You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin



TA (in.) - you (we place.)
TAB - come
TABASH - “clean” robbery or theft
TABLET - drug addict
TABOR - 1) hangout; 2) underground house of tolerance
TABUNSHCHIK - Head of the Investigative Department
TABUR - educational and labor colony
SUBSTRATE - wood alcohol, vodka from wood alcohol
TAIGA WOLF - Convict who escaped from the ISU
TAIGA - Asian
TAL AN na Maidan - greetings gamblers
TALE (in.) - padlock
BOKINSKY TALERS - bounces in the IU, replacing money
THALEY HAS SENT - luck in gambling
TALMUD - j) documents; 2) criminal code
TAL PA - shoe sole
Taly-Taly - to talk
TALYANKA BREAK - 1) wander without having an overnight stay; 2) to sleep bent over
TAM - house TAM BLACK HANGING - padlock lock
TANGO JAPANESE - one of the ways to resolve conflicts among thieves (enemies armed with knives are blindfolded and they attack each other)
TANK - 1) secret informant; 2) insolent, impudent; 3) (abb. Tattoos): Secret Agent of the Chief of the Colony; 4) businessman, entrepreneur
DANCE - run
TANAS A - money
TARABAR'S GRAMBER - thief secret-writing
TARAKAN - 1) a stupid, narrow-minded person; 2) a police officer who is not dangerous; 3) bummer
DRAWING - 1) haul; 2) take drugs; 3) ask for supplements in the canteen colony
TAKE-OFF - to talk without ceasing
TAROCHKI - cigarettes
TASKA (TOSKA) (park.) - 1) state of euphoria after taking drugs; 2) desire, mood; 3) state of intoxication of alcohol, toxic, narcotic
TAKE (TO POOL) (park.) - be in a state of narcotic intoxication
TATYANA - rubber police stick
CARPET - car, taxi
CHARGING CARE - hire a taxi
TASHKENT - warm land, south
TASHKENT MAJOR - hot to heat
BREAK - understand
LOOK EIGHT - pretending to be a fool
Pull on the tail - to lead the police
BROUGHT THE BEGGAR ON THE BRIDGE - to sing, to mournfully sing
SHOCK - 1) to bliss, have fun; 2) (park.) To get high after taking drugs
CELEBRATE - 1) a person who does not enjoy authority among thieves; 2) a convicted person from the asset
Solid - Currency (Dollar)
COLOR TELEVISION - 1) monkey (see); 2) vent; 3) a wardrobe; 4) ass
TV - 1) wardrobe, bedside table for products in the chamber; 2) buttocks; 3) door window in the chamber
COLOR TV - menstruation
CART - 1) car; 2) the complaint; 3) lies
TELEGRAPH - a method of communication between cameras (percussion)
TELEGRAPHIST - 1) sharper accomplice; 2) informer, informant
PUSH TELEBACK - 1) to tell a lie; 2) engage in fraud
TELEPHONE - 1) domino game;
2) a cord with which convicts transfer something to the cell; 3) radiators and water pipes used for intercommunication
TELKA - 1) outerwear of convicts; 2) a woman making orogenital contacts; 3) a prestigious girl
CEL RELEASE - meet a girl for the purpose of sexual intercourse
BODY (navy) - man
BODY (CELENT) - a country boy, a naive, kindly person
COLLAR - a young woman of easy virtue
DARK - a beating, in which the victim is covered with a blanket so that she does not see who beats
DARK BIRKA - Fake Passport
DARK BOTTOM - internal lock
DARK HUT - closed apartment
DARKNOT - cheat
DARK - 1) beat until unconscious; 2) to tell a lie; 3) hide from arrest
DARK - unpleasant, bad, hopeless
DARKNESS -!) A drug used to lull the victim; 2) liar, deceiver
DARK TO DO (MAKE UP) - beat the victim, after having thrown a bag, blanket, padded jacket over his head
DARK GLASSES, DARK EYE - counterfeit passport
DARK - 1) strange; 2) credits; 3) fake; 4) passport; 5) a person living the floor by another name
DARK CIF - mob law
TEMNYAK - 1) night; 2) a thief, stealing night; 3) stealing from unlit room
TEMSCHIK - stolen goods buyer
TENDER - ass
GREENHOUSE - blanket
HEAT - outerwear
HEAT - 1) drunk; 2) warm underwear
HEAT SHUTTLE - rob drunk
LOSE - 1) beat; 2) perform sexual intercourse; 3) go away, disappear
Rubbing buster - argue
LOSS EARS - to lie
Terpilo ​​- the victim
TARED - skilled, experienced thief
TREK - opium poppy drug
TEETH KHANUM IS TOTALLY BAD - A poor-quality drug
TECHNICIAN - Pickpocket
TECHNICUM - training young criminals experienced thief
Technically plant - kill implicitly (poison, bring suicide)
FLOW - menstruation
TIBETCHIK - 1) a lover of women, 2) convicted of rape
TIGRITSA - a woman of easy virtue
TIKI-SO - I approve, all is well
TIMOFEY - person leading and | execution death sentence
KICKING - 1) to prove; 2) lie, 3) steal
TITI-MITI - money
Tikhar - 1) operative worker; 2) the scammer; 3) bodyguards
SILENT - 1) successful, easy theft, 2) theft without breaking
SILENT - deaf, hard of hearing
SILENT LEAGUE - 1) a policeman without a weapon; 2) operational! "Worker in civilian clothes
TIKHOMIROV - plain-clothes police officer
QUIET - 1) informant; 2) secretive person
Silencers - felt boots
TIHUSHKA - 1) a former thief who rarely commits theft; 2) a room for torture; 3) the thief who married and retired from the thieves of the world
SILENT - 1) a thief committing theft from unlocked apartments; 2) a person stealthily stealing from his own; 3) a closed man
QUIET BREATH - don't say too much
TISHKA - 1) Officer of the Criminal Investigation Department and operative unit of the Investigative Department
GOODS - 1) stolen goods; 2) a full pretty woman; 3) raw materials for drugs
PUSH (ROLL) THE TELEPHONE-write a complaint
PUSH THE CHERMUKH - to tell a lie
PUSHER - 1) the person who took all the blame on himself; 2) stolen goods buyer
PUSH THE BLUEBERRY - to put on a false ear
THINK SHEETS - sell stolen items
KNOCK - go to the reception to the head of the colony
STOP - find out the relationship
DISTINCTIVE - 1) meeting in the zone; 2) thieves' gathering, a bunch of criminals
PUSH - fight
THICK CHROMOSOME - fat unkempt woman
TON - 1000 rubles
STOP - 1) go; 2) follow
Stomp the zone - serve a sentence
Trampling along shallows
TOPTOGON - 1) dance floor; 2) foot stage
TOPTUN - 1) detective; 2) the controller in the colony; 3) a roommate; 4) active homosexual
TORBA - 1) place of detention; 2) parcel, transfer; 3) prison; 4) camera, insulator; 5) women's handbag
TRAINING - 1) to serve time in the PS; 2) serve the sentence in the ShIZO, punishment cell
TORBOHVAT - market thief
TRADE - steal
TRADE GOL'EH, TRADE PURELY - steal a wallet with money, but without documents
TRADE STILLERS - steal from trouser pockets
MERCHANT - Pickpocket
BRAKE - 1) door; 2) a condom; 3) mentally retarded person
BRAKE - 1) to hold the victim at the time of theft; 2) detain red-handed; 3) to rob in the street
BRAKE ON THE HUT - stop at the apartment
BRAKES - duffle bag
TORPEDA - 1) the executor of the will of the leader; 2) punch man; 3) a criminal who, due to a card debt or due to some other reason, is obligated to commit a murder or other crime on the orders of the leader, on pain of death; 4) the spiral implanted in the treatment of alcoholism (the drug antabus);
5) cellophane-packed narcotic ("note") and inserted into the anus for transportation
TORPEDA (FATHER, HATCHOOKER, ROGOMET, MONKEY, ROYALIST, IRON, POLPOTOVETS) is a young man who has received a maximum period of 15 years (more often for murder) and is part of the “thief in law” environment
Torpedo RUN - not to comply with the requirements of the authorities
ENDS - matches
Torchak - the place of the poor
TRASHING - 1) to serve the sentence in the IU; 2) state after taking drugs; 3) to inject a drug; 4) to observe; 5) take the initiative; 6) fall in love; 7) wander aimlessly
TRAILING IN BULLDE - attend a lecture in the PS
TRICHING IN BABY (BABY) - serving the sentence in VK
HOOKING BACK - to be under investigation
TRYING DEADLY - being in a state of drug intoxication
TRUCKING WHEELS - swallow a narcotic pill
TRICHING ON GREEN - picnic outdoors
HOOKING ON KAYFU - take a drug
WRINKING - 1) excited male penis; 2) a guard on the tower of the Investigation Unit; 3) the head
TORCHOK - 1) a drug; 2) hashish smoker
TOT ELSE is a characteristic of a person who stands out from others.
Pacific Fleet (in.) - 1) good; 2) positive
Sharpen the hooves (ROCKS) -prepare to escape
POINT - 1) alarm; 2) stall, kiosk, small shop
POINT - marked with a tattoo on the face, applied by force (see COAT)
POINT TO FORG - to make friendship
POINT - labeled, marked
TOZHNILOVKA - snack bar, beer
INSANTS - joyful, high spirits
TRACKING - 1) beer, snack; 2) dining room catering
GRASS - 1) to speak fiction; 2) smoke; 3) to lie, deceive
TO SHAKE THE BALANDA - 1) talk a lot without sense; 2) an empty conversation in order to divert the attention of the victim; 3) gossip; 4) to lie, deceive; 5) smoke
Herbs to smoke - eat anasha
TRYLER - taxi driver
TRYLIT - 1) to convince the improbable; 2) to lie
TRACTOR - 1) medical syringe; 2) a representative of the administration of the colony; 3) a conscientious prisoner; 4) the head
TRACTOR - colony shoes
TRACTORIST - driver of public transport
SHEAR - look for a girl to perform sexual intercourse
TRAM - tram
TRAM - 1) cigarette; 2) gang rape
BREAKER - bench
TRACE - 1) the path between places of detention; 2) traces of injections on the body of an addict; 3) street, avenue; 4) communication between chambers, enclosures, or between IU, over which prohibited items are shipped
TRASOVSKAYA (HOSPITAL) - a prostitute, trades in motor vehicles
TO SHAKE - 1) to commit sexual intercourse; 2) steal; 3) hit someone
REQUIRED - belly
TO SURRY - to tell lies, lie, spread false rumors
TREECON - food pump
TO TRET - to figure out, be alarmed, guess, know, understand
TRELLEYBUS - man with glasses
TROUBLE - let slip
TRIPP - 1) police whistle; 2) liar liar
TRESK - scandal; noise, conflict
COD (RAG) - 1) the distraction of the conversation;
2) preparation for the escape from the AI;
3) state of narcotic hunger
Crack - a dishonest person
THIRD HUT - Militia
THREE SHEETS - a kind of card game
THREE PETRA - a sentence of 15 years
TRIFON - bag
TRISHKA - drug trimethyl-fen-tanil
PIPE - 1) anus; 2) nonsense; 3) stalemate; 4) underground passage
HUMMER - homosexual
WORKED - Translator
LABOR - salary
TRUCK - 1) engage in masturbation; 2) to engage in homosexuality; 3) to be afraid, to be afraid - South Manchurian
TRUHL EK - toilet room
LOOSE - Masturbation
TRYN-GRAY this hemp
TRUM - solitary confinement
DRAW - beating someone to get what you want
RAG - paper
RAGS - 1) stolen items; 2) wear clothes
TRYASINA - involvement in a criminal group
SHAKE FOR HA-HA (HAIHI) -psychiatric examination
TRASHGUT - homemaker
SHAKE - interrogate
TRYASUN - 1) a person bringing a victim to a nervous shock; 2) executioner
TUBIK - a patient with tuberculosis
ACE - 1) an official covering a criminal group; 2) a person who has large sums of money; 3) aspirator in the colony
ACE KOLYVANSKY - an overly trusting victim
ACCESS IS CORRECT - a person mindlessly spends money in a restaurant
PUSH - beat for offense
TUMBLING - knocking around with a cameramate
TULPEGA - frigid woman
TUMAK - not understanding anything
MIST - 1) clothing market; 2) unclear situation; 3) a person who does not understand
TUMBA - gambling hangout
TUNGUS - a person of non-Russian nationality
TUNDRA is a stupid man
STUMP - 1) store; 2) a secluded place
Tupor - 1) mentally retarded person; 2) non-authoritative leader
TOURA - doss house
TOURIST - thief guest performer
BEGINING - 1) smoking; 2) to gather; 3) communicate aimlessly
GUNTING - 1) a bunch; 2) fight; 3) company
BLACK TUSOVKA - a gathering place for homosexuals
NIGHT-BUTTERS BLANKING - place to collect prostitutes
TUTRYAK - inside pocket
SHOES - Bribe
TUFTA (TUHTA) - 1) playing cards without money; 2) low quality work; 3) fake, fraud
TUFTAR (TUKHTAR, TUKHTAICH) - a fraudster, a liar
SHOE DROP - replace good with bad
TUMOR - 1) a suspicious case; 2) female investigator
PUSH - to hurt
TUCHA - 1) market, flea market; 2) meeting place of fartsovshchik
EXTENDING (EXTINGUISHING) - creating a crush, pushing around the victim, distracting her attention from her pockets and things
YOU K - knife
Tykva - head
Tyna - prostitute
TYRBANK - division of stolen goods
DROP - steal
TYRKA - a subject with which during theft a pickpocket covers his hand
TRAILER - Pocketman Thief
TEN (English, ten - ten) - 10 rubles
TERS - the name of the card game
SEVEN - drunk
TULKOGON - liar, liar
BATTLE THROW - to deceive
PRISON MAIL - covert channels of information transfer from the camera to the camera (in the zone with the will)
PRISON SEMAPHORE (MANUAL DRINK) - sign language for the negotiations of criminals among themselves
Tyufyak - limp
Tyuha - rations of bread
A CHAIN ​​- 1) an obligation; 2) the term of imprisonment; 3) scandal
HEAVY AND K - robbery with murder
TYVELOVES, heavy duty - 1) the killer; 2) especially dangerous recidivist; 3) safe cracker
HEAVY DUTY - DRINK - 1) sort out a relationship; 2) scold; 3) bully
PULL OIL - 1) intercede for someone; 2) vouch for someone; 3) care for a woman
BEGIN POOR FOR HER - to do useless work
CHAIN ​​TRAVEL - 1) to commit theft in transport; 2) commit theft while boarding a vehicle
TURN THE RUBBER - delay, deceive
BRAIN TRAUM (TRAIN) - commit gang rape
Bring to death - serve your sentence
PULL PHASE - 1) to lie, deceive; 2) not to fulfill the promise
PULL - 1) steal; 2) drink alcohol
TYAPULA - Mistress
TYPUHA - accordion
DRAW - beat, beat
HOOK - cuddle


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology