conditions of social isolation, such a “speed” of dating is especially painful for minors. There was a slowdown in the course of time during brief meetings with some minors in the VC in cases of granting them meetings through intercoms (as they say, “through glass”), when the emotional-tactile aspect of communication is completely excluded (the opportunity to touch his own person, hug him and cuddle , hold his hands in your hands). More N.M. Gernet considered such a method of communication (through the bars and at a distance) in prisons inhuman and strongly protested against his introduction into practice.

The desire to constantly count the years, months, weeks, days and hours remaining until the end of the term becomes an obsessive mental state of many who find themselves in social isolation. From among those surveyed, they could “without hesitation” name the part of the term remaining on the polling day: up to a week - 21.5%, up to a day - 53.3% and up to an hour - about 24%; the rest did not want to answer. This ability to remember how much time is left before the end of the term and how much time has passed since its beginning is also noted in fiction: “At parting, I ask if there is much left to sit. - Year, three months and twenty days.” 4 And here is another answer to the question:
1 Trailib G.V. Ibid., P. 150
2 Eliseev V. So it was. "New World", 1977, No. 6, p. 208.
3 Eliseeva V. Ibid.
4 Trailib GV. Specified work, p. 143.

"There, I suppose, in two years, I guess? - Not two. A year, eight months and three days." 1
Constant knowledge of the unserved part of the term causes the persons in isolation to strive to speed up the flow of time, bring the release period closer. Time is not just animated, but transformed into a concrete living being that can be "killed", "shot *; into change coins) ', which can be" counted "; a rent that can be" worked out "," dined. " by deeds so that his pressure on the individual is relaxed.
The uneven flow of the day is another feature of the perception of time in conditions of social exclusion. Part of the day from going up to work (beginning of studies) is full of many successive activities, the duration of each of which is insignificant (exercise, toilet, filling the beds, breakfast, divorce and divorce) and is relatively fast for all minors.
The perception of working time (school time at school, vocational training) depends on many factors: on the attitude to study and work, organization and rhythm of training activities and work processes, etc. Some seek to accelerate the passage of time through employment in study and work, and therefore experience less time pressure. Failurers from work who shy away from studying experience a slower course of time more, and therefore try to “kill” him by playing cards, by other prohibited activities. Interesting work, exciting classes at school accelerate the flow of time, ease the term pressure on a person.
The perception of evening time depends on the degree of its organization and the involvement of minors in public life, the saturation of leisure with interesting mass events. The more interesting for minors events, the more often they replace each other, the faster the time passes, the less its pressure on the person.
At night, if a teenager or young man does not suffer from insomnia, time goes faster. If insomnia occurs, time does not just slow down, but stops, exhausting the minor.
In all cases, you should take into account the pressure of the term on the person, remember the inadequate ways of its acceleration used by minors, which is one of the reasons
1 Kosenkov V. The police received a statement. L .: Lenizdat, 1977, p. 292.

deviant behavior in conditions of social isolation (refusal to work, evasion from school, self-harm, simulation and aggravation of diseases, alcohol and drug use, sexual perversion, etc.).
The prospect of parole (release). The factor directly related to the term is the reduction of this period by natural means - early, conditional early and conditional release from places of social exclusion. The importance of this factor for the individual is evidenced by the constant conversations of minors about a possible amnesty, early release, the abolition of criminal punishment for certain acts. This is also evidenced by the questions they ask their caregivers and the examiners arriving at the institution.
The lack of prospects for shortening the term (by parole, early release, conditional release, early graduation from special schools, special vocational schools) can give rise to various phobias among minors: a) fear of approaching release time or graduation ("What if something happens and does not free me" ); b) fear that the girlfriend will not wait and get married; c) fear of new living conditions after the release (release), which received the name "waiting syndrome worst after release". In women, prone to lesbianism, there is such a phobia, as the fear of leaving her partner in isolation, the fear of betrayal on her part. Such persons go for violations of the regime and crimes in order to stay in the colony and not leave their partner. This is one of the reasons for deviating behavior in females in places of isolation from society.
Restriction of free communication. Social isolation is associated with a change and a radical restructuring of the minor's communication system, limiting the circle of people at liberty with whom he can contact. Communication with some individuals (for example, with friends who have remained free) is completely excluded; with others (for example, with relatives) it is allowed with restrictions (the number of meetings is limited, their duration is strictly regulated, for example, in VK, various obstacles are created during their holding). All this causes the minor suffering of varying strength and depth1.
1 Pirozhkov V.F. Features of communication in groups and groups of prisoners. Socio-psychological and linguistic characteristics of the forms of communication and the development of contacts between people. L .: LSU, LGPI. 1970, p. 129.

Of the minorities surveyed, one third did not have meetings for two reasons: a smaller part was deprived of them for various misdeeds, and most of them because no one came to them (the trip is expensive, there are no relatives or due to the indifferent attitude of parents and relatives to their child ). The absence of meetings aggravates perception in the context of isolation of the fact of social restrictions, subjectively extends the period of isolation, and significantly distorts the perception and evaluation of other regime restrictions. Only 0.5% of minors had meetings with representatives of the public at the old place of work, with teachers at the same place of study. This indicates a decline in the role of the public in modern conditions in the re-education of people in places of social exclusion. In a state where lawlessness prevails, the fate of stumbled adolescents does not interest anyone.
The study shows that minors who have met and did not have them, perceive and evaluate other factors of social exclusion differently. For the former, the severity of social isolation increases and the significance of the length of the term falls; they are less affected by various conditions of detention and other regime restrictions. For those who did not have meetings, the severity of social isolation is somewhat dulled, but the significance of the term of isolation and regime restrictions increases, which are designed to compensate for the limitations of communication with people at liberty. This is due to the action of different perspectives: persons who have dates, live by the prospects (expectations) of these dates, and did not have them - by the prospect of early release. For those who had visits, other regime restrictions are beginning to be perceived and assessed as secondary, for those who did not have them, the importance of regime restrictions increases.
A minor cannot accept the fact that social isolation destroys his system of communication, he would like to preserve it, and continue communication. This is confirmed by the survey results (see table 12.4).

Table 12.4. Information about the desire of minors to maintain contact with persons at liberty

Who of the persons at liberty would like to keep in touch with (allowed to give no more than 4 answers) at % Ranked place
With Mother 33.18 one
With friends 33.07 2
With a friend ("external student") 32.68 3
With Father 31.94 four
With indirect relatives (grandfather aunt, uncle) grandmother 20.55 five
With brothers, sisters 15.77 6
With fellow former work 9.96 7
With other persons 8.6 eight

Thus, minors want to communicate with a certain circle of people. Any restrictions and prohibitions on dating with these persons are experienced especially strongly and deeply. Long-term meetings with living together can satisfy a number of needs that are subject to restrictions in places of social isolation: physiological (improved nutrition); spiritual, especially in communication (sharing information on family issues and making joint decisions on them is the cognitive aspect of communication; experiencing affection, attention, care for one’s loved ones - the emotional aspect of communication). The desire to get long meetings, of course, is more pronounced in adolescents and young people who have both parents and from relatively prosperous families, as well as in women. Everything here depends mainly on the strength and stability of the family ties of these adolescents and young men. For minors, long meetings represent one of the "outlet" - the opportunity to feel at least for some time "at home", to experience the atmosphere of home comfort, affection, attention and care of loved ones, forgetting for a few days their position isolated from society.
Juveniles have a cooler attitude to short-term visits, since they do not bring moral satisfaction to either the teenager, or his relatives and friends. This is especially true for educational colonies. Here are a number of minor opinions. "In the meeting room is very noisy, you do not hear anything." "I’m leaving upset with short dates. They humiliate people." "I am embarrassed all the time because I have to talk about intimate family matters in the presence of other people." "It's scary to see your mom through the glass and not be able to touch her." Both the cognitive and emotional aspects of such meetings are presented in the most perverse way. Such purely "prison" dates are ineffective as a means of pedagogical influence on minors.
Each party carefully prepares for dating: what to say, what to remember to ask for, what information it is desirable to receive, etc.
Restricting dating breeds a desire for forbidden communication with relatives, acquaintances, and friends who are free. If it is impossible to communicate with relatives and friends, the minor begins to seek the opportunity to communicate with other people, that is, as with all restrictions, the object of need is replaced. At first, minors try to enter into forbidden secret communication with employees of their institution on a voluntary basis or, if this fails, with the threat of compromise, using blackmail and intimidation methods. The motivation of secret communication is more often: 1) sexual - engaging in sexual intercourse with the intended object; 2) self-serving - the transfer and receipt of money, products, prohibited items; 3) criminal - obtaining information and tools for committing crimes. Here are some examples. Pupils of the 9th grade of a special school inclined a young bread slicer to cohabitation, and when this could not be done - they decided to rape her, and then blackmailing her to induce her to deliver prohibited items to the school. A student of a special vocational school, Victor K., met in absentia with a girl, he swore to her in love and loyalty. She fulfilled all his desires: brought food, secretly transferred money, cohabited with him, and when he was released from special vocational school, she “handed over” her to her friends. Seeing such a betrayal, she tried to lay hands on herself.
Thus, we should talk not only about an increase in the number of dates, their duration, but, as M.N. Gernet, on the "principled approach to this issue" 1. This approach is to strengthen, through dating with minors who are in conditions of social exclusion, relations with persons at liberty who can have a positive impact on them. Openness
Gernet M.N. In prison. Sketches of prison psychology. Kharkiv, 1930, p. 200

the identity of a minor in terms of coercion and isolation of emotional contacts creates opportunities for purposeful psychological impact on her and prevention of various ways of secret communication.
Correspondence. Along with personal communication, written communication between minors and persons at liberty plays an important role. Even those who did not write a single letter a year and did not like correspondence, perceive her minor limitations in isolation to be painful. Correspondence performs a number of functions for minors: 1) informational and communicative, allowing to know what is going on in freedom with friends, relatives and acquaintances; 2) psychotherapeutic, creating a kind of outlet, where "part of the accumulated stress goes," which facilitates being in isolation; 3) sublimating, being an excellent means of "killing long ... days" in places of social isolation; 4) stimulating, allowing you to maintain a minimal emotional background of the individual ("herald of joy"); 5) educational, changing personality "for better or for worse" 1.
In everyday life, according to sociologists, the institution of communication through correspondence dies away, since it is replaced by other faster ways of communication (telephone, telegraph). However, the limited use of them in places of social isolation, as well as the lack of personal communication, minors tend to compensate for by intensive correspondence.
Letters in places of isolation have a different value. Students love to write letters and receive them. Social isolation gives rise to minors in their desire not only to correspond, but also to express their thoughts in an artistic word, when the most ingrained prose writers become “poets” and the letters turn into “whole ... poems” 2. The need for correspondence becomes typical for adolescents and young people who have no kinship, former detsdomovtsev. An important psychological factor is the regularity of receiving letters in conditions of social exclusion. Their prolonged absence causes spiritual anguish, severe shock, bouts of melancholy and despair. The inability to find out the reason for the long silence of the respondent (especially the familiar girl) through legal channels prompts the minor to look for ways for secret written information.
1 Broide S. In the Soviet prison. M.-P., State Publishing House, 1923, p. 84
2 Shukshin V. Film production. M .: Soviet writer, 1975, p. 222, 138.

conquest, improving their prison cleverness.
Correspondence with the so-called districts is quite common among minors. Developed a whole system: how to meet and how to conduct such a correspondence. The motives for correspondence are the most varied: sexual, material, psychotherapeutic, less often - aimed at a long-term perspective, i.e., on the subsequent creation of a family. Acquaintance with external students is established through a friend (who is with him in a colony, a special school, a special technical school), through a friend at large, through relatives, through hired employees, through other persons. Correspondence with external students becomes an object of intensive discussion among minors. Many of them strive to show off the ability to make correspondence meetings by correspondence, to “conquer” girlish hearts, releasing cynical jokes about their friends. Minors who have serious, in their opinion, intentions, are less likely to participate in such discussions, do not put on the general review the innermost parties to the correspondence. And at the same time, the psychological significance of correspondence with external students is extremely great, such correspondence as it is destroys the “fence with barbed wire”, behind which is a teenager.
While experiencing social exclusion, minors conduct active correspondence with various state bodies, public figures, writers, newspaper editors, law enforcement officers, their former teachers and other addressees. And here the correspondence pursues the goal - to overcome isolation in this way. Stimulates her conviction that, by virtue of her official position, the addressees must respond to the letters of the “workers”. The motives of such correspondence are very diverse: to demonstrate their correction, "consult and plan life for the future", "pour out the soul", "speak out" before another person, "philosophize on various life issues," congratulate your criminal past, "argue and prove your case "," accuse the investigators of bias "," prove the truth "," get the news from the will "," assert themselves among the minors "," write from nothing to do, kill time ", etc. Correspondence of juvenile criminals with well-known writers Lemma G. Medinskaya he served as a basis for writing the widely known works of art on the criminal world of minors ( "Honor", "difficult book", etc.).
It should be borne in mind that the letters received in isolation and read in a special way. The desire of minors to "squeeze" information from each letter is great, to speculate what was not written. Reading "between the lines" is one of the fascinating activities of those who are isolated. Therefore, letters are repeatedly re-read. This is their psychotherapeutic value. The sublimating role of them consists in the fact that their writing takes a significant part of the time and energy of minors. By influencing the relatives of the minor and other respondents, and through them - on himself, the educator achieves a significant effect in influencing the person through correspondence. Otherwise, minors switch to illegal correspondence on “routes”, connecting places of social isolation between themselves, exchanging criminal information with other socially isolated information and thus gaining criminal experience.
Parcels, transfers, packages perform the function of materialized means of communication with relatives and friends, serve as evidence of the stability of personal contacts, manifestations of the care of a minor to relatives and friends. With their help, the assortment of food is diversified, the needs of a teenager in toilet articles, underwear, clothes, etc. are satisfied. Minors jealously monitor the receipt of parcels and transfers by neighbors in the dormitory, office, detachment, painfully react to the delay of parcels and transfers from their relatives, friends and relatives. In the adolescent and youth environment, individualists, who eat up the contents of packages alone, are despised. Sharing the contents of the parcel with a friend is the immutable law of this age. However, in places of social isolation, the purpose of receiving packages and broadcasts is much more significant. Parcels and transfers can be used: a) to meet the personal needs of the recipient; b) to pay card debt and finance gambling; c) to pay the debt resulting from the debtor’s statement "on the counter"; d) to pay for “patronage and protection” of stronger and more authoritative persons against the claims of other minors; e) to acquire prohibited items necessary for the commission of offenses "in the zone"; e) to create a "common pot" and provide mutual assistance to persons with whom you have friendly relations (or "common pot" of "family", "hut", "compartment"); g) to exchange on the black market institutions for other valuables, etc. Parcel of minors is a source of enrichment of the “authorities”, those who are unofficially in power “in the zone”. Therefore, they strongly encourage the bulk of them to receive, forcing adolescents to beg them from their relatives, familiar with complaints of a serious condition, invent various diseases, as they say, "shed a tear", etc. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish the objective and subjective value of parcels and transmissions. If things and products are intended for personal consumption, then their subjective value becomes paramount; when they are intended to be transferred to other persons (in payment of debt, for exchanging for another "deficit", etc.), then their objective value in terms of money or deficiency comes first.
Minors have a different attitude towards parcels and transfers. When receiving a package, a minor experiences proximity to the home, care for his relatives, and the products play the role of "treats" for them against the backdrop of state food. For females, parcels are an important source for getting female toilet items that meet modern fashion and are in high demand among female friends. Therefore, often receiving parcels and transmissions becomes a holiday for teenagers and young people. Moreover, the more time a minor has spent in isolation, the more significant the event is receiving the parcel and transmission. Therefore, minors react painfully to such type of penalties as deprivation in VC of the right to receive the next parcel or transmission. Only those who have no relatives and cannot receive a parcel and transmission, as well as those of the "authorities" who live well due to receiving parcels and transfers by other minors, are indifferent to this measure of punishment.
Therefore, the deprivation of regular parcels and transmissions without regard to their personal significance may be an ineffective disciplinary measure not only for those who have no one to receive them, but also for those who live well at the expense of others in conditions of social isolation.
If there is no constant control over receiving parcels, broadcasts and packages, then in places of social exclusion an epidemic of gambling and extortion, a kind of racketeering, can occur and spread, when juveniles are robbed by newcomers and weaker people.
Limit the amount of money to purchase products and necessities. Under conditions of social exclusion, minors should not have cash in their hands. Earned by them in the process of industrial training and practical training of monetary amounts (for the manufacture of products), as well as received money transfers are credited to their personal accounts and are issued upon release from the colony (graduation from special schools, special vocational schools). Spending them during the period of social isolation occurs under the supervision of educators, and in the VC - in the amounts of money determined by the law, taking into account the type of correctional institution, the regime established in it, the term of punishment, behavior, attitude to work, nature of work, climatic conditions Thus, cash must play the role of an incentive in improving the behavior and attitude of minors to work. However, this measure is often ineffective, since minors, differently than the legislator intended, use the amounts provided to them.
In addition to use for personal needs, minors spend money to make settlements on card debts, for alcohol, drugs they buy, to hire other teenagers to do “dirty work” for an employer, to replenish a “common pot”, to pay “over the counter”, to make calculations for tattooing, “paying protection and patronage” to authorities, for purchasing black-market items and so on.
The sums of money for which minors can acquire the necessary goods and products for personal consumption are used for their intended purpose only in 16.5% of cases. All other expenses are related to interpersonal and intergroup relations (functioning of the “other life” with its obligatory attributes in the form of a “common pot”, card games, “metering”, alcohol and drug use, “payment of protection”, etc.) . In this case, the same purchased item, passing in a vicious circle, can perform different functions. Having bought sweets, teenager 3. used them as a bet in a card game; D., who won them, “hired” for a part of their teenager R. to do “dirty work”, in turn, R. paid off these candies with the same teenager 3., which he owed. Having passed through the hands of a number of individuals, the bought candies lost their function of stimulating the adolescent's diligence in work and study, and exemplary behavior.
An atmosphere of blackmail, extortion and harassment develops around those who have money in their accounts, if they do not have reliable psychological protection. In turn, the "authorities", the card players accumulate huge amounts of money, using them to "control" other people and enslave them. Money often enters the “zone” illegally, through secret channels, which is a violation of the regime. The danger of illegal money inflow is that in the “zone” conditions are created for the spread of gambling, extortion, “hiring” by some of the juveniles to carry out the dirty work. The cashless adolescents are forced to pay off the lenders with the received parcels, packages and transfers.
Так идет фактическое перераспределение денежных и материальных средств среди несовершеннолетних в "зоне", зависящее не от их действительного отношения к труду, учебе, поведения, а от других факторов, связанных с их положением в групповой иерархии, криминального опыта, поддержки "авторитетов" и т.п., что является одной из причин отклоняющегося поведения в местах социальной изоляции в виде половых извращений, членовредительства, симуляции и аггравации болезней и др.
Охрана и надзор, ограничение свободы передвижения, строгий внутренний распорядок. В указанных факторах выражена суть социальной изоляции, посредством которой обеспечивается организация всей жизни и деятельности социально изолированных лиц. Все указанные факторы призваны создать жесткую и вместе с тем гибкую систему внешних и внутренних зависимостей, из которых несовершеннолетний не мог бы "выпасть", если бы даже и вынашивал мысль совершить какое-либо правонарушение. Эти факторы играют роль средств, создающих внешние рамки, в пределах которых несовершеннолетний может сам регулировать свое поведение. Однако психологические механизмы воздействия на личность каждого фактора различны, а отсюда и различны их восприятие и переносимость несовершеннолетним.
First of all, individual elements of protection and supervision and restrictions on freedom of movement affect a person in different ways (see Table 12.5).

Table 12.5. Characteristics of the portability of minors of individual elements of protection and supervision

Psychologically most difficult to tolerate. Frequency Ranked place
Qty %
Personal searches (inspections) 56 22.5 one
Residential searches 43 17.3 2
Life in sight and the inability to avoid control 37 14.9 3
Movement under escort (under control) 36 14.4 four
Constant reports on their actions and actions 25 10.0 five
Security fencing (fence, towers, alarms, window grilles, etc.) nineteen 7.63 7
Access system nineteen 7.63 7
Search premises eight 3.2 eight
Other 6 2.4 9
Total 249 100.0

Как видим, всего труднее переносятся личные обыски и досмотры, поскольку они связаны с нарушением неприкосновенности личности и ущемляют личное достоинство человека. Так же болезненно реагируют несовершеннолетние на обыски в жилых помещениях и невозможность избежать контроля. Обыски в жилых помещениях являются как бы продолжением личных обысков и потому переживаются болезненно. Тяжело переносят подростки и юноши постоянное нахождение "на виду", когда "просвечиваются все тайники души, становятся достоянием других самые интимные действия и мысли человека". Жизнь "на виду" вызывает первоначально состояние неловкости, внутреннего дискомфорта (будто человек, вышел "голым на улицу"), а затем сильной душевной усталости.
Хотя за период "отбывания срока" несовершеннолетние привыкают к передвижениям под конвоем (под контролем) и жизни за тюремным ограждением, к необходимости отчитываться за каждый свой шаг, к строгой пропускной системе, однако и эти элементы изоляции психологически переносятся весьма тяжело. Не случайно тюремная решетка, конвой, колючая проволока превратились в символы социальной изоляции и широко отражены в татуировках и тюремной лирике несовершеннолетних и взрослых преступников. Менее болезненно воспринимаются обыски в производственных помещениях, поскольку они не затрагивают личный статус конкретного несовершеннолетнего.
Своеобразно реагируют несовершеннолетние на регламентацию их жизни и быта. Регламентация встречается в разных сферах жизни людей, причем нередко более строгая по своему содержанию, чем в изоляции. Однако в условиях социальной изоляции она воспринимается психологически более строгой по той причине, что человек помещен в систему ограничений не по своей воле и должен выполнять внутренний распорядок помимо своего желания, а возвышенные мотивы, действующие в других видах режимных учреждений, в социальной изоляции не действуют.
Следовательно, суть заключается не в том, что в изоляции внутренний распорядок строже регламентирован, чем у большинства свободных граждан, а в том, что основания этой регламентации другие. Один герой художественного произведения объяснял в этой связи, что дело не в регламентации, а "в том, что ты за решеткой... Все культурненько - паровое отопление, душ бесплатный, питание трехразовое, а я не жрамши был..." "Ну?" "То-то, что ну. Тюрьма..."1
Строгая регламентация воспринимается несовершеннолетними болезненно и потому, что их преступная деятельность на свободе была тесно связана с неупорядоченным, безалаберным образом жизни. \Резкий переход к строгому распорядку дня, к жизни по сигналу требует коренной ломки одного стереотипа и формирования другого. Данный процесс протекает весьма болезненно, со срывами, сопротивлением (внутренним и внешним) и другими негативными психическими проявлениями.
На личностную значимость данных факторов и их ранговое место влияют социальные роли людей в обществе, особенности возраста и пола. Так, лица женского пола острее и болезненнее реагируют на весь комплекс условий и ограничений социальной изоляции, быстрее поддаются ее деморализующему влиянию, что должно быть учтено в профилактической и воспитательной работе. Вместе с тем, лица женского пола быстрее привыкают к строгой регламентации, быстрее поддаются ее дисциплинирующему воздействию.
Есть разница в устойчивости личностно значимых оценок названных факторов у лиц женского и мужского пола. У подростков и юношей менее выражена динамика в оценках факторов социальной изоляции, у девушек она более выражена, бы-
1 Герман Ю. Один год. Л.: Советский писатель. 1969, p. 395.

стрее изменяется в зависимости от срока. Но суммарная приспособляемость к действию названных факторов у девушек выше, чем у подростков и юношей. Это подтверждается и выводами других исследователей (З.А. Астемиров, М.Н. Гернет, И.А. Кириллова и др.). Вместе с тем неоднократно побывавшие в социальной изоляции (последовательно прошедшие спецшколы, спецПТУ и ВК) в силу срабатывания механизмов привыкания легче переносят психологическое воздействие указанных факторов, чем те, кто оказался в изоляции впервые, на кого давит новизна и необычность обстановки, что важно учесть в процессе руководства их адаптацией.
В исполнении уголовного наказания в В К, принудительных мер перевоспитания в спецшколе и спецПТУ больше выступают элементы воспитания, чем кары. Однако несовершеннолетние воспринимают строгую регламентацию в этих учреждениях болезненнее, чем взрослые. Этим объясняется стремление значительной части из них совершить более тяжкие деяния, чтобы добиться перевода из спецшколы в спецПТУ, из спецПТУ в ВК, а из ВК по достижении совершеннолетия в колонию для взрослых, где, по их представлениям, они "будут более свободными". При этом меньшая жесткость охраны и надзора в этих учреждениях по сравнению с колониями для взрослых не смягчает карательное воздействие строгой регламентации, а психологически усиливает его.
Все режимные ограничения, как отмечалось, вызывают внутреннее и внешнее сопротивление несовершеннолетнего, стремление нарушить установленные запреты, порождает всевозможные ухищрения в целях поддержания недозволенных связей, проноса запрещенных предметов, нарушения распорядка дня. История тюрьмоведения свидетельствует, что чем строже вводился режим, тем сильнее проявлялось стремление заключенных к его нарушению, тем изобретательнее были они в соревновании с охраной и надзором. Как в военном деле совершенствование средств нападения ведет к развитию средств защиты, а те в свою очередь стимулируют дальнейшее совершенствование средств нападения, так и в местах социальной изоляции различные ограничения вызывают стремление к их нарушению и тюремную ухищренность, в борьбе с которыми администрация прибегает к ужесточению режима, на что заключенные, "изобретательность которых не знает предела"1, отвечают дальнейшим совершенствованием средств и способов тюремной
1 См. Гернет М.Н. The specified work.

хитрости. Особенно склонны к проявлению всяческих ухищрений несовершеннолетние, считающие за доблесть обмануть воспитателей и охрану.
Сотрудники спецшкол, спецПТУ и ВК могут встретиться не только с такой типической реакцией на различные ограничения, как внутреннее и внешнее сопротивление и стремление нарушить установленные запреты, стимулирующее ухищренность и изобретательность, но и привыкание и безразличное отношение к ним, психологическую усталость и желание "укрыться" от воздействий режимных ограничений.
Несовершеннолетние применяют различные психологические способы для преодоления давления различных режимных ограничений: отключение, т.е. стремление не замечать системы охраны и надзора; отождествление режима в местах социальной изоляции с требованиями других режимных в некотором роде учреждений, в которых им приходилось бывать; постановку мысленно себя на место тех, кто до них находился в данном учреждении и "выжил". Зная вышеназванные реакции несовершеннолетних на режимные ограничения и способы снятия их давления, сотрудники этих учреждений могут более эффективно использовать те или иные режимные ограничения в целях перевоспитания несовершеннолетних.

1. Предпринятый психологический анализ непосредственно правовых факторов социальной изоляции показал их разную личностную значимость для конкретных классификационных групп несовершеннолетних. Выявлено конкретное влияние на отношение к названным факторам лиц разного пола, возраста, имеющих разные сроки пребывания в этих учреждениях, разный криминальный опыт, а также знающих порядки и правила в "зоне".
2. Каждый из названных факторов социальной изоляции имеет свои специфические механизмы воздействия на личность, вызывая соответствующие реакции и психические состояния несовершеннолетних.
3. Изучение и знание этих реакций позволяет понять своеобразие психологии личности человека, изолированного от общества.


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