You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

2. Elimination of the causes contributing to the formation of the student's criminogenic personality


The whole system of measures to combat the juvenile group crime should be aimed at eliminating the causes contributing to the formation of personality traits, facilitating the entry of the minor into the criminal group.
1 It does not depend on the forms of ownership and management of the enterprise. The law is obligatory for all: partnerships, joint-stock companies, state and individual enterprises.

poo, and conditions that facilitate the rallying of adolescents in such groups.

Consider the most important of these reasons that need to be overcome or neutralized.

A. The negative impact of the family. Defects of family education are in most cases the root cause of the distorted formation of personality and the subsequent transition of specific adolescents to the criminal path. According to G.M. Minkovsky, in 30-40% of cases, there is a direct negative example of abusive behavior on the part of parents and other senior family members: alcohol abuse, rudeness and cruelty in relationships with others, immoral behavior, parasitism, etc. According to our study of members of group crimes, over 80% of their members came from families dominated by an atmosphere of mutual rudeness, oppression, and humiliation of the weak by the strong.
Cruelty, sadism, bullying prevailing in socially disadvantaged families force adolescents to flee from their homes. Two-thirds of the children end up in distribution centers due to unauthorized departure from home. So there was a category of street children, which we have not had since the 30s. Children who turn out to be homeless are “those who were not even registered at birth. Now it happens ... Children are lost, abandoned, stolen, sold”. All this is connected with the "commercialization of society". In the summer of 1995, "during Operation Teenager, 25 children from 8 to 14 years old were delivered to the receiver (Moskovsky. - V.P.) - essentially slaves without rights who lived in the service of commercial tents" 1. Contributes to the increase in the proportion of street children, their familiarization with the criminal life style increase in the flow of refugee families from areas of interethnic conflicts and neighboring countries, deprived of housing conditions, means of subsistence2. Often you can see on the streets, at train stations, in the subway of children with signs "I want to eat!" or something like that. Many of them were brought by parents or someone from afar, "most often they were recruited from Moldovan, Belarusian and Ukrainian families" and sold to the owner. Today and every day "for the warmth and kindness" the baby must bring 100 thousand.
1 Tarasov M. "Flowers of Life" grow in landfills // World of News. 1996, No. 17.
2 Fedotkina T., Chuprin V. The Wolf's life ticket gives homeless children a native state at stations // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1995, November 14th.

rubles. This is the daily rate. The children themselves told about all this in the receiver. "1. Many children are stuffed with sleeping pills and worn on the wagons of electric trains" mothers ", begging for money for the operation. The parents of such children send them to the criminal fishery. At the same time, it is noted that the more pronounced homeless and neglected ones tendency to "kuchkovaniyu" (the formation of criminal gangs, engaged in a certain type of criminal fishing).
Poverty, hopelessness always accompanied by alcoholization of the population. Such families not only do not fulfill the functions of educating the younger generation intended for them, but increasingly assume the functions of escalating adult crime and criminalizing the younger generation that are not inherent to the family. An alcoholizing family is distinguished by an unfavorable socio-psychological climate, the reluctance and inability of adults to resolve intra-family conflicts in a civilized way. On this basis, the proportion of so-called domestic crimes (murders of family members, bringing to suicide, grievous bodily harm, residential hooliganism, depraved acts towards children and adolescents, drinking adolescents, etc.) is growing. In 1993, according to the Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs of the State Duma, 43.5 thousand children became victims of parental crimes. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Health, 10% of victims of family distress die.
Alcoholization of children and adolescents, their introduction to the use of toxic and narcotic substances is another indicator of the consequences of alcoholization of adult family members. It is characteristic that it is common for alcoholizing adolescents to form groups to satisfy the need for alcohol. A significant proportion of these adolescents have become addicted to alcohol in the family "under the supervision" of drunken parents. The use of graphic tests and game situations in kindergartens on the topic "Family holiday" gives a striking picture of the psychological readiness of children to drink alcohol. In the figures, this is reflected by the image of all the attributes of alcoholic feasts (bottles of alcohol, glasses, etc.), in the game - by copying children playing parents, the behavior of drunk adults (reeling when walking, gag reflex, showdown, etc.) P.).
1 ibid.

Teenagers from dysfunctional families most often commit serious crimes (murder, robbery, robbery, rape), for which they are psychologically prepared at home. So cruelty in the family gives rise to the cruelty of teenagers' street gangs. Particularly rapidly growing crime by girls from dysfunctional families, characterized by self-organization in the gang "chieftain", a special audacity, cynicism, coupled with engaging in prostitution.
The most common place of concentration of socially unfavorable families is communal, family dormitories, where the level of domestic crime is especially high. "A special subculture with its norms, values, and attributes has been formed in communal apartments, which has been burdening many generations ... The police have always viewed these areas as areas of increased criminality, special types of criminal (domestic murder, rape, apartment hooliganism, etc.), as well as immoral (drunkenness, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, foul language, apartment squabbles, etc.) behavior "1.
"The communal spirit is very tenacious. Even if families from communal apartments are settled into separate apartments, communal mores are preserved in them. Therefore, adolescents from families living in communal apartments or from micro-districts of their resettlement bring" communal "mores to adolescents in schools: worship forces, elements of the struggle for social space (territory), propensity for group primitive leisure activities, extortion and extortion from the weak and defenseless, etc. ".
Teenagers from communal knights quickly gather in packs (osprey, gangs), who tend to resist others. At the same time, the very fact of violence committed by adolescent groups from socially disadvantaged families over law-abiding adolescents has its own social significance. In this case, violence against law-abiding teenagers from socially prosperous families acts as a motive of revenge and a way to compensate for their social disadvantage among "communal teenagers".
1 Pavlenko A.G. Social family distress as a heritage of communal communes subculture // Socially disadvantaged family: problems and the search for solutions. Materials of the scientific-practical conference. Stupino: 1995, p. 25-27.

Adolescents from socially disadvantaged families living in communal apartments are also characterized by another type of aggression - vandalism: damage to school property, damage to passenger transport, damage to private cars, breaking green spaces, mockery of animals. In the autumn-winter period, they arrange "hikes" in summer cottages and garden plots, breaking and crushing everything in their path1.
For socially disadvantaged families, their genetic disadvantage is also characteristic, the consequence of which is the birth of children burdened by various mental anomalies and somatic diseases that are congenital in nature. Genetic negative effects can manifest themselves directly (the birth of children as a result of alcoholic conceptions) and remotely (the appearance later of such children of progressive deviations in health and mental development).
Growing up, such adolescents fall into the criminal environment, as evidenced by the increase in the proportion of adolescents with various mental disabilities, which in criminal groups are used as “sixes” among leaders, errand boys, simple physical strength to punish those who are undesirable.
Another problem is the presence of "unloved" children in socially disadvantaged families: children born out of wedlock; single mothers, etc.
They also include children conceived as a result of rape or born by underage mothers. Becoming a "burden" in the attempts of the mother to arrange their family life, such children experience all sorts of humiliations, are deprived of maternal affection. Among underage women in labor, the percentage of abandoned children is high (out of every ten - three abandoned). Such children, if they have not been adopted, end up with orphaned children with mental illnesses in orphanages and boarding schools. Deprived of normal family childhood, they try to compensate for this with their insolent, cruel behavior towards family adolescents.
As you can see, the negative impact of the family on the criminalization of adolescents can be of two types: direct and indirect. To overcome or at least mitigate the influence
1 ibid.
2 Zhilyaeva J. Abortion - execution of the child and mother // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1995, September 2.


family’s criminalization of adolescents, a state program is needed to overcome all types of family problems (reproductive, economic, material, educational, household, moral, ethical, criminal, etc.), which would also include such elements as:
- identification of all types of families, including latently disadvantaged, and the creation in each region of a data bank on socially prosperous families;
- timely provision of necessary material assistance and support to economically disadvantaged families (placement of disadvantaged families for members, issuance of benefits, etc.);
- adoption of laws capable of protecting large socially disadvantaged families from poverty and destitution1;
- development of measures to prevent the birth of genetically disadvantaged children;
- timely removal of children from families characterized by cruel treatment of children, alcoholism, children being drunk, leading an amoral and criminal lifestyle, and placing them in special institutions with subsequent deprivation of parents of parental rights and adoption of adolescents;
- special programs for the construction of low-cost municipal housing and the resettlement of families living in communal apartments;
- creation of a powerful social protection service, inclusion of specially trained social workers in work with socially disadvantaged families;
- the revitalization of family counseling, providing assistance in resolving family conflicts, creating a favorable social and psychological climate in the family;
- introduction of a helpline in all large localities to provide anonymous psychological assistance to parents and adolescents in difficult cases of family relations between parents and adolescents;
- training of special staff of psychologists, social pedagogues and lawyers specializing in working with socially disadvantaged families, as well as with families in need of urgent social, moral, psychological, legal assistance and support;
1 See. Presidential Decree of May 14, 1996 "On the main directions of state family policy" // Russian newspaper. 1996, May 21

- the organization (or rather, the restoration of the previously existing) at schools and other educational institutions of parental pedagogical education;
- introduction to the staff of educational institutions of specialists, practical psychologists and social teachers, focused on working with socially disadvantaged families.
Any half-hearted measures, without serious financial expenditures, will not solve the problem of overcoming family problems, and therefore will not solve the problem of overcoming the negative influence of the family on the adolescent.
The fact is that by assimilating the “patterns” of behavior and relationships in their dysfunctional family, adolescents also transfer them to street groups, where criminal group norms arise and are fixed as a result of the interaction of different family norms. This is especially true for families in which one of the family members was serving a sentence in places of detention1.
Three million citizens commit crimes every year in Russia. Only in the 90s every fourth adult citizen of Russia fell into the category of persons who had served sentences in prisons and correctional institutions! What could be the "spiritual climate" in a family whose members have gone through such specific "universities"? 2
No less dangerous, although less noticeable, are the indirect negative influence of the family (indulging in immoral acts, excessively satisfying material needs and demands, for example, in the families of so-called "new Russians", lack of control over the behavior of adolescents, relieving them of any household duties etc.). As a result, egoism, inflated claims, disrespect for other people, irresponsibility, consumerism, callousness, aggressiveness, cruelty, etc., are brought up in adolescents - such qualities that are valued in asocial and criminal groups of minors who promote adolescent criminal self-assertion.
B. Negative influence of the nearest environment. As you know, a bad example is particularly infectious for minors. The power of a bad example increases in connection with the above-mentioned adolescents with asocial attitudes.
1 Aslanov, T.A. Tell me who your father is // Week. 1986, No. 5.
2 Sokolov-Kartashov K. Spiritual revival - the enemy of crime // Podmoskovnye Izvestia. 1996, April 20th.

new groups (pedagogically neglected, difficult to educate) to unite in, groups for joint pastime.
However, the inability of the individual, entering the environment, to resist its evil influence is only one side of the problem. The other side is the active influence of the criminal environment, especially the leaders of criminal groups and their confidants, on the personality of the minor using various methods of “drawing in” newcomers to criminal activity. It is important for educators (industrial education masters, class teachers), psychologists, employees of OTPN, KDN to know these techniques and to be able to counterpose their methods of influence to them. Here, for example, which methods of initiating juveniles to criminal activity were revealed when we studied the above 85 criminal groups (see Table 11.1).

Table 11.1. Methods used to draw in newcomers to criminal activities in juvenile crime groups
Ways Number of cases %% Ranked place
I. Creating false security:

a) imaginary respect and trust; 6 7.1 6
b) false protection; 6 7.1 6
c) the first safe tasks. 3 3.31 13
Total: 15 15.51

Ii. Activization of base interests and needs:

a) greed (greed); eight 9.4 3
b) primitive drives; five 5.8 9
c) craving for forbidden entertainment; four 4.7 11.5
d) craving for forbidden games. 6 7.1 6
Total: 23 27.0

Iii. Psychological abuse:

a) the threat of compromise complicity in the crime; 2 2.35 14
b) blackmail (the threat of sodomy); five 4.7 9
c) intimidation of loved ones. one 1.2 15
Total: eight 8.25

Iv. Physical violence:

a) beatings, causing injuries. five 4.7 9
Total: five 4.7

Ways Number of cases %% Ranked place
V. Speculation on the senses:

a) clan affiliation; 7 8.2 four
b) false heroism; four 4.7 11.5
c) a false partnership; ten 11.8 one
d) thieves "honor" and "nobility." 9 10.6 2
Total: thirty 35.3

Vi. Requests, advice, ridicule, etc. four 4.7 9
1 total: four 4.7

[Total: 85 100

From the table it can be seen that criminal groups “pull” juveniles into criminal activity primarily:
1) by speculating on feelings of clan affiliation, false heroism, false partnership, “thieves' honor and nobility” - over 35% of all cases;
2) by encouraging and exploiting base instincts (greed and stinginess, primitive drives, creating access to gambling and forbidden entertainment) - 27%;
3) demonstration of false psychological security, imaginary respect and trust, false patronage -15.5%;
4) open psychological (threat of compromise, blackmail, intimidation) and physical (beatings, injuries) violence - 12.95%;
5) requests, advice, humor, ridicule, tasks, assignments - 4.7%.
In addition, such methods are used as voluntary joining a group, determining the status of a trusted leader, imitation (along with a close friend), as well as a kind of “blinding” of an individual who does not report on their actions as a result of group passion1.
This is how one of the typical ways of “engaging” minors into criminal activity of I.I. Karpets describes one: at first, the minor is attracted by the personality of the group leader, his courage, strength, bravado with his abilities. Re-
1 It is becoming increasingly important to use such methods of attracting minors to a criminal group, such as engaging in activities of prestigious sports, mastering computers, planting healthy lifestyles, stopping smoking, drinking alcohol, providing material assistance to the family, etc.

Bata seek him to get protection from the oppression of other groups. The leader further demonstrates the falsely understood "honesty" and "generosity" when dividing production. “An experienced leader at first tries not to offend the weak, which attracts those who hesitate. True, then it develops into its opposite: the suppression of those who received from his“ generosity ”1.
In adolescent groups in which someone has been in a correctional institution, specific prison methods are used to draw a teenager into criminal activity. For example, an out-of-the-money card game is organized for seemingly harmless bets (the number of squats, wring out from the floor, etc.) At the beginning, someone loses 10–20 pull-ups or squats and fulfills the condition of the game, and then they make it so that the teenager loses 2-3 thousand squats (pull-ups). He is required to complete a loss. And since he is not able to do this, they demand a “compensate” loss: give the group his girlfriend, pay every squat (spin) at the rate set by the group, or commit a crime specified by the group (robbery, theft, auto-theft, etc.).
Here we see a set of tools used by the leaders: false security, protection, imaginary respect, speculation on the feelings of "nobility", "honesty", etc.
No less common is the method of “engaging” adolescents in criminal group activities by inciting greed at first, through handouts that make adolescents dependent on the leader, through pressure to return the debt and simultaneously demonstrate the “security” of robbery, robbery, theft. And at the beginning, newcomers undergo an internship - they are put on the stirrup, and then they are encouraged and compel themselves to commit criminal acts. Having “blotted out” a novice with a crime, experienced “leaders” dexterously use in the future the fear of exposure, false shame, a sense of false camaraderie, lack of independence, a sense of loneliness2, psychological insecurity and other age features of minors to accustom them to the criminal lifestyle.
Without knowing the ways of “attracting” minors into criminal activities of criminal groups, being unable to analyze them, it is difficult to prevent group crime. This should constantly be remembered and the master of industrial training, the class teacher and all other teaching staff of educational and training institutions. In order to separate such groupings, it is necessary to take measures to compromise the leader, remove him or take him away from the group, discredit his imaginary merits and merits. At the same time, measures are being taken to reorient the interests of the group members, to positive activities.
B. Identification of group organizers and instigators. Above, one of the peculiarities of juvenile group crime was noted - the participation of adult organizers and instigators in adolescent criminal groups who are not always identified, and, consequently, are not always prosecuted. Therefore, an important task is to identify all members of the criminal group, all the links of each of them, not only in school and at school, but also outside the school.
This task is made more difficult, since the minors keep their external connections, the more compromising them, secret. In addition, due to age characteristics, adolescents are not inclined to admit outwardly who commands them. Often they believe that everyone in the group is on equal terms. And the adult leader skillfully supports this illusion. Moreover, people with high claims often believe that they themselves are leaders. It is important to take into account the fact that adults do not seek to show their leadership by external attributes. All of this requires a master of industrial training and a class teacher with special thoughtfulness, observation, and a deep anacha of relations among adolescents1.
During the investigation and trial of one Kazan "winder", it was revealed that its composition was completely changed three times, since the "winder" did not hand out its adult organizer of criminal activity to the police. And only access to him, his subsequent arrest and long-term conviction allowed to finally eliminate the criminal group. But the master of industrial training, the class teacher saw that the children were constantly visiting schools.
1 Karpets I.I. Cheeky, incomprehensible boys // Week, 1985, No. 17.
2 See: Pirozhkov V.F. On the psychological causes of the reproduction of juvenile delinquency // Psychological Journal, 1995, vol. 16, No. 2, p. 178-182.
For each fact of the commission of group crimes, it is necessary to conduct a forensic psychological examination in order to identify the group hierarchy and the actual “mastermind” and organizer of the criminal activity of the group, since a significant proportion of minors are unfairly convicted, taking the blame of the leader.

Another adult, with whom they "clustered" at breaks, after classes, on weekends and holidays. And no one asked what connected the guys with this man who had more than one conviction.
G. Evasion of students from study and work. Evasion from studies and labor creates an environment of doing nothing, an empty pastime, when teenagers begin to look for work to pass the time. The importance of eliminating this prerequisite for the emergence of criminal groups can be confirmed by such indicators. In colleges and schools where the level of group crime is high, the level of group absenteeism and absenteeism is high. Often, in pursuit of high attendance rates, some industrial training masters and class teachers hide absenteeism made by students. So, student R. for the half year attended the lesson only 8 times, but was certified in all subjects. At that moment, when he enrolled in classes, in fact, he was in another regional center, where he committed a crime in a group. Especially, teachers should be alarmed at the same time as absenteeism by students belonging to the same friendly group.
And it also happens that a victim of criminal harassment abuses schoolwork. Here is an example. At a meeting of the commission on juvenile affairs, it turned out that Julia, who was called "for analysis", who studied only up to 9th and only perfectly well, became systematically not attending school. The school principal, his deputy, the class teacher, the school psychologist began to give her characteristics defaming the girl on the commission: she became rude, impatient, escapes from lessons, if she comes to classes, etc. Yulia's mother, summoned to the commission, cried, said that her daughter had a stomachache, and yesterday she came with bruises on the sides. The author asked to stop the discussion on the Julia commission and give an opportunity to talk with her separately, because I heard from a school psychologist that the guys threatened to "throw her under the tram." Since there is no tram in their city, the psychologist thought it was just a joke. Further, Julia, in a private conversation, said that the guy from their class is seeking intimacy from her, and since she rejects his offer, he beats her with karate techniques. Datey was determined that if she refuses him, the guys will commit gang rape (“throw under the tram”, “organize a work day” - the terms of criminal jargon meaning gang rape). If a school psychologist or one of the teachers was interested in such terms, then a group of juvenile rapists would be brought to justice at the beginning of their activities. And so on her account was not the only one affected. However, Julia found the courage to resist the psychological pressure of the criminal group on her. This example also shows another flaw - the vulnerability of the individual in the educational team, which will be discussed below, when a teenager who does not have support and protection in the collective becomes the object of criminal infringement.
D. Insecurity of the individual in the team. Social psychologists have revealed the fact that in the communication of children and adolescents there are “isolated” and sometimes “outcast” persons. This is one side of the problem. Rejection and isolation of a minor is a life situation, provoking him to search for a favorable environment (and sometimes friends) outside the team. And this, at a minimum, means that his interpersonal connections escape from under the control of the master of industrial education and the class teacher, teaching staff, employees of the TFSR, KDN, public organizations, recreational prevention councils in schools and special educational institutions.
The presence of "outcast" and "isolated" in the study group or in school - a serious symptom of trouble in the team of students and in its activities! Having discovered this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify its causes as soon as possible and take measures to restore the interpersonal status of such adolescents. The creation in every school, in every school of an environment of complete security of the individual, the exclusion of the very possibility that someone could swagger over a teenager is of fundamental importance in the prevention of group juvenile crime1.
It is also important that adolescence is the age of loneliness. The teenager seeks by all means to get out of this state of loneliness, restlessness and insecurity. The criminal group willingly accepts him, removes the state of loneliness and guarantees him psychological, physical and even material protection, which attracts him to its composition.
1 It is from these positions that urgent re-creation, as mentioned above, of various adolescent social groups (such as pioneer, Komsomol, scout, is not the name!) That previously existed and significantly influenced the optimization of interpersonal relationships in a team, overcoming age loneliness, guaranteed minimal psychological protection of the individual in the adolescent environment.

The second side of the problem is an increase in the activity of collective activity, the involvement of all students in it, the elimination of all kinds of formalism in collective work, the intensification of the activities of public associations and the trade union organization of students, the development of student self-government. All this could remove the state of age loneliness and insecurity of the adolescent, chain him to the * collective. However, this is not taken into account in educational and preventive work. On the shortcomings in this area says statistics. A significant proportion of crimes are committed by social students, many of whom are only registered in various social groups. A study of the state of affairs in the field showed that, of the persons registered in the departments for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, on the day of the inspection:
- only every twelfth student had public assignments (fizorg, member of sanko-mission, member of the formation of prevention, kultorg, etc.);
- every sixth student participated in the work of circles;
- every fourth student participated in the work of sports sections;
- every seventh student participated in various rock groups, amateur performances;
- individual students participated in various military-patriotic associations and clubs, in the issue of the wall newspaper.
Consequently, the bulk of this special contingent was not covered by various forms of collective work. Teenagers “run away” from their team because they are not interested in it; the criminal group, by virtue of various rituals, criminal traditions and other attributes, is emotionally more attractive. Finding each student a “liking” case (according to his interests and inclinations) is the most important condition for the prevention of group crime.
E. Lack of clear ideological guidelines, blurring of moral and ethical norms in society. In the past, in domestic criminology, the influence of bourgeois ideology was considered as one of the main causes of crime in general, including juveniles. In connection with the transition to market relations, the breaking of the Iron Curtain, this was somehow forgotten. And we should remember that all Western things cannot be considered exemplary and thoughtlessly borrow and carry over to Russian reality, forgetting about our thousand-year values. Western influence can be exercised both directly on the identity of the minor (listening to radio programs, watching moviegoers and TV shows, video recordings, etc.), and through (and this is the most typical case) the family and inner circle. Thus, through the mass media of the national youth, they are trying to impose with impetuous advertising ideas about an acceptable lifestyle, behavior, leisure, fashion, sports, etc. In recent years, due to the abolition of censorship, the number of broadcasting hours of foreign radio stations in Russia has significantly increased. Most of these programs are designed for children and young people who perceive their content uncritically. There is a growing flow of video cassettes, which are secretly brought into the country, in which violence, debauchery, cruelty, sadism, misanthropy, and the cult of wild enrichment are glorified. At the same time, it is mainly imported that it is forbidden to advertise in these countries or that there are serious censorship restrictions, for example, on pornography, which can be sold in these countries only in specially designated places, which are rarely visited by young people. And what are, for example, the daily sermons of Western missionaries on Russian radio and television, trying to tear the Russian people from Orthodoxy? "The dangerous process of involving youth in the activities of sects continues."
All this pursues far-reaching goals - to undermine the historical roots of national morality, to defame national history, to influence the ideals and behavior of young people. And as we see in rampant pornography, prostitution, sectarianism, racketeering, this goal has been achieved by foreign well-wishers, and domestic leaders of mafia groups largely outdid their Western teachers in terms of cruelty, unbridledness, etc., which seriously worries the population of these countries, and our domestic population. It is not by chance that the Russian Orthodox Church strongly opposes the clerical ideology (mainly Catholic) alien to our people, thoughtless presentation of its time on television to the missionaries and place in the press for conducting sermons.
Often, deputy directors for educational work, class teachers and other teachers complain about the lack of relevant methodological developments in order to successfully conduct propaganda work in new conditions of de-ideology
1 Sokolov-Kartashov K. Spiritual revival - the enemy of crime // Podmoskovnye Izvestia. 1996, April 20th.

sometimes without knowing how and not wanting to use the rich material that has recently been supplied by the periodical press. Waiting for some old party attitudes on these issues. However, it is clear that the influence of the Western ideology of gangsterism, sectarianism, wild capitalism, drug and pornoideology on the way of thinking, behavior and activities of individual minors and criminal groups must be given a decisive battle. It is important to be able to compare the rich newspaper material with similar or similar facts from our life, to sharpen the attention of students to them, subject them to a collective discussion, to develop public opinion on these issues.We highlight the main areas in which it is necessary to conduct such work.
First of all, it is widespread among young people to wear fashionable clothes, in which drawings and inscriptions glorify the national flag of the United States, the activities of various types of armed forces of foreign countries, appeals like "Join the volunteers in the US army." It does not require special evidence that this is not patriotic, it negatively affects the image of the Russian Armed Forces, and undermines public confidence in our defenders of the Motherland. Only proper military-patriotic education of young people, the disclosure of the high humane meaning of Russian state symbols, its centuries-old traditions and true beauty will help to overcome these negative tendencies.
And if something is borrowed from the West, especially from the USA, this is a careful and respectful attitude of young people towards the state symbols of their state.
An important direction is the fight against the glorification of different varieties of whiskey, other alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, which is filled with a fully domestic TV screen. It should be clarified to students that advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in some countries is strictly prohibited1. All of these products are fused into Russia, which Western firms view as a second-class colony. In the United States, the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking and alcohol has become widespread. Therefore, an excess of tobacco and alcohol is exported abroad. In pursuit of fashionable clothes, shoes, bags, T-shirts with bright colors
1 At the present stage, tough (even cruel) anti-alcohol policies are needed. Alcohol consumption per capita (including babies) is 160-180 liters of alcohol per year. This is the frontier, after that there is an irreversible process of degeneration of the nation.

Lam inscriptions, drawings, stickers of youth should not be forgotten.
It is also necessary to note the growing process of “substitution of concepts aimed at devaluing the spiritual values ​​of society, breaking down moral prohibitions preventing personality destruction. Thus, instead of the squeamish“ hired killer ”, the concept of“ killer ”is introduced into the public consciousness as a synonym for romance and special risk atmosphere; “extortionist” of youth is served by the “racketeer” filled with bright opportunities (the term has entered into the scientific circulation. - VP); instead of the “prostitute” rejected by civilized consciousness, it is served in the province willow package "currency confuse", etc. It's hard to turn away from the impression that the scale, totality occurring before our eyes terminology intervention this campaign has pronounced features of a criminal order "1.Therefore, scientists from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs support the initiative of the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, which put forward a proposal to adopt the “Law on the Protection of the Russian Language”.
Pupils borrowing terms from foreign languages ​​for their use in nicknames, youth slang and criminal jargon, tattoos should be the reason for serious reflection on the students' speech culture, improving the quality of teaching Russian (national) language and literature, activating the work of various literary and artistic associations, improving the activities of libraries, methodological commissions of the Russian (national) language and literature. Propaganda work in this direction is important because slang and criminal jargon are a means of uniting students in relevant asocial and criminal groups.
Special attention should be given to scientifically grounded sexual education, 2 overcoming hypocrisy in this, as well as combating the spread of imported pornography from abroad. Pornography is most often a means of uniting minors into sexually erotic groups where "love without love" flourishes,
1 N. Demidov. High morality of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the basis of our work. Shield and Sword. 1996, No. 13.
2 The introduction in a number of schools and other educational institutions as an optional subject of the previously eliminated subject "Ethics and Psychology of Family Life" in the new variation and with new principled approaches born by the "sexual revolution" is noteworthy.

group cohabitation, and often encourages students to commit group rape, to sexual perversion.
The lack of proper sex education is one of the reasons for the growth of sexually transmitted diseases, which doctors have long been sounding the alarm about. Syphilis is especially rampant. In Belarus, there was a case when all students of the same class fell ill with syphilis, picking it up from their classmate, “working” in their free time, “shoulder” prostitute on highways. Therefore, it is time to train students and sexual safety measures.
Work more deeply and thoroughly with sports fans who implant kla-novost among teenagers, fake passions, unhealthy competition in "over-fence painting". And of course, it is necessary to uncover the social harm of the communities of minors who claim to a special position in our society, to special rights and privileges. As you know, in some years, the juvenile group crime experienced, and is now experiencing, serious pressure from foreign film fighters, on which our domestic racketeers are brought up. However, criticism of student borrowing on how to commit individual crimes is not enough. To this end, it is necessary to expose elements of gangsterism in the activities of criminal groups of minors.
Our church is separate from the state. Therefore, it is unacceptable to impose this or that clerical ideology on students. But also any attempts to pursue people for atheistic views are unacceptable. The basis of all ideological work should be based on the ideas of the Russian statehood, the historicity of our way of life and values.
Under the conditions of turmoil, diversity of ideological views, uncertainty of moral and ethical values ​​for young people, philosophy and ideology, norms and values ​​of the thieves' world, its criminal traditions and rituals with their stability, certainty, emotionality and saturation turned out to be attractive. At the scientific-practical conference "Spirituality. Law and order. Crime" it was noted that "we" fermented "" all democratic perspectives and put the country under the control of the dregs of society ... criminal authorities. Their “legalization” was so imperceptible that the shameful word “bandit” became an object of universal respect. ”2
1 Syphilis, it is also in Serpukhov syphilis // Evening Moscow. 1996, June 7th.

understanding the attributes of the underworld, the lifestyle of the “tough pariah”, their aesthetic values, the “beautiful life” (with foreign cars, visiting prestigious restaurants, calling girls for home sex services, etc.) requires special theoretical training from teachers factual material, understanding of the deep inclinations of adolescents and young men to self-realization, unusual, risky, forbidden.
In the interests of increasing the effectiveness of the fight against group crimes, it is necessary, guided by common sense, to form pupils' clear ideological guidelines1, relying on universal, moral and ethical values, to bring all forms and methods of propaganda work to these ends.

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Часть 1 2. Elimination of the causes contributing to the formation of the student's criminogenic personality


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