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Chapter XIV. Educational and preventive work with various categories of minors 1. Racket and its prevention


Racket concept. Mutual criminalization of minors in places of social isolation is manifested primarily in racketeering (extortion), i.e. taking possession of things and objects of the victim through threats, intimidation, blackmail, promises, promises, often developing into robbery (openly taking possession of the victim’s property) or robbery (taking possession of the victim’s property with a weapon).
In the racketeering all the features of communication deformation among minors, the degree of prevalence of social isolation of the criminal subculture in the form of various norms, values, criminal traditions are visible. Racket is dangerous in that it contributes to the strengthening of criminal installations among racketeers, the development of their criminal inclinations and interests, and their further professionalization in criminal activities.
Racket leads to the criminalization of other minors surrounding the racketeers (accomplices, performers of the leader's will); he creates a traumatic situation for those affected by racketeers, giving them adaptability, disbelief in the ability of the administration, educators and minors to protect them from extortionists' claims; forms and fixes the victims lack of will, ingratiation before the "strong" and "authorities", lack of principle and servility. The spread of racketeering leads to other negative consequences in places of social isolation: deterioration of the socio-psychological climate, complication of the operational situation, the spread of sexual perversions, self-harm, escapes, etc.
Racket prevalence. Racketeering is widespread in places of social isolation; most minors are exposed to it. This indicates that caregivers, the administration, and regime workers do not know the real state of interpersonal relations among minors and do not always identify them in a timely manner. This is because: 1) out of a sense of fear, fear of being scammed by scammers, the victims, as a rule, do not inform the administration and educators about the encroachment committed against them; 2) extortionists and their victims were bound by a joint violation of the regime (gambling, alcohol consumption, etc.); 3) victims mistakenly believe that they are not as such, since the thing passed into the hands of the racketeer "fairly" (for example, when losing); 4) victims are not sure that they will find reliable protection from employees.
Extortion has certain "waves". Minors suffer most from it during the adaptation period (adaptants make up 64% of the number of victims) when they are not yet aware of the order in places of social isolation and they do not have reliable group protection and patrons. Racket is often manifested in the days of meetings of minors with relatives, receiving packages and transfers.
The racket is affected by the age of minors. 69% of victims were under the age of 15 years. This can be explained by the fact that older minors have greater physical strength, can more successfully stand up for themselves. These are the data on special vocational school and VK. In special schools, adolescents aged 11–13 years suffer the most from levies. Older people have more experience in criminal activities, stay longer in places of social isolation, they know better the rules and rules of interpersonal and intergroup relations in the criminal environment. At the same time, among older minors, positive individuals who suffer the most in the first place suffer from extortion. This testifies to the greater cohesion of groups with criminal attitudes and the disunity of positive-minded adolescents and youths.
First of all, persons who first came to be in places of social exclusion, who pass through a system of extortion, paying “tribute” to more experienced individuals, united in criminal groups, as a rule, previously in special schools, repeatedly in distribution centers, and also forwarded to special vocational schools for the second time (serving a second sentence in VK). But, suffering from racketeering, the victims are psychologically adjusted to “take revenge” in the future, exploiting newcomers, as a rule, in more violent and sophisticated ways. In this regard, the mechanism of reproduction of racketeering in places of social exclusion operates as smoothly as in the army the mechanism of reproduction of “bullying”.
Characteristics of the victim. From the standpoint of Victimology (the science of victims of criminal encroachment), the personal qualities of victims of extortion become important. The generalized “portrait” of them looks like this: for the first time it is in places of social isolation, it does not have fellow countrymen and persons of its nationality, it has not yet entered the friendly group (“family”, “hut”, “circle”), is weak-willed, not independent, inspired. In 54.8% of the victims low self-esteem, 22.9 - normal, 22.3% - overestimated. This is significant, since in the general population, over-self-esteem among minors is more common than understatement. At the same time, somatic and mentally ill persons who find it difficult to defend themselves in connection with the disease become the object of attack. In addition, these individuals are more likely to receive parcels and transfers, are on dietary nutrition, so they attract the attention of racketeers. As a rule, individuals who are “uncleanly” past “registration”, who have derogated from the “laws” and norms of the criminal world, have been compromised with something that caused the extortion are subject to extortion. This also includes insolvent gamblers who have “perforated” (violated the given word), other persons from the lower strata of the group hierarchy.
Situations of extortion and extortion. Racketeers choose a convenient moment for encroachment and extortion, when the novelty of the situation stuns the novice, paralyzes his will, deprives of group protection, and he becomes an easy prey for racketeers. However, personal qualities become a provoking factor only when the novice has not yet decided "in the hut" ("circle", "family"), has not made friends, has not found his countrymen. As soon as he decided on a small group, he immediately ceased to be a victim of non-group and intergroup assault. This is explained by the fact that the group, having accepted a newcomer, immediately becomes disinterested in having its members robbed other groups. This does not mean that in every "family" there are principles of equality and justice in the distribution of benefits. Here, out-of-group and intergroup racketeering is replaced by an internal group based on the functioning of the “common boiler” mechanisms: the higher the minority status in the group hierarchy, the more weighty its share in the “common boiler”. The fear of extortion and other harassment encourages the minor to decide on the group, acquire protection and voluntarily pay "tribute" to its leader.
Characteristics of the racketeer. Who is this racketeer? What he really is? What is his generalized "portrait"? It’s not so easy to identify a racketeer, because, as a rule, he himself rarely selects things in order to “not lighten up”, but entrusts this “dirty work” to his assistants, the “sixes”. In addition, it happens without witnesses, and the victims themselves, as we have noted, often remain silent because of the fear of reprisals. Therefore, it is easy to take the performer for the leader of the racketeers group.
Racketeers are distinguished by older age, they are mainly leaders of friendly groups ("families"), and with an intergroup racketeering - "authorities", "bosses". Products, things they need, not only as a means of enrichment and satisfaction of their needs, but also as a way of self-affirmation in the group, the direction of their physical and mental activity in the usual criminal course. Racket makes you feel the power over people, which to some extent "intoxicates" racketeers. At the same time, extortion can be carried out in various ways, which largely depends on the previously established stereotype of racketeer’s criminal activities. Therefore, in order to understand the psychology of his personality, it is important to trace the relationship of racketeering methods with previously committed crimes and offenses. Thus, persons with a predominance of violent orientation of the person who committed earlier violent crimes are distinguished by rougher ways of racketeering, taking the form of “intra-zone” robbery or robbery. Thieves and scammers, other individuals with a predominance of self-serving personality traits, resort to more "clever" and "clever" ways of racketeering, furnishing them with appropriate rituals (playing cards, arguing, riddles, etc.), prompting the victim to voluntarily give up their belongings .
The value significance of objects that are the objects of encroachment. In accordance with the requirements of the regime, each minor in places of social isolation is limited to a set of personal belongings. It would seem, what could be the object of the encroachment of racketeers in these conditions? However, such objects are: money available in illegal circulation and their substitutes, alcohol and drugs, smoking accessories, toilet articles, the contents of parcels and broadcasts; clothes, shoes, underwear, food (especially delicacies, sweets received from relatives, diet in the "zone", etc.). If you rank the listed items according to the frequency of cases of encroachment, then you can determine their value significance among the juvenile offenders who are in isolation. This value value depends on the age, gender of the minor, his criminal experience, the remaining time before graduation from the special school, special vocational school, release from the VC. For example, among minors of female gender, toilet articles, underwear, fashionable clothes and shoes are highly valued. In males - above all money, food, alcohol, and then shoes and clothing. Younger extortionists highly value (as a rule, in a special school) various sweets and delicacies. But in anticipation of release (release), stocking up for a future life, the racketeers choose money, shoes, and clothes, mostly the object of encroachment. By virtue of the established criminal traditions, males, as a rule, do not extort underwear, showing disgust.
Ways of racketeering. The ways in which racketeers extort objects and objects from minors are very diverse. A racket can be: according to the frequency of infringement on the victim - one-time and permanent, in form - open and hidden, according to qualification - rude and qualified. Most newcomers who arrived in the "zone" are exposed to a one-time racket. Permanent racket is carried out in the form of systematic collection of "tribute" or "fee" for patronage, cleverly disguised by care for a newcomer or a weak, unable to stand up for themselves teenager. Open extortion is usually built on blackmail, intimidation of the victim, the use of force. Having lured the victim to a secluded place, or lurking for her in this place, the racketeers, inflicting pain, induce her to give up the thing that they liked, stipulate the amount of money that the victim should give them. Hidden racketeering is qualified, arranged by the relevant rules recognized by the majority of minors as fair: timely repayment for losing cards, keeping this word, etc. Therefore, such a racket is usually not perceived as an act of extortion.
The reasons contributing to the spread of racketeering in places of social exclusion. To fight racketeering, you need to know its causes. These reasons include (according to experts interviewed - employees of special schools, special P-TU, VC): 1) the overall unfavorable moral-psychological and operational environment in the institution (for example, due to the arrival of a large party of minors and the weakening of the militancy of the asset); 2) the weakening of educational and preventive work, connivance in violations of the regime (the prevalence of gambling, carrying and transportation of prohibited items, illegal circulation of money); 3) the revival of the "thieves' laws" and criminal traditions justifying requisitions and extortion; 4) lack of control over minors in their free time hours and when they are at work, inability to organize their leisure time; 5) the disunity of the asset and the majority of positive-minded adolescents and young men.
These are the reasons and conditions arising in the "zone". However, there are also reasons that go beyond the fence of the “zone” - general social. This - the initial accumulation of capital, the emergence of a class of merchants and entrepreneurs with large cash. It was they who generated the racket not just as a crime, but as a kind of social movement - “to rob the loot”. Having gone through the stages of wild, barbaric racketeering, this movement is increasingly developing into skilled ways of taking money and wealth. And minors see it all, while many of them were subjected to harassment and extortion of racketeers and in freedom, or engaged in racketeering under the guidance of adults. So, the general social experience is transferred to the “zone”, and from there it returns to society in generalized form.
Prevention and control of racketeering. In general, there is an underestimation of the prevalence of racketeering in places of social exclusion from the staff of these institutions, its criminalizing role in the adolescent and youth environment. Most often they are limited to disciplinary measures in relation to persons who have committed rude cases of mastering other people's things, without delving into the essence of criminal traditions and “thieves' laws”. In modern conditions there is a need to develop a system for the prevention of racketeering in each institution. In this system, an important place should be taken by organizational, regime, psychological and educational measures of influence in their complex. Such a system of measures may include:
- the formation of a general favorable for the educational work of the moral and psychological atmosphere in the institution;
- careful study of the contingent entering the “zone”, identifying among the minor racketeers, suppressing their actions, explaining their harm and depersonalizing the racketeer's identity;
- strengthening of the regime, suppression of any cases of its violation, in particular the spread of gambling, carrying and transportation of prohibited items to the “zone”, illegal circulation of money;
- identification of individuals and groups that adhere to the norms and values ​​of the criminal subculture, suppress their actions, develop socially valuable traditions (organizing the reception of newcomers and helping them, patronage of old-timers over new ones, humane relations between minors, etc.);
- strengthening of control over minors at work, in their free time, during rest hours (at night), etc .;
- increased attention to the organization of active socially useful leisure activities;
- identifying each case of racketeering, thoroughly investigating it and taking preventive measures for racketeers.
In the system of preventive measures, the creation of true psychological security of minors in a team against the encroachments of others should be emphasized. This protection system works only in those institutions in which it includes not only the use of repressive measures against racketeers, but also their exposure to the whole team of minors. Fearing such revelations, racketeers strive to bring a “theoretical base” under their actions, to justify them: a) by accusing the victim, who allegedly himself “offered an exchange” or “using his own thing”, etc .; b) objectivity of the victim: “I didn’t force him to play, but lost, let him pay”; c) the desire to take revenge for the past: “I also paid and didn’t scream, now let them pay me”, d) an attempt to present extortion as an act of mutual assistance in a criminal environment; d) an attempt to present the racket as an act of mercy: "I took a part, while others could take everything away." There may be other ways and motives of self-justification, without exposing which it is impossible to carry out educational and preventive work.
A decisive fight against racket in places of social isolation is impossible without the persistent and purposeful formation of interpersonal and intergroup relations based on the norms of universal morality, requiring mutual respect, honesty, justice. To prevent racketeering in places of social isolation is necessary for a single program to combat racketeering in a society that feeds the racketeering of minors not only with personnel, but also with methods of criminal activity.

1. Racket is one of the main manifestations of the mutual criminalization of minors in places of social exclusion. Therefore, the fight against racketeering is one of the most important measures of all preventive work among juvenile offenders.
2. This work will go more efficiently if there is a complete picture of the racket prevalence in places of social isolation, situations provoking acts of extortion are analyzed, an objective “portrait” of a racketeer is created, the value significance of things and objects taken from victims is established, the causes and conditions of the spread of racketeering in places of social exclusion.
3. It is necessary to expose the “theoretical constructs” of racketeers, with the help of which they seek to justify their criminal behavior, thus overcoming their defense mechanisms and exposing the motivation of self-justification.
4. The fight against racketeering should be conducted on a broad front, not only and not so much in places of social isolation as in society as a whole, where racketeering has turned into a specific movement in the criminal world, born of the era of primitive accumulation of capital, the emergence of a class of entrepreneurs and businessmen.


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