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7. Sexual demoralization and sexual perversions, their prevention


The concept of genital pathology, causes and types. Sexual pathology includes deviations (deviations) of sexual behavior in the form of petting (mutual irritation of erogenous zones), adolescent promiscuity (constant change of sexual partner), homosexuality (cohabitation of people of the same sex), voyeurism (peeping at the naked body of people of the opposite sex1), as well as oral sexual needs and other manipulations with the genitals, sexual needs in a perverted form ("waffle", "paraffin", "smoking of the penis"). Due to age characteristics (youthful hypersexuality), deficiencies in sex education, as well as the incomplete sexual identification in the psychological sense2 or its perversity under the influence of situational factors, deviations of sexual behavior often occur in places of social isolation. Employees of social isolation places (educators, medical workers, persons of the regime service, masters of industrial training, etc.) are constantly struggling with these perversions, since they are largely the cause of other types of deviant behavior (escapes and unauthorized care, self-harm, simulations and aggravations of diseases , group and mass excesses, fights, etc.).
Consider some types of sexual deviations, given that all of them are divided into two large types: 1) sexual perversions, with the aim of satisfying sexual needs, and 2) sexual perversions that are applied to a partner for the purpose of humiliating him, reducing his status, referred to in criminal jargon “lowering”, and the persons subjected to this procedure - “omitted”. A series of sexual perversions combines both of these elements - the satisfaction of sexual needs, and the "lowering" of the sexual partner.
"Paraffin" - the elementary sexual perversion, aimed at reducing the status and humiliation of the enemy. Its essence lies in the fact that, having immobilized the victim (by connecting, “turning off consciousness” with the help of a stranglehold), one or all of the accomplices of this grouping lips her lips. After
1 Lichko A.E. Psychopathy and character accentuation in minors. M: 1983, p. 67-72.
2 See: Kon, I.S. Psychology of adolescence. M .: 1979.

The “paraffin” victim does not manage to regain his status, let alone move up in the group hierarchy, which is forever impossible for her.
“Smoking of the penis” is an imitation of smoking, when instead of a cigarette the victim is forced to manipulate the penis of one of the accomplices (take a puff, imitate the release of smoke, etc.). This sexual perversion also serves as a means of “lowering” the victim, her humiliation, reducing her status. Thus, a group of minors, F., S., K., having escaped from a special school, lurked a teenager, Boris X., a pupil of his former secondary school, whom they hated for his excellent studies, knowledge of many foreign languages ​​and other successes in life. Having dragged him behind the garages, twisting his hands, they inserted matches into the ear shells and pressing them, causing Boris incredible pain, forced him to take Andrei F.'s penis into his mouth and “smoke” him. On the second day, the teenagers all told the students of their former class, where he studied and Boris X. His status was lowered, all the students refused to sit with him at the same desk and talk. The further fate of Boris X. is as follows: he tried to commit suicide, his parents managed to save him. The family emigrated abroad, because in our country it is impossible for victims of criminal encroachment to quickly change their name and place of residence.
"Waffle" - sexual perversion, which consists in meeting sexual needs oral way (in the criminal jargon - "waffle" - the penis). “Wafflerism” pursues both goals: the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the rapist and the reduction of the status of the victim in the criminal community, as a means of punishing unwanted people. “Waffler” is one of the most humiliated categories of minors in places of social isolation, about which a “mark” on the body of the victim in the form of a corresponding tattoo or stigma is made - a point near the lips.
Voyeurism in conjunction with masturbation - sexual perversion, with the aim of satisfying sexual needs. Often used by the "master of the ladies" for personal enrichment. Its essence lies in the fact that someone "buys" a woman or girl who at a certain time and in a certain place should pose in the nude, for which she is paid a "fee". "The lady of the ladies" sells these sessions to one or another teenager for a fee, indicating the time and place of the session. Watching from afar for the "lady", minors masturbate and satisfy their sexual needs. Thus, in one special-TU, minors held this session at dawn, before the ascent, when a “picture” (nude girl) appeared in the loggia of a nearby house. Such sexual perversions are noted by many experts in prison psychology, both in our country and abroad. However, the occupation of pure masturbation, “without a lady” is considered a humiliating affair among adolescents among offenders, and those seen in masturbation in the criminal jargon are referred to as “rotten”.
Homosexuality is one of the main types of sexual deviation, which can be true (pathological) and transitive (temporary, passing).
The causes of pathological (true) homosexuality according to genetic theory are determined by genetic factors. Proponents of the neurogenic theory believe that this cause is cerebral lesions of some parts of the brain1. Homosexuality also leads to damage to the nervous system of various toxic substances and drugs. Predominantly pathological homosexuality in closed educational and correctional institutions is found among people with mental pathology. According to the endocrine theory, the occurrence of homosexuality is explained by endocrine disorders both in the process of life and in the process of prenatal development. However, it is impossible to explain the facts of pathological homosexuality only by these theories. Apparently, violations of the gene and endocrine apparatus, neuralgic "breakdowns" create only pathological prerequisites for the emergence of homosexual behavior. Contribute to the emergence of this phenomenon (inclination), special conditions of life and upbringing, in the process of which certain attitudes, norms, sexual values ​​that justify this kind of behavior were formed. The sexual revolution that our society is experiencing, the rehabilitation of homosexual forms of behavior, the emergence of fashion in some groups of people for lesbianism, marriage between men, change of gender affiliation affected the rapid spread of homosexual forms of behavior and in places of social isolation, creating conditions for the realization of sexual pathology.
The causes of transient adolescent homosexuality of non-pathological nature should be seen.
Svyadoshch AM Female Sexopathology. M .: 1974, p. 101-105.

in the fact of sexual isolation of persons in closed correctional and special educational institutions, the negative influence of the surrounding microenvironment, the need to defuse their aggressive aspirations, imitation of others, the desire to establish themselves in this way among their own kind and not be in the position of “offended”, people affected by homosexual claims of others. Thus, the causes of transitive homosexuality are mainly in places of social isolation of a socio-psychological nature.
To understand the socio-psychological mechanisms of the occurrence of pathological and non-pathological homosexuality, its forms (active and passive) should be considered separately, which have a different impact on the formation of personality and its status in the immediate environment. If an active male homosexual forms a sectarian overvalued attitude towards others, then male and active female passive homosexuals experience a feeling of inferiority, their inferiority, deeply experiencing their “fall”. This is especially true of individuals who have been subject to violent homosexual acts.
Active homosexual behavior among male minors in places of social isolation pursues the goals of not only satisfying sexual needs, but also self-affirmation in this way in the group hierarchy of criminal communities and self-defense from infringement of others on personal integrity. Active homosexuals, if they do not belong to the leaders ("leaders", "tillage", "authorities"), rarely occupy the highest levels in the group hierarchy, rarely enjoy respect and trust among minors, but | Tue - steady. In the recent past, cases of change | this status and the change of roles (active homosexual on passive and vice versa) was observed extremely rarely, which was also noted among socially isolated people of similar cultures (for example, Slavic - in Poland and Bulgaria), while in other cultures this change of roles because everything is determined by the availability of funds (for example, 1 among those imprisoned in US prisons). Consequently, in determining the strategy of his behavior, the minor is forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Already in the receiver-distributor, the detention center, they are trying to gain a foothold in the role of active homosexuals, which gives them a chance not to be in the position of "lowered", homosexual behavior towards the chosen partner is both a means of reprisal over him and means of discrediting him as an "opponent" , overthrowing it from a low position to the bottom of the group hierarchy.
However, in recent years there have been cases of changing rol6! have homosexuals. Persons who are victims of violence are grouped together and in such a way they overthrow those who committed an act of sodomy over them. Such a change of roles can be explained by two factors: first, the departure of a part of minors from the norms and laws of “thieves culture” (this applies to criminals who are not finite, not bound by moral norms), according to which a person, desecrated by the passive form of homosexuality, never could have raised] upward in the group hierarchy of the underworld; and, secondly, the entry of our underworld into the international arena by the influence of a foreign criminal subculture, in which the change of roles in homosexual acts is considered to be quite a natural phenomenon, since money decides everything.
In places of social isolation among men there are different ways to commit homosexual acts: violence and taming partner.
Violence is usually group-based, since not everyone alone will cope with the victim. Most often, such acts are committed at night, suddenly for the victims. In each such act, on average, there are 3-4 partners involved, there are more passive homosexuals in the “zone” than active ones, which indicates the corporativity of active homosexuals, their greater organization, cohesion, the occurrence and distribution in such corporations of their attitudes, norms, attitudes, justifying active homosexual behavior, an offensive attitude towards persons affected by sodomy. All this is reflected in slang, nicknames, other norms and values.
Along with the physical, mental violence is also used in the form of the threat of “letting the whole zone through the intractable one”, he will decide to resist, or apply other events of sexual perversions to him: “waffleism”, “paraffin”.
Along with violence as a way of homosexual behavior in places of social isolation, there are various ways of taming active partners with homosexuals by various promises (eg, patronage), in the fact of sexual isolation of people in closed correctional and special educational institutions, the negative influence of the surrounding microenvironment, the need to defuse their aggressive aspirations, imitating others, striving in such a way to assert themselves among their own kind and not to I am in the position of "offended", persons affected by the homosexual claims of others. Thus, the causes of transitive homosexuality are mainly in places of social isolation of a socio-psychological nature.
To understand the socio-psychological mechanisms of the occurrence of pathological and non-pathological homosexuality, its forms (active and passive) should be considered separately, which have a different impact on the formation of personality and its status in the immediate environment. If an active male homosexual forms a sectarian overvalued attitude towards others, then male and active female passive homosexuals experience a feeling of inferiority, their inferiority, deeply experiencing their “fall”. This is especially true of individuals who have been subject to violent homosexual acts.
Active homosexual behavior among male minors in places of social isolation pursues the goals of not only satisfying sexual needs, but also self-affirmation in this way in the group hierarchy of criminal communities and self-defense from infringement of others on personal integrity. Active homosexuals, if they do not belong to the leaders ("leaders", "tillage", "authorities"), rarely occupy the highest levels in the group hierarchy, rarely enjoy respect and trust among minors, but their position is quite high, and their status is stable. In the recent past, cases of changing this status and changing roles (active homosexual to passive and vice versa) were observed extremely rarely, which was also noted among socially isolated people of similar cultures (for example, Slavic - in Poland and Bulgaria), while in other cultures such a change of roles is observed more often, since everything is determined by the availability of funds (for example, among persons deprived of their liberty in US prisons). Consequently, in determining the strategy of his behavior, the minor is forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Already in the receiver-distributor, the detention center, they are trying to gain a foothold in the role of active homosexuals, which gives them the chance to not be in the position of "lowered". Active homosexual behavior in relation to the chosen partner is both a means of punishing him and a means of discrediting him as an “adversary”, overthrowing him from his position to the bottom of the group hierarchy.
However, in recent years there have been cases of changing roles for homosexuals. Persons who are victims of violence are grouped together and in such a way they overthrow those who committed an act of sodomy over them. Such a change of roles can be explained by two factors: first, the departure of a part of minors from the norms and laws of “thieves culture” (this refers to criminals who are unreasonable, not bound by any moral norms), according to which a person desecrated by a passive form of homosexuality could never rise up in the underworld group hierarchy; and, secondly, the entry of our underworld into the international arena and the influence of a foreign criminal subculture in which the change of roles in homosexual acts is considered quite normal, since money decides everything.
In places of social isolation among men there are different ways to commit homosexual acts: violence and taming partner.
Violence is usually group-based, since not everyone alone will cope with the victim. Most often such acts are committed at night, suddenly for the victim. In each such act, on average, there are 3-4 partners involved, although there are more passive homosexuals in the “zone” than active ones, which testifies to the corporativity of active homosexuals, their greater organization and solidarity. This is manifested in the emergence and spread in such corporations of their attitudes, norms, attitudes, justifying active homosexual behavior, abusive attitude towards people affected by sodomy. All this is reflected in the jargon, nicknames, other norms and values.
Along with the physical, mental violence is also used in the form of a threat to “pass through the intractable” entire “zone” if he decides to resist, or to apply other ways of sexual perversions to him: “waffleism”, “paraffin”.
Along with violence as a way of homosexual behavior in places of social isolation, there are various ways of taming active partners with homosexuals by various promises (eg, patronage), promises (to help in something), bribing (products, money, etc.). However, having performed the first sexual intercourse, the majority of active homosexuals do not fulfill their promises or their obligations, but transfer their partner to the “brothel”.
Thus, sexual perversions humiliate the person, cause him moral and physical damage.They serve not so much as a way to meet sexual needs, but as a means of reproaching "otkryvalki" over unwanted ones. The best and surest way, for example, to discredit an activist, is to apply “paraffin”, “waffle” to it or commit an act of pederasty. And no one and nothing will wash it, for this reason he cannot remain in the asset. We had to observe and study at one time the liquidation of the riots in the Avchalsky educational colony (near Tbilisi), which arose because of the reluctance of convicts who had reached the age of majority to be transferred to an adult colony. Attempts by the administration to use an asset against them were unsuccessful. Having barricaded themselves in the residential area, the “denial” first of all raped all the activists. The administration failed to pacify the rebels.Then, military units of the type of the modern riot police were called up, which for 20 minutes separated the "denial" from the majority of the minors, isolated the "adults", put them in fitted trainers and sent them to adult colonies. This example is instructive in that in the subsequent administration it was necessary to actually create the entire asset anew, which took considerable time.
Sexual perversions, including sodomy in violent form, are criminalized by law (art. 32 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, in each case of lewd acts against minors and violent acts of chastity, criminal proceedings are immediately instituted against the abusers.
Issues of prevention of sexual perversions. In the prevention and prevention of sexual demoralization in places of social exclusion, both pathological and non-pathological forms of homosexuality, both age and deviations, due to the fact of social and sexual isolation of minors themselves are taken into account.
If regarding pathological forms of homosexuality, measures of medical prevention and treatment are put forward, then in the prevention of other forms of deviation ("wafering", "paraffin", "smoking penis"), situational (transitive) homosexuality is played by educational measures, control for the behavior of minors, their free time activities in a variety of activities. Criminal law measures in cases of violent sexual deviations are also important.
The study of the personal files of underage sexual deviants showed that many of them had become homosexuals, "wafflers", "paraffinists", etc. in special schools, boarding schools, orphanages, reception centers, in remand prisons. The following circumstances contributed to this: the absence of normal living conditions (for example, in the reception center in a room designed for 10 people is 2-3 times more, which our press has repeatedly written about), the unemployment of minors with useful activities, violation of the rules for the separation of non-convicts previously convicted in pre-trial detention centers and reception centers, communication of juvenile offenders in hospitals with adult convicts, as well as the prevalence of "prison traditions ".
Sexual demoralization occurs where minors lose minimal psychological and physical protection, where there are criminal groups at war with each other. The object of sexual violence is the physically and psychologically weak persons who have “uncleanly” passed “registration”, have violated the word given to the community, violators of group norms, “thieves' laws”, “prison traditions”, “malicious” defaulters of loss, etc. In accordance with the "thieves 'laws" and the "thieves' morals" are subjected to sexual violence, mainly to pederasty, and the persons - the molesters of minors.
Work on the prevention of sexual perversions should be started from the first day of a minor in a special school, special vocational school or VC. It is unacceptable to be late for at least one day. It is necessary to find out how minors arrived, whether there were cases of sodomy, other sexual perversions in the distribution center or the detention center; are there any warring criminal groups in the party that has arrived; Carefully find out if there are any active and passive homosexuals, “paraffinists”, “wafflers”, etc. among the arrivals. It is imperative to find out if any of the "offenders" are in this institution.
A special direction is to work with "offended". The very category of these males ("offended", "lowered") is heterogeneous. Some of them have become accustomed to their position and do not protest, because they have no support from the collective or the administration; others hide the fact of violence against them and live in constant fear of exposure; still others begin to oppress the weaker, "to avenge their offense." The psychology of the person “offended” is complex and controversial: under the influence of bullying or the threat of exposure, an inferiority complex and pathological character traits arise and develop, self-esteem and level of aspirations decrease. This is especially characteristic of mentally undeveloped, weak-willed, indecisive, cowardly, unable or afraid to fight back thosewho mocks them.
The desire of the “offended” to stand up for themselves, to rehabilitate in the eyes of others is the cause of the emergence of interpersonal and intergroup conflicts and fights of minors. Knowing that the tutor, the master of industrial training often does not delve into the causes of fights, punishing first of all those who started them, the “authorities” and active homosexuals with their mockery and harassment cause “offended” to conflict, substituting educators for disciplinary. Therefore, part of the victims of sodomy and other sexual perversions is doubly oppressed: by minors and by educators. They are thus deprived of even minimal psychological protection. This sometimes leads to actions that have serious consequences (serious injuries, attempted suicide,shoots and unauthorized care, self-harm, etc.).
However, the identification of “offended” is a very complicated, delicate, delicate matter, since many carefully conceal the fact of their “fall”. Some leaders of institutions of social exclusion, having discovered the fact of sodomy, “wafering” or “paraffinism”, try to solve the problem by transferring “offended” to another squad or another institution. But this does not solve the problem, if active homosexuals and other sexual deviants remain in this “zone” and they are not brought to justice. The new ones are offended from among the newcomers to replace the translated ones. Such transfers are unethical with respect to those teachers who will have to work with these persons. In addition - and this may be the main thing- between departments of special institutions (VC) and between different institutions (special schools and special vocational schools, special vocational schools and vocational schools, etc.) secret connections have been established, so-called "routes" are built, through which there is a constant exchange of information. Therefore, minors who have arrived at a new place “offended” will soon receive exhaustive information. His life and the new place is difficult. Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude transfers of “offended” and other victims of sexual perversions, as well as active homosexuals as a way to combat sexual perversions. However, one should carefully prepare such translations and skillfully begin work with the persons transferred in a new place.Therefore, minors who have arrived at a new place “offended” will soon receive exhaustive information. His life and the new place is difficult. Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude transfers of “offended” and other victims of sexual perversions, as well as active homosexuals as a way to combat sexual perversions. However, one should carefully prepare such translations and skillfully begin work with the persons transferred in a new place.Therefore, minors who have arrived at a new place “offended” will soon receive exhaustive information. His life and the new place is difficult. Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude transfers of “offended” and other victims of sexual perversions, as well as active homosexuals as a way to combat sexual perversions. However, one should carefully prepare such translations and skillfully begin work with the persons transferred in a new place.However, one should carefully prepare such translations and skillfully begin work with the persons transferred in a new place.However, one should carefully prepare such translations and skillfully begin work with the persons transferred in a new place.
In working with homosexuals, in the prevention of sexual perversions need special tact. Regarding the intimate aspects of the life of a minor, you should keep secretly available information from others. To those who are the object of sexual harassment, you need to attach chefs from among persons who could protect these adolescents from harassment. It should also be remembered and take into account the peculiarity of the reaction of some minors to the actions of educators to protect the “offended” and punish the “offenders. Sometimes, an open defense leads to serious consequences, since the "offenders" begin to avenge the "offended" for trying to find protection from the administration, oppress them for "informing" and other minors. In this case, the oppressed "offended" are carried out carefully, sophisticated, with bringing "offended "to the point that he begins to avoid any help of a caregiver, fearing to become known also as an informer, a snitch. In such a situation, the offended go for self-harm, escaping and unauthorized leaving.
Along with a deep and comprehensive study of interpersonal and intergroup relations among minors, identifying opposing groups, it is important to identify those who are prone to mock others, trying to discredit their authority or psychologically isolate in the adolescent and youth environment.
The main social and psychological condition for the successful prevention of sexual perversions in places of social isolation is the creation of a common moral and psychological atmosphere of individual protection in the team, the formation of humane and friendly relations between minors. An indispensable condition for the successful prevention of sexual perversions is a decisive suppression of any actions that demean and insult the identity of the minor, from whom they would not come.
Studies and practice show that persons affected by sodomy are not respected in the criminal environment for the fact that they could not "stand up for themselves", "allowed themselves to be outraged." Therefore, the formation of the installation of the weak-willed and newbies to stand up for themselves, to be able to repulse oppressors is an essential condition in the prevention of sodomy, "waferry" and other perversions.
The field for homosexual manifestations and other sexual perversions can be significantly narrowed if all the minors are involved in the full-fledged life of the team, in physical education and sports, using teenage fashion for bodybuilding, organizing their leisure time activities, constantly monitoring their behavior and places, where can be committed homosexual acts and other sexual perversions.
Let us show by example the action of the entire preventive system. Above the teenager R. in the receiver-distributor was an act of sodomy. At the special technical school, R. arrived embittered, organized from other "offended" groups, which hatched a plan of revenge (up to murder) to the "offenders" who had arrived at this school. The timely identification of this group of "offended" and "offenders" allowed to take the necessary measures. The “offenders” were prosecuted, and patronage was established over the “offended” in order to protect them from claims. Established control over all "secluded" places, interesting and variously organized leisure of minors, the practice of the school widely included physical education and sports (health days, a big change between physical education classes,industrial gymnastics in training workshops). The students were interviewed about the consequences of sexual pathology for "offenders" and "offended", about the dangers of AIDS. Pupils were informed about the verdict of the offenders. The established traditions, rituals, constant control allowed to exclude cases of sodomy and other sexual perversions.
Medical prevention of homosexuality. Experience shows that medical prevention includes four sections.
1. Identification of persons prone to sexual perversions. All newly arrived minors are subject to a medical examination, in the process of which they are actively living early sex life and are interested in masturbation. All of them are taken to medical records as persons from whom we can expect sexual perversions. An examination of persons in respect of whom there is a suspicion of homosexuality. Special attention is paid to persons suffering from mental illness, as well as to those previously held in special schools and special vocational schools that were contained in distribution centers.
2. Dynamic observation of persons prone to sexual perversion. Minors, registered by the medical and sanitary unit, are periodically examined by a neuropsychiatrist and urologist (usually during mass medical calendar inspections, visiting of the medical and sanitary unit), they conduct individual conversations about sex education, body physiology and the dangers of premature sex, danger sexually transmitted diseases, harmlessness of sexual abstinence, about the dangers of sexual perversions, their negative impact on morality and mental health. If a teenager turns to a psychoneurologist on his own initiative, asking how to suppress natural sexual desire, how to get rid of onanism, then the latter gives proper advice, in appropriate cases prescribing medications to relieve acute sexual arousal.
3. Treatment of homosexuality. Both pathological and situational homosexuality are curable if a teenager wants to get rid of him. An important means of treatment is psychotherapy (rational - by persuasion, suggestive - by suggestion, in the waking state, autogenic training). Juveniles are taught the unacceptability of sexual satisfaction in a perverse, pathological form. They are instructed in detail about the mode of study, rest, work and physical education classes, the compulsory physical fatigue before bedtime, the need for complete abstinence from various sexual excesses until the next doctor's appointment. Extending the time of meetings, the doctor achieves a long abstinence from onanistic acts, helps to strengthen faith in his strength. With persons engaged in homosexuality, 10-12 sessions of suggestion are held, the first sessions - daily,the next - in 2-3 days, in the future - supportive psychotherapy: 1-2 sessions per month for a year. "Psychotherapy is more effective with the passive form of female and active form of male homosexuality and is ineffective with the active form of female and passive form of male homosexuality" 1. However, it is necessary to conduct sessions of psychotherapy with male "passive" homosexuals, directing their efforts to eliminate anxiety-suspicious state, maintain the strengths of the personality, instill confidence in their abilities.However, it is necessary to conduct sessions of psychotherapy with male "passive" homosexuals, directing their efforts to eliminate anxiety-suspicious state, maintain the strengths of the personality, instill confidence in their abilities.However, it is necessary to conduct sessions of psychotherapy with male "passive" homosexuals, directing their efforts to eliminate anxiety-suspicious state, maintain the strengths of the personality, instill confidence in their abilities.
In the treatment of pathological homosexuality, hypnotherapy is also used in conjunction with the gradual re-education of the individual, during which an indifferent attitude towards persons of the same sex is developed, especially for women (lesbians). The methods of conditioned reflex treatment of apomorphine are also used in combination with showing a photograph of the object of desire, which causes an emetic reaction, as in the treatment of alcoholism. Pharmacological, psychotherapeutic methods of treatment can also be used.
4. Psycho-hygienic prevention of sexual perversions. The main purpose of psycho-hygienic prevention is the preservation and strengthening of the mental health of minors. Essential in this regard is correct psychohygienic education, combined with the strengthening of physical health. Great attention should be paid to the organization of recreation, physical education and sports, the use of the principle of sublimation (switching) of energy and attention of minors from sexually colored to sexually indifferent objects. A good example of correct sex education should serve for minors interpersonal relations of employees of places of social exclusion (men and women).
Lectures and conversations about sex education and sex education, about the role of a man in a family, about the danger of venereal diseases and possible consequences for posterity, etc. are important. Such lectures and conversations are held only in small classrooms (no more than 10-12 people) in order to have the opportunity to create a relaxed, confidential atmosphere of the conversation.
In sexual education, sexual education and the fight against sexual perversions, as in no other field, there are many unresolved issues that come from our sanctimonious attitude to this problem. Among them, the sensitive and caring attitude of educators and employees to the first love and first youthful love is of particular importance. Many are
1 AM Svyadosh specified work, p. 162.

to the adult offenders, the beloved helped not only to keep from sexual perversions, but also to become on an honest way of life, about which there is a large amount of fiction and scientific literature. Sex education is not always differentiated based on the age of minors and their sexual experience. At the same time in this matter, educators are often late: research shows that many minors received their first sexual experience at 11-12 years old. In Noginsky district of the Moscow region in 1993, an outbreak of sexually transmitted diseases among minors was noted, among which many fell ill at the age of 11-12 years. Therefore, to go to them with naive conversations about the preservation of chastity is to show bigotry. Apparently, it is necessary to look for other, non-traditional ways to combat sexual perversions in places of social exclusion,It is also possible through the introduction of phone sex for young people. Here a wide field of activity opens up for the staff psychologist of the institution of social isolation, for which he must have sound recommendations: how to conduct such work. A lot can be done by teachers in literature classes, in extracurricular work on the promotion of fiction, which reveals the relationship between representatives of both sexes.

1. Sexual demoralization and sexual perversions in various forms ("paraffin", "waffling", "smoking of the penis", homosexuality, voyeurism in conjunction with masturbation) are very common in places of social exclusion. All these sexual perversions are applied: 1) to meet sexual needs, and 2) to humiliate and reduce the status of a sexual partner. A number of factors contribute to the spread of sexual perversions in places of social isolation: the presence of early sexual experience among minors; obsession of their group consciousness on sexual problems; traditions of the criminal world; various shortcomings in the educational work, home appliance and rest of minors.
2. Studies show that genitals are the main means of reprisals against unwanted persons, reducing their status in places of social exclusion. At the same time, the statuses of active and passive sex deviants remain almost unchanged. Therefore, minors often choose the active form of sexual behavior for personal prevention. Because of this, it is difficult to eradicate sexual perversions and sexual demoralization in places of social isolation, because, as nowhere else, there is a stubborn struggle for survival, winning high status in the group hierarchy.
3. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to carry out appropriate preventive work to prevent sexual demoralization and sexual perversions. It is important to consider both pathological and non-pathological forms of sexual perversions. A set of preventive measures for the prevention of sexual perversions in each institution is practically standard: studying the newly arrived minors and identifying among them active perverts and persons “offended” by them, punishing “offenders” and protecting “offended”, separating them in different departments and, if possible, in different institutions , the formation of the “offended” and newbies of the installation to stand up for themselves, the creation of a benevolent atmosphere among the minors, the protection and support of the weak, etc. I medical-health measures.However, in this area of ​​preventive work, many unresolved issues have arisen, caused by the early puberty of minors, the sexual revolution in society, the decline in the onset of sexual activity, etc., which require unconventional approaches, especially for people in places of social exclusion.
4. Almost all issues of preventive work are focused on males. The issues of prevention of sexual demoralization among women were missed, which is one of the reasons for the open spread of lesbianism in special institutions for women.


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