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4. Prevention of juvenile criminal jargon


The prevalence of criminal jargon. Do we not dramatize the situation when we talk about the need to combat criminal jargon? Maybe he is not so widespread among minors? And if it is distributed, it is mainly in the colonies, pre-trial detention centers, special schools and other correctional institutions? These questions were answered convincingly by our research. Interviewed experts have shown that every four out of five minors in a special school or other correctional institution use criminal jargon. At the same time, the criminal jargon affects not only the “negative”, but also activists, members of self-government bodies. At the same time, every third (in 1991, every fifth teenager) had oral speech replete with slang expressions. That is why it is so difficult to fight jargon in closed institutions. A survey of former inmates of orphanages and residential institutions showed that criminal jargon flourished there too.
It is difficult to fight criminal jargon because it is directly related to group behavior, outside of which it does not exist, because it is a means of communication in the criminal and criminal groups.
But even at liberty, minors speak such thick criminal jargon that you will not always hear in colonies and prisons. Mastering criminal jargon is a complex elemental process. Its main mechanisms are mental infection and imitation. Imitating peers, the teenager learns his terminology, sometimes without thinking about its content.
Motivation for the use of criminal jargon by minors. A significant proportion of minors and young people use criminal jargon to assert themselves and confirm their belonging to the criminal environment. In the opinion of every second, the traditions established in the “zone” contribute to the introduction of criminal jargon. Every seventh is attracted by the unusual, emotional richness of the terminology used. The next group consists of minors who use criminal jargon, imitating adults, including, unfortunately, and educators. For some, jargon is bravado as an adult. And finally, many people use criminal jargon of habit, without thinking about the motivation of its use. Over 80% of cases of use of criminal jargon by minors pass unnoticed by educators, teachers, or those who are educated do not react to such speech.
Confidential conversations with adolescents released from "zones" who are no longer afraid of disciplinary punishment, showed that the situation itself forced the use of criminal jargon in special institutions. They believe that the fight against criminal jargon should be given more attention, because it negatively affects interpersonal relations in the adolescent environment, humiliates and offends the person. This is also confirmed by the officers of special correctional institutions and colonies, who see how criminal jargon engenders conflicts, often ending with fights, hooliganism, escapes, etc. Especially painfully adolescents react to such insults as "goat", "padlo", "rotten", "wafer", "garbage", etc.
In general education schools, lyceums, colleges, orphanages, boarding schools, the motivation for using jargon is the same as in closed institutions ("zones"). Most often, conversations in criminal jargon are conducted in school toilets, when communicating in street companies, in "get-togethers", where beginners join the criminal terminology. When joining a criminal teen group, the use of criminal jargon becomes mandatory if you do not want to be in second, or even third roles. Often, these adolescents imitate those minors who have been in the "zone" and have acquired the practice of using criminal jargon.
The basic principles of the organization of prevention of the use of criminal jargon among minors. Since criminal jargon is prevalent in the adolescent environment, both in special closed institutions (“in zones”) and in freedom, all these institutions and all social institutions focused on educational work with minors should be covered by preventive work.
Talking about the complete eradication of criminal jargon in a teenage environment is not necessary, since there is a direct and direct connection of criminal jargon with juvenile crime. Any changes in it, as indicated above, generate new terminology. Nevertheless, it is necessary to fight criminal jargon, given that the prevention of criminal jargon is a struggle to increase the general and linguistic culture of adolescents and young people.
Effective work to eradicate criminal jargon can be provided by cadres who are psychologically and practically prepared for this work, realizing that success in this work will depend on establishing psychological contact with the educated, trusting relationships, an example of the high linguistic culture of the teacher.
Considering that minors are in a stage of high language activity, it is important to use the principle of sublimation, i.e. switching language activity to the study of foreign languages, literary work.
The system of measures to combat criminal jargon in the adolescent and youth environment. In the prevention of criminal jargon and the fight against it, one cannot rely on the use of methods typical of the period of totalitarianism: prohibitions, disciplinary measures, and emphasis should be placed on increasing the general culture of the younger generation, using moral methods of influence, first of all - persuasion.
Preventive work should involve the public from informal associations of adolescents, intensify the work of student self-government bodies.
It should be borne in mind that all prohibitions only activate the socio-psychological mechanism of their violation. After all, it is known that the forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, any administrative prohibition requires constant monitoring. It is impossible to ensure such control by the efforts of one pedagogical team. The way out can be found in the revitalization of the general movement for the purity of the language, the culture of speech, the fight against its clogging with slang, obscene words, etc. As for penalties in prisons, teenagers and young men quickly get used to them. They are activating the mechanism of psychological defense and the motivation of self-justification, and they simply stop responding to penalties.
The fight against criminal jargon can be more successful if every teacher, employee of a special school, an orphanage and any other educational institution knows the social and psychological mechanisms of its functioning, social functions, causes and conditions of distribution; if he is able to explain the effect of criminal jargon on personal morality and team cohesion; show a personal example of improving the culture of speech, the struggle "for the purity of the language.
An important direction in the prevention of criminal jargon is the formation of language culture in the youth environment. Creation of various youth associations fighting for the language ecology, the creation and active functioning of various youth literary associations and circles, holding various competitions for the best essay, juniors competitions for youth newspapers.
Teachers of the Russian (national) language and literature should follow the development of the culture of oral speech. The main means of achieving this goal is to expand the adolescent’s active and passive vocabulary by keeping vocabularies, teaching them the pronunciation of difficult words, writing memos, using visual aids and a local relay network.
For the development of written communication, the epistolary heritage of prominent public figures, scholars, and writers is used.
Features of preventive work to prevent the use of criminal jargon in special schools and other educational institutions. Preventive work begins from the first days of the adolescent's stay in these institutions: with the warning of every newcomer about the inadmissibility of the use of criminal jargon and personal responsibility for it. The adolescent is explained the “Rules of internal order and behavior of students in special educational institutions”, which prohibit the use of slang words.
During the adaptation period, the educator and teacher of the Russian (national) language and literature with the help of a psychologist (methodologist) identify newcomers, whose speech abounds in criminal jargon, and develop individual measures to improve the culture of their speech.
The current regulations on the regime impose control over the correspondence of offenders on the caregivers of these institutions. For example, the teacher of a special school "... is obliged to know with whom the student maintains communication outside the school, the nature of this connection, what impact it has on the student." In accordance with this, the educator explains to the novice the inadmissibility of using criminal jargon in letters, to recall the responsibility for this. We work with teens on letters temporarily detained to be sent (received) due to the use of criminal jargon.
In the main period of being in social isolation, all the staff of the institution control that the pages of textbooks and library books, on the walls of various premises and in other places did not appear slang and obscene expressions, hooligan drawings. It is advisable to involve members of public organizations and youth self-government bodies in this work. Substantial assistance can be provided here, for example, by the library commission and the commission for maintaining discipline and internal regulations. For written textbooks, obscene graffiti on the walls of the perpetrators are brought to disciplinary responsibility.
Slang terms of cynical content expressed to other persons are considered hooligan actions related to personal abuse.
Properly organized self-education of minors helps in the prevention of the use of criminal jargon. Issues of combating jargon, cultivating a culture of speech are periodically discussed at various general meetings of adolescents and young people, as well as the teaching staff and meetings of the pedagogical council.

Practical lesson

Subject: Juvenile delinquency
The task:
1. With the help of the criminal jargon dictionary, translate the letter of "authority": "Hello, bratuha! Sorry for not taking a lot of time. Woeing myself, dalnyak on the fourth walk in Pechery, to comedians, on the new one - behind the wheel forty-four (my blood). Kitsch is lokshovaya. Everything is crushed, there is no vantage and they don’t beat the tail. It’s not on youngsters and not in adulthood on Metallka, and not in Gorelovskaya Nine. There are few of St. Petersburg. I met Lech Zhuk and Vitka-Stokh. We live in family. At the stage, the pig-iron and the Pashka-Skoborya. Both are profitable and come from a covered one. Rotten times. Rogues they rarely keep in what zone of the northern and dalnyak there is the thieves' good, the thieves are men and the plow with the code. Here, on the Pechora, the term in the shobla and shelupen is bored: of the cores, mooshrushki, great deeds, zuhuhannye fraera, cockerel and voltane. Lech and Vitek slept on tour on the sixteenth chaze, did not have time to slip away. The cops burned with fuse in rubella. Was at the carnage since December 1973, almost half a year. Good le-saws on the quiche! When chalili in balman balmans, because of one hose smoked bogons. In the hut, shamovka was normal, the mandra and otsygguha were always in the garage. Georgian broom degrassed, had both married and kosyachok foolish. In front of me, in the feces, they gave oak six of dead rags, one of them a diver on faith. There were mastyrschiki and tusks, Samora, would be. An assistant sculpted all of the prisoners, dabbling on the wheels in front of the horses, so as not to shuranuli to the exchange. In the zone, the master is steep, often himself on ... shmonah. The godfathers of the Abwehr right wolf. One Starley wanted Vitka to piss off, for this he was Westward felting him as assholes in the back, with a snoot or a stew. Witek on the third walk still walks in the boys, but he is a golden kid and to be in authority with him on the next walker. In the area of ​​Haydamaky squint-zyy-chuyrla ragged, hillocks-debris they have our hare crabar-kudlachi, do not go to the swag. We are considered these garbage equal with fraers and chukhanami. Self-corrupted in this starker does not happen. Last month, the Haidamaks at the repaired alley in the thick of them made crumblers from the spittoon and threw two thieves, and the third one was asked for a breather, and he gave the oak to the hospital.
One of these days, one Tuban bastard on a clique, near the watch at the big icon and kaloootdelniki, painted three types in the men’s zoo on the bath day and was tied up with red-collar knots from the bitch parliament, and one demon blew a shotgun on the whole Kichman. Tubana tryu-manuli in schizo. Previously, such vyzlun would have been vyshak. Because Lech-Beetle pressed the regime in the zone, 12 groove was steamed in schizo .. It was hot for him to propulit because of the comedian-comic after the zhuoderni Mantulya in the smoke box. My companion, a peasant Kiryu-hu, trumanuli for makhalovka and working on a confusion for one animal with fornication, he had scratched anthracite out of his sharonok. To chalit for a long time, from the chervonets, the Pyaterik rewound. I will call until September 27, 1979. For a quarter of kilds and kichevanam tired. Maybe I can’t reach the will, but I don’t want to hammer Cumor, as some in the hospital zone, it’s better to give oak. Vasek, this dispatch and the tongue will pulnut one free ... Take him with water for health. He has crunches - one piece. Unfasten him our common bakshish. There is an amnesty parachute in the zone. We are waiting for a balagas, a scattering, a chechnar, a schmal, a straw and taro. Be healthy. The dear Valera. June 9, 1974 year1.
2. To analyze the mechanism of word formation of the criminal jargon terms highlighted in the text, making it a table.
4. To reveal the basic principles, directions and system for the prevention of the spread of criminal jargon among adolescents.

1 Dictionary of prison-camp-criminal jargon. Authors-compilers Baldaev D.S., Belko V.K., Isupov I.I. M .: 1992, p. 324-326.


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Criminal psychology

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