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3. Causal complex of the personality of the criminal


In Soviet times, the formation of the perpetrator’s personality was explained by the lack of family upbringing, the shortcomings of the school, the workforce and the police. In modern conditions, criminologists have identified about 200 factors that influence the dynamics of crime and the formation of the personality of the criminal. Without denying the above, we present the main groups of factors and some of their constituent elements.
1 Avanesov G.A. Criminology and social prevention. M., 1980, p. 226-230.

1. Social factors - the instability of society, the unfavorable socio-psychological atmosphere in it, the social insecurity of the elderly, children and the poor, the lack of personal perspectives and confidence in the future.
2. Political factors - instability of state power, lack of a developed democracy, totalitarianism, corruption of bureaucracy, merging of power and capital,
3. Ideological factors — ideological emptiness, the absence of an idea uniting people in society, the domination of spiritlessness.
4. Moral factors - immorality in the life and behavior of people, the destruction of the principle of mutual aid and fraternity, the prosperity of the idea of ​​naked purity, deception, falsehood between people; prevalence of drug addiction, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity.
5. Economic factors - the growth of unemployment, dissatisfaction with earnings, poverty, late payment of wages, growth of the shadow economy.
6. Social factors: dissatisfaction of people with housing, various public services, their high cost and inaccessibility to the majority of the population.
7. Socio-technical factors - the emergence of new professions, the unreadiness and inaccessibility of people to their mastery, retraining.
8. Socio-cultural factors - the inaccessibility of cultural values ​​and institutions to the majority of the population, the crisis of modern national culture, discord and vacillation among the intelligentsia, the predominance of Western pop culture, alien to the traditions and mentality of our society.
9. National factors - the dominance of the ideas of nationalism, national exclusivity, fundamentalism, generating interethnic conflicts and wars.
10. Socio-demographic factors — massive family distress, a nuclear or broken family, a generation gap in a family.
11. Organizational and managerial factors - untimely and non-optimal decision-making by the authorities concerning the life of society or certain groups of the population (children, disabled, old people, women, military, etc.).
12. Social and legal factors - “gaps” in the legal field regulating the behavior of people in everyday life, in work, in business, and hence permissiveness and irresponsibility, the emergence of various pyramids in business and massive deception of the population.
13. Genetic factors - the deterioration of the genetic potential of the nation as a result of drunkenness, drug addiction, poverty, environmental degradation.
14. Socio-medical factors - the destruction of free and accessible to all medical care system and the receipt of various medical services, the late detection of various somatic and mental abnormalities, an increase in the proportion of people who have suffered brain injuries at birth, etc.
15. Informational factors - the growing media with business, the dominance of advertising, which imposes on people and especially the younger generation, a way of life that is alien to our society through film strikes and soap series that preach cruelty, cult of force, unrestrained sex, idleness, debauchery, etc.
16. Socio-educational factors - scrapping the existing system of educational work in all social institutions (schools, vocational schools, universities, state and public organizations) with all age and professional categories of the population (with kindergarten students, schoolchildren, vocational school students, workers in production, retirees, engineering and scientific workers, etc.), the elimination of age and professional public organizations (Oktyabryatskaya, pioneer, Komsomol, party, etc.) and the lack of their alternatives.
17. Criminal factors - crime has reached a level where it reproduces itself through various criminal institutions that have arisen in society - through mentoring and patronage of recidivists over adolescents, by drawing them into criminal groups, creating special illegal schools for improving criminal mastery (learning how to use weapons , the commission of burglaries, car thefts, etc.) through the criminal ideology prevailing in society, the spread of criminal jargon, thieves' laws and other attributes of the criminal subculture.
18. Criminological factors - the lack of a coherent and well-developed crime prevention system, including its study, forecasting and development of a system of deterrence measures, prevention of certain types of offenses, shortcomings in the work of law enforcement agencies and interaction between them at all stages in the fight against crime.
19. Military factors - the collapse of the army, the dominance of hazing, arms trafficking, drug addiction, its transformation from a social institution defender of the fatherland into a source of replenishment of criminal communities at the expense of soldiers who went through hot spots, who participated in hostilities that did not adapt to modern society.
20. Socio-psychological factors - the division of society into rich and poor has generated a number of socio-psychological phenomena, such as envy, hatred, the desire to use criminal ways to get out of poverty and destitution.
Among the factors considered there are for each person the main and secondary, directly affecting the person, creating a criminal situation or provoking it to commit a crime, justifying criminal behavior and a criminal lifestyle.
Each factor has a different specific weight and significance in the formation of the personality of the criminal, and only in interaction and interrelation do they form a causal complex. Thus, the alcoholic conception of Senkin was aggravated by a generic traumatic brain injury, leading to the emergence of a mental abnormality. The family in which he was raised turned out to be beyond poverty, the alcoholic father did not work, the mother was engaged in prostitution to feed the family, the grown child was in the criminogenic inner environment that arose from the children, as well as this child who lived in communal apartments built earlier for "limits". In the school where he went, education and upbringing was badly put out of hand, out of grade 8 he was expelled for his academic failure. When he came of age, he was drafted into the building troops, went through all the steps of hazing. Becoming an older serviceman, he began to mock the recruits, for which he received a term in the disciplinary battalion. After the "demob" went to the criminal group, which included committed three serious crimes. Returning from the colony was homeless. Parents exchanged a room in a communal flat for ruin in a distant dying village, where he refused to go. He committed a new crime and again went to the colony. At no stage in the development of this personality and its transformation into a hardened criminal, the preventive measures did not work.
Knowledge of the causal complex opens up possibilities:
1) for general prevention (general prevention system) and
2) development of a system of private prevention (private prevention).


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology