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4. Group adolescent zoo aggression


The concept of zooagressii. Attitude to the animal world, care about "our younger brothers" is an indicator of the culture and humanism of society. At the same time, the upbringing of a careful and humane attitude towards living nature is an important condition for the humanization of relations between people. In recent years, the situation in this area is extremely unfavorable. Children and adolescents receive visual lessons of cruelty towards the animal world, which adults demonstrate to them, and they themselves try to behave in the same way. This phenomenon we called zooagression.
Zooagressiya - this damage to wildlife, cruelty to animals.
Zoo-aggression is a very capacious concept, which includes not only cruel treatment of animals, but also poaching, animal theft, and other types of human activity that damage the fauna.
Around the world, a movement has emerged and is developing for a humane attitude toward the animal world, the protection of animals from extermination.
Cruel treatment of animals is the infliction of pain and suffering on animals, immoral in its basis, which fosters cruelty, cynicism and lack of compassion for other people's pain in people.
How many tons of paper are written about the fact that it is immoral for a while, for the period of the summer season to start living animals (cats, dogs), and moving out of the cottages, to throw their friends to the mercy of fate. And roam the dacha villages, and the cities flock of restless animals.
Here is another lesson from the "new Russians" cruelty. They get a fashionable expensive dog for themselves, and a purebred Squirrel with a broken paw, which they used to pick up out of pity (when they were not yet “new Russians”), is thrown out into the street, because she does not get along with the purebred Sally. And Squirrel begins to wander again in the trash. Living among people, she is accustomed to believing them, trying to caress her, and receives a blow with a stick or a stone in bok1.
The “new Russians” acquired exotic cruel fun - breeding predators (leopards, lynxes, crocodiles, pythons, etc.), although they contain large predatory animals at home.
1 Pavlova E. And these are bums // Podmoskovnie news. 1996, April 10th.

categorically impossible. They do not have enough space, it is impossible to walk, to provide a full-fledged light, power. Therefore, animals often die1.
It is not surprising that children and adolescents, feeling complete impunity and observing the example of adults, begin to perform various “experiments” on animals. “One will put the kitten in a bag with gas -“ how long will it live? ”, The other will hang the cat by its tail on the tree and watch from the bushes how the exhausted and distraught animal fears to scream and try to get out. And the third, again with the goal of knowing , pokes out the dog's eyes or interrupts its paw - “How will she ride three?” Of course, there is practically no one to protect them. They are HOMELESS ”2.
So, G. Rumyantsev, who at the age of 17 killed the person for the first time, had long been “practiced” for the most part on cats and sparrows3.
A similar biography and many other murderers who have received the practice of cruelty in childhood on animals.
Animal abuse is the most common manifestation of zoo aggression among adolescents. And at the same time it underlies all other types of zoo aggression. In this case, zoo aggression in the group acquires a completely different quality. This cruelty becomes much higher, more cynical. His cruelty can flaunt in front of others and thus assert itself in the group. Here the mechanism of infectiousness, imitation, compensation of its own inferiority operates. The danger lies in the fact that in the future such cruelty is transferred to people.
For example, a group of five teenagers hijacked a horse from the farm stables; for several days, the teenagers rode on it alternately in the forest, not worrying about feed and water. When the horse reached exhaustion and could not move quickly, they began to beat it with reinforcement. And in the end, exhausted, thrown into the woods, tied to a tree. Only by chance she was discovered in the forest more often and saved.
As you can see, zoo aggression can act as an independent type of criminal activity of a group of adolescents, and
1 Popov R. Better, Borka, in the fence, than a cool uncle! // TVNZ. 1996, April 9th.
2 Pavlova E. And these are bums // Podmoskovnie news. 1996, April 10th.
3 A. Zhuravlev. Here is a wild little man? // Megapolis Express. 1996, No. 16.

in combination with other crimes. There was a horse theft coupled with cruel treatment.
There are other types of zoo aggression among adolescents. The most frequent poaching, animal theft for resale, animal theft as a raw material for the production of industrial goods, etc.
Poaching is illegal hunting of animals and birds and illegal fishing and aquatic animals.
Hunting and fishing of fish and aquatic animals in violation of the established rules are considered illegal and depending on the degree of public danger of the committed offense entail civil, administrative or criminal liability.
When hunting, hunting is considered to be the first type of violation without proper permission, when the hunter does not have a hunting ticket and has not paid the state duty. When hunting for some valuable animals and birds, in addition to the hunting ticket, you must have a special permit - a license.
The second type of violation is hunting in forbidden places (on the territory of nature reserves, game reserves, reserve-hunting farms, green areas around cities and settlements).
The third type of violation is hunting in prohibited periods or in periods prohibited for hunting certain types of animals and birds (most often during their breeding and nursing offspring).
The fourth type of violation is hunting by prohibited methods and hunting tools, i.e. those that lead to the mass extermination of animals and birds. Thus, the use of pesticides is prohibited (except for the extermination of wolves), digging trap holes, installing large traps without visible signs for warning about danger, the use of nets, loops, cars, motorcycles (except for hunting wolves).
It is also forbidden to hunt animals and birds in distress, fleeing from fire, flood, starvation and other natural disasters.
Qualified types of illegal hunting that entail a harsher punishment are hunting wild animals and birds, which are prohibited from hunting (these are usually animals and birds listed in the Red Book), and hunting that causes major damage to wildlife.
Poaching is the illegal occupation of fish and other aquatic fisheries. Violations here are similar:
1) production of the fishery without proper permission;
2) production of fishing during the forbidden time;
3) production of fishing in unauthorized places (in spawning grounds, at sluices and dams, etc.);
4) production of the craft by unauthorized tools and methods (explosives, toxic chemicals, using firearms, bails and other piercing gear);
5) catch and slaughter of valuable species of fish or aquatic animals;
6) causing major damage to valuable species of fish and aquatic animals.
Participate in the hunt and engage in fisheries and other aquatic fisheries legally can persons who have reached the age of 16. Therefore, self-hunting, fishing and other aquatic fisheries for persons under the age of 16 are offenses. Usually, adolescents in adults or with minors of older ages poach. Often, minors are poaching along with their parents.
Poaching causes irreparable damage to the animal world. Predatory prey of animals, birds, reptiles leads to their mass extermination, the destruction of their offspring, the violation of biological equilibrium in nature.
The main motivation for practicing juvenile poaching, as well as adults, is illegal enrichment, and, in addition, self-affirmation of an adult’s position is significant for a teenager. Poaching is associated with the use of weapons, which is also attractive to teenagers. However, there is a twofold danger here. First of all, it is the danger of becoming the victim of careless handling of weapons or explosives. "Craftsmen ... learned to make atomic bombs" - a mixture of ammonium nitrate with aluminum powder is stuffed into three-liter jars. The effect is such that not only all available fish but sometimes catchers themselves pop up. The risk, however, does not stop anyone and the fact that the water is covered with a thin silver film from which the fish is then very difficult to clean. "1
1 Krivosheev P., Sedova N. The fish are jammed with atomic bombs // Megacity Express. 1996, No. 16.

The second danger is that teens, without hesitation, tend to quickly turn their weapons against those who are trying to keep them or keep them from poaching. So, a group of teenagers of five people hunted caviar. While trying to detain, she killed a fishery worker. 12 kg of caviar and fishing gear were seized from the detainees.
Poaching is associated with a well-known professionalization of groups of adolescents in certain types of criminal fishing. If you visit bird markets in a number of cities, you can see groups of teenagers selling different types of animals and birds. Hunting for different animals, catching birds or reptiles has its own specifics. It is necessary to know the habitats of animals, birds and reptiles, their habits, what and how they feed, how to keep them in captivity, how to prepare them for sale, etc. Among poachers competition is highly developed. Therefore, there are frequent intergroup clashes over the division of territory and markets.
In the Moscow market, adolescents who trafficked "live goods" beat one citizen who traded in reptiles. Under the guise of snakes, he traded poisonous snakes, after having cut his teeth.
Such a type of criminal fishing as the illegal import into the country for sale of rare or exotic animals (parrots, snakes, monkeys, etc.) is becoming more widespread. Criminal groups of minors are also involved in smuggling at its different stages. In this area of ​​criminal fishing, as in poaching, there is a specialization and professionalization of adolescent groups. Some are engaged only in the resale of parrots, others specialize in reptiles, and others - in monkeys, etc.
Poaching is associated with another offense: the illegal possession and use by adolescents of firearms, explosives and the illegal acquisition of them.
Theft of animals for the purpose of their sale. The main object of thefts are rare and expensive, prestigious breeds of dogs, pigeons. A certain system and technology of such thefts has long been formed. Most often, such criminal groups of adolescents operate under the guidance of adults, canine specialists. There are people in the group who are searching for sites where the owners are walking their dogs and setting up an observation of them. Usually, a dog walking mode is established, which prestigious breeds on this site dominate, whether there are hidden approaches to the site, driveways, the routine of walking on this site, relationships between dog breeders, etc. Intelligence agents are referred to in the jargon as "assassins". Other members of the group are looking for customers. At the same time ads can be unstuck. Often members of the group visit the market, they are looking for a customer there.
And then at a certain time, when the owner must walk the selected dog, from the side leeward of the playground, the bitch is taken out (during estrus). There is also a car and a group of capture. As soon as the dog, having tasted the female, rushes to the place of its content, the group captures the dog, hides it in a bag and disappears from the given place in a car. The dog is delivered to the customer.
Such thefts are more often carried out by adolescents with the participation of adults, connoisseurs of breeds who can “take” any, most evil and suspicious dog. The group is constantly specialization, studying the behavior of animals, their reactions, etc.
There were cases of adolescents participating in the thefts of exotic animals from zoos and school living areas for a substantial fee on the instructions of the "new Russians" who took the fashion for themselves to organize private zoos in the country mansions behind massive hedges1.
Theft of animals with the return of their owners for a fee. A very common method of zoo aggression associated with enrichment is the theft of animals with the subsequent return to their owners for a certain reward. In this case, the owner of an elite breed is discovered, and it is tied to his animal, ready to pay big money for his return. The search for such owners is conducted through friends, and often in the market where puppies are sold. After buying a puppy on the market, the group tracks its new owner to the house, monitors the house, determines the time, place and order of walking. And then it acts the same way as with regular theft.
In this case, the theft is facilitated, because the puppy is not yet used to the new owner and the new place of residence. After the perfect theft, announcements stating that a puppy of such and such a breed is picked up in such and such a place are pasted. Host, please call such a person.
1 Krivosheev P., Sedova N. New Russian stole ostrich // Megapolis-Express. 1996, No. 16.
Or, the group monitors announcements posted by owners of missing animals in the area. She immediately responds to such an announcement, since the announcement usually indicates that: "The reward is guaranteed."
There is a case when in Moscow one puppy “disappeared” three times and promptly returned for a decent reward. Later it turned out that a teenager V. is included in the criminal group. It is a “needlestick” who lived in the same house as the victim.
There are cases of theft of dogs not only in order to generate income (enrichment), but also from revenge on their owners, from envy and for other reasons.
Theft of livestock. Theft of pets at one time was widespread in the southern regions of the country. This type of theft was caused by economic reasons: the high cost of meat for sale, as well as its known shortage in the market and in stores. Thefts (hijacking) of livestock are usually carried out by a group of adolescents with the participation of adults, since transport, specialists in carcassing, methods and ways of marketing, etc. are required for the slaughter and transportation of livestock.
Theft of fur animals. In rural areas, many citizens contain various fur animals (minks, ferrets, nutria, etc.). The specified animals become object of a criminal encroachment of teenage criminal groups. Usually such groups work for private furriers or fur buyers. Therefore, adolescents participate only in the first stage of this type of criminal fishery: they carry out the theft of fur-bearing animals from enclosures (from yards, cages, etc.). In further operations (slaughtering, processing, dressing hides, etc.) they usually do not participate.
At one time, theft of dogs became widespread for processing into fur and sewing fur hats. In modern conditions, such thefts are extremely rare, since hats from dog fur came out of youth fashion. Therefore, stealing dogs for resale or returning to the owner for a fee has become more profitable.
Zooagressiya and cruel treatment of people. Thus, the zooagression of minors can be both individual (with deeply hidden motives of bullying of a defenseless puppy, kitten, other living creatures), and group. In the group, this zooagression acquires a completely different character, because here a wide range acts with razheniem, the desire for enrichment, but also the desire for self-affirmation, compensation for the complex of inferiority experienced, the manifestation of a falsely understood sense of adulthood, revenge, the desire to master the use of firearms and other means of killing, fishing etc. and their immediate application. In addition, each type of zoo aggression has its own set of motivation.
Zooagression is manifested in different types of cruel treatment of living beings and their extermination. Ultimately, she always turns into a cruel and cynical attitude towards people. Zoo aggression is a field in which heartlessness, ruthlessness, lack of compassion, cynicism grow, which later become a "model" of cruelty to those people who have become the object of encroachment (regardless of age) of teenage packs.
Studies show that animal abuse is most often characteristic of adolescents from socially disadvantaged families, where children are beaten, raped, starved, dominated by the cult of force, humiliation of the weak and defenseless.
So there is a vicious circle. Having received a portion of cruelty in the family, the teenager transfers this cruelty to the wildlife, takes revenge on her for the cruel treatment of him by her parents and relatives.Having fallen into cruelty on wordless and unresponsive living beings, he transfers this doubled and tripled cruelty to people, and often to family members who have launched the mechanism of adolescent cruelty into action. This suppresses the natural feeling of kindness towards living beings that is inherent in man from birth.
Naturally, the prevention of cruelty to animals is the education of kindness, humanism in dealing with people. This is the reason for considering this problem in the chapter on adolescent aggression.


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