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LABA - music
Labaz - Shop
LABAT (COURSE FOR HAIR DRINKING) -speak in criminal slang
LABOR ON PENDROS - play the piano
LABZIK - dog LABUDA - empty, useless,
stupid man
LABUH - musician
TO LAVE - 1) go and watch; 2) look out for the victim on the go; 3) look for something; 4) to stand on guard (streame) when committing a crime
LOVE (SUY. ORANGE) - a court crowned with a violation of the rules, who bought the title "thief in law" (usually a person from the Caucasus)
BAG - illegal fraudulent transaction
LAVIER'S BANNER - a lot of money
CAMPING PEARLS - Barley Porridge
GET - play cards skillfully
LADURA - good
LADA - 1) wedding; 2) agreed, it goes, well, I agree
LAGA - lies, fiction, deception
LAMBLE - cheat, lie
LAZHY - unreliable person
CLIMBING - stealing
LAZURA - Wedding
LAYBA - 1) car; 2) a syringe; 3) car foreign cars (prestigious)
LAIKA - 1) guard dog; 2) skin grade
LIFE (eng, life - life) (LIFE NOT IN KIF) - life
Laksha - complete failure
LACKING - 1) to understand something; 2) play cards
LAKSHOVKA - a prostitute, is a success
LANDAY! - get out!
LAND - go to someone
LANDRIKI - candy
LANDRONNIK - fried bread
LANDISH - product
LANTUK - bandage on the arm of the duty assistant to the head of the colony or a convicted activist
LANTUHI - stolen goods
LANZUKH - chain
LANCY (LANSY) - pants, a set of beautiful clothes
LAPA, LAPIK - bribe
LAPA GUSINAYA - thieves crowbar for hacking
STOP - hug, squeeze
LAPOTNIK - 1) wallet; 2) a person taking bribes
LAPOT - 1) a harmful person; 2) tea tiles; 3) clothes
BUNNER - bribe taker
LAPSERDAK - jacket
Lapty Splash - Arrest
PAW - an inexperienced thief
PAW - stall
LAPSA - 1) criminal case; 2) a talkative person; 3) lies, lies, deception lie, inventor,
LAPSHEGON - deceiver
LAP SEWING - cheating
PAW ON THE EARS OF HANGING - deliberately mislead anyone, lying
LARVA - Convict, not prestigious in their midst
Lary-na-ny - no money
LAR - colony shop
LASENKO - a little bit
Spray - oil
COATING - 1) to steal from a pocket; 2) to make orogenital contact
LASKUN - a person taking the penis in his mouth
LASO - soap
SWALLOW - 1) scoop for garbage; 2) a prostitute
Blades - legs
LATATES GIVE - make escape
LAFA - bliss, happiness, luck, luck, carefree life
LAPETNIK - glass
LAHA - clothes, rags
LAHMAN - forgiveness of card debt
LAHMAN DEBT - debt forgiveness
LAHMANOGY (LAHMATUHA) - convicted of rape
LAHUDRA - prostitute
LASHAR - leather belt
COATING, COVERING - hypocrite, flatter, toss off
LASHLI - the enemy
SWAN - 1) twenty-five ruble bill; 2) drunk
WINCHER - stealing from drunk
LEFT - dishonestly extracted, stolen goods
LEFT ZATOR - production of unreported products
LEGAVKA - 1) a police car; 2) criminal investigation
LIGHT - affordable woman
ICE - sugar
Lie down - hide
PULP - crime, theft
BLADE - Finnish knife
CLING ON HORNS - cause scandal, risk
LENIN (BUKOVSKY, SOLZHENITSYN, etc.) - political prisoner
FLAW - jacket, suit
PETAL - handkerchief
PAINTS - tablets
LEPILA - 1) fake; 2) doctor, colony medical worker
MOLDING HUMMER - 1) impersonate another person; 2) lie to the investigator; 3) mislead, knowingly telling a lie
SAY IN BEAUTY - to steal from train containers
MOVING ON A HAIR DRYER - to speak in a criminal language
BLUE BLACKBERRY - to tell a lie, to lie
LEEPICH - clothing
LEPLA - find out
LEAU - print
LEETERGA (LETREK) - lieutenant of the police or internal troops
FLYING MARK - the corner of the card crumpled while playing cards
Leha - the victim, who came from the countryside
Heal at the bottom - to lay low
CUT TO PRESS - go all concessions to doctors
Bream to throw - to rob a drunk
BREAK - do good
HAZELOUS - hair on his head
LIBERAL - rogue, sycophant, coward
LIVER - 1) observation; 2) colony protection post; 3) danger warning; 4) human feces
LIVER'S PROMOTION - to establish surveillance of someone
LAWSTER - a thief, working keys, master keys
LIZE - run
LIKE - use drugs
LIZUN - petty thief, punks
LIZUHA - cow
LEMON - 1 million rubles (dollars)
LEMONADE - decoction of dried poppy heads
LEMONIZE - 1) to beat; 2) play cards without being able to pay in case of loss; 3) do not return the debt
LEMON - a depraved woman
PERSON - Millionaire
LENS - showcase
L INCA - change passport data (passport)
LINK GLASSES - 1) glasses with simple glasses to change the appearance; 2) fake documents
LINK - the owner of a passport in another name
KICK - disappear, run away, leave, remove anything
KING IN NORU - go home
LIPA - not real, fake
LIPOVATING - lying, cheating, telling a lie
LIPON - rob
PIPE - stick with an adhesive substance, with which they steal money from the shelves of stores
LIPS - documents
LIRA - guitar
FOXES - cigarettes
LISKA - safety razor blade
SHEET - newspaper
SHEETS - playing cards
LEAVES - large banknote
LITHUANIA - female breasts
LEATER - 1) officer in uniform; 2) Criminal Investigation Inspector
LITERKA - 1) the thief's servant; 2) convicted for anti-Soviet propaganda
LITHUANIA - a special knife
Pour paraffin - insult
Likhach - taxi driver
LYHOD - malicious hooligan
FEVER - litigation
LICEMBER - long meeting with relatives with joint accommodation in a hotel of the colony
PERSONALITY - a girl used only by the leader of a criminal group as opposed to DOLBEZHKA - a common girl, a woman
LICHNYK - the personal thing of the convict (prisoner)
LOB - a slacker, healthy
LOBAZ - Shop
LOB GREEN PUT -To condemn to capital punishment (shooting)
PERSONAL GAME - fair game cards
CATCH - hope
CATCHING A MICE - undress drunk
To catch seance - 1) spy on a woman; 2) observe intercourse
TRAP, TRAPS - stall or small shop
POOLS - boots
LIES - to betray a comrade, accomplice
LOZHKAR - cook in the AI
TRIMMER - Dishwasher in colony prison
FALSE - noodles, pasta
L OY - money
LOCKER - weak-willed person dependent on others
LOKSH - 1) failure, futility; 2) emptiness in the soul; 3) gambling; 4) is not true
LAKESHE FAST - serve a sentence due to a miscarriage of justice
LOCKING - to be able to do something
LOCKHOLE WORK - unsuccessful theft
JOM - pencil
BREAK WIPING - check travel documents
Breaking Elms - Break the spine, jaw
BREAK KRYRYANKA - to be related (to fraternize), sharing bread with another
BREAKING KSIVU - check documents
Breaking Horn - Beating Up Someone
BREAK RUBLE - buy hard currency at a low price
LOMIT - work for the operational part or criminal investigation department
BREAKING - 1) enter the premises; 2) to enter the company of thieves
BURNING INTO THE DOOR - complain to the administration about cellmates
BREAK, BREAK - 1) check the person, a beginner; 2) fraud; 3) drug hunger
BREAK-a complainant
UNCOMTAINED BREAK-a convict who is not a member of a thief group and who works conscientiously at work
LOMOTA - beatings, beatings
BROWNER - money changer, cheater, deceiving people when exchanging or exchanging money (currency)
Bursting - to escape from the colony, prison
LOTS - kersey boots, anklets, summer shoes
LOPATINA, SHOVEL - wallet with money
FOOT SHOULDER - theft when the wallet is pulled out of the victim’s pocket
TO STOP, TO POP - to steal a wallet
SHOCK - underwear
BOWL - 1) tea; 2) an inexperienced thief; 3) robbed passenger
Burdock - ears
SMOKE - to be deceived
PUSH - poorly dressed girl
Loretka - prostitute
SOKHATY LOS - Convict working in the colony's economic service personnel
LOCH - 1) a crime victim; 2) a man; 3) open, simple
LOKHANKA - 1) stool; 2) a woman of easy virtue
SCAMMER - 1) ragged; 2) district inspector
SHRINK - 1) female barley organ; 2) fur hat /
PASSY - Convicted for Rape
PASSY SAFE - 1) female sexual organ; 2) rape act
LAKHMACH - 1) convicted activist, retainer; 2) a criminal who violated the thieves laws
LOHODROM - a place where scammers fool gullible people
HORSES - boots
LOSHADKA - methadone drug
HORSE - 1) a person engaged in transferring prohibited items into the zone; 2) a prisoner from among the snoops, delivering food from the dining room to the thieves
LUZHA - Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow
PUDS, (LUSHA, BOWLS) - bed sheet
To CARE (from English, to look - to look) - secretly spy on someone
LUKICH - scrap
BOTTOMS - give something
HAPPY - go in
LUNA - 1) a light bulb in a cell, a dormitory; 2) night lighting
MOONAW - an experienced, resourceful investigator
LUNATIC - lone robber
LUNOK - tramp
LUNOKHOD - SGP machine
Moonboats - Sneakers
The moon spinning - to deceive, mislead
BAGS - eyes
LUPE SANDGES - watch, watch
LUSHPAYKA - a sloppy woman
SKIS - escape
SKIP TO GET - to escape from the colony
LYSAK - month, moon
LIPS - legs
LABE, LEIBACK - brand name clothing
LEC - orogenital contact between women
LUDA - a lot of people, people, a group of people
PEOPLE - thieves PEOPLE'S UNLESSED - hooligans
LUISIA - Cinema
LUMIK (sea) - porthole
Chandelier - mirror
Luca - a passive homosexual
LYUSYA - female genitals
LYAGAVKA - Criminal Investigation
LYAGAVY, LYAGASH - policeman, operative worker, detective, scammer
BEGINNING WILL BE - the vow of thieves criminals
LAGING, LAGING, LAGING -Getting an accomplice
FROG - 1) pillow; 2) bus; 3) posture of a woman during intercourse

FROG WITH IKROY - drug dealer
Lyalka - 1) a woman of easy virtue; 2) young prostitute
LAMING - to steal
LYAPAT - robbed
LAPPING - take the drug
LARVA - 1) a prostitute, a selling woman; 2) the traitor who issued the accomplices


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology