You get a bonus - 1 coin for daily activity. Now you have 1 coin

3. Classification of tattoos


Analysis of the localization of tattoos on the body of the offender, the dependence of their content on the nature of criminal activity, fashion, national and religious features allowed us to classify tattoos:
1) in the form of expression (symbols, numbers, abbreviations, texts, drawings);
2) by content (signal-exclusive, stratification-status, personality-installation, political, mythological, religious, anti-religious, prison, erotic, decorative, humorous, sentimental, professional and
3) by personal significance ("regs" - from regalia - honorary insignia for the "elite"; "portits" - from porting - "homemade", low quality; "nahalki" - stamps, cheated, t. e. using violence);
4) localization on the body (in open areas, in areas hidden under clothing, in intimate parts of the body, throughout the body);
5) according to the degree of influence on the subject of perception (easily remembered, difficult to remember);
6) by size (small format, large-scale);
7) by methods of application (disposable and repeatedly applied, applied "manually" and using stencils);
8) by quantity (single, numerous, solid);
9) according to the degree of stability (stable, unstable) 1.
First of all, there are abbreviated words (abbreviations) in which the attitudes and values ​​of the tattoo carrier are expressed (for example, BARS - Bay Active, Cut Sook; MORNING - Gone by the Path of the Native Father, that is, the minor inherits the criminal lifestyle from the father, etc. ).
1 All this is disclosed in detail in our book "The laws of the underworld of youth. The criminal subculture." M., 1992.

Table 7.1. Decoding of tattoos in the form of abbreviations
Abbreviation Its decoding
one 2
AHMD Adolf Hitler is my friend
Alenka And love her need as an angel
GAIT Anarchy Love Love Junoy - Joyfully
BERLIN I Will Be Her Zeal, Love And Hate
LEOPARD Bay Active, Cut Suk (1950). Was an Activist for Freedom
BES Beat If You Can. I will be. Standing. Bey, E-Squealers
Bliss Take care of love and value freedom
THE GOD Will Rob Again. Be Careful The Robber, God Will Release Sins
BOVS BORS He was convicted by the Vologda Court. He was convicted by the Rostov Court, etc.
BOSS (BOSS) He was convicted by the Soviet Court. Barbosa will suck himself by the Force
CWT At the military: Was convicted by the Military Tribunal
VEK Everything has the end
FAITH (VERA) I'll be back E .... Russian Automaton (in the dissentations - nationalistic)
VERMOUTH Come Back The Only Joy, It Is Awful Hard For Me
WINE Come back and forever stay
WOLF Will Very Likes (s) Colonist (s). Thief breath
WAX Here She is - Colonist Freedom
THIEF Waffler, Open Your Mouth
University Eternal Prisoner of the Law
GUSI Where I See, Immediately Rape
DERPN Obscene
PD Welcome
EVA E .... All Activists
DMB-86 Dembel - 1986 (For conscripts)
DMNTP For Me, No You Are More Beautiful
BEETLE I wish you Lucky Thefts
Zek Here there is a convoy. Here is E ... Kozlov
EVIL For all the cops take my revenge. For all beloved ottschu. Covenant of the Beloved Father. For Love Avenge. On the contrary: Father Beloved Willed
Abbreviation Its decoding
one 2
Evil For all the Fuzzy Very Hurt Wake
ZEK Prisoner Steps Convoy
IRA Go Cut the Asset
KVTK Kostroma (Kolpinskaya) VTK
KENT (female) When E ... Need To Endure
KIS (KISS) Radical Seeker of Happiness
MAPLE I swear to Love Him (Her) Forever. Every Pointer E ... Knife
CLONE Klyanus One (One) Forever
CLOT I swear to Love One You. Goats Fawned Pope. I swear by the Fawn revenge
WHIP I swear not to die a creature
CAT Indigenous Prisoner. Indigenous Hobby Push (Hangouts)
CROSS Stamp Repu If Bitch - Creature
LBZ I love More Life Zoya (Paradise), etc.
LZZS Cop Run for Death
SWANS I will love her if even change
LEBEDON I will love her if even leaves forever
A LION I love Her (His) forever, Love, E. .., Steal! Amateur Daily Wafers. I love Ye .. Merry
LADY (LEDI) Love, Even Change. Pointing E., Davie, exterminate
LINEN I love her forever (shortened "maple")
SUMMER Love Her (His) Only One (One)
LEMON To love and torment one (alone) tired
LIR Love And The Grate. Love and jealous
LIS Copes are looking for death. Love And Tears. Love and death. Love And Freedom
SHEET I love and very sad. Cop and Snitch Trumboi (Minor)
LON Short "clone": I love one (one) forever. I love the Society of Addicts (Nudists)
Lord Love is Once Given. I like very frisky girls. Cop Donkeys Work For Free. Cop Hunting to Work For Free. The native children will take revenge. A cop Donkey Job Dame. Love, Father, Native Children
lot Curious Very You. Love One (One) You. By the cops revenge (revenge)
lotus I love one (one) you very strongly
Abbreviation Its decoding
i 2
LSKCHV Love Freedom Like A Seagull Water
LTV I love to quietly steal. Love, Comrade, Will. Love, Comrade, forever. Pointing Your Enemy
LHVS The cop - X .., Thieves - Freedom. Curious - H..VS ...
BEAM CHUL It is better to die a man than die a dog. Beloved Man Gone
LUX Love of the Young Colonist is Strong
MAGNET Darling, And Eyes Are Persistently Looking For You
A PIECE OF CHALK My one and Only Love. My Only Favorite
WORLD I will fix the shooting
SKY Do not be sad if you are alone
Nins I will never be able to change
NKVD No stronger Thieves Friendship
OGPU-O Oh my God! Help to escape
OUHPK on their feet: "They are Tired of Walking Under the Convoy"
DAD Hello Anarchists, Shame on Activists
PSP Hello Thieves, Death to Garbage
DOG Poor Her Obey
PIGG First And Last Love
PLAN Shame on the Gun Car Violators
FAST Forgive, Father, Destiny Such
REGULATIONS Government Decides to Arrest All And Deprive Amnesty
ROME Threatening: Slash And Musti
Roszym Russia Washed With Tears of Zacks And Mothers
SATURN Hey, And you can not stop Loving
SHINE Freedom, Faith Is Prison
Slug Death to the Dog
PLUM Death to the Dog and the whole asset
SLIZHVR Death to the Guides And Chekists, Life to the Recipient Thieves
ELEPHANT (SLON) From Solovetsky Special Purpose Camps. Death To The Guy From The Knife. With you, Darling, One Forever. Death to the Dog, They Will not be saved. Since small Years Some Misfortunes. Heart Likes Sharp Knife. Bitches Love One Bosses. Heart Loves One Forever. Glory to Leninism, He is Invincible. Glory to Lenin, Our Father
Abbreviation Its decoding
one 2
SOS (SOS) Bitches Took Freedom. Save From Here. Save, Father, Son
SS (SS) Death Snitch
SCAN Bitches Often Anarchists
[СЧПА (К) Death to the Chekists, Hello Anarchists (Colonists)
MOAN Historically: Solovetsky Prison of Special Purpose. Heart You Alone Need. With You One Forever
SIR Freedom is Paradise
TANK Secret Agent Head of the Colony
TIGER Prison - GAME. Quiet, Go Rob Restaurant. Comrade, Go Rob Restaurant
Tmon I really like you
current Prison, Open the Gate. The Secret Society of Horsemen
THRONE You're Near One Forever
ACE Prison Teaches the Laws. Prison Wick. The prison is already familiar. Toilet Cleaner Zone
VHF Yeah .. Redhead (Overseer) Always
USORV (USORV) Die, Squealer, From the Hand of a Thief. Die Snitch From the Hand of a Thief
MORNING Out on the Path of the Native Father
BREAD Keep love only
HM-BIS God bless me and fate
CHRIST? Do you want Joy And Tears You Give, Hear?
htklsh X .. To the One Who Hastily Nimble
hctp Horseradish Tom Who Invented Prison
Tslibis Appreciate Love And Take Care Of True Freedom
cmos My Goal Means the Means
CHAMPAGNE A joke, or maybe just a hellish mockery, tell me how to rate it?
SHP-DZM! Shali, Kid - Yes Know Meru!
EVZHMS Elixir of Eternal Female Youth - Cum!
EPRON Eros, Give Joy to One Insatiable
STAGE Excursion of the taiga arrest tillage
ECHO! Eros, I Want To Give In!
SOUTH Young Robber
yudv Young Friend of the Thief
AN APPLE I Will Love One (One) As Promised (a)
CORE I Give Joy Once
Abbreviation Its decoding
one 2
Yards I'm Born (Born) For Happiness
YOKE I am born to suffer alone
Yanpt I am not a sales creature
ysssssvd I Ate My Conscience With Snot In Childhood
yacht I Want One (One) Forever You
YACHT! I Want You, Angel!
yacht I want only you
Abbreviations applied only by females
Tyne You or no one
LIA Love And Me
gott I am proud of you alone. Ready to surrender Only to you
jnsss Life Teaches Laugh Through Tears
KIS-B-T How the Heart Was Missing Without You
pilot I remember and love you alone
YALTA I Love You, Angel
Abbreviations applied by military personnel
Airborne Airborne Troops
the double Red Banner Far Eastern Military District
GSVG (ZGV) Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (Western Group of Forces)
DRA Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
GWB (UGV, PribVO) Northern Group of Forces, Southern Group of Forces, Baltic Military District
The most common words and texts on the body
a) in foreign languages
ADIDAS (it., the name of the company that produces sports accessories)
Dum spiro spero (lat., As long as I live - I hope)
Gott mil uns (German, God is with us)
Yedem das seine (German, To each his own)
Hitler mein gott (German, Hitler - my god)
Homo soveticus (ironic., Soviet man)
Homo hapiens (ironic., person grabber)
Homo homini lupus est (Latin, Man to man - wolf)
Fortune non pern's, in (Latin, Fortune is not a penis - you will not take it in your hands)
Abbreviation Its decoding
one 2
Love me (eng., love me)
I love you (English, I love you + my beloved name)
Freedom (eng, freedom)
Rock (English, Rock - the direction in youth music)
Libertas (lat., Freedom)

a) in Russian
"This is what will destroy us" (under the image of glasses, women, etc.)
"And we are not lost on the moon"
"Where are you going? To the moon for the whistles"
"Where are you? You are e ... be"

"If you didn't know grief, Love me!"
"Wife, wash, mother-in-law, dry!" (applied to the feet)
"How few roads are covered, how many mistakes are made!" (- / -)
"The key to women's safes" (signature on the sexual organ)
"The key to the ladies' hearts" (- / -)
"Ham for ladies" (- / -)
"I will not forget my own mother" (traditional prison)
"I will not forget my dear home" (- / -)
"They went to his beloved, but they came to their master" (applied to his feet. "Master" - head of the colony)
"They are tired of walking on zone "(applied to the feet)
"5000 miles without overhaul" (- / -)
"They are sleeping" (applied forever eye)
"Do not wake!" (the same. The indicator of belonging to the thieves elite)
"Let the vileness forgive God, and I am not God - I do not forgive!"
"Drink, bitches, my blood, still choke!"
"Below the head, serf"
"I am a slave of fate, but not a lackey of the law"
"A thief will never be a laundress!"
"The chief in the zone is the thief in law!"
"Pity for fraery humiliates the thieves"

It is quite common to apply various kinds of rings on fingers that have a signal value (the number of convictions, the length of the sentence, the place where the sentence was served, the position in the group hierarchy, the qualification of the crime committed, etc.).

3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
3. Classification of tattoos
Next come the patterns of imitation of "prison symbolism" on the basis of the degree of prevalence. Barbed wire, a hussar’s head, a rose, a sun rising over the sea, a seagull over water, maps, a dagger, a pistol, a goblet, a dice, etc. No less value

3. Classification of tattoos

Fig. 7.17

have various crosses and dots indicating the person’s stay in a closed institution, the amount of the sentence, the number of “walker” (criminal record), etc.
Finally, there are cormorants — drawings whose elements are a dagger that is wrapped around a serpent, a police chase pierced by a dagger, and other similar drawings,

3. Classification of tattoos
Fig. 7.18

which indicate that their carriers belong to hooligans (art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Along with these, there are also “neutral” in content tattoos, which reflect the installation data of their carrier (name, year of birth), reproductions of art paintings, symbols of heroic professions (anchor, steering wheel, etc.). Distributed tattooing sexually-erotic content.
Minors are actively interested in what this or that image means, give it a personal meaning, compete with each other in the demonstration of the most prestigious, catchy drawings and inscriptions. Thus, teens tend to emphasize their "prominence." Tattoo becomes a means of elevation above the teenage environment, demonstrating its exclusivity.
Many tattoos are transferred to modern minors by tradition, changing their meaning in some cases. This happened with the abbreviation "ELEPHANT", which in the 30s were applied by convicts who served their sentences in Solovetsky Special Purpose Camps. This tattoo meant that a person belonged to a particular community of convicts. At that time, a prisoner magazine with the same name "ELEPHANT" was also published. Borrowing this tattoo, minors in modern conditions give a different meaning to this abbreviation, deciphering it differently: Squealer Loves the Sharp Knife, Death to the Guy From the Knife, etc., in which the behavioral attitudes of the personality are expressed.
There is a definite relationship between the nature of criminal activity and tattoos inflicted by adolescents and young men. In tattoos of persons who committed offenses of a mercenary-violent nature, the desire for group criminal solidarity is more clearly seen. Often, minors resort to tattooing in several techniques: for the first time - when entering into an asocial or criminal group, then while staying in a receiving center (remand prison), later - while in a correctional institution. Although over 60% of minors put tattoos on themselves while in distribution centers, the proportion of people who put tattoos in a correctional institution for the first time or repeatedly is still significant.
Although tattoos are applied to all parts of the body, tattoos on fingers (most often rings), brushes (dots, crosses, a bell, an abbreviation), wrists, shoulders, hips, knees and legs, chest, abdomen, back are most common. The number of tattoos varies from individual adolescents and young people from one to numerous, often not subordinate to a single ensemble of drawings.
Comparison of photos with tattoos of different years, collected in different regions and institutions, showed that tattoos are subject to fashion. However, there are fashionable inscriptions and drawings that are traditional for the criminal world.

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Часть 1 3. Classification of tattoos


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