You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin




Sha - 1) a policeman on duty; 2) keep quiet!
Shab - part of stolen goods
Shabash - rest in a restaurant for persons of Caucasian nationalities
CHABER - crowbar, stiletto, knife
SHAB - smoke hashish
PATTERN - headdress
TEMPLATE - prostitute
SHBN - 1) the patient; 2) weak, frail
SHABOLDA - 1) a woman of easy virtue; 2) petty thief
Shabur - horse harness, saddle
SHAVAN - tea
SHAVAN - drink tea
SHAKE - eat, eat
SHAVKA - 1) scammer; 2) petty thief; 3) a dog; 4) a female watchman
SHAGALOVKA - build, rank
WASHER - 1) a loose change; 2) square round shape
SHAYBU DROP - to commit sexual intercourse
WASHERS - money
SHOULD GIVE - to inform about the upcoming crime
SHAKAL - 1) man-beggar; 2) cheeky man
SHAKE - rob, beg
CHAKAL - 1) petty thieves; 2) criminals attacking the victim in a group; 3) beggars
Shalaban - 1) head; 2) click on the head
Shalawa - 1) a dissolute woman; 2) street girl
SHALF - low-interest prostitute
SHALER (in.) - clothing
SHALMAN - 1) a den; 2) snack bar or beer; 3) a bunch; 4) police station; 5) Shabby catering establishment
EAR MOB KA - a permanent place spree
CHALUN - elderly lovelace, red tape
SAGE - tea
Calabash - teapot
BABY - 1) a person who accidentally contributed to the commission of a crime; 2) mentally disabled
GIRL - inexperienced
SHAMAN - 1) senior in the group of fraudsters; 2) a convict who is active in maintaining order in the colony
SHAMMAN - 1) to deceive; 2) engage in divination, divination; 3) steal; 4) twist for someone else's account
SHAMPUR - 1) a man's penis; 2) a knife with a long blade; 3) stela, obelisk
SHAN - 1) hashish; 2) light
SHAND - temporary shelter, shelter
SHANDARAKHNUT - unexpectedly swipe
CHANCE - luck, chance
CHANCE (SHANCE) - 1) the general name of the cheating tricks; 2) good luck
CHANCE - 1) lucky; 2) brisk
SHANSONETKA - 1) a participant in the amateur art activities of the PS; 2) unlucky person; 3) weak character person
SHANGHAI - 1) a thieves' den; 2) chaotically built suburbs
CHANGE - smoking hashish
SHAPIRO - 1) a lawyer; 2) authoritative Jew
SHAPOR - 1) thieves crowbar; 2) the informant
SHARPNIK - the thief committing theft in the markets
CHARABAN - 1) head; 2) car; 3) taxi
SHARAGA - 1) a thieves' company; 2) a bunch of criminals; 3) a collection of convicts; 4) small enterprise
SHARAMAGA - the tramp
SHARAP - 1) to rob; 2) fumble, search
BOB - 1) rob; 2) scare
BALL - 1) a separate room; 2) mess
SHARIK - Criminal Investigation Officer
BALLS Podkatyat - write a denunciation to the police
BALL - convicted - activist and social activist
BARKING (REMOVING) CONI - 1) die; 2) stretch the legs
Shark tail - die
SHARMAK - 1) scam; 2) theft
SHARMANKA - 1) darmovshchina; 2) cinema; 3) brace, drill
CHARMANKA BODY - read notations, lecture
SHARMANKU SPIN - distract the attention of the victim and those around them during the theft
W ARMAM IT - 1) steal; 2) cheat
BALLBOARD - billiard room
BALL - Convict taking drugs
BALL CLERK - billiard room worker
SHAROGON - 1) professional billiards player; 2) liar, deceiver
Ш АРОН and К - informer
SHARONKA - prisoner's uniform jacket
SHAROKHOD - steamer
BALLOONS - foreign bodies sewn into the skin of the penis
SHARPAK - an unpleasant person
SHARFYURER - junior officer of the Interior Ministry
BALLS - 1) eyes; 2) plastic balls sewn into the skin of the penis
BALLS TO KNOW (TO GO) - 1) to collect compromising material; 2) issue, communicate
BOWL ROLL - beat
ROD - 1) male penis; 2) Lovelace, red tape; 3) beer
SHAUMAN (in.) - a member of a criminal group that performs any tasks
CHAFER - people's assessor
SHAHA - 1) a servant of the authority ("six"); 2) playing card; 3) run errands
SHAHMAN - a place to collect prostitutes
SHAHNA - female sexual organ
SHAHRAY - uniforms
SHAHRAI - a large gold nugget
SHAKHTAR - the worst insult for a criminal inmate
SHAKHOD - a gift to bribe, bribe
Shashlyk - male penis
SHOWER - a woman of easy virtue
SHAYAM, SHAYAN - hangout
MOP (MOP) - a prostitute
SHVAI - 1) thieves group; 2) bribe
WIPER - stiletto
SHVANJAYKA - an elderly woman who has fallen down
SNACK - hit
SCHWARZ (in.) - night
SCHWARTZBLAT - a man selling deficit
ШВАРЦМАН - 1) the buyer of stolen antiques; 2) black
SWEDISH MODEL - woman’s intercourse with three men
SWEDISH WOODEN - group intercourse of a woman with two men
SWEDISH KOMSOMOLETS - violator of the state border
SEWING MACHINE - mechanical razor used for tattooing
SHWESTER (in.) - 1) a nurse in the hospital (medical unit) IU from among the prisoners; -2) prostitute
SWEET - A Thief Stealing Outerwear
SWEET MERCHANT - a thief stealing outdoor clothing during the commemoration of the deceased
SHER - to make sexual intercourse
SWING - drink alcohol
SHAKE SUIT - commit fraud
SLEEPING SMELLS - 1) expect trouble; 2) worthless rags
SHEBIT - 1) make trouble; 2) to panic, to panic; 3) fuss
JEWELING - 1) start a business; 2) beat someone for offense; 3) to commit violence
JEWELING WHEELS - 1) run away; 2) run, hide; 3) think
JEWEL HORN - think, think
JEWELING EARS - 1) meditate; 2) memorize; 3) to remember
TAILING TAILS - violating the traditions of thieves
MASTERPIECE - 1) beautiful; 2) great
NECK PLASTER - blow to the neck
SHEKEL - 1) a resident of Israel; 2) the clitoris; 3) ruble; 4) a suitcase
ROCKET - 1) speak too much; 2) to talk
RODS - new money
SILUP - 1) petty thief; 2) crumbling; 3) drinker at someone else's expense; 4) insignificance
HUMBERS - diamonds
SHELMA - 1) overcoat; 2) a grumpy woman; 3) sneak; 4) petty thief
SHEM (in.) - 1) name; 2) the nickname; 3) reputation
CHAMPION - do, go, go
CHEMENT (SHAMENT) - quickly, without delay
SHEMYAGA - handkerchief
SHEPERKA - six (playing card)
SHEPETOVKA - colony distant from the center
Shepel (sculpturing) - enemy
CHAROUS STARS - 1) fear; 2) cowardice; 3) approximation of death due to illness
SHEPTUN - scammer
NECK - 1) to recollect yourself; 2) suspect
WOOL - 1) search; 2) take away, rob; 3) search
WOOL - 1) a group of prisoners who adhere to the traditions of thieves, customs and constantly violate the rules of internal regulations of the Institutional Institute (denial); 2) a prisoner who cooperates with the administration of the Institution; 3) hair; 4) a bad person; 5) reptile; 6) a person sentenced to death for wrongdoing before the criminal world
WOOL ACID - escort
WOOL COWL - shave
WOOL BROAD - 1) to rob cellmates; 2) rob
WOOL - 1) unreliable; 2) informant, scammer; 3) a convict sticking to the traditions of thieves
WOOL THIEF - rapist
SHORT - 1) to steal; 2) restore order; 3) do something
SORODY ROGami (Horn) - 1) interfere in the affairs of others; 2) think, think; 3) act in personal interests
SHERHEBEL - unceremonious, impudent man
HAPPY CUT - 1) to commit sexual intercourse; 2) to commit an act of sodomy
Hairline - male penis
SHESTAK - informant, scammer
SIXTH, SIX - danger
HEXTER - 1) to fawn; 2) to serve
SIX - 1) waiter; 2) sneak; 3) the performer of auxiliary roles; 4) the person performing the instructions of other persons; 5) the person serving the authority of thieves; 6) an ordinary worker; 7) stub
THE SIX ON THE RISE - Sharpie, staging the loss in the card game
SIXTEEN - signal of the end of theft
SIX - danger signal
SIX TWO - convict, who is charged with art. 62 of the Criminal Code
SIX-FIVE - a manifestation of cowardice
CHEF - 1) the head of the IS; 2) the leader of the gang of thieves; 3) the head of the internal order section in the PS; 4) taxi driver
FIND CHEF - get something at the expense of others for free
W & BART - courage, courage
NUMBER - impudent, courageous
SHIBEN (in.) - any quick and covert movement when committing theft
SHIBES (in.) - Get away! leave me alone!
SHIBZDIK - a short man
SHIVA - 1) vodka; 2) Asian - cheerful and good-natured
SHIBAN - shoot
SHIWE (in.) - 1) grief; 2) mourning; 3) arrested
Shigach - pocket thief
SHIDA - 1) silk; 2) matter in rolls
SCHIZIK - mentally ill person
SCHIZY (BOOTS) - boots, shoes
SHIKITSA (SHKITSA) - minor prostitute
SHIL G - debt
SHILO - 1) chisel; 2) syringe needle; 3) ethyl alcohol
SHILOMBRAY - 1) a person with traces of smallpox on his face; 2) a beggar; 3) villager
Hairpin - unreliable woman
WI BALA - petty thief
SHIMNAT - 1) house; 2) room
SHIMHANCHIK - a thief robbing drunk, after luring them to his apartment
SHIP - steamer
SHIPAR - 1) scammer; 2) girl
SHIPACH - 1) a girl; 2) shag
SHIPER - a thief stealing unlocked hallways
SHIPER GLASS - squeeze out the window glass using paper, rags smeared with honey, etc.
Sizzle - to talk
SHIPKA - 1) Braga; 2) sparkling wine
SHIPUN - 1) output with the sound of gastrointestinal gases; 2) samovar
Spikes - shoes
SHIRA - 1) medical syringe; 2) mouse
SHIRAKESHA - morphine, drug addict
WIDE - drugs injected into a vein
WINE WIDE - inject drugs into a vein
WIDE, WIDE - addict
WIDTH - pocket
Shirinka - mouth
SHIRKA - 1) medical syringe; 2) drug injection into the vein
SCREEN - 1) the subject with which the hand of a thief is blocked by a pocket theft; 2) pocket
SHIRM AN - pocket thief
SHIRMAN ALIEN - back pocket of trousers
SHIRMACH, SHIRMUSHNIK - accomplice of the pickpocket
BROADCAST - make pickpocketing
WIDE QUARTER - bad, clumsy, unsuccessful
LARGE-FORMAT - woman with full, wide hips and pelvis
SHIRSHI - playing cards
SHIRYALOVKA - drug injection
Shiryalytsik - addict
BROAD, BROAD - 1) inject drugs into the vein; 2) engage in sodomy
SEW - 1) run; 2) wander 3) shoot; 4) blame; 5) kill
Sewing a case - blaming unreasonably
SECURING COVER - illegally blaming a crime
SEW THE ARTICLE - Blame for a specific crime
Sewing - 1) pester; 2) impersonate another; 3) to perform sexual intercourse
COLLAPSE - run away, hide
SHIKHAN - 1) a hill, a hill; 2) poison; 3) boil
SHISH - 1) armed robber; 2) deception
BELL - 1) a man's penis; 2) wallet, briefcase, suitcase; 3) an important, influential person; 4) authority among convicts
SHOCK - read
SHKALIKI - shoes
SHKANDYBAT - slowly, with difficulty to go
CUP - 1) female hips, buttocks; 2) TV; 3) a large, tall man
CUPBOARD - 1) a large, portly woman; 2) horse
CABIN - foal
SHKAPUN - surveillance, surveillance
CABINETS, SKARS - jeans, trousers
ŠKARNYAK - trouser pocket
SHKARNYAK, SKKNIK - trouser belt
MUSICAL BOX - long torture of the victim with blows to the head with a soft object (soft beater)
CABINET - private bodyguard
SHKVARKA - 1) a short man; 2) morally and physically downed convicted teenager
SHKVARKA, SHIKORKA - 1) a prostitute; 2) Mistress, Mistress
SHKVARKA LATHED - a man emaciated by drugs
SHEKEK - 1) deception; 2) fraud
SKENTEL - the end of something
NECKLACE - pants pocket
SHACKET - 1) teenager; 2) an inexperienced lone thief; 3) a short man
LOCKET - 1) girl; 2) SHKILET shirt - emaciated, sick man
SHKIL - thin, emaciated man
W KIRK - 1); 2) animal skin
SHKIRLA (SKKLA) - the mistress, the mistress
SHKYTIR - a stranger
SHIFT, SHNIFT - 1) window; 2) eye
SKIKTRNIK - young homosexual
CLOTH - the thief committing the theft of linen hung out to dry
ŠKODA - 1) a prisoner stealing from cellmates; 2) a bully, dirty dog; 3) dishonest person; 4) convicted of hooliganism; 5) a person close to thieves, but for some reason not accepted into the group of thieves
SKIN - 1) do the dirty trick; 2) to commit a bad deed approved by the group
SHKODNIK - 1) a prisoner who humiliates physically weak prisoners; 2) a person who does dirty tricks to others
KONKA W - bed, bunks
ŠKOS - an offer to commit theft in the company
SHKRAB - 1) secondary school teacher in the PS; 2) an envious, greedy person; 3) a cautious person; 4) selfish
CRABES - boots
SHKRYABLO - razor blade
SKRYABNICHAT - mock the weak, engage in sadism
ŠKURA - 1) outerwear; 2) a woman of easy virtue; 3) the scammer; 4) self-serving person
SKINS - stolen items
SKETCH SHOCK - Criminal Investigation Officers Watch The Criminal
SLAK - 1) dead, deceased prisoner; 2) poor-quality drug; 3) feces; 4) mentally and physically handicapped children of alcoholics and drug addicts
SLAKOVBAL - cemetery in the IU
HOSPITAL - mentally ill person; 2) diluted alcohol
HOSE - 1) weak-minded; 2) a person is highly intoxicated; 3) male penis large
HOSES - linen, posted to dry
HANGING - to shirk work
HOSE TO BE EQUILIATED - to be uncomprehending, simple
SHLENKA - bowl
SLOPPING - 1) language; 2) talker; 3) a liar; 4) gaping
SLAP - 1) speak; 2) to talk
SHLEPER - 1) card sharper; 2) station thief
SLEPER OLD - 1) old, a thief who stopped stealing, but keeps in touch with thieves
SLOT - shooting
SLOPE-LEG - lame
STAMPING - 1) to commit theft; 2) kill
Snoop Spong - thoughtlessly speak
Snoop Shovel - steal wallet
STAMP LOWER LIPE - perform intercourse
CLIP - play cards
GRINDING, GRINDING - sycophantic
GRIND - 1) to fawn, hypocrite; 2) to bring tattoos; 3) teach someone
GRIND - enter confidence
GRIND EARS - lie, cheat
Grinder - an experienced thief teaching young thieves
GRIFT - window
SHLIND - 1) walk aimlessly; 2) get underfoot
GATEWAYS OPEN - start giving true testimony during the investigation
Gateways, Slotters - keys, set of keys
BAG - Bowl, plate
SCHLUNDRA, SCHLENDRA - an unpleasant, dirty man
SLUPE - 1) search; 2) ford on the river
I SAIL PARK - 1) boatman; 2) active homosexual
BOAT - 1) a plate, a bowl; 2) a prostitute
Whore - 1) country woman; 2) a woman of easy virtue; 3) base prostitute; 4) dirt
SHLYU GU GUASTING - 1) to ingratiate; 2) to deceive
Shlyambur - 1) a man's penis; 2) crowbar (thieves instrument)
SHLYAMBUR THINK - commit sexual intercourse
SHMAGA - 1) beggar; 2) fallen intellectual; 3) an alcoholic; 4) paper, newspaper
Schmaer - the gun
SHMAYSER - 1) a man's penis; 2) a pistol; 3) an intermediary in the acquisition of weapons
SHMAYSER-WARRIOR - 1) racketeer; 2) armed robber
BUTTER - 1) chomp while eating; 2) search; 3) search, seek
SHMAKODYAVKA - 1) lap dog; 2) teenage girl
SHMAKODYAVKA MOROZOVA - girl informer, pioneer
SMOOTING - smoking
SMALL - 1) hashish; 2) a pistol; 3) tobacco
SMILT - 1) shoot; 2) escape
SMOOTING STOP - make a warning shot
SMART - shoot
SHMARA - 1) a girl; 2) accomplice, mistress of the thief; 3) a prostitute; 4) hashish
SHMARDOKHAT - 1) to beat; 2) interfere in the affairs of others; 3) sniff nose; 4) look out
Shmarovoy - hashish smoker
SHMAROGON - 1) slacker; 2) pimp, pimp
BUMBLE - 1) money; 2) ammunition for MK weapons
BUMBLE - 1) ruble; 2) a device for opening the safe; 3) unsuccessful theft
BUMBLE TO LOWER - throw away the stolen wallet during the detention
SHMEN - card game
SHMIRA - militarized security
SHMON - search
SHMONALKA - warrant officer in the female IU, conducting a search
SHMONALYTSIK - Search officer
BEGIN - search, inspect things
SHMONISA - 1) a prostitute; 2) female genitals
SHMONKIN COMMITTEE - a bunch of prostitutes
DARK SEMOTS - stolen items that are wanted
SHMOTKIN - storekeeper of warehouses IW
SHMOHA - 1) village woman; 2) a woman of easy virtue
SHITTER - bowl, bowl
SJMU (in.) - female genitals
Dandies - 1) old, worn clothes; 2) wallet
BLINDING - 1) watch; 2) sniff; 3) walk aimlessly
MORAIN - teenager
SMYR - 1) watchman; 2) arrows VOKhR; 3) the controller in the IU
SCHNEIDERLING - 1) a knife; 2) bayonet
SHNERZON - cheater marketing false jewelry
SHNER - scrap
SHNI - nonsense, nonsense, gossip
SHNIPAR - pickpocket
SHNIPAR, SNYPAR - thief-burglar
ShNIF - 1) nose; 2) burglary
SHNIFER - 1) safe; 2) night thief; 3) burglar thief
HOME CLOTHING - a thief committing theft in the house where he lives
FAST FITTINGS - gouge out eyes
SHNOBEL - long, big nose
SHNOBIKI - glasses
SHNOF - window
LASHING - to lauch, to serve
COAT - to behave imperceptibly, not to stand out
STRING - 1) to pull time; 2) idle
LACE - 1) a teenager serving thieves; 2) manual worker; 3) sausage loaf; 4) petty person; 5) minor offender
Cones - 1) a person with a large nose; 2) nose
SHNYPAR - cracker
SHNIR - 1) daily in the detachment; 2) a cell cleaner; 3) the watchman; 4) scammer
SHNYAGA - 1) card fraud; 2) the penis; 3) deception
SHOWS FOR KICK? - what a fuss?
SOBLA (CODLA) - 1) the negative part of the convicts; 2) a bunch of thieves, prostitutes
Tombstones - used clothes
SHOCK - shout
CHOCOLATE HOLE - 1) anus; 2) passive homosexual
CHOCOLATE - Convicted for embezzling or accepting a bribe
CHOCOLATE - 1) a female thief; 2) anus
SEON is a lone thief
SDON (in.) - year
SHOP - Theft from Shops and Market Stalls
SHOPA - 1) barn, warehouse; 2) back trouser pocket
SHOP - 1) to steal; 2) pull out
SHOPEN LABAT - 1) to participate in the funeral; 2) to play in the orchestra at the funeral
SHOPEN TO LISTEN - to steal a funeral
SHOPENFILLER - Theft Specialist from Jewelry Stores
SHOP NICK - 1) back trouser pocket; 2) active homosexual
SHOP - steal from back pocket
SHOR - salt
SHORIN (in.) - knife
SHORK - use a drug
BROWN - scandal
SHOR - threats
SHOR GIVING - specify, send, prompt
HIGHWAY (in.) - female genitals
SCHOFER - people's assessor
SHOFERSKAYA BIKSA - a prostitute working for a couple with a taxi driver
SHOHA - 1) informer, informant; 2) people run errands; 3) the vagina; 4) six (playing card)
SWAG - 1) fork; 2) cane; 3) long
stitches EGGS - worms
ESCARS - playing cards
SPAR - 1) a nightingale; 2) civilian man
PUTTER - prison gruel
DUNG - shoot
SHPALLER - 1) a loaded pistol; 2) a policeman, a colony controller, a warder of the prisoner
SHPALYDIK - the leader in the transfer prison
SHPAN - 1) a fallen prisoner; 2) the prisoner-informer
SHPAN BANOVY - station thief
SHPANA (SHPANYUK) - petty thief
Crib - 1) an identity document; business paper; 2) certificate of release from prison; 3) a clue what to say during the investigation and at the court of
SPARIT - 1) to perform sexual intercourse; 2) to conceal prey from partners
SPEIKA, SPAY-revolver, pistol
SPENDRIK-1) child; 2) a person of small stature
SHPENT - 1) a person of small stature; 2) a place where there is nothing to steal.
SPEREHANUT - 1) speak out; 2) to convey; 3) suggest
SPERZ - a device for breaking locks
SPIED (SPY) - play cards
SPIDAGUZ - 1) passive homosexual; 2) technical room at the railway station.
SPILET - playing the
SPILLIST cards - a person playing the “gifts” well
SPILITO - playing cards
SPILE - 1) play cards; 2) sniff cocaine; 3) copulate
SPILE B ALANA - work at the logging site in the forest
Yiwu SPEAK DIKOFT - starve
SPYLE FOR HAPPINESS - play cards without
cheat methods SPILEER - 1) card player; 2) awl; 3) a
screwdriver - a small person
A SPLINT - a small person STUPLED - 1) to rape; 2) to perform sexual intercourse; 3) shoot a
hub - 1) booze in a narrow circle; 2) a nail, an iron bar.
WHILE A POINT - to perform the act of
pederaction. THE SPLING - a short man
SPORA - 1) a tattoo needle; 2) plastic balls implanted under the skin of the male penis; 3) a nylon ring worn on the penis during sexual intercourse
SPURS - 1) a condom with various devices; 2) shoes
HELMETS INSULATE - to implant plastic balls under the skin of the male penis.
SPOTS - undress drunk
SYNDRE - rifle
SPOOL - female
SHRATS (in.) - children
SHTACKET - stuffed with a drug
STAMPING document - beating
STAINERS - US citizens
FOOD STACKING - there is a
SHTELMAN - a buyer of things purchased from foreigners
STEMP - a criminal investigation
officer STAMP MORTAL - a criminal investigation officer who is not dangerous for criminal
STE P - thieves, not adhering to the law of thieves
SHTEPA - 1) a prisoner dissident; 2) a respected prisoner - a Jew
STICKS - windows
STIX - silence
STIMIK - an honest man
STIPPING - prisoner-denied
STIP - six (playing card)
PIN: to commit theft through a window
PIN) - 1) clock; 2) eyes
SHTOPAR - the robber
DUMMING HEAT - robbing a drunk
SILVER - armed robber
SHTOPRYKA - robbery, robbery
SHTOF - 1) lead bit (cold steel); 2)
STRAFNIK beer mug - a prisoner, locked in a punishment cell
STRAFF - catch on the word
STRAB - be caught on the word
STRAIN - warn
SHTRIK - 1) father; 2) an elderly person
HATCH - 1) a niche, a tramp; 2) an elderly man
STROKES - cut the
NURSTER NURSE - 1) mother; 2) an old woman
PIECE - 1000 rubles.
PLASTER - lick the dishes in the dining room IU
PIECES GADOVSKIE - 1) handcuffs; 2) police baton; 3)
STORMING pistol - rob, steal
STORMPER - armed robber
STES - stupidity
STUDZER - 1) man's penis; 2) mentally abnormal person; 3) the watchman; 4) gun
NUTROOM - to simulate a mental illness.
PIECE - 1) prison guards; 2) the place of the division of stolen
Dips - knees
PIN - 1) a well-working convict; 2) a police officer; 3) an employee of the operative unit of the IS; 4) the victim, the victim; 5)
SHTIMPA BUY GUARD - expose fraer, posing as a
thug ShymPK KUMOV - informant of the operative IU
SHTIP MORTAL - criminal investigation officer, who does not pose a danger to
thugs STYMPOVY - naive, trustful
STAR guard - thing
NAPU thing, the head, the
head, the head, the head, the ny
SHOES - shoes, shoes.
Shoes - 1) clothing; 2)
shabby shabby clothes - throw stones at
Schuler - officer
Schuler mill - gambling den of
Schultz - 1) ordinary worker; 2) unreliable person
SHULYAYKA - woman of easy behavior of
SHULYAT - male testicles

ШУМ - групповая драка
ШУМАГИ - денежные купюры
ШУМАРА - заключенный, ворующий у своих
ШУНД - 1) ягодицы; 1) испражнения; 3) остатки чего-либо
ШУНДРИТЬ - ударить
ШУНЕЛЬ (ин.) - любовница
ШУНТ - карта, имеющая преимущественное значение в карточной игре
ШУР - вор
ШУРА - воровка
ШУРАНУТЬ, ШУРНУТЬ - !) изгнать; 2) выбросить
ШУРДУДИЛО - кипятильник для приготовления чифира
ШУРЕБУРЕ - скрытные, тайные действия
ШУРИК - 1) пассивный гомосексуалист; 2) психически ненормальный человек
ШУРОВАТЬ - 1) искать; 2) добросовестно работать в ИУ; 3) делать что-либо
ШУРУМ-БУРУМ - скрытные тайные действия
ШУРУХНУТЬ - 1) ударить; 2) fall
ШУРША - 1) любовница; 2) нары, кровать; 3) место тайного употребления наркотиков
ШУРШАНКА - I) сено, солома; 2) плащ, куртка из синтетики
ШУРШАТЬ - служить кому-то
ШУРЫ-МУРЫ - тайник в обуви
ШУРЬЕ - краденые вещи
ШУРЯТЬСЯ - настораживаться, беспокоиться
ШУСИ ВОЛЬ - дети
ШУСТРИТЬ - 1) заниматься мелкими кражами; 2) угождать, подхалимничать; 3) ловчить
ШУСТРО - быстро
ШУСТРЯК - сборщик денег или "общей кассы" из числа молодых воров, обычно воспитанник рулевого
ШУСТЫРНЫЙ - 1) пустой; 2) сухой
ШУТВИС, ШИТВИС - небольшая преступная группа
ШУТИЛ ЬН И К - 1) тяжелый предмет для нанесения ударов; 2) мужской половой член большого размера
ШУТКА - садистское развлечение (облить спящего бензином и поджечь, вбить незаметно иглу в стул, налить кислоту в графин с водой и т.д.)
ШУТКОВАТЬ - совершать половой акт
ШУХАРИТЬ - 1) скандалить; 2) выдавать, доносить
ШУХАРНО - опасно
ШУХАРНУТЬСЯ - выдать себя
ШУХЕР - 1) сигнал опасности; 2) конфликт, ссора; 3) обыск
ШУХЕР ПОДНЯТЬ - 1) скандалить; 2) дать сигнал тревоги
ШУХЕРИТЬ - поднять тревогу
ШУЦМАН - 1) надзиратель в ИУ; 2) public prisoner
ШУШАРА - 1) болтун, ничтожный человек; 2) глазок в тюремной камере; 3) заключенный, ворующий у сокамерников; 4) осведомитель, доносчик; 5) телекамера в тюрьме, колонии
ШУШВАЛЬ - 1) мелочь (о деньгах); 2) бракованный гашиш
ШУШЕРА - презираемые заключенные
ШУШЕРИТЬ, ШУШАРИТЬ - 1) подслушивать, подс'матривать; 2) воровать у своих в зоне
ШУШПАН - 1) удачливый человек; 2) бездельник
ШУ-ШУ - 1) кража у собеседника на улице, в общественном месте; 2) донос в милицию на конкурента - сбытчика наркотиков
ШХЕРА - наружный карман
ШХЕРЫ - 1) нары в бараке; 2) угольный склад


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Criminal psychology

Terms: Criminal psychology