You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin



ZAVER (in.) - early morning
CICE - death
TsAKIN - knife
CLOTHES - glass


TSALIZEN (in.) - death
HANDS - hands
CAP - steal, take
CARE - 1) write; 2) knock on the door
CARRIAGE - i) take; 2) steal
TSAREVA BRIDE - Convict, often receiving parcels, transfers
KING - metal ruble
ZAFLER (in.) - flayer, sadist
CAFRANCE (in.) - French
TSAHIR - a secluded place
CACO - gold coin
TSVAI - 1) tea; 2) butcher
TSVANYY MENT - a good policeman
C WHITE - 1) tease; 2) torment
COLOR - paper money
COLOR CABIN - Currency
COLOR TELEVISION - menstruation
COLOR - 1) police officer; 2) a man who knows the thieves' jargon
COLOR TO - gold, gold products
FLOWER OF LIFE - 1) vodka; 2) female genitals
MOHNATKI FLOWER - the man who took the wife's surname
BLACK FLOWER - the body of a prisoner
FLOWER OF SHAHNA (SHAHINI) - a man making a career with the help of his wife’s relatives
FLOWER TOWER - card player
CVIC - nail
ZVIRKAT - spit through his teeth
TSEVO (in.) - left
CEZAR - 1) General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; 2) danger signal; 3) angry dog
WHOLE LIME - get the maximum sentence
Tselyn shake up - deprive virginity
WHOLESALE - 1) virgin; 2) a young novice prostitute; 3) the sexual organ of the virgin; 4) a man-virgin; 5) seal, seal
ZELNER - customs inspection
CHILDREN - convicted for rape, rapist
WHOLE PASSENGER - 1) a victim who has not previously encountered sharps; 2) a player designated as a victim by a cheat and unfamiliar with cheats
CEMENT - 1) to impose disciplinary action, to punish; 2) detain, arrest;
3) to bury, hide the corpse; 4) to process toilet IU bleach
PRICE - sheep
CENTER - a beautiful fashion thing
CENTRAL - big transit prison
CENTER - 1) authoritative prostitute in her midst; 2) a prostitute who has a criminal record; 3) a prostitute working in a prestigious central area of ​​the city
CENTERS - 1) the leader otritsa-agile, the thieves' authority; 2) a large speculator, fartsovschik; 3) a large sharper
CENTER - 1) top quality product, good; 2) Hashish from Central Asia; 3) a large fartsovschik; 4) the authority of thieves; 5) high-quality, valuable, scarce goods
TSENTRYAK - 1) good; 2) the area in the center of the detention center, the prison, where all the galleries converge
CHAIN ​​- female hostel
CHAIN ​​- 1) registration; 2) handcuffs;
3) the term of imprisonment; 4) common property of several persons
CHAIN ​​- 1) snap; 2) arrest; 3) to call, invite
CHAIN ​​- 1) (park.) Communication of people transferring drugs from the manufacturer to the consumer; 2) web
DIAGNOSTIC CHAIN ​​- drug transfer from manufacturer to consumer along the chain of messengers
TESPURO - chain
CERO (in.) - head
QI (in.) - heart
CEC (in.) - mud, thaw
CYLINDER - 1) a circle; 2) hat
CIMBALA - 1) guitar; 2) a gun
ZINC - 1) password; 2) observation post guard
TSINKANUT - 1) in time to report something; 2) warn of danger; 3) to observe; 4) give the alarm; 5) imperceptibly pass the stolen accomplice
ZINC - 1) speak; 2) quietly transmit stolen goods; 3) to give a danger signal in time; 4) to observe the police officers
ZINTA - prison
TSINTOVAT - serving a sentence in the PS
ZIPER - outerwear
CENTER - 1) a thief stealing outdoor clothing; 2) the controller, the warden in the IU
Circus - guard in the Investigative Department
CYRICS - military servicemen of the Interior Ministry troops
CIRCUS - 1) group sexual intercourse; 2) people's court
CIRLICH - 1) theft from a hotel; 2) a crime without violence
ROLLS - toes
FIGURES - money
TsMAGA - hunger
ZUGUNDER - 1) telephone directory; 2) a briefcase; 3) a hat; 4) scoop for food distribution
TSUKANIE NOVICHKOV - mock newcomers, hold their residence permit in the chamber
ZUKER - beautiful
CHICKEN - ice cream maker
Tsulei (in.) - male
Tsulimo (in.) - Debtor
Tsungalo (in.) - scammer, traitor
TSURI (in.) - knife
Tsurka (Churk) - 1) controller in the IU; 2) police officer on duty at the police station
CUCA - money
TsUZI (in.) - female breasts
Gypsy Trade Union - a bunch of vagrants
Gypsy Chroni - Stash for storing stolen goods
Tsigar (Tsigar) - Russian, similar to the gypsy
MARKET - the protection of theft partners
TSINT - prison, detention facility
CYPA - 1) bribe; 2) pretty girl
CHICKEN '- give a bribe
CHICKEN - minor prisoner
CHICKEN - young, inexperienced thief
CHICKENS - boots, shoes
CHICKEN - pretty girl
Tsyrva - girl
TSYRIK - the watchman
TSYTRA - porridge


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology