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DRAGGING (ZARKANIT) - cheat, do not give the thing
DREAMED - a convict experiencing separation from his family
FUN - the mistress of the thief
EARN - 1) take away; 2) to arrest; 3) assign
BLOCK - block, shut out
REDUCER - beer
ZABIT - 1) take a place or place somewhere; 2) betray
KILLING (DROP) WASH - to make sexual intercourse
KILLING NAILS - to deceive, mislead
TO DRIVE KOSUY (CANT) - to smoke a cigarette filled with anasha
SHOOT THE ARROW - set a meeting place
KILLING A MEMBER - 1) disregard; 2) ignore; 3) stop
TO PLACE - to become a criminal
PAYMENT - bribe, persuade, deceive
BE CAREFUL - give the word, the oath
BROADER - the person carrying out the death sentence
DISEASE - to be arrested, detained
TO BOB - to prepare a drug for injection into a vein or muscle
BARE - to get into the room, including by hacking, and commit theft
BROKEN - stun the sleeper
CLICK TO - get caught up
CARE (BUSINESS) - a crime
CARE - to persuade the victim on the game of cards
COLLECT - 1) arrest; 2) steal
BLOCK - get proud
TO BECOME - 1) to get caught in the commission of a crime or violation of the regime; 2) get into a drunk company, get very drunk
BURNING - to persuade someone to commit a crime
TO SMELL - 1) the state of hard drinking;
2) sell, sell stolen goods
DRINKING - get drunk drunk
BREAK - failure, failure cases
BREED - 1) shoot, kill someone; 2) to issue an accomplice of the crime; 3) inform the administration on comrades
BEGIN - to be arrested red-handed while committing a crime
BOTTOM - mix, cook
BREW PUNCH - mix wine with dope
ZAVARUKHA - 1) conflict; 2) riots
BREAK - hold, catch
TURNED - 1) a fan of something; 2) psycho
TURNING DOGGING - cheating, making something fake
ENROLL - the cheapest drug inject
Screw up - 1) tighten the mode; 2) run away
SCREWING - 1) to lie; 2) there is; 3) oppress
DEPEND ON THE NEEDLE - heavy drug addiction
ZAVITUSHKA - signature
COLLE - run away, hide
PLANT - hangout
ZAVODIT SHARMANKU - read notations, lecture
Breeder - a woman, a member of a criminal group, who lured the victim to a secluded place for robbery
BREAK UP - fall asleep
FOR THE WHOLE MAST (MASOTU, MASTIC) - 1) completely, to the end; 2) from the heart, in pleasure
DECEPTIVE - arrested
DECLARE (DECREASE THE KNOTTING) -to stop stealing, to commit crimes, to end forever the criminal life, to abandon the past
TIE CALLING - to kill a guard dog
BINDER - a person who has stopped criminal activity
ENTRY - 1) beloved woman; 2) mistress; 3) interference
BUILD - 1) stop; 2) hide stolen items
BUILDING - to avoid the punishment of cellmates
ZAGASHNIK - 1) top small pocket in trousers, waistcoat pocket; 2) a cache for storing money, drugs
ZGIB PETROVICH - dead, dead
BENDING - 1) severe illness; 2) adverse conditions of the institute
BEND - to hurt, die
TO BEND ON FREE - to be intoxicated, to feel bad
SWALLOWED - intoxicated
Swallow - drink alcohol
SWIND - shut up
KNOCK - 1) sell stolen items; 2) to send a volunteer employee of the colony to the apartment of his relatives to deliver prohibited items to the convicted zone
BURN INTO THE BOTTLE (BUBBLE) - bring to the state of affect
KNOCK FOOL UNDER THE SKIN - to perform intercourse
KEEP UNDERWAY - 1) lower; 2) humiliate
BROUGHT - died
PUSH - grab something
DOWNLOAD - get sick, die
BLINDER - bribe taker
PLAYING - hold up
WARM UP - 1) to be arrested; 2) fall
Zagudit - drink
PROMOTE - 1) to deceive, to tell a lie; 2) to perform sexual intercourse
SEAL - 1) to beat hard; 2) kill
DEPART THE GOAT - 1) to bring an accomplice; 2) prevent the convicted person from doing anything
BUILD THE GET - to rob an apartment
DRAW A GOLE - pull a purse out of a pocket that is empty
REVERSE HOLE - point when playing cards
Rear Axle - Female buttocks
ZADOK - the old canceled conviction
ZOLOBACHIT - 1) remove, kill; 2) poison the person
ZADONE - be late somewhere
SHOCK - freeze
ZADU RIL SYA - 1) caught; 2) arrested at the time of the crime
GO - 1) get dirty; 2) lose the thing; 3) find the approach to the person, arrange him
COME TO THE CHOCOLATE SHOP - perform the act of sodomy
CHEAT - select thing, assign something
LIGHTER - teenage girl
PLAY POINT - get scared
HARNESS - matches
ZAK - special vehicle for transportation of arrested
CLOSE - make a dig
ZAKADRIT - remove a woman (chick)
ENCLOSE SMALL - remove Minor
BOOM - grab by the throat
CUSTOM - murder for money
SHOCKING - rob a drunk
SHOCKING (TO STORE) - to cause bodily harm
ZAKAMSTROLIT - slaughter
PLACED - infection with venereal disease
SIGN UP - come
SQUARE - handcuff
REQUEST - silence
Zakidon - lies
BOOM - arrest
DOWNLOAD IW - 1) inform the administration; 2) get dirty; 3) to commit an act of sodomy
THE LAW OF VOROVSKOY - unwritten rules, traditions of the thieves' environment, binding for its representatives
LAWMAN - living according to the laws of thieves
Legally - well, according to the rules
LAWFUL - true, good quality
LAWFULL CAIN - trustworthy purchase of stolen goods
BILL - to commit sexual intercourse or sodomy
FINAL FRAER - Zekdissident
COUNT - to commit a state crime (from the word "contra")
FINISH THE ACADEMY - serve the sentence in AND
BOOMED - 1) close something; 2) EXT.
ZAKRYUCHKA - the signature on the document
CUT - I) to simulate a disease; 2) to tell a lie; 3) blame the other person
BUNCH - an impostor in this criminal field, working under other criminals
BUNCH - labeled, having secret signs
SWITCH - mark
ENROLL, ENROLL - fall in love with yourself, meet
CLOSED - 1) a convict stealing from his own; 2) a thief who does not hand in the common pot (common cash register
CLOSE - tighten mode
CLOSE KALGAN - break through
skull CLOSE SOPLO - 1) silence; 2) gag mute
CLOSE - get caught on something
CLOSE BOOST - stay in the workplace, but not work
ZAKUMARIT - to use a drug ("to be in humarah")
COUPLE - hide thing
CLOSE - securely close the door
Snatch Jacket - Get into the victim's pocket
STOCKING - a warm place where a thieves company is going
PALATE - arrest, detain
SAVE - commit theft
SAVING DUBAK - kill the sentry
SAVE THE BOOK, SAVE THE HAVERA - commit burglary
FLYING - getting caught
FLOW IN (TO BECOME) - to catch a sexually transmitted disease
CALLS - 1) a visiting thief (criminal), 2) arrived to thieves with prohibited items; 3) distributor, reseller
ZALETNY ZEK - convicts brought to the colony from another area
BARE - liar, liar
FILL, START, CALL - to tell a lie, to lie
FILLING TANKS - lying without restraint
ZALIMONIT - 1) assign; 2) hit in the face
Pour on the end - to become infected with a venereal disease
FILL THE HEADLIGHTS (alc.) - get drunk
PUT - to give an accomplice, to inform the administration on the comrades
BLASTING - to commit theft
BROKEN HORNS - 1) to escape aimlessly somewhere; 2) run in fear
BLOOM - to clash
LOOSE - play cards
LAMIN - 1) hide; 2) argue
Smeared Eyes - cheat
PURPLE - lose more than have
Putty - 1) bribe; 2) for eye removal
ZATA-ZATE - banknotes
ZAMALIN - to lull the victim with a drug, and then rob or rape
ZAMANIKHA - a woman who lures men into a secluded place where accomplices rob them
BREAKING - to persuade someone
BLIND - 1) meet a woman and have sexual intercourse with her; 2) to deceive the client, after sitting with him in a restaurant, and then escape
FROZEN - 1) to simulate the disease by injecting some substance under the skin (morning plaque from the teeth, soap, kerosene, etc.); 2) cause an abscess (mastyrku); 3) commit a bold theft; 4) cleanly beat the cards with the help of cheat tricks; 5) prepare the "doll"
TO FREEZE - 1) to lay low; 2) to suspend criminal activity; 3) play cards
REPLACE - 1) pick up things; 2) to detain, arrest; 3) put in jail
NOTICED - agreed
MEMORIZED (STOPPED) BUNCH - defile the food with the touch of a dirty object
CASTLE ON MORDE (military-naval) - deputy ship commander for educational work
LOCK - earrings
CLOSE - kill
GRINK - rob, commit theft
FROZEN - 1) safely hide stolen goods; 2) kill and bury the victim
CLEARING - taking care of the drug
DOCK - kill a person, beat badly, cut with a knife to blood
DROP COMPLAINING - drink alcohol
DROP FOOT - impersonate when committing a crime
DROP HORNS - 1) to stand on his own during the interrogation; 2) to defend their position in the conversation; 3) get into trouble
DISTURB - 1) make a quarrel; 2) to cook, brew strong tea; 3) confuse
MENTIFY - 1) lull the victim and rob; 2) put to sleep with drugs
CURTAIN - bulkhead wall in prison cell, punishment cell
END - hide something, hide, transfer, hide
ZANACHKA - 1) hiding place; 2) something hidden in the cache
ZANG - gold
ZANOZA - needle, syringe
CLOSE - 1) securely hide; 2) steal from pocket, from bag
WESTERN - 1) take for humiliation to act against their thieves' convictions and rules; 2) sinful, shameful
ZAPAL - 1) caught red-handed
crime scene; 2) tea
PLASTED - 1) declassify; 2) steal
SORRING - start testifying
SEALED - virgin
SIGN UP FOR MEN - stop leading a criminal lifestyle
NOTES - matches
PLAY BY NEW - get a new term
FOR SCALES - below its dignity
FOR THE SHAME OF CONSIDERING - consider any actions or words offensive, disgraceful for yourself
SAFE - gambler
HILL (hunts) - to hunt someone, to drive into a trap, like a beast
BOOK - kill a man with a knife
FILL CARDS - mark them in advance
BAN - restricted area of ​​the colony
LAUNCH - cheating card laying
AN INFECTION - a traitor
ZARI - backgammon blocks
ZARUBKA - thieves' oath
DROWN - talked
CHARGING - 1) skillfully lie; 2) to perform sexual intercourse, as a result of which the woman became pregnant; 3) give a bribe; 4) to order the performance of a song to musicians
CHARGING IN THE ROD - play cards under interest
CHARGE DYNAMO - sell stolen goods, telling an accomplice that the police confiscated
CHARGE A GUN - cheat
CHARGED - pregnant woman
PUT IN - 1) play cards; 2) hide something; 3) steal; 4} to perform intercourse
SET THE KONI - lose the boots
POSITION ON THE HORNS - hit in the face
PLANT FUFFLO - 1) to lose in the cards and not give the loss; 2) to deceive accomplices
ENLARGE - give true testimony in a criminal case
LIGHTING - give yourself away with something
HANDLE - give evidence at the investigation, show something in the case
SEARCH - learn, notice
DOWNLOAD - enter
SHEAR - shoot
DOB - remove, kill, poison
DROPPING - get sick with a venereal disease
SUCTION - 1) swallow sperm during orogenital contact; 2) drink alcohol
TO DRINK - 1) to freeze; 2) shut up; 3) stop committing crimes
GLASSED HAT - squeeze out the glass, steal through the window (window)
STOP - stop the victim and rob
STOP - get caught committing a crime
STUMPING - 1) to catch at the crime scene along with physical evidence; 2) strangle; 3) kill
KNOCK - kill a person, strangle
DROUGHT - 1) a request to a civilian employee of the colony to bring prohibited items into the zone; 2) the lack of a suitable client to steal
SLEEPING - being detained red-handed while committing a crime
BLOCK - 1) fill in any container and hide; 2) to keep with them prohibited items in the IS; 3) hide the stolen for later removal to another, safer place; 4) catch the prisoner on something forbidden
SHAKE - to kidnap flour or other products and hide them under your clothes
FIRING - 1) get drunk; 2) walk
DARK - kill by striking a heavy object on the head
CLUTCH - 1) destroy the traces of the crime; 2) to persuade to change documents
WIPER - overestimate of tare weight when receiving goods
CLOSE GRAINS (HAYLO) -1) strangle, silence; 2) close your mouth
SHOCKING UNDER THE SHKONKU - a terrible insult
SHIPPED STEPS - marked cards
Sharpen your hooves - get ready to escape
ZATRUHA - idiot
ZATRYUMOV - put the convict in the punishment cell
BLOCKED SHANA - safely hidden drugs
SUSTAINABLE RIGOR - an unsuccessful search for the abducted
BLOCKED - safely hidden stolen goods
BLOCKING - 1) start pickpocketing; 2) hide stolen goods; 3) to transfer the stolen to an accomplice
BLOCKING - to commit pickpocketing in complicity
SHIPPING (SCRAP) - an accomplice to pickpocketing
BUILD - cheat
FINISHING - hit in the face
SWEET - to cheat
CLIMBING - 1) do not repay; 2) do not give lost in cards
ZAKHAR - 1) a noble deed; 2) cheating the administration of the IS; 3) out of the ordinary; 4) focus
DREAMED DUDE (DEMON, ROGATIK, DAMN) is a person not connected with a criminal element, but posing as such
ZAKHEZALI - the thieves' den became known to the police
FIXED - smeared with feces
BREAKING ALL THE MALINA - spoil the whole thing
HOW TO SHED SECURES - hide things
ENTRANCE - 1) food in the dining room (breakfast, lunch, dinner); 2) take a dose of drugs
SETTING A rotten - tricky approach
COMING FROM THE NORTH - 1) to ask unpleasant questions; 2) ask questions at the interrogation, exposing the crime
LOCKING - 1) to squeeze the victim's throat with a bent forearm; 2) select; 3) make someone addicted; 4) catch someone
CLUTCH - 1) cut someone; 2) to detain red-handed; 3) strike with a knife
CLICK ON - 1) to get caught red-handed; 2) get carried away by a woman
BEGAN - arrested by police
BEGIN - catch
ZAKHIRIKAT - start testifying
ZUMMY - drink a lot of wine
SCORED - inaccurate, dirty, neglected person
START - register a marriage in the registry office
SHUTTER - unexpectedly, accidentally see
Snuffer - 1) make a confession; 2) betray, betray
SNOOMING - get caught, get noticed
HARE - a drunk person
STAR - a very passive homosexual in his environment
STAR - a strong, knowledgeable person who has achieved his goal
BEAST - a man of non-Russian nationality
RING - money
RING - 1) talker; 2) a person committing theft through a breach in the ceiling; 3) a criminal who checks the presence of residents
CALL - 1) speak in vain; 2) to tell a lie; 3) disclose thieves secrets; 4) dismiss foolish rumors
CALL BUFF - to serve the full sentence
CALL THE APARTMENT - kill the bug on the wall of the camera
CALL BACK - to free themselves at the expiration of the sentence
CALL - 1) a dog in the apartment; 2) the end of the sentence; 3) unit in the PS; 4) student of a thief; 5) language; 6) dark mufflers used when stealing in the form of a screen
CALLS DROPPED - chatterbox
ZVYAKALO - 1) the bell; 2) a dog; 3) hanging piece of rail
Zdryuchit CLIFT - remove the jacket from the robbed
ZEK - 1) prisoner; 2) (abb. Tattoos) There is a convoy
Zekat - watch
ZEX - carefully, hide!
GREEN CONFERENCE - gathering criminals in the forest
GREEN TREATED NAMAZAN - sentenced to death
GREEN - a beginner who does not understand a man of thieves
GREEN PROSECUTOR - 1) escape from the colony with the onset of spring;
2) release from colony in summer
ZEM - Countryman
LAND DIG - Rampage
ZENKI - eyes
GRAIN - Drug Pill
ZEKHER - 1) focus; 2) to deceive the administration; 3) to commit an ignoble deed; 3) special case
WINTER - knife
ZEMENYSH - thin skinny slider, crawling into the apartment with theft through the window
Snakes - 1) train; 2) the convict who informed the administration; 3) bo-
lazno proud man; 4) hopper; 5) a harmful person; 6) a thief
SNAKE BY KUSH - constantly having its share in a crime committed by a group of SNAKE - 1) thin file, bracelet; 2) the resale of stolen things; 3) train, train
SNAKE - 1) the law, the rope; 2) noose; 3) train
THE SNAKE IS BOUNDED - the train approaches the platform
SIGNS - money
KNOW MUSIC (GO ON MUSIC) - understand the thieves' jargon
Hot - wound
ASH - 1) failure, futility; 2) the victim has nothing; 3) is minus
Naya mining GOLD - the buyer of jewelry
GOLD - 1) a gun; 2) emptiness in the soul
GOLDEN TABLE - an imaginary place to play cards

ZONE - colony, prison
Umbrella - 1) theft through the opening in the ceiling; 2) gold
SUNSET - a criminal specializing in stealing through a breach in the ceiling
UMBRELLER - 1) a cover from the bucket; 2) thieves hangout
ZONE TO TRAVEL - to serve the sentence in places of detention
TOOTH - Spoon
ZU BOTA KA - prosecutor
ZUT - car thief
ZUKHER - criminal deal
POIN - learn, find out
ZYRIT - look, look around
ZYRKI - eyes
ZECHKA - padded jacket
ZABLIK - a coward
ZYAMA - a person of Jewish nationality


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology